VY :: Volume #12

#1195: Manages enough

Jia Tu cannot understand the Zhou Yuan's nonsense, but this does not hinder in his to fill is being angry and unwilling. 迦图听不懂周元的胡言乱语,但这并不妨碍他那眼中充满着愤怒与不甘。 He is not clear, how Zhou Yuan possibly disregards in that ancestor dragon blood meat residual Ancestral Dragon's will. 他不明白,周元怎么可能无视于那祖龙血肉之中残留的祖龙意志 That is Ancestral Dragon's will! 那可是祖龙意志啊! Once opened Heaven and Earth, the body transformed into myriad things god generally supreme exist(ence). 曾经开辟天地,身化万物的神一般至高无上的存在 His will even extremely insignificant, and also has been through repeatedly the years to obliterate, then but regarding Heavenly Sun Realm, the level that is unable to touch as before. 祂的意志即便只是极为微不足道的一丝,并且还历经岁月磨灭,但那对于天阳境而言,依旧是无法触及的层次。 Therefore he is unable to imagine, actually Zhou Yuan is why can rub off the residual will in ancestor dragon blood meat, then refining up it truly. 所以他无法想象,周元究竟是凭什么能够将祖龙血肉中的残留意志磨去,然后将其真正炼化的。 These doubts, he is unable to get the answer eventually. 这些疑惑,他终究是无法得到答案的。 Because his body starts to melt more and more quickly, decomposed with previously Zhou Yuan's exactly the same. 因为他的身躯开始融化得越来越快,就跟先前周元的分解一模一样。 „!” “啊!” Jia Tu erupts the unwilling roaring sound, finally body thorough annihilation. 迦图爆发出不甘的咆哮声,最终身躯彻底的湮灭。 His here, does not have appear(ance) of miracle. 只是,他这里,却并没有奇迹的出现 But is directly thorough disappearance within Heaven and Earth. 而是直接彻彻底底的消失于天地间 This Saint Race strongest Heavenly Sun Realm, then under the gaze of that countless line of sight, loudly die. 这位圣族最强的天阳境,便是在那无数道视线的注视下,轰然陨落 Black ring that is thrown by him, after suction about half Saint Race forces, is goes directly air-splitting, other Saint Race forces, is annihilated. 那由他所丢出的黑色圆环,在吸走了近半的圣族人马后,也是直接破空而去,余下的圣族人马,则是全军覆没。 Five Great Heaven Territories' forces bursts into heaven shaking moves the cheers in this time finally. 五大天域的人马终于是在此时爆发出惊天动地般的欢呼声。 The countless say/way contains the gratitude, the awe, venerated vision unceasing goes to the void that form, the latter in this Ancient Origin Heaven's accomplishments, will definitely make his name, resounds through in all Heavens. 无数道蕴含着感激,敬畏,尊崇的目光不断的投向虚空上那道身影,后者在这古源天的战绩,必然会令得他的名字,响彻于诸天之中。 Everyone was clear that Zhou Yuan plays the major role, that is the true pulling day leans. 每一个人都清楚周元在其中起到了多大的作用,那是真正的挽天倾。 Ascertains the Saint Evolving Barrier flaw, leads bursting into the enemy lines that Five Great Heaven Territories' forces is staking everything on a single throw of the dice, he fights vigorously Jia Tu finally, hard-won victory. 不论是窥破圣衍结界的破绽,率领着五大天域的人马孤注一掷的闯阵,还是他最终力战迦图,艰难取胜。 If not Zhou Yuan, the final result inevitably is not such as the present so. 如果不是周元,最终的结果必然不会是如眼下这般。 On void, Zhou Yuan hears these cheers, is blooms a smile, somewhat feels relieved. 虚空上,周元听得那些欢呼声,也是绽放出一丝微笑,有些如释重负。 Heavy burden of this Commander all Heavens, but presses heavily him, but he also understands, he is unable to evade, the escape route that because in the Saint Race's resistance , they have does not have any to walk, as soon as today he draws back, in the future when Saint Race will invade one's territory on a large scale, can the soldier near Five Heavens, at that time, where he fall back on goes? 这个诸天总指挥的重担,可是将他压得不轻,但他也明白,他无法逃避,因为在与圣族的对抗中,他们没有任何的退路可走,今日他一退,往后圣族大举来犯时,兵临五天,那时候,他又能退到哪里去? However what luckily is, the hopes of so many people, he has not disappointed finally. 不过幸亏的是,那么多人的希望,他总算是没有辜负。 The Zhou Yuan's vision throws down, penetrates barrier directly, seeing that to fight vigorously the final whole body injury, even only had the person's shadow that the one breath survived. 周元的目光投下,直接是穿透结界,看见了那一道道力战到最后满身伤势,甚至仅有一口气残存的人影。 He can arrive at this to fight a decisive battle with Jia Tu smoothly finally, depends upon, not only he, but also has Five Great Heaven Territories everyone's fighting tooth and nail to fight bravely. 他能够顺利的来到这最后与迦图决战,所依靠的并不只是他,还有着五大天域所有人的搏命奋战。 „, This war my merit, is not my all Heavens concentric victory.” “诸位,此战非我一人之功,乃我诸天同心之胜。” War has fallen, when joins together to accomplish a great task!” “大战已落,当共襄盛举!” The Zhou Yuan clear and bright sound, resounds through in the ear of Five Great Heaven Territories forces everyone. 周元清朗的声音,响彻于五大天域人马每一个人的耳中。 At once, the Zhou Yuan intention moves, sees only Heaven and Earth immediately the dramatic turbulence, countless vigorous Ancestral Qi torrent like column of smoke dropping from the clouds, directly was extremely accurate falling approached everyone 's shadow. 旋即,周元心念一动,只见得天地顿时剧烈的动荡起来,无数道雄浑的祖气洪流如烟柱般的从天而降,直接是极为精准的落向了每一道人影。 But looks at this Five Great Heaven Territories forces to be excited immediately, obviously understood the Zhou Yuan's intention. 而望着这一幕的五大天域人马顿时激动起来,显然是明白了周元的意图。 This is must make them first enjoy a wave of Ancestral Qi baptism happily! 这是要让他们先痛快的享受一波祖气洗礼! This came from nine Ancestral Qi main lineage baptism! 要知道,这可是来自九条祖气主脉的洗礼! That effect, with enjoys an intermediate Ancestral Qi branch vein to be nondistinctive simply sufficiently alone! 那种效果,简直足以跟独自享受一条中级的祖气支脉毫无区别! Commander Zhou Yuan formidable!” 周元总指挥威武!” Therefore, exciting wild with joy sounds resound through like the tsunami. 于是,一道道兴奋狂喜的声音如海啸般的响彻起来。 When Ancestral Qi torrent arrives, they hurry to sit cross-legged, the preparation that the whole face anticipates receives this war to win later presenting. 紧接着当祖气洪流降临时,他们赶紧盘坐下来,满脸期待的准备接收这道大战胜利之后的馈赠。 Bai Xiaolu, Wu Yao, Su Youwei, Zhao Mushen and the others are also begins supinely, falls must appear to their Ancestral Qi torrent especially abundant, that boundless feeling, they are the secret heart are even startled. 白小鹿,武瑶,苏幼微,赵牧神等人也是仰起头,落向他们的祖气洪流要显得格外的雄厚,那种磅礴之感,连他们都是暗暗的心惊。 However thinks that now they have nine Ancestral Qi main lineage, in the heart then feel relaxed, their consumptions, feared that is 1/10000000 of its total quantity does not even have. 不过想想如今他们坐拥九条祖气主脉,心中便是释然,他们这种消耗,怕是连其总量的千万分之一都没有。 Zhou Yuan is situated in void, his vision locked some position suddenly, that is Guan Qinglong is. 周元立于虚空,他的目光忽然的锁定了某个位置,那是关青龙所在。 But in his sensation, this time Guan Qinglong vitality extremely weak, already extreme being close die. 而在他的感知中,此时的关青龙生机极为的微弱,已是极为的接近陨落 However under enough vigorous Ancestral Qi, this is not the issue. 不过在足够雄浑的祖气下,这都不是什么问题。 So long as its within the body vitality radical cutting off, cannot pull back it! 只要其体内生机没有彻底的断绝,就能够将其拉回来! Pitifully that Jiang Jinlin and Li Fu... 只是可惜了那姜金鳞李符... In the Zhou Yuan heart sighed, stretches out the finger to fly high, saw only Ancestral Qi torrent to drop from the clouds together, covered to enter Guan Qinglong that deathly stillness broken body directly, is supplementing vitality rapidly. 周元心中叹息,伸出手指凌空一点,只见得一道祖气洪流从天而降,直接是将关青龙那死寂残破的身躯笼罩而进,然后迅速的补充着其中的生机。 Guan Qinglong that is hanging down the head trembles slightly, unexpectedly is raised the head slowly. 关青龙那低垂着的头颅微微一颤,竟是缓缓的抬起头来。 He somewhat vacant is looking at that say/way Ancestral Qi torrent that he covers, is feeling Origin Qi that in within the body rapidly restored injury as well as constantly strengthens again... 他有些茫然的望着那道将他笼罩的祖气洪流,再感受着体内迅速被修复的伤势以及不断增强的源气... This is...” “这是...” His vision locked the familiar form in void that giant black hole rapidly, then the pupil then shrinks. 他目光迅速的锁定了虚空中那巨大黑洞中的熟悉身影,然后瞳孔便是一缩。 Captain Zhou Yuan?” 周元队长?” On void, Zhou Yuan is also to his gently nods. 虚空上,周元也是对着他轻轻点头 Guan Qinglong just like understood anything, tiger staring gradually is big: „Was our... wins?” 关青龙宛如是明白了什么,虎目渐渐的瞪大:“我们这是...赢了?” Captain Guan Qinglong, first absorbs Ancestral Qi, this weaponry, we won.” Zhou Yuan's sound, resounds in his ear. 关青龙队长,先吸收祖气吧,这一仗,我们打赢了。”周元的声音,也是在其耳边响起。 Guan Qinglong deeply inspires, so the time, even his character, is felt that the nose slightly acid, muttered: Won unexpectedly, is not really easy...” 关青龙深吸了一口气,这般时候,连他的性格,都是感觉到鼻子微酸,喃喃道:“竟然赢了,真是不容易啊...” Captain Zhou Yuan, my Guan Qinglong, takes you.” 周元队长,我关青龙,算是服了你。” No wonder including Wu Yao...” “难怪连武瑶...” In Guan Qinglong tiger passed over gently and swiftly the complex color, at once feels relaxed sighed, the eye closed, starts to absorb Ancestral Qi. 关青龙虎目中掠过复杂之色,旋即释然的一叹,眼目闭拢,开始吸收祖气 ... ... Zhou Yuan is situated in void, he looks at magnificent one that countless Ancestral Qi torrent is arriving, this victory is everyone with joint forces obtained, therefore they can so the resources also be natural now. 周元立于虚空,他望着那无数祖气洪流降临的壮观一幕,这场胜利是所有人合力所得来,所以现在他们能够得到这般资源也是理所应当。 „, Grasps this time chance, full power attacks Nascent Origin Realm.” “诸位,把握住这次的机缘,全力冲击源婴境吧。” Ancestral Qi, manages enough!” 祖气,管够!” His sound, falls in the people ear, is causes in all person hearts to smile, is full contain anticipated. 他的声音,落在众人耳中,也是引得所有人心中一笑,同时也是满含期待。 Regarding some Heavenly Sun Realm late stage people, they enter the Ancient Origin Heaven's ultimate objective, is wants to draw support from here the Ancestral Qi chance to attack Nascent Origin Realm, but this needs to consume not poor Ancestral Qi, but at present, regarding having nine Ancestral Qi main lineage them, this obviously inadequate what issue. 对于一些天阳境后期的人来说,他们进入古源天的最终目标,便是想要借助此处的祖气机缘冲击源婴境,只是这需要消耗不菲的祖气,但眼下,对于坐拥九条祖气主脉的他们来说,这显然已经不成什么问题。 Conceivable, then, will definitely have large quantities of stops to start to break through Nascent Origin Realm in the Heavenly Sun Realm late stage person. 可以想象,接下来,必然会有大批停顿在天阳境后期的人开始突破到源婴境 Zhou Yuan extended one to stretch, then he also sat cross-legged in that black hole deep place, the vision stared at that nine Ancestral Qi main lineage, both hands is closing up, eye closing gradually. 周元伸了一个懒腰,然后他也是在那黑洞深处盘坐下来,目光凝视着那九条祖气主脉,双手合拢,眼睛渐渐的闭上。 Although achieved the Saint Glazed Body achievement ahead of time, but Zhou Yuan may only not satisfy this. 虽说提前取得了圣琉璃之躯的成就,但周元可并不会只满足于此。 He arrives at Ancient Origin Heaven, similarly is also hugging hope that attacks Nascent Origin Realm. 他来到古源天,同样也是抱着冲击源婴境的期盼。 Moreover, he wants, is not simple Nascent Origin Realm. 而且,他所要的,还不是简单的源婴境 He must first his Heavenly Sun real evolution be Nine-clawed Heavenly Sun, then breaks through... 他要先将自身的天阳真正的进化为九爪天阳,然后突破... One step steps into Great Nascent Origin Realm! 一步踏入大源婴境
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