VY :: Volume #13

#1201: Performs to enter my hand

When chaos void tearing, forms the space gateway, in this space the countless exist(ence) vision, projects to come suddenly. 当混沌的虚空撕裂,形成空间门户时,这座空间内无数存在的目光,都是猛然间投射而来。 In all Heavens , has lines of sight to gather to here. 诸天中,同样是有着一道道视线对着这里汇聚。 But in the gaze of that countless line of sight, the space gateway forming, the next quarter, the Origin Qi fluctuation blooms, sees only a countless form immediately is similar to following the fish and shrimp that the flood moves is ordinary, directly arbitrary flushed. 而在那无数视线的注视中,空间门户成形,下一刻,源气波动绽放,只见得无数道身影顿时如同顺着洪水而动的鱼虾一般,直接就被蛮横的冲了出来。 Sprinkled void. 洒满了虚空。 Is Five Great Heaven Territories' Heavenly Sun Realm?” “是五大天域的天阳境?” These person's shadows by the earliest possible time of distressedly flushing, is has the sensation spreads of formidable to come, directly their status identifying. 这些人影在被狼狈冲出来的第一时间,便是有着一道道强大的感知蔓延而来,直接是将他们的身份给辨认了出来。 Therefore Five Great Heaven Territories many formidable exist(ence), all were in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes the meaning of pleasant surprise, but reviewed on the side of that Saint Race, was somewhat stunned. 于是五大天域这边的诸多强大存在,皆是眼中掠过一抹惊喜之意,而反观那圣族一边,则是有些愕然。 Is the situation not quite as if right? 情况似乎不太对? Five Great Heaven Territories' these expert look connection, somewhat do not make clear the situation, because previously deferred to Saint Race saying that they should prepare one to fetter nine Ancestral Qi main lineage formidable barrier in Heavenly Sun Realm that level. 五大天域的那些强者眼神交汇,有些搞不清楚情况,因为先前按照圣族所说,他们应该是在天阳境那个层次中准备了一座能够束缚九条祖气主脉强大结界 By that barrier strength, may roll to extinguish Five Great Heaven Territories' forces very much! 凭借那种结界的力量,很有可能会团灭五大天域的人马 Therefore they have completed the worst plan, appear(ance) that but this Five Great Heaven Territories' forces, how instead takes the lead at present? 所以他们都已经做好了最坏的打算,可眼下这五大天域的人马,怎么反而率先的出现 Moreover quick, they are the discoveries, after Five Great Heaven Territories' forces came out, until that space gateway dissipation gradually, Saint Race's Heavenly Sun Realm forces did not have the appear(ance) sign as before 而且很快的,他们更是发现,当五大天域的人马出来完了后,直到那空间门户渐渐的消散,圣族的天阳境人马依旧没有出现的迹象 In Chaos Void fell into a silence. 混沌虚空中陷入了一片沉默。 That side Saint Race has not expected this situation obviously, suddenly these Saint somewhat are even in a daze. 圣族那边显然也是没料到这种情况,一时间连那些圣者都有些发愣。 Our here people, many people broke through Nascent Origin Realm, but was so silent, the Five Great Heaven Territories' Saint sensation passed over gently and swiftly, immediately is noses in these Heavenly Sun Realm, were many some Nascent Origin Realm strengths. “咱们这边的人,不少人都突破到了源婴境”而在这般沉默间,五大天域的圣者感知掠过,立刻便是查探出这些天阳境中,多了一些源婴境的实力。 Actually to have what?” “究竟发生了什么?” Why Saint Race's doesn't forces see?” 圣族的人马为何不见?” „” “” Is facing this situation, even Five Great Heaven Territories' these Saint exist(ence) a little look at each other in dismay. 面对着这种情况,连五大天域的那些圣者存在都有点面面相觑 In your Ancient Origin Heaven, what matter had?” Finally, has a Five Great Heaven Territories' Saint vigorous sound to resound through in ears of many Heavenly Sun Realm, in these just spat by the space gateway. “你们那古源天内,发生了何事?”最终,有着一位五大天域的圣者雄浑的声音响彻在那些刚刚被空间门户吐出来的诸多天阳境的耳中。 But Five Great Heaven Territories forces that these spat, just started also somewhat to get muddled, 而这些被吐出来的五大天域人马,刚开始也是有些发蒙, Their didn't expect after leaving Ancient Origin Heaven, will first go to this place unexpectedly. 他们没想到在离开古源天后,竟然会先来到这种地方。 However they quickly on sensation to these terrors aura, although was shocked heavily, but blinks, then vision on as if by prior agreement takes a fast look around in the crowd, finally gathered in a young form. 不过他们很快就感知到了那些恐怖的气息,虽说被震撼得不轻,但还是眨了眨眼,然后目光就不约而同的在人群中扫视,最终汇聚到了一道年轻身影上。 Un?” “嗯?” Following going to of their vision, all exist(ence) also notices that say/way young form, immediately startled well made noise slightly. 顺着他们目光的投向,各方存在也是注意到了那道年轻身影,当即微微惊咦出声。 Great Nascent Origin Realm?” 大源婴境?” Moreover the one who most somewhat makes these Five Great Heaven Territories' Saint surprised is, these come from Five Great Heaven Territories' elite Heavenly Sun Realm, unexpectedly by one type by this year light forces will be to gaze stance. 而且最让得那些五大天域的圣者有些惊讶的是,这些来自五大天域的精锐天阳境,居然会以一种以这年轻人马首是瞻的姿态。 Must know these young people, in respective Heaven Territory, is the unruly generation, but can so make them reveal the stance, inevitably is true admiring. 要知道这些年轻人,在各自的天域,无不是桀骜之辈,而能够让得他们表露这般姿态,必然是一种真正的敬服。 But that form, naturally was Zhou Yuan. 而那道身影,自然便是周元了。 But this time he, the facial expression is actually a little stiff, actually when just appear(ance), he felt that here seems not a little right, because that terrifying aura was really many. 只不过此时的他,神情却是有点僵硬,其实在刚出现在这里的时候,他就感觉到似乎有点不对劲,因为那种恐怖的气息实在是太多了。 Therefore he very honest hid in the crowd, planned to work as an ordinary party. 所以他很老实的就躲在了人群中,打算当一个普通党。 Previously can be rampant in Ancient Origin Heaven, that is because no one can do to him, but here different besides their wave of up-and-comers, here strength worst is Nascent Origin Realm! Even Law Domain Realm, Saint Realm big shot! 此前在古源天能够嚣张,那是因为没人能奈何得了他,可这里不同除了他们这波新人外,这里实力最差的都是源婴境!甚至还有法域境,圣者境的大佬! The low key is wisest! 低调是最明智的! But what his didn't expect is, these bastards unexpectedly are salute to him. 但他没想到的是,这些混蛋竟然对他行注目礼。 One crowd of pit goods, were really free-of-charge assistance.” In Zhou Yuan heart helpless, can only brace oneself, is going against the gaze of that terrifying vision, god knows at this time he must withstand big pressure these Saint exist(ence), even is only the optional gaze, makes him feel that covering of invisible strength, at that moment, as if Nascent Origin in Divine Palace is shivering slightly. “一群坑货,真是白救了。”周元心中无奈,只能硬着头皮,顶着那一道道恐怖目光的注视,天知道此时他要承受多大的心理压力那些圣者存在,即便只是随意的注视,就让得他感觉到一股无形力量的笼罩,那一刻,仿佛神府中的源婴都在微微颤抖。 Little Junior Brother?” 小师弟?” However in Zhou Yuan when that countless tyrannical vision gaze has the nods skin tingles with numbness, together the pleasantly surprised sound then made a sound. 不过就在周元因为那无数强横目光注视而有点头皮发麻时,一道惊喜的声音便是响了起来。 Surges void, two forms reveal, precisely Zhuan Zhu and Chi Jing two people. 虚空波荡,两道身影显露而出,正是颛烛郗菁二人。 Big Senior Brother, Second Senior Sister!” Zhou Yuan sees that also shows the smile hastily. 大师兄,二师姐!”周元见状,也是连忙露出笑容。 Zhuan Zhu eye of light/only took a fast look around his one eyes, was saying to the Chaos Void deep place: This direct disciple that is my teacher Cang Yuan receives.” 颛烛目露奇光的扫视了他一眼,然后对着混沌虚空深处道:“这一位是我的师尊苍渊所收的亲传弟子。” „Did Cang Yuan that old fogy receive direct disciple?” 苍渊那老家伙又收了亲传弟子吗?” No wonder “怪不得” „” Some tyrannical thoughts passed over gently and swiftly void, each other exchange. “”有一些强横的念头掠过虚空,彼此交流。 Zhou Yuan, actually what happened?” Zhuan Zhu knows other Saint at this time the doubts in heart, therefore opens the mouth to ask. 周元,究竟发生了什么事情?”颛烛知晓其他圣者此时心中的疑惑,于是开口问道。 Zhou Yuan thinks, said: Saint Race's forces offered a sacrifice to named Saint Evolving Great Formation barrier, wants to have sole possession of nine main lineage, but that barrier is not complete, therefore was sought a flaw to lead Five Great Heaven Territories' forces to clash by me.” 周元想了想,道:“圣族的人马祭了一座名为圣衍化界大阵结界,想要独吞九条主脉,不过那结界并不算完整,所以被我寻了个破绽率领着五大天域的人马冲了进去。” After one competes, we seize the great formation core, but Saint Race's forces backlashed by barrier, the casualty half, the other half ran away.” “经过一番争夺后,我们夺下了大阵核心,而圣族的人马结界反噬,死伤了一半,另外一半逃走。” Zhou Yuan said is very simple, sound that however that brings, is actually heaven shaking moves. 周元说的很简单,然而那所带起的动静,却是惊天动地。 Many Nascent Origin Realm, Law Domain Realm is dumbfounded gives looks at him. 诸多源婴境,法域境都是目瞪口呆的将他给看着 These great aura of Chaos Void deep place, sends out some unusual fluctuations. 混沌虚空深处的那些伟岸气息,也是散发出了一些异样的波动。 Because those present understand the Saint Race's method, therefore they can feel, under Zhou Yuan that simple spoken language, actually to contain what kind of difficulty and shaking one to the core. 因为在场的人都明白圣族的手段,所以他们都能够感觉得出来,周元那简单言语之下,究竟是蕴含着何等的艰难与惊心动魄 That side Saint Race, fell into a silence similarly, formidable exist(ence) in these Saint Race fell into slightly in the delay. 圣族那边,同样是陷入了一阵寂静,那些圣族中的强大存在陷入了微微呆滞中。 Zhuan Zhu and Chi Jing similarly are somewhat shocking, they look at each other one, is not a little able to digest Zhou Yuan to say the information that in these words contains simply. 颛烛郗菁同样是有些震惊,他们对视一眼,简直是有点无法消化周元所说这些话里面所蕴含的信息。 Zhou Yuan is looking at them, slowly said: Simply speaking is our Five Great Heaven Territories' Heavenly Sun Realm forces, turned them dry/does.” 周元望着他们,缓缓的道:“简单来说就是我们五大天域的天阳境人马,干翻了他们。” Void silent, is as for all Heavens is somewhat peaceful. 虚空寂静,乃至于诸天中都是有些安静。 A countless line of sight is looking at the void on projection, their looks at that say/way young form, in that gentle words, is passing a bloody flavor. 无数道视线望着虚空上的投影,他们看着其中那道年轻的身影,那平缓的话语中,透着一股血腥的味道。 Moreover, in that words also has the significance of deep level, Saint Race's is very firmly strong, but is actually not cannot be defeated. 而且,那话语中还带着深层次的意义,圣族的确很强但却并非是不能被打败的。 At this moment, in all Heavens, there is in a countless people originally pessimistic gloomy eye, raised actually a bright of faint trace, victory that perhaps Zhou Yuan said that exist(ence) many limits , they are not being are no matter what impossible to gain the victory 这一刻,诸天中,有无数人原本悲观灰暗的眼中,倒是升起了一丝丝的亮光,或许周元所说的胜利,存在着很多的限制,但不管怎样,他们并非是不可能取得胜利的 That final Ancestral Qi how?” The Saint's sound conveys, vast indistinct. “那最终的祖气如何?”有一位圣者的声音传来,浩瀚缥缈。 Zhou Yuan calmly said: Ancient Origin Heaven, the struggle of Heavenly Sun Realm, my Five Great Heaven Territories, monopolizes nine Ancestral Qi main lineage, 20% Ancestral Qi, perform to enter the hand of my Five Heavens.” 周元平静的道:“古源天,天阳境之争,我五大天域,独占九条祖气主脉,20%祖气,尽入我五天之手。” When his sound falls, in Five Great Heaven Territories, suddenly stir. 当他的声音落下,五大天域内,陡然轰动。
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