VY :: Volume #11

#1063: to congratulate Xinsheng

Heaven Abyss' Heavenly Cave entrance. 天渊洞天入口处。 The countless say/way shocks the surprised vision projection to come, sees only void that unceasing to have the gassed thread to infiltrate, these mysterious gassed threads seem like have the extraordinary strength, unexpectedly is directly these shatter light chart barrier splicing piece by piece... 无数道震撼惊疑的目光投射而来,只见得那虚空中不断的有着光丝渗透出来,这些神秘的光丝似乎是具备着非凡的力量,竟然是直接将那些破碎的光图结界一片片的拼接起来... Short several breaths, that is going to break finally light chart barrier, is then covering entirely the light fissure together like this, is seemingly frail, actually stood erect actually firmly. 短短数息间,那本是将要破碎的最后一块光图结界,便是这样布满着淡淡的裂痕,看似脆弱,实则却牢牢屹立了起来。 Is facing this, all Law Domain expert is looks startled to accommodate. 面对着这一幕,各方法域强者都是面露惊容。 The strength on that mysterious gassed thread containing, making them feel the meaning of thick palpitation. 那神秘光丝上所蕴含的力量,令得他们感觉到了浓浓的心悸之意。 This strength, is not Law Domain Realm can have! 这种力量,不是法域境能够拥有的! Is it possible that... 莫非... That can Great Venerable Cang Yuan come finally?! 那位苍渊大尊终于是要现身了吗?! In Heaven Abyss' Heavenly Cave, Chi Jing, Sect Master Xuan Kun they are also because this sudden accident was startled, then each other looking at each other, in the eye has the pleasant surprise with worrying about simultaneous reappearing comes out. 天渊洞天内,郗菁,玄鲲宗主他们也是因为这突如其来的变故惊了一下,然后彼此对视,眼中有着惊喜与担忧同时的浮现出来。 That strength, belongs to Saint inevitably! 那种力量,必然是属于圣者 But if is really Cang Yuan returns, although can solve the bureau of Heaven Abyss Territory's danger, but from some significance, was fell into plan of opposite party. 可如果真的是苍渊归来的话,虽说能够解了天渊域的危难之局,但从某种意义来说,也算是落入了对方的谋划之中。 Therefore this time they, actually the innermost feelings also divide are not clear are willing to see Cang Yuan to come... 所以此时的他们,内心也是分不清楚究竟是不是愿意见到苍渊现身... However this is their issues of these high-level ponders, in Heaven Abyss' Heavenly Cave, that countless people sees this, actually bursts into the slating cheers, that type is survivor of disaster wild with joy, making among this side Heaven and Earth previous these desperate aura sweep away. 不过这是他们这些高层思考的问题,天渊洞天内,那无数人见到这一幕,却是爆发出雷鸣般的欢呼声,那种劫后余生般的狂喜,令得这方天地间先前的那些绝望气息一扫而空。 Zhou Yuan is complexion is also surprised, he also did not determine that this mysterious strength came from the Cang Yuan teacher... 周元也是面色惊疑不定,他同样不确定这股神秘力量是不是来自苍渊师尊... Great Venerable Cang Yuan?” 苍渊大尊么?” golden tower, that Hong Jiuyuan looked at this, the eye pupil is also shrinking shrinking slightly, in the eye has a fearing intent of faint trace to emerge, is facing that Great Venerable prestige, he naturally dreaded. 金塔处,那洪九院望着这一幕,眼瞳也是微微缩了缩,眼中有着一丝丝的惧意涌现,面对着那位大尊的威名,他自然是畏惧。 Continues to attack!” “继续进攻!” However at this time, that Zhao Xiansun ice-cold sound biography hears air-splitting. 不过此时,那赵仙隼冰冷的声音破空传入耳中。 Hong Jiuyuan hearing this, hesitant, but clenches teeth finally, stimulated to movement golden tower. 洪九院闻言,犹豫了一下,但最终还是一咬牙,催动了金塔。 They have achieved this, no matter Great Venerable Cang Yuan does not come presently, they are impossible to receive the hand. 他们都已经做到这一步了,不管苍渊大尊现不现身,他们都不可能收手的。 Bang! 轰隆! Therefore, under the stimulation of movement of Hong Jiuyuan, nine golden tower has more terrifying golden torrent to shoot up to the sky, unites the fearful strength, breaks directly void, was being connected crack light chart bombardment ruthlessly to go by the mysterious ray to that. 于是,在洪九院的催动下,九座金塔有着更为恐怖的金色洪流冲天而起,凝聚起可怕的力量,直接震碎虚空,对着那被神秘光线连接起来裂纹光图狠狠的轰击而去。 But the void deep place, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi surged, formed an only mysterious and profound eye, that eye locked void that light chart was. 而虚空深处,天地源气涌动,形成了一只只神秘而深邃的眼目,那眼目锁定了光图所在的虚空。 Cang Yuan, is your words... that comes!” 苍渊,是你的话...那就现身吧!” Bang! 轰! Vast golden torrent, under the gaze of that countless vision, charged into light chart. 浩瀚的金色洪流,在那无数道目光的注视下,冲向了光图 But also in this flash, light chart barrier front void has space crack tearing slowly together suddenly, a palm springs, that palm is slender, then to that vast torrent racket gently. 而也就是在这一瞬间,光图结界前方的虚空突然有着一道空间裂缝缓缓的撕裂开来,一只手掌从中弹出,那手掌修长白皙,然后对着那浩瀚洪流轻轻的拍去。 Under that vast Origin Qi torrent, that slender palm appears extremely tiny, but why does not know, when its appear(ance), entire void seems trembling. 在那浩瀚源气洪流下,那修长手掌显得极为的渺小,但不知为何,当其出现时,整个虚空仿佛都是在震颤起来。 Buzz! 嗡! The palm claps on golden torrent, that flash, stagnates void. 手掌拍在金色洪流上,那一瞬间,虚空凝滞。 A countless panic-stricken vision then saw that gathered golden torrent of terrifying power, under that tiny palm, directly is unexpectedly ordinary like the gasification, in that short twinkling, changed into trillion luminous spots, dazzling. 紧接着,无数道惊骇的目光便是见到,那汇聚了恐怖力量的金色洪流,竟然是在那渺小的手掌之下,直接是如同气化一般,在那短短瞬息,化为了亿万光点,璀璨夺目。 After the racket breaks to pieces that vast torrent conveniently, that void crack expansion slowly, the form, then from that void goes out together. 在随手拍碎那浩瀚洪流后,那虚空裂缝缓缓的扩大,一道身影,便是自那虚空中走出。 Among Heaven and Earth, the countless vision gathering comes. 天地间,无数目光汇聚而来。 Cang Yuan...” 苍渊...” The void deep place, that several occupying vast aura is also fluctuates. 虚空深处,那数道盘踞的浩渺气息也是波动起来。 You came finally!” “你终于现身了!” Void somewhere, has endless Origin Qi to well up, directly formed a fuzzy form in void faintly, that form is great, almost cannot see the end, but actually sends out the pressure that a command Heaven and Earth is shivering. 虚空某处,有着无尽的源气涌来,直接是在虚空中隐隐的形成了一道模糊的身影,那身影伟岸,几乎是看不见尽头,但却散发着一种令得天地颤抖的威压。 That is Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable! 那是万祖大尊 Words that Cang Yuan comes, then his goal was achieved, then should conduct next step plan! 苍渊现身的话,那么他的目标就达到了,接下来就该进行更下一步的谋划! The line of sight of Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable, penetrating heavily is void, locks the form that in that space crack treads, then... his look seemed appear(ance) instantaneous stagnation. 万祖大尊的视线,穿透重重虚空,锁定那空间裂缝中踏出来的身影,然后...他的神色仿佛是出现了瞬间的凝滞。 Well?!” “咦?!” Several other Great Venerable, makes noise suddenly surprisedly, aura violent fluctuation. 其他数位大尊,也是突然惊疑出声,气息剧烈的波动起来。 Well?!” “咦?!” Among Heaven and Earth, the line of sight of that countless is also some are looking there, included numerous Law Domain expert, publicized mouth gradually. 天地间,那无数的视线也是有些愣愣的望着那里,包括了众法域强者,也是渐渐的张大了嘴巴 Because they saw that say/way treads the space crack form, was not they once familiar Great Venerable Cang Yuan. 因为他们见到,那道踏出空间裂缝的身影,并非是他们曾经熟悉的苍渊大尊 That is a body tall and straight such as the young man of loosen, the male face like the jade, the facial features such as the statue of that carving is ordinary, is emitting the astonishing charm, his corners of the mouth, are hanging the happy expression frequently, completely relaxed. 那是一名身躯挺拔如松的年轻男子,男子面庞如玉,五官如那雕刻的石像一般,散发着惊人的魅力,他的嘴角,时刻挂着笑意,令人心旷神怡。 Especially his behind, at the back of crimson huge bottle gourd, the bottle gourd person is roughly high, has terrifying aura to send out faintly. 特别是他的身后,背着一个赤红大葫芦,葫芦约莫人高,隐隐有着恐怖的气息从中散发出来。 The present person, obviously is not Great Venerable Cang Yuan that everyone anticipates! 眼前之人,显然不是所有人期待的苍渊大尊 Oh, good lively suo.” “哎哟,好热闹的嗦。” Treadons void at the back of the crimson huge bottle gourd man, flexure sent difficultly, the corners of the mouth are hanging saying of happy expression. 背着赤红大葫芦的男子脚踏虚空,挠了挠头发,嘴角挂着笑意的说道。 Among entire Heaven and Earth, a silence. 整个天地间,一片寂静。 Zhou Yuan is somewhat in a daze in this time similarly, he is looking at that mysterious man at a loss, at present this obviously is not the Cang Yuan teacher, is not a teacher, who is this? 周元同样是在此时有些发愣,他茫然的望着那神秘男子,眼前这显然不是苍渊师尊,可不是师尊,这又是何人? He looks to Qin Lian they, discovered they are also somewhat vacant is thinking, they seem like faint feeling somewhat familiar, may not be actually able to recognize it. 他看向秦莲她们,发现她们也是有些茫然的在思索着,她们似乎是隐隐的觉得有些熟悉,可却无法将其认出来。 Zhao Xiansun, Hong Jiuyuan and other Law Domain expert dull is looking at this person, after the moment, in the eye has the unbelievable shock to emerge: He... he is...” 赵仙隼,洪九院法域强者呆呆的望着此人,片刻后,眼中有着难以置信的震惊涌现出来:“他...他是...” Big... Big Senior Brother?!” “大...大师兄?!” Chi Jing stared in a big way the eye, the sound somewhat shivered. 郗菁瞪大了眼睛,声音都是有些颤抖起来。 Although that carries the crimson bottle gourd man somewhat to be slightly different from the beforehand makings, but Chi Jing after identifying moment, after all identified it under that familiar aura. 虽说那背着赤红葫芦的男子跟以前的气质稍微有些不同,但郗菁在辨认了片刻后,终归还是在那熟悉的气息下将其辨认了出来。 Zhuan Zhu?!” 颛烛?!” Nearby Sect Master Xuan Kun they similarly are dumbfounded, because of this person, precisely Great Venerable Cang Yuan's big disciple, that is missing for a long time Zhuan Zhu! 一旁的玄鲲宗主他们同样是目瞪口呆,因为这人,正是苍渊大尊的大弟子,那位失踪许久的颛烛 Their how didn't expect, comes in this Heaven Abyss Territory most danger time, unexpectedly is not Great Venerable Cang Yuan, but is Zhuan Zhu! 他们怎么都没想到,在这天渊域最为危难时刻现身的,竟然不是苍渊大尊,而是颛烛 Whish! 哗! The Heaven Abyss Territory trillion lives in an uproar, they also under the directions of some seniors, recognized the status of coming the person, but they are also somewhat are disturbed, because comes the person is not Great Venerable Cang Yuan, the present crisis, this is missing many years of Great Venerable big disciple, can solve? 天渊域亿万生灵哗然,他们同样是在一些前辈的指点下,认出了来人的身份,但紧接着他们又是有些忐忑起来,因为来人不是苍渊大尊,如今的危局,这位失踪多年的大尊大弟子,难道能够解决得了? Zhuan Zhu, unexpectedly is you!” 颛烛,竟然是你!” In the Zhao Xiansun surprised eye some gloomy appear, why does not know, from this time Zhuan Zhu, he detected that discomforting aura, this once old opponent, closed up for many years, before Zhao Xiansun even thought him already die. 赵仙隼惊疑的眼中有些阴沉浮现,不知道为何,从此时的颛烛身上,他察觉到了一种令人不安的气息,这个曾经的老对手,闭关多年,之前赵仙隼甚至都以为他已经陨落 But the present, this fellow is not such. 但眼下来看,这家伙并非如此。 Attacks him!” His vision glittering, direct sound transmission gives Hong Jiuyuan. “攻击他!”他目光闪烁,直接传音洪九院 Although previously Zhuan Zhu seemed like displayed the extremely terrifying strength, but that not necessarily was not the Cang Yuan method... certain things, Zhao Xiansun is not willing to think deeply, cannot believe. 虽说先前颛烛似乎是展现了极为恐怖的力量,但那未必不是苍渊的手段...某些事情,赵仙隼不愿意去深思,也不太敢相信。 Hong Jiuyuan hears sound transmission, almost stimulates to movement the strengths of nine golden tower immediately again, because he is to confirm certain things similarly. 洪九院听到传音,几乎是立即再度催动九座金塔的力量,因为他同样是想要确认某些事情。 However, when nine golden tower revolves crazily, that is located in void on Zhuan Zhu seems like has induced, his vision pierces void looks, at once smiles, stretches out a slender palm pressure gently. 不过,就当九座金塔疯狂运转的时候,那位于虚空上的颛烛似乎是有所感应,他目光洞穿虚空的看下,旋即笑了笑,伸出修长手掌轻轻的一压。 Bang! 轰! Void seems like in this time crashes. 虚空似乎是在此时崩塌。 Bang! 轰隆! Again then, Zhao Xiansun, Hong Jiuyuan and other Law Domain expert then ice cold sight all over the body, their behind golden tower, caves in this time directly loudly, short several breaths, golden tower that is intended to refine by Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable, then by pressure gold/metal cakes... 再然后,赵仙隼,洪九院法域强者便是通体冰寒的见到,他们身后的金塔,直接是在此时轰然塌陷,短短数息,那由万祖大尊出手炼制的金塔,便是被生生的压成了一道道金饼... At this moment, Zhao Xiansun they are in the heart have to ascend frightened. 这一刻,就连赵仙隼他们都是心中有着恐惧升腾起来。 appear(ance) that because they most cannot believe... 因为他们最不敢相信的一幕出现了... After the pressure exploded nine golden tower conveniently, Zhuan Zhu raise one's head is looking at the void deep place, said with a smile: Several seniors, but also please come.” 在随手压爆了九座金塔后,颛烛抬头望着虚空深处,笑道:“几位前辈,还请现身。” The void deep place fluctuates slightly, the next quarter, countless people is sight that shocks, that void has the vast Origin Qi gathering to come, changed into eight forms gradually. 虚空深处微微波动,下一刻,无数人便是震撼的见到,那虚空中有浩瀚源气汇聚而来,渐渐的化为了八道身影。 That eight forms stand erect void, when they come, entire Heaven and Earth is shivering, just like is unable to withstand that strength. 那八道身影屹立虚空,当他们现身时,整个天地都是在颤抖,犹如是无法承受那种力量。 That is Great Venerable of eight territories! 那是八域的大尊 Entire Primordial Heaven most formidable exist(ence)! 整个混元天最为强大存在 Today, unexpectedly simultaneously appear(ance)! 今日,竟然同时出现了! The vision that a countless projection comes, has the thick awe. 无数道投射而来的目光,都是带着浓浓的敬畏。 However Eight Great Venerables has not paid attention to these vision, but is staring at the Zhuan Zhu form, they did not say a word, but in that has radiance in glittering, as if similarly is confirming anything. 不过八位大尊并未理会这些目光,而是盯着颛烛的身影,他们一言不发,但那眼中,却是有着光芒闪烁,似乎同样是在确认着什么。 But Zhuan Zhu also understands that their thoughts, show a faint smile immediately, the next quarter, his crown of the head place, has aura together to ascend, aura condenses, finally changed into Saint Lotus, blooms slowly. 颛烛也明白他们的心思,当即微微一笑,下一刻,他的天灵盖处,有着一道气息升腾起来,气息凝聚,最后化为了一朵圣莲,冉冉绽放。 When that Saint Lotus appear(ance), Heaven and Earth sounds together, Origin Qi surges, formed the countless Heaven and Earth phenomenon on void unexpectedly, just like is congratulating anything. 那朵圣莲出现时,天地齐鸣,源气涌动,竟是在虚空上形成了无数天地异象,犹如是在恭贺着什么。 Among Heaven and Earth the life is shocking at this moment. 天地间生灵在此刻震撼。 But void Eight Great Venerables, is the body shakes slightly, their static looks at Saint Lotus of Zhuan Zhu crown of the head place to bloom, the look is all different. 而虚空中的八位大尊,也是身躯微微一震,他们静静的望着颛烛天灵盖处的圣莲绽放,神色皆是有所不同。 But finally, the Eight Great Venerables single-handed vertical stroke before the body, nods slightly, is good that most ancient times formality. 但最终,八位大尊单手竖于身前,微微颔首,行着那最为远古的礼节。 to congratulate Xinsheng.” “贺新圣。” That instant, has mighty bell sound to resound through entire Primordial Heaven greatly. 那一霎,有洪钟大吕声响彻整个混元天
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