VY :: Volume #2

#132: The thing succeeds in obtaining

In auction market, each article something by auction unceasing appear(ance), quality, although cannot compare Heaven Gathering Halberd, but also is the thing of various types of cherishing, therefore the atmosphere of entire auction market, extremely warm. 拍卖场中,一件件拍卖品不断的出现,品质虽然比不上天罗戟,但也算是各种稀罕之物,所以整个拍卖场的气氛,都是极为的热烈。 But at this time, on that auctioneer's platform, that old man takes out a thing, sees only in that colored glaze bottle, float one group of fiery red liquid, liquid viscous, just like is in the fire the essence is ordinary, is burning unceasingly the flame. 而此时,在那拍卖台上,那名老者又是取出一物,只见得在那琉璃瓶中,悬浮着一团火红液体,液体粘稠,犹如是火中之精华一般,不断的燃烧着火焰。 This is Earth Flame Marrow, is from the ten thousand years volcano deep place, if the cultivation flame attribute Origin Qi person its refining up, so long as Origin Qi is lower than 5th Rank, all may raise a small rank of Origin Qi quality.” “此为地炎髓,取自万载火山深处,若是修炼炎属性源气的人将其炼化,只要自身源气低于五品,皆可提升源气品质的一个小等级。” Such remarks, in auction market again in an uproar, the countless people eye is instantaneously fiery. 此言一出,拍卖场中再度哗然,无数人眼睛瞬间火热。 The beforehand these, Heaven Gathering Halberd, still can only calculate to make foreign object even after all, but this Earth Flame Marrow, can actually promote Origin Qi quality at present! 之前的那些,就算是天罗戟,也终归只能算做外物,可眼前这“地炎髓”,竟然能够提升源气品质 Although can only affect Origin Qi under 5th Rank, but that is also the enormous promotion. 虽然只能作用于五品之下的源气,但那也是极大的提升啊。 If 4th Rank low level Origin Qi refine to melt, then can promote intermediate, the promotion of that might, inevitably was not a tiny bit. 四品低级的源气若是炼化了,便能够提升到中级,那威力的提升,必然也不是一点半点。 didn't expect has this type of thing.” Zhou Yuan is also sigh one that cannot bear, is somewhat ready to make trouble, although his cultivation Heavenspan Profound Python Qi achieved 5th Rank, but his Royal Father cultivation Flame Thunder Qi, is actually only 4th Rank. 没想到连这种东西都有。”周元也是忍不住的感叹一声,有些蠢蠢欲动,虽说他修炼的“通天玄蟒气”达到了五品,但他父王修炼炎雷气,却只是四品 If can give him Royal Father to refine this thing, that Flame Thunder Qi quality, can reach the 4th Rank peak inevitably. 如果能够将此物给他父王炼化,那炎雷气品质,必然能够达到四品巅峰。 However, Zhou Yuan's is ready to make trouble, quick was eliminated by the reality, because of that Flame Thunder marrow the starting bid price standard, achieved eight hundred thousand origin crystal. 不过,周元的蠢蠢欲动,很快就被现实所打消,因为那“炎雷髓”的起拍价格,都达到了八十万源晶 Really quite poor.” “真的好穷。” Covering face that Zhou Yuan cannot bear, their Great Zhou these year of situations are not after all good, therefore his Your Highness net worth does not have many, 周元忍不住的捂脸,他们大周毕竟这些年情况不好,所以他这个殿下身家也没多少, Impossible to be the same like others, casual several million net worth. 不可能如同其他人一样,随随便便几百万的身家。 That Earth Flame Marrow competition, is more intense than beforehand Heaven Gathering Halberd, after several minutes of competition , the price just now was stable in 2.58 million. 那“地炎髓”的争夺,比之前的天罗戟还要激烈,足足经过了数分钟的争夺,价格方才稳定在了两百五十八万。 After Earth Flame Marrow competes, the atmosphere of auction market just now cooled. 地炎髓争夺完毕后,拍卖场的气氛方才冷却了一些。 But Zhou Yuan in static waiting he thing , after so roughly ten several minutes, he heard the sound of anticipation finally. 周元则是在静静的等待着他所需要之物,如此约莫十数分钟后,他终于是听见了期待的声音。 Nether Soul Fruit, hundred thousand origin crystal.” 冥魂果,十万源晶。” Zhou Yuan opened slightly close both eyes, the look is exuding blazingly was staring on the auctioneer's platform, in the hand of that old man, jade box, in jade box, is lying down a black fruit. 周元睁开了微闭的双目,眼神泛着炽热的盯着拍卖台上,在那老者的手中,有一个玉盒,玉盒中,则是躺着一枚黑色的果实。 This Origin Material, has the special function, therefore the interested party is not many, the price naturally does not have astonishingly extremely. 这种源材,有着特殊的作用,所以感兴趣的人不是很多,价格自然也没有太过的惊人。 But person who competes for this thing, are not many, several rounds, the price is raised to 150,000. 而争夺此物的人,也并不多,几轮下来,价格才提升到十五万。 Zhou Yuan is waiting for the time, sees the similar time, just now starts to make noise: Two hundred thousand origin crystal.” 周元等待着时机,见到差不多的时候,方才开始出声:“二十万源晶。” This price rose 1/4, did not calculate to lower, immediately has the number side to give up, the remaining two sides, refused to compromise again with Zhou Yuan, finally lifted 250,000 to choose giving up the price. 这个价格涨了四分之一,也不算低了,当即就有着数方放弃,剩下两方,跟周元再僵持了一下,最后把价格抬到了二十五万就选择了放弃。 Zhou Yuan sees that also relaxes, he on five hundred thousand origin crystal net worth, is only purchases this now Nether Soul Fruit, consumed half, other, but must purchase following Vermilion Blood Grass. 周元见状,也是松了一口气,他如今就五十万源晶的身家,光是购买这“冥魂果”,就消耗了一半,其余的,还得购买接下来的“朱血草”。 But also do some people increase price?” The old men observe the situation all around, the sound vigorous say/way. “可还有人加价?”老者环视四周,声音雄浑的道。 In auction market a peace, when in Zhou Yuan puts loosen comes, suddenly together pale laughter, towering resounding. 拍卖场中一片安静,不过,就在周元松下来时,忽然一道淡笑声,突兀的响起。 Three hundred thousand.” “三十万。” The sudden sound, making in the auction market some talking in whispers sounds get up, many people were very surprised, why a Nether Soul Fruit price turned to this degree unexpectedly. 突如其来的声音,让得拍卖场中有些了一些窃窃私语声响起,很多人都很惊疑,为何一个冥魂果竟然价格翻到这种程度。 Zhou Yuan's complexion also changed, the look sinks, calmly said: 350,000.” 周元的面色也是微变了一下,眼神微沉,平静的道:“三十五万。” Four hundred thousand.” That increasing price follows immediately. “四十万。”那加价者立即跟上。 Five hundred thousand.” In the Zhou Yuan eye the cold light appears, obviously, he aimed , the bidder, is obviously disturbing intentionally, is not the sincerity wants to purchase. “五十万。”周元眼中寒光浮现,显然,他又被针对了,那出价者,明显在故意捣乱,并非是真心想要购买。 When the Zhou Yuan five hundred thousand prices come out, that sound was the chuckle, then no longer said a word. 周元十万价格出来时,那道声音似是轻笑了一下,然后不再言语。 Therefore, finally Nether Soul Fruit fell in the Zhou Yuan hand, but he actually paid five hundred thousand origin crystal, pulled out a cleanness his net worth. 于是,最终冥魂果落在了周元手中,但他却是付出了五十万源晶,将他的身家掏了个干净。 Zhou Yuan complexion does not have the mighty waves, but in that was actually passed over gently and swiftly wipes anger. 周元面色没有波澜,但那眼中,却是掠过一抹怒意 Nearby Lu Luo, the big eye of being in sharp contrast is staring at the VIP suite in distant place, said: „The person who bid a moment ago, from No. 1 VIP suite, as far as I know, there is City Lord's Mansion exclusive.” 一旁的绿萝,黑白分明的大眼睛盯着远处的一座贵宾室,道:“刚才出价的人,来自一号贵宾室,据我所知,那里是城主府专属。” City Lord's Mansion?” The Zhou Yuan brow slightly wrinkle, when has he offended Saint Vestige City City Lord's Mansion? Moreover, perhaps by that Saint Vestige City City Lord status, does not have the face to come with their these younger generation to compete. 城主府?”周元眉头微皱,他什么时候得罪过圣迹城城主府?而且,以那圣迹城城主的身份,恐怕也没脸来跟他们这些年轻一辈争夺。 Lu Luo looking pensive, said: That inside person, definitely is not Saint Vestige City City Lord... generally the person who the news that but must come according to me, will go to that VIP suite, only has Saint Vestige City Young City Lord, Xiao Tianxuan.” 绿萝若有所思,道:“那里面的人,肯定不是圣迹城城主...但据我得来的消息,一般会去那座贵宾室的人,只有圣迹城少城主,萧天玄。” Xiao Tianxuan?” Zhou Yuan shakes the head, he does not know this person, why will aim at him? 萧天玄?”周元摇了摇头,他根本不认识此人,为何会针对他? In his eye radiance glittering, but belongs to finally tranquilly, is only that tranquil deep place, has the cold ice to pass over gently and swiftly coldly, why no matter that Xiao Tianxuan will aim at him, since did that Zhou Yuan naturally can remember this gathering place. 他眼中光芒闪烁,但最终归于平静,只是那平静深处,有着冷冽冰寒掠过,不管那萧天玄为何会针对他,既然这么做了,那周元自然会记下这场子。 „Can Lu Luo, borrow me later origin crystal?” Zhou Yuan looks to Lu Luo, asked. 绿萝,待会能借我一下源晶吗?”周元看向绿萝,问道。 Body only five hundred thousand origin crystal were used up, following Vermilion Blood Grass, he did not have origin crystal. 身上仅有的五十万源晶被用光,接下来的“朱血草”,他就没了源晶 Beckoning with the hand that Lu Luo does not care about, said: Small matter, I help you struggle later!” 绿萝不在意的摆摆手,道:“小事情啦,待会我来帮你争!” Zhou Yuan has not said anything, but writes down this favor. 周元也没有多说什么,只是将这份人情记下来。 The auction is continuing, but in a while, Vermilion Blood Grass also finally was appear(ance). 拍卖会在持续,而没过多久,朱血草也终于是出现了。 The Vermilion Blood Grass starting bid price standard, only had eight ten thousand origin crystal, the competitor compares were less before. 朱血草的起拍价格,只有八万源晶,竞争者比之前更少。 Lu Luo forestalls opponent by a show of strength directly: Two hundred thousand!” 绿萝直接是先声夺人:“二十万!” This price, made in the field peaceful directly, these also wanted the contender silent instantaneously, this opened the mouth dead of suffocation the path of increasing price, they do not absolutely need to spend such high price, bought one Vermilion Blood Grass. 这个价格,直接就令得场中安静下来,那些原本还要争夺者瞬间就沉默了下去,这一开口就是将加价的路子堵死了,他们根本没必要花费这么高的价格,买一株“朱血草”。 In field peaceful, but in Lu Luo thinks already succeeds, together the pale laughter, again from that VIP suite passed on: Three hundred thousand.” 场中安静了一下,不过就在绿萝以为已经成功时,一道淡笑声,再度自那一号贵宾室传了出来:“三十万。” The Zhou Yuan eyelid hangs, in the eye the cold light is suddenly powerful. 周元眼皮微垂,眼中寒光陡然强盛。 This Xiao Tianxuan, but also is really a little goes too far. 这个萧天玄,还真是有点欺人太甚。 Lu Luo is also the small face ice-cold, although this Xiao Tianxuan is Saint Vestige City Young City Lord, but she does not have too to place in the eye it, immediately said: Six hundred thousand.” 绿萝也是小脸冰冷,这萧天玄虽然是圣迹城少城主,但她也没太将其放在眼中,当即道:“六十万。” She turned one time directly. 她直接就翻了一倍。 Lu Luo price one, that VIP suite obviously was also peaceful, finally has the chuckle sound to spread: Since the young princess likes, I did not seize the person to be good.” 绿萝的价格一出,那一号贵宾室显然也是安静了一下,最后有着轻笑声传出:“既然小郡主喜欢,那我就不夺人所好了。” Vermilion Blood Grass is also falls into the pouch, but Lu Luo charming face is unattractive, that Xiao Tianxuan clearly knows that is she is bidding, must raise prices unexpectedly as before, obviously does not place in her the eye. 朱血草也是落入囊中,不过绿萝俏脸也不好看,那萧天玄明知道是她在出价,竟然依旧还要抬价,显然就是不把她放在眼中。 Thanked.” Zhou Yuan to Lu Luo nodded. “谢了。”周元冲着绿萝点点头 His slowly said: This will Young City Lord go to Saint Vestige Land?” 缓缓的道:“这位少城主会去圣迹之地吗?” Naturally.” Lu Luo nodded. “当然。”绿萝点点头 That is good.” Zhou Yuan said in a soft voice. “那就好。”周元轻声道。 Lu Luo opens eye looks at Zhou Yuan, said: „Do you also want to recover the gathering place in Saint Vestige Land? The strength of fellow is not weak, is on Boundless Continent top chosen child.” 绿萝睁大眼睛看着周元,道:“你还想在圣迹之地中找回场子吗?那家伙的实力可是不弱,也是苍茫大陆上顶尖的骄子呢。” Zhou Yuan is calm: Absolute Beginning Realm, I have also killed.” 周元语气平静:“太初境,我也杀过。” Lu Luo stared the circle the beautiful eye, was somewhat unbelievable, Wu Huang also had that Sword Blind they to kill Absolute Beginning Realm, they at least were also Heaven's Pass Realm late stage, but present does Zhou Yuan, when Cultivating Qi Realm, cut to kill Absolute Beginning Realm unexpectedly? 绿萝瞪圆了美目,有些难以置信,武煌还有那个剑瞎子他们能够杀太初境,他们至少也是天关境后期,可眼前的周元,竟然在养气境时,就斩杀过太初境 Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, his eye no mighty waves looks to the direction of No. 1 VIP suite, Xiao Tianxuan... 周元深吸一口气,他眼无波澜的看向一号贵宾室的方向,萧天玄是吗... If met in that Saint Vestige Land, your pit my these hundred ten thousand origin crystal, I will make you ten times of spitting come back. 若是在那圣迹之地中遇见了,你坑我这百来万源晶,我会让你十倍的吐回来。
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