VY :: Volume #12

#1192: barrier backlashes

hōng hōng! 轰轰 When Zhou Yuan a flag will insert in that Saint Evolving Barrier core hub, entire barrier immediately fierce vibration, originally ordered barrier revolution path directly in this time by Zhou Yuan from the position interruption of center. 周元将阵旗插在那圣衍结界核心枢纽处时,整个结界顿时剧烈的震动起来,原本有序的结界运转轨迹直接是在此时被周元从最中心的位置截断。 Whoosh! 咻! Meanwhile, previously these by the node that the Five Great Heaven Territories' team broke through, a flag that set up also all exuded buzz the sound of cry in this time, started to echo that to come from the summon of most core position. 与此同时,此前那些被五大天域的队伍所攻破的节点,其中所插下的阵旗也皆是在此时发出嗡鸣之声,开始呼应着那来自最核心位置的呼唤。 These nodes flags, common time not too major role, but once the Saint Evolving Barrier core place was broken, then these seem like that not eye-catching peripheral flag, will start rapidly nibbles the entire barrier control. 这些节点的阵旗,寻常时候并没有太大的作用,可一旦圣衍结界核心处被破,那么这些看似不起眼的外围阵旗,就会开始迅速的蚕食整个结界的控制权。 countless stream of light shoots up to the sky, pricks in barrier. 无数道流光冲天而起,刺入结界之中。 Has the fluctuation of terrifying to start in barrier to spread. 有着恐怖的波动开始在结界中蔓延。 But these Saint Race's forces in this time were scared, looked the fear color is looking in the sky, barrier that this previously they in a big way depended on, actually turned into urgently pressing Death God at this time. 而那些圣族的人马在此时则是恐慌了起来,一个个面露恐惧之色的望着天空上,这个此前还是他们最大倚仗的结界,此时却是变成了催命的死神 Because the barrier source is constructed by them, now Zhou Yuan controlled barrier, that strength will counter-attack immediately. 因为结界的源头是由他们所建,如今周元掌控了结界,那股力量立刻就会反扑过来。 That is backlash of Saint Evolving Barrier! 那就是圣衍结界的反噬! No one can shoulder this backlash in this barrier! 没有任何人能够在这结界中扛得住这种反噬! Bang! 轰隆! But how long their fears have not continued, the next quarter, Heaven and Earth is turbulent, void was torn directly, terrifying strengths drop from the clouds directly, by an extremely accurate attack, fell to that countless Saint Race forces. 而他们的恐惧也并没有持续多久,下一刻,天地动荡,虚空直接是被撕裂,一道道恐怖的力量直接从天而降,以一种极为精准的打击,落向了那无数圣族人马 These strength light beams fall, what kind of resistance regardless of these Saint Race forces, will explode one group of blood mist shortly directly, the skeleton not saves. 那些力量光柱落下,不论那些圣族人马如何的抵御,都是在顷刻之间直接爆成了一团血雾,尸骨无存。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! The time, in entire barrier, countless said blood mist to raise, just like a grand bloody fireworks show. 顿时间,整个结界内,无数血雾升起,宛如是一场盛大的血腥烟花秀。 Five Great Heaven Territories' forces is shocks, but excited is looking at this, they may not have slightly is not cruel enough, after all they understand, if trades to be them unable today to break through the formation, then now their fate is also so. 五大天域的人马则是震撼而激动的望着这一幕,他们可没有丝毫的不忍心,毕竟他们都明白,如果今日换作他们未能破阵,那么现在他们的下场也是如此。 However also because just personally saw this bloody one, in their hearts venerated to Zhou Yuan's with the gratitude also becomes thicker. 不过也正因为亲眼看见了这种血腥的一幕,他们心中对周元的尊崇与感激也变得更浓厚了一些。 Zhou Yuan!!” 周元!!” Jia Tu also saw this, immediately the eye socket wants to crack, roared sternly. 迦图也是看见了这一幕,顿时眼眶欲裂,厉声咆哮。 He knows, this they lose time inevitably seriously, but creates all these, is at present that like dry corpse Zhou Yuan! 他知道,这一次他们必然损失惨重,而造成这一切的,就是眼前那如干尸般的周元 My Saint Race Saint, decide however will not forgive you!” In the Jia Tu sound, is filling killing intent. “我圣族圣者们,定然不会饶过你!”迦图声音之中,充满着杀机 Zhou Yuan look indifferently, indifferently said: You under didn't expect hopeless situation also so weak, this originally is a life and death battle, you thought that I put you to walk, will Saint Race eliminate the hatred with me?” 周元神色漠然,淡淡的道:“没想到绝境下的你也会如此的幼稚,这本就是一场你死我活的争斗,难道你觉得我放你们走了,圣族就会与我消除仇恨了?” Jia Tu look gloomy and cold, the violent anger on face also restrained slowly, restores calm him also to understand that Zhou Yuan is absolutely is today impossible to be forgiving. 迦图眼神阴冷,面庞上的暴怒也是缓缓的收敛了起来,恢复冷静的他也明白周元今日是绝对不可能留情的。 He looks at sparks/Mars that in a body jumped, Saint Fire in the rapid fever, once invades his body, then his whole person will disappear cleanly. 他看了一眼身躯上跳跃的火星,圣火在迅速的烧过来,一旦侵入他的身躯,那么他整个人都将会消失得干干净净。 At present only if Law Domain Realm above expert acts, otherwise was no one saves him. 眼下除非是法域境以上的强者出手,不然是没人救得了他。 May under this Ancient Origin Heaven's special rule, Saint Race's Saint, unable to insert the hand even. 可在这古源天的特殊规则下,就算是圣族的圣者,也插不进来手。 Therefore... he was dead today. 所以...他今日是死定了。 Thinks of here, Jia Tu instead was tranquil, he looked at blood mist that in Saint Evolving Barrier these were making a false counter- accusation against explode unceasingly, a broken finger fell off from his palm on suddenly. 想到此处,迦图反而是平静了下来,他望着圣衍结界内那些不断被反噬而爆炸开的血雾,一根断指突然自其手掌上脱落。 That broken finger falls off, immediately disrupts, has the wonderful light to depart unexpectedly. 那断指脱落,顿时碎裂开来,竟是有着一点奇光飞出。 That wonderful light rose suddenly against the wind, formed a black ring. 那奇光迎风暴涨,形成了一个黑色圆环。 The black ring, just like teleport general appear(ance) in these Saint Race forces sky, saw only air-splitting has the huge suction eruption, backlashes while that barrier has not fallen completely, as far as possible attracted some Saint Race forces. 黑色圆环破空而出,宛如瞬移一般的出现在了那些圣族人马的上空,只见得其中有庞大的吸力爆发而出,趁着那结界反噬还未曾完全落下,尽可能的将一些圣族人马吸了进去。 In the black ring, seems leading to other space. 黑色圆环内,仿佛是通往着另外的空间。 Zhou Yuan light is looking at this, that black ring sends out to make person palpitation aura, perhaps is the Saint Race Saint's writing skill, but his also sensation results, that black ring has no striking power, can do only, is some belt/bring people walks. 周元淡淡的望着这一幕,那黑色圆环散发着一丝令人心悸的气息,恐怕是圣族圣者的手笔,不过他也感知得出来,那黑色圆环没有什么攻击力,唯一能做的,便是带一些人走而已。 You are really discrete, made some escape routes unexpectedly.” Zhou Yuan said that during the spoken languages somewhat admires, looks, Jia Tu this subsequent hand has prepared, in knows obviously has in the huge superior situation, but can also think of this point, this Jia Tu has saying that is a character. “你真的是谨慎,竟然还做了一些退路。”周元说道,言语间有些佩服,看得出来,迦图这后手早就准备好了的,而在明明知道有巨大的优势情况下,还能够想到这一点,这迦图不得不说算是个人物。 No wonder can become Saint Race this generation of strongest Heavenly Sun Realm. 难怪能够成为圣族这一代最强的天阳境 Jia Tu had not replied, his also can only be rescues reluctantly, because this barrier backlashes, at least half of Saint Race forces lose in this. 迦图没有回答,他这一手也只能算是勉强抢救一下,因为这结界反噬下来,起码有一半的圣族人马损失于此。 This similarly is also in Saint Race Heavenly Sun Realm sharpest one generation. 这同样也是圣族天阳境中最为精锐的一代。 Even by Saint Race's background, cannot easily neglects it. 即便是以圣族的底蕴之强,也不能轻易的将其忽视。 However because threw the broken finger, Jia Tu by that Saint Fire corrosion fiercely, the lower half body was also melted the nihility in this time directly. 不过因为抛了断指,迦图也被那圣火侵蚀得更为厉害,下半截的身躯直接是在此时融化成了虚无。 The Jia Tu look is indifferent, he is gazing at Zhou Yuan, said: Zhou Yuan, these calculates that time you won planned, but you really thought that what you did discard yourself to achieve this to change?” 迦图神色淡然,他注视着周元,道:“周元,这一次算你胜了一筹,不过你真的觉得你舍弃自身做到这一步能够改变什么吗?” „The entire Ancient Origin Heaven's battle is divided into four levels, here is only least significant end, Ancestral Qi that we compete , is also entire Ancient Origin Heaven's 1/5.” “整个古源天的争斗分为四个层次,我们这里只是最低端处而已,我们所争夺的祖气,也不过是整个古源天的五分之一。” In Ancient Origin Heaven's upper level, but also has Nascent Origin Realm, Law Domain Realm, even battle gambling between Saint... in the past, each our Saint Race will plunder to surpass half of Ancestral Qi time, my Saint Race's formidable, is not your despicable ants can compare.” “在古源天的更上层,还有着源婴境,法域境,甚至圣者之间的争斗博弈...在以往的时候,每一次我们圣族都将会掠夺超过一半的祖气,我圣族的强大,不是你们这些卑劣蝼蚁能够相比的。” Moreover, even if your snatched time a lot a point, what's the big deal? A victory, compared with resulting in the accumulation of struggles of my Saint Race a lot of Ancient Origin Heaven?” “而且,就算你们这一次抢得多了一点,那又怎样?一次的胜利,比得过我圣族千百次古源天之争的累积?” Jia Tu shakes the head, brings pitying of aloof and remote: Therefore, even if your time won, what a pity cannot change your ants general position as before.” 迦图摇了摇头,带着一丝高高在上的怜悯:“所以,就算你此次赢了,可惜依旧改变不了你们蝼蚁一般的地位。” Zhou Yuan has not paid attention to his words, the look is still light, he knows that Jia Tu wants to stir up him intentionally. 周元并没有理会他的话语,眼神依旧平淡,他知道迦图想要故意激他。 The person of dying, does not need to respond. 一个将死之人,没必要搭理。 Jia Tu looks at Zhou Yuan to be aloof, curls the lip gently, said: Zhou Yuan, I here, looks at you will also die with me together.” 迦图瞧得周元无动于衷,轻轻撇嘴,道:“周元,我也会在这里,看着你跟我一起死。” Zhou Yuan has not paid attention as before, instead is raised the head comes, he is looking at the Saint Evolving Barrier sky, there has huge black hole appear(ance), the black hole in the shackles nine like dragon shadow exist(ence), that is Ancient Origin Heaven's nine Ancestral Qi main lineage. 周元依旧没有理会,反而是抬起头来,他望着圣衍结界的上空,那里有着巨大的黑洞出现,黑洞在桎梏着九道如龙影般的存在,那是古源天的九条祖气主脉 Looks at that nine main lineage, in the Zhou Yuan's eye has the gloss to emerge. 望着那九条主脉,周元的眼中有着光泽涌现。 At once his withered corners of the mouth pull slightly, have the slightly hoarse sound to resound: Jia Tu, who told you, will I die with you together here?” 旋即他那干枯的嘴角微微一扯,有着略显嘶哑的声音响起:“迦图,谁告诉你,我会跟你一起死在这里?” Jia Tu eye pupil micro, sneers saying: You by flesh and blood, Divine Soul, Origin Qi united, lit wisp of Saint Fire, at this time your fleshly body has bordered on the destruction, what do you also want to insist?” 迦图眼瞳微缩,冷笑道:“你以血肉,神魂,源气合一,点燃了一缕圣火,此时你的肉身已经濒临毁灭,你还想坚持什么?” That is uncertain, one thing, can rescue now my.” Zhou Yuan leisurely said. “那可不一定,有一种东西,现在是能够救我的。”周元悠悠的道 In his eye has a happy expression is looking at that by Saint Evolving Barrier nine Ancestral Qi main lineage that in the giant black hole surrounds, in that he feel ancient material exist(ence) that one type is unable to say a word. 他眼中带着一丝笑意的望着那由圣衍结界所化的巨大黑洞中所困住的九条祖气主脉,在那其中,他感受到了一种无法言语的古老物质的存在 If he has not guessed that wrong, that should be his long-awaited... ancestor dragon blood meat! 如果他没猜错的话,那应该就是他梦寐以求的...祖龙血肉! He does not need too many, so long as, can save from this destruction condition him, but other, but can also take to Yao Yao. 他并不需要太多,只要一点,就能够将他从这种毁灭状态下救下来,而余下的,还能够带给夭夭 He also faint feeling, that so-called ancestor dragon blood meat, perhaps is not a thing that is good to enjoy. 只是,他也隐隐的感觉到,那所谓的祖龙血肉,恐怕也不是什么好消受的东西。 But present he, without many choice. 但现在的他,也没有多少的选择了。 . 呼。 Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, the look becomes cold, next one flickers, his withered form in a countless shocking vision, shoots up to the sky directly suddenly, directly was flushing to that giant black hole. 周元深吸一口气,眼神变得冷冽,下一瞬,他那干枯的身影直接是在无数道震撼的目光中,猛然冲天而起,直接是对着那巨大的黑洞中冲了进去。
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