VY :: Volume #14

#1323: accomplishments

Buzz! 嗡! Terrifying sound wave torrent passed through directly void in this time, then falling in torrents to by the Chi Liu body that above Zhou Yuan tied down. 恐怖的音波洪流直接是在此时贯穿了虚空,然后尽数的倾泻到了被周元缠住的赤鎏身躯之上。 That flickers, Chi Liu whole body all Origin Qi defenses were destroyed instantaneously, void layer upon layer shatter, but on Chi Liu fleshly body, the fissure spreads, the blood sprinkles crazily, just like is blood-red rainstorm covers Heaven and Earth. 那一瞬,赤鎏周身所有的源气防御瞬间被摧毁,虚空层层破碎,而赤鎏肉身上,裂痕蔓延开来,鲜血狂洒,犹如是一场血红暴雨覆盖天地 Bang! 轰! Gets up along with Chi Liu that grating pitiful yell sound, his body was rumbled to result in the whip directly, there is grating sound wave to resound. 伴随着赤鎏那刺耳的惨叫声响起,他的身躯直接是被轰得急坠而下,有刺耳音波响起。 sound wave torrent roared, almost passed through half golden Law Domain. 音波洪流咆哮而出,几乎是贯穿了半个金色法域 Finally, the Chi Liu body directly is accurate crashed into previously Zhou Yuan to pound in that meteorite endocrater that flickered, the land within several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) shook suddenly, just like was Land Dragon stand up is ordinary, the dust and fog such as roll-up of sand storm, started trillion magma spouts. 最终,赤鎏的身躯直接是精准的坠入了先前周元所砸出的那个陨石巨坑中,那一瞬,数万里内的大地都是猛然一震,犹如是地龙翻身一般,尘雾如沙尘暴的卷起,同时也掀起了亿万岩浆喷涌。 Zhou Yuan is situated in void, that brush bristles incarnation changes into the countless detritus in this time, scatters with the wind. 周元立于虚空,那毫毛化身在此时化为无数的碎屑,随风飘散。 He patted Heaven Primal Brush gently, in the eye is completely the color of satisfaction, in the previous fight, Heaven Primal Brush displays incisively Saint Origin Weapon mighty energy and characteristics, that brush bristles incarnation, is „the Myriad Transformations mark one ability derivation, actually not many strength, but actually wins in silently, might be considered as the surprise attack is necessary, that Chi Liu is because cannot detect promptly, just now ruthlessly rumbled bell cry. 他轻轻的拍了拍天元笔,眼中尽是满意之色,先前的战斗中,天元笔圣源兵威能与特性发挥得淋漓尽致,那毫毛化身,乃是“万化纹”的一种能力衍生,其实并没有多少的力量,但却胜在无声无息,堪称是奇袭必备,那赤鎏就是因为未能及时察觉,方才被狠狠的轰了一记钟吟。 This Heavenly Dragon's Golden Bell Sound, rumbles together solid, even if that Chi Liu is the Law Domain second boundary, these will still suffer a big hardship time. 这一道天龙金钟吟,轰得结结实实,就算那赤鎏法域第二境,这一次也会吃个大苦头。 The Zhou Yuan sleeve robe wields, that everywhere smoke dust tornadoes, the vision is to then go to that giant meteorite crater deep place directly, sees only there, Chi Liu face upwards to lie down, the whole body is the blood, on fleshly body is covering entirely the fissure, just like the porcelain that is going to break to be the same. 周元袖袍一挥,将那漫天烟尘卷去,然后目光直接是投向那巨大的陨石坑深处,只见得那里,赤鎏仰天躺倒,满身都是鲜血,肉身上布满着裂痕,犹如将要破碎的瓷器一般。 pū chī. 噗嗤 The blood that is mixing with the golden flowing light spouts from his mouth, Chi Liu complexion was becomes crimson, his vision, has locking of boundless violent anger void on Zhou Yuan. 一口夹杂着金色流光的鲜血从其嘴中喷出,赤鎏面色都是变得赤红了一些,他的目光,带着无边暴怒的锁定着虚空上的周元 Obviously, this time went well by the Zhou Yuan surprise attack, making his mentality thoroughly blast open. 显然,这次被周元奇袭得手,让得他心态彻底炸裂了。 I must kill you, I must make you seek livehood cannot ask to refuse stubbornly!” Brings to almost to congeal strongly for the substantive killing intent roaring sound, erupts from that meteorite crater deep place, the Chi Liu face incomparable fierceness, he is even disinclined to pay attention to the injury in body, sees only forehead, there vertical mark is wriggling, that hidden in its below Saint Pupil must open. “我要杀了你,我要让你求生不能求死不得!”带着浓烈到几乎凝为实质般杀意的咆哮声,从那陨石坑深处爆发而起,赤鎏面庞无比的狰狞,他甚至懒得理会身躯上的伤势,只见得眉心处,那里的竖纹蠕动着,那隐藏在其下的圣瞳就要张开。 Here environment how?” However in this time, the Zhou Yuan towering opens the mouth asked suddenly. “这里的环境怎么样?”不过在此时,周元突然突兀的开口问道。 The sudden issue, lets be filled with killing intent Chi Liu to be startled, then he then in instinct looked at this endocrater deep place, but is this, lets its complexion instantaneous drastic change directly. 突如其来的问题,让得满心杀意赤鎏都是一怔,然后他便是处于本能的看了一眼这巨坑深处,而就是这一眼,直接是让得其面色瞬间剧变。 Because he sees, in this meteorite crater deep place, unexpectedly the slight and vague special fluctuations, many rays is interweaving, just like the spider web is ordinary, heavily covered the endocrater deep place, if careful looks, will discover, that impressively is Origin Pattern that hidden and do not send! 因为他见到,在这陨石坑深处,竟是有一道道细微而隐晦的特殊波动,诸多光线在交织,宛如是蜘蛛网一般,重重覆盖了巨坑深处,而若是仔细的看去,就会发现,那赫然是一道道隐而不发的源纹 Moreover each Origin Pattern, is sending out the extremely remarkable fluctuation. 而且每一道源纹,都是散发着极为惊人的波动。 Impressively is completely 8th Rank Origin Pattern! 赫然全部都是八品源纹 At this time looks again, this meteorite crater deep place, simply is one buried many 8th Rank Origin Pattern ominously! 此时再看,这陨石坑深处,简直就是一处埋藏了诸多八品源纹的凶地! You!” “你!” The Chi Liu eye pupil shrinks suddenly, loses one's voice with amazement. 赤鎏眼瞳骤缩,骇然失声。 When these Origin Pattern, were Zhou Yuan he rumbled is previously arranged inevitably, but made Chi Liu some with amazement was, Zhou Yuan was previously dealing with his crazy fierce offensive in full power obviously, but can also branch out the mind unexpectedly, in he has not detected, in this gulf, arranged place of strangling to death was formed by 8th Rank Origin Pattern! 这些源纹,必然是先前周元被他轰下来时所布置,只是让得赤鎏有些骇然的是,此前周元明明是在全力应对着他的狂猛攻势,可竟然还能分出心神在他都未曾察觉间,于这深坑中,布置出了一座由八品源纹所形成的绞杀之地! But such, previously Zhou Yuan's surprise attack, is early deliberate, behavior enters here his direct bang! 而这么来看,先前周元的奇袭,也是早有预谋,所为的就是将他直接轰进此处! His all actions, during Zhou Yuan's plans! 他的一切举动,都是在周元的算计之中! A chill in the air ascends from the heart of Chi Liu in this time, when is looking on the void that young people again, in the eye had some alarmed and afraid colors inevitably. 一股寒意在此时自赤鎏的心中升腾而起,再度望着虚空上那年轻人时,眼中不可避免的有了一些惊惧之色。 Bang! 轰! However Chi Liu is expert of Law Domain second boundary, after instantaneous panic-stricken, he ignores the injury in body, the form moves, must go air-splitting, because of present this gulf, even he is felt that the thick crisis, must be far away! 不过赤鎏到底是法域第二境的强者,在经过瞬间的惊骇后,他不顾身躯上的伤势,身影一动,就要破空而去,因为眼下这处深坑,连他都是感觉到了浓浓的危机,必须远离! Prohibits the mark greatly!” “大封禁纹!” But its form just moved, the Zhou Yuan's light sound then resounds. 但其身影刚动,周元的淡淡声音便是响起。 Sees only the endocrater deep place, has the 8th Rank Origin Pattern sudden eruption together, will directly be shortly, the space blockade this region, causes Chi Liu to form air-splitting stagnate suddenly, obviously was interrupted. 只见得巨坑深处,有一道八品源纹突然的爆发,直接是在顷刻间,就将这片区域的空间封锁,同时也引得赤鎏要破空的身影陡然一滞,显然是被中断了。 I thought of every means to prepare a big ritual for you, you ran words, can be too more disrespectful?” The Zhou Yuan somewhat helpless sound conveys from void. “我费尽心思为你准备了一份大礼,你就这么跑了的话,会不会太失礼了一些?”周元有些无奈的声音从虚空上传来。 However has not needed that Chi Liu to reply, in the Zhou Yuan forehead power of Divine Soul flashes slightly, then inspired previously him to hide all 8th Rank Origin Pattern in endocrater directly. 不过还不待那赤鎏回答,周元眉心间神魂之力微微一闪,便是直接引动了此前他所隐藏于巨坑中的所有八品源纹 That flash, the endocrater deep place, had the Origin Qi fluctuation eruption of terrifying. 那一瞬间,巨坑深处,有恐怖的源气波动爆发了。 The surrounding area the land within several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) caves in this time, shock wave crazy sweeping across opens, including nearby these other both sides forces that battles, is looks to startle color calls a halt in abundance suddenly/violently to retreat... 方圆数万里之内的大地都是在此时塌陷,冲击波疯狂的席卷而开,连附近那些其他正在交战的双方人马,都是面露骇色的纷纷停手暴退... Zhou Yuan is situated in void, he is looking under that destructive power, is somewhat flabbergasted, if from the positive/direct showdown, the Divine Soul strength is very difficult to exceed the same rank the Origin Qi strength, but power of Divine Soul can construct Origin Pattern, by small great, inspires among Heaven and Earth a more astonishing strength. 周元立于虚空,他望着下方那种破坏力,也是有些咂舌,如果从正面对决来说,神魂力量恐怕很难胜过同等级的源气力量,可神魂之力能够构建源纹,以小博大,引动天地间更为惊人的力量。 Therefore, if really can prepare carefully, even if under Roaming Spirit Realm initial stage arranges the Origin Pattern trap, that still poses the huge threat to expert of Law Domain second boundary sufficiently, naturally, the most important premise is, how to make that Law Domain second boundary not have in falling into a trap of protection... 所以,如果真能够细心的准备一番,就算是游神境初期所布置下的源纹陷阱,那也足以对法域第二境的强者造成巨大的威胁,当然,最重要的前提是,如何让得那法域第二境没有防备的落入陷阱中... Just like the present... 正如眼下... Under that heaven shaking moves the explosion continued the time of good moment, just now idle time gradually. 下方那种惊天动地般的爆炸持续了好片刻的时间,方才渐渐的停歇。 When results in Origin Qi fluctuation radical divergence of terrifying, the Zhou Yuan vision threw down, sees only under the original continuous volcano mountain range to vanish, what replaces it is endocrater beyond description, endocrater deep place, unceasing has the magma to well up, how long perhaps could not want, this time will form one magma sea areas. 待得恐怖的源气波动彻底的散去,周元目光投下,只见得下方原本的连绵火山山脉早已消失,取而代之的是难以形容的巨坑,巨坑深处,不断的有着岩浆涌出来,或许要不了多久,此次就会形成一片岩浆海域。 The Zhou Yuan's form fell slowly, in the hand Heaven Primal Brush shakes gently, snow white brush bristles like snake violently shoots, sneaked in the bottom, after ten count breaths, brush bristles drills, twined a whole body burned black person's shadow. 周元的身影徐徐落了下来,手中天元笔轻轻一抖,雪白毫毛如蛇般的暴射而出,钻进了地底,十数息后,毫毛钻出,其中缠绕住了一个浑身焦黑的人影。 precisely that Chi Liu. 正是赤鎏 But this time he, seems like extremely distressed, Origin Qi in within the body in the extremely weak stage, the body of half vanishes, is only left over the head and upper part is still revealing tenacious life force. 只不过此时的他,看上去极为的狼狈,体内的源气处于极为虚弱的阶段,半截的身躯都是消失,只剩下头颅以及上半身还在显露着顽强的生命力 But at this time, that golden Law Domain also in cracking gradually, changes into the countless luminous spot. 而此时,那金色法域也是在渐渐的崩裂,化为无数光点。 Law Domain expert, but is not really good to kill.” Zhou Yuan sighed one, this Chi Liu by him by Heavenly Dragon's Golden Bell Sound firmly resists one, then fell into the Origin Pattern trap to be exploded by the crazy bang fiercely, even so, he by heavy injury, had not been perished as before directly. 法域强者,可真是不好杀呢。”周元感叹一声,这赤鎏先后被他以天龙金钟吟硬憾一记,然后又落入到了源纹陷阱中被狂轰猛炸,但即便如此,他依旧只是被重创,并未就此直接殒命。 Chi Liu difficult struggles is opening the eyelid, he is looking at close Zhou Yuan, silent, sound hoarsely said: Despicable inexpensive!” 赤鎏艰难的挣扎着睁开眼皮,他望着近在咫尺的周元,沉默了一下,声音嘶哑的道:“卑鄙的贱种!” You , if there is skill, makes me open Saint Pupil, with your open and aboveboard war, at that time I, if lost, was just now sincerely convinced!” “你若是有本事,就让我张开圣瞳,与你堂堂正正的一战,那时我若是输了,方才心服口服!” Zhou Yuan looks the ponder, said: Real?” 周元面露沉思,道:“真的吗?” In the Chi Liu eye passed over gently and swiftly a happy expression, just wanted nods, his fierce detection to anything, quickly turns the head, sees only there to have 8th Rank Origin Pattern forming again, then twined to come, to cover his body. 赤鎏眼中掠过一丝喜色,刚欲点头,他猛的察觉到什么,急忙转头,只见得那里再度有着一道道八品源纹成形,然后缠绕而来,覆盖了他的身躯。 Moreover the most important thing is, had Origin Pattern together to cover in his forehead, just his Saint Pupil seal. 而且最为重要的是,有一道源纹覆盖在了他的眉心间,刚好是将他的圣瞳封印了下去。 Bastard! You deceive me!” Chi Liu roared. “混蛋!你骗我!”赤鎏咆哮道。 Zhou Yuan smiles, said: You did not say that also almost forgot your Saint Race's Saint Pupil to be very strange.” 周元一笑,道:“你不说还差点忘了你圣族的圣瞳很是诡异。” Moreover, what do I take a deceased person to be sincerely convinced to make? You may really be funny.” “另外,我要一个死人心服口服做什么?你可真是搞笑。” Falls along with the Zhou Yuan's chuckle, in his eyes, there is ice-cold killing intent to emerge suddenly. 伴随着周元的轻笑落下,他的眼眸中,有冰冷杀意陡然涌现。 This time, but also does not need that Chi Liu to shout angrily to make noise, in his hand Heaven Primal Brush is violently thrust, sharp pen tip, being relentless held to put on the Chi Liu forehead directly, simultaneously the wild power of Divine Soul shake, in that shortly, then Divine Soul tearing of Chi Liu, breaks. 这一次,还不待那赤鎏怒喝出声,他手中天元笔已是暴刺而出,锋利的笔尖,毫不留情的直接捅穿了赤鎏的眉心,同时狂暴的神魂之力震荡,在那顷刻间,便是将赤鎏神魂生生的撕裂,震碎。 The Chi Liu body is instantaneous, in his eye pupil also remains the violent anger and killing intent, brings being unwilling that cannot be hiding, his method has not exhausted obviously, he can also overturn obviously! 赤鎏的身躯瞬间僵直,他的眼瞳中还残留着暴怒与杀意,其中还带着掩藏不住的不甘,他明明手段还未曾用尽,他明明还可以翻盘! But now, all have not used. 但现在,一切都没有用了。 dark(ness) corrosion comes, in heart of Chi Liu, only then endless regret. 黑暗侵蚀而来,赤鎏的心中,只有着无尽的懊悔。 If we had known this boy such danger, he will not make these probes inevitably again, should meet directly, unties Saint Pupil, displayed the strongest attack to end the fight. 若是早知道这个小子如此的危险,他必然不会再做那些试探,应该直接一碰面,就解开圣瞳,施展最强的攻击结束战斗。 But now, the regret is useless. 可现在,后悔已是无用了。 Zhou Yuan, Captain Yuan Quan will make you be buried along with the dead for me!” 周元,渊泉队长会让你为我陪葬的!” Before Divine Soul thorough was shattered, Chi Liu that last hatred sound, faint transmitting. 神魂彻底破碎之前,赤鎏那最后一句怨毒的声音,隐隐的传来。 Hence, expert of Saint Race Law Domain second boundary, thorough die in the hand of Zhou Yuan, for his prominent accomplishments list, added eye-catching one simultaneously again. 至此,一名圣族法域第二境的强者,彻底的陨落周元之手,同时为他那显赫的战绩榜上,再添了夺目一笔。
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