VS :: Volume #20

#1961: We are invincible, you are optional!

Hears the words of old man, below every gorge and the others the look is to all become the non- nature. 听到老者的话,下方的凡涧等人神色皆是变得不自然。 Resources! 资源! Originally, they think that they have stood in this piece of universe most peak, but looking back now, their ideas are very naive! 原来,他们以为他们已经站在这片宇宙的最顶端,但现在看来,他们这个想法真的很幼稚! The world powerhouses are more, but they cannot contact! 世界强者很多很多,只是他们接触不到! Like the common custom, you thinks that you are very rich? 就像世俗之中,你以为你很有钱? As everyone knows, what rich many are! 殊不知,有钱的多的是! The people, leave forever are too serious oneself. 人,永远别太把自己当回事。 At that time in the spatial channel, snowy mountain king laughed to say suddenly: You do not give, I then bring on oneself!” 那时空通道之中,雪山王突然大笑道:“你不给,那我便自取!” The sound falls, he disappears in suddenly same place, a powerful strength sweeps across from the field in! 声音落下,他突然消失在原地,一股强大的力量自场中席卷而过! Before stone door, the old man is unemotional, lifting the hand fiercely toward below is a pressure! 石门前,老者面无表情,抬手猛地朝下就是一压! Bang! 轰! In everyone's vision, the person's shadow crashes from the horizon together straightly. 在所有人的目光之中,一道人影自天际笔直坠落。 Snowy mountain king! 正是雪山王! After snowy mountain king Ting gets down, the space and time changes to the nihility directly! 雪山王停下来之后,身后一片时空直接化作虚无! Sees this, in the field everyone look is to all become dignified! 见到这一幕,场中所有人神色皆是变得凝重起来! Obviously, the opponent of this snowy mountain king not that old man! 很显然,这雪山王并不是那老者的对手! This old man strong? 这老者有多强? Under, Ye Xuan looked at a that old man, some eggs hurt! 下方,叶玄看了一眼那老者,有些蛋疼! Was today? 今天是怎么了? How do so many super powerhouses come out? 怎么这么多超级强者出来? Before stone door, the old man is overlooking below snowy mountain king, in the eye full is the indifferent color, ants shake the tree!” 石门前,老者俯视着下方的雪山王,眼中满是冷漠之色,“蝼蚁撼树!” The snowy mountain king laughs, comes again!” 雪山王哈哈一笑,“再来!” The sound falls, he disappears suddenly on the spot. 声音落下,他突然消失在原地。 Before stone door, the old man brow wrinkles, the next quarter, his eyes shut, the cross arm keeps off. 石门前,老者眉头皱起,下一刻,他双眼微闭,横臂一挡。 Bang! 轰隆! The people have not responded, a powerful strength bang above that old man arm, the old man draws back several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) far continually, but he just stopped, the person's shadow from in the air falls together straightly. 众人还未反应过来,一股强大的力量轰在那老者手臂之上,老者连退数万丈之远,而他刚一停下来,一道人影自空中笔直落下。 The old men raise the head fiercely, he is just about to act, but that snowy mountain king disappears suddenly does not see. 老者猛地抬头,他正要出手,而那雪山王突然消失不见。 The old man brow slightly wrinkle, in the eye flashes through wipes dignifiedly, above domination space and time......” 老者眉头微皱,眼中闪过一抹凝重,“凌驾时空之上......” At this time, the old man eye pupil shrank suddenly, sees only around him the space and time to crash suddenly annihilates! 这时,老者眼瞳骤然一缩,只见他四周时空突然间崩塌湮灭! Bang! 轰! The old man violent draws back ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) far again! 老者再次暴退万丈之远! After stopping, in the old man eyes flashes through wipes fiercely, he faces forward to tread one step, then a fist rumbles fiercely! 停下来后,老者眼中闪过一抹狰狞,他朝前踏出一步,然后猛地一拳轰出! Bang! 轰隆! In front of him that space and time boils directly, is shatter! 他面前的那片时空直接沸腾起来,然后破碎! However, the snowy mountain king does not have in that space and time! 但是,雪山王并不存在那片时空之中! The old man brow wrinkles again, he swept around one, at this time, fist seal appeared without the indication before him together, the old man response is extremely quick, fist seal just a appearance, he was a fist rumbled! 老者眉头再次皱起,他扫了一眼四周,这时,一道拳印毫无征兆出现在他面前,老者反应极快,拳印刚一出现,他便是一拳轰出! Bang! 轰隆! Fist seal was been directly broken by his fist bang! 拳印直接被他这一拳轰碎! But at this time, the old man turned around suddenly, a palm patted fiercely. 而这时,老者突然转身,猛地一掌拍下。 Bang! 轰! The surrounding area the space and time within hundreds of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) annihilates directly! 方圆数十万丈内的时空直接湮灭! Under, Ye Xuan and the others complexion big change, in abundance suddenly/violently to retreat. Obviously, this old man to kill snowy mountain king, fundamentally, no matter this piece of life that buries the territory! 下方,叶玄等人脸色大变,纷纷暴退。很显然,这老者为了杀雪山王,根本不管这片葬域的死活! After Ye Xuan and the others fell back on hundreds of thousands of zhang (3.33 m), that snowy mountain king to appear beyond old man front thousand zhang (3.33 m), the old man corners of the mouth exude to wipe the ridicule, you think that you dominated the space and time, can kill me? Really laughable!” 叶玄等人退到数十万丈之后,那雪山王出现在了老者面前千丈外处,老者嘴角泛起一抹讥讽,“你以为你凌驾了时空,就能杀我吗?真是可笑!” Saying, him is facing forward to tread one step, these step treads, is centered on his, all around all space and times start to burn unexpectedly! 说着,他朝前踏出一步,这一步踏出,以他脚下为中心,四周所有时空竟然开始燃烧起来! Sees this, distant place Ye Xuan and the others in the complexion changes instantaneously, this old man, no matter buries the territory life! 见到这一幕,远处的叶玄等人脸色瞬间大变,这老头是真的不管葬域死活啊! Hits, will bury the territory to be hit not to have directly! 这么打下去,葬域会直接被打没的! The distant place, the snowy mountain king sudden palm spreads out, in a flash, the illusory ice shield appears before him at the same time, this ice shield just a appearance, together fist seal direct bang to! 远处,雪山王突然掌心摊开,一瞬间,一面虚幻的冰盾出现在他面前,这面冰盾刚一出现,一道拳印直接轰至! Bang! 轰隆! That god territory that the snowy mountain king is direct, snowy mountain king Baotui to several thousand zhang (3.33 m) beyond, but he just stopped, the old man appears before him again! 雪山王所在的那片神域直接破碎,雪山王暴退至数千丈之外,而他刚一停下,那老者再次出现在他面前! In snowy mountain king Yan flashes through wipes the vicious tendencies, he does not draw back instead to enter, faces forward to tread one step, then a fist rumbles! 雪山王眼中闪过一抹戾气,他不退反进,朝前踏出一步,然后一拳轰出! Bang! 轰隆! The snowy mountain king was infiltrated in a mysterious space and time abyss directly, at the same time, the surrounding area the space and time within several million zhang (3.33 m) turns into a darkness directly, not only that the strength remaining prestige of old man and snowy mountain king still in shakes to go toward all around unceasingly! 雪山王直接被打入一片神秘时空深渊之中,与此同时,方圆数百万丈内的时空直接变成一片漆黑,不仅如此,老者与雪山王的力量余威还在不断朝着四周震荡而去! Entire buries the territory to cause heavy losses directly! 整个葬域直接被重创! Sees this, the every gorge and ancient of distant place worried that and the others the complexion is becomes ugly! 见到这一幕,远处的凡涧与古愁等人脸色皆是变得难看! Actually, no matter every gorge and the others are wicked the clan, does not hope that this piece of universe was extinguished, because of this piece of universe to them, is the family/home! 其实,不管是凡涧等人还是恶族,都不希望这片宇宙被灭的,因为这片宇宙对他们而言,就是家! Therefore, before the snowy mountain king and ancient worried the war, two people were enter in the remote space and time world! 因此,之前雪山王与古愁大战时,两人都是进入遥远的时空世界之中! But now, this old man played, how long cannot want, this will bury the territory by the thorough destruction! 而现在,这老者这么玩,要不了多久,这葬域就会被彻底覆灭! At this time, ancient worry looked suddenly to Ye Xuan, he hesitant, then said: leaf brother, whether to assist I to guard this space and time?” 这时,古愁突然看向叶玄,他犹豫了下,然后道:“叶兄,可否相助我镇守这片时空?” Ye Xuan looked at a that with the old man who the snowy mountain king fights, „, if they do not call a halt, we cannot guard!” 叶玄看了一眼那与雪山王交手的老者,“如果他们不停手,我们镇守不下来!” ancient worries silent. 古愁沉默。 Although the azure profound sword in Ye Xuan hand can restore the space and time, but, such as Ye Xuan said that if this snowy mountain king and old man do not call a halt, even if they have the azure profound sword unable to defend this to bury the territory! 虽然叶玄手中的青玄剑可以修复时空,但是,如叶玄所说,如果这雪山王与老者不停手,他们即使有青玄剑也守不住这葬域! At this moment, the snowy mountain king in distant place stopped suddenly, he looks to the old man, changes a place?” 就在这时,远处的雪山王突然停了下来,他看向老者,“换个地方?” Obviously, he does not want to destroy this to bury the territory! 显然,他也不想毁灭了这葬域! The old men ridiculed: Why can I change a place with you?” 老者讥讽道:“我为何要与你换个地方?” The snowy mountain king brow slightly wrinkle, between I and you fight , there is nothing to do with others!” 雪山王眉头微皱,“我与你之间的战斗,与别人无关!” The old men sneer, cannot look, the snowy mountain king are you one benevolent generation? As far as I know, you to be achieved another level by yourself, does not hesitate to plunder entire buries the resources of territory to use for oneself, how, now actually produces the pity to this piece of universe life? Don't you find it very ridiculous?” 老者冷笑,“看不出来,雪山王你还是一个仁慈之辈?据我所知,你为了让自己达到另一个层次,不惜掠夺整个葬域的资源为己所用,怎么,现在却对这片宇宙生灵产生了怜悯之心?你不觉得很可笑吗?” The snowy mountain king looks at the old man, you want to extinguish this piece to bury the territory!” 雪山王看着老者,“你想灭这片葬域!” The old man corners of the mouth exude to wipe sneer, you guessed right!” 老者嘴角泛起抹一冷笑,“你猜对了!” The sound falls, he faces forward to tread one step, these step treads, terrifying aura sweeps across from his within the body suddenly, in a flash, the trim buried the territory space and time to boil directly! 声音落下,他朝前踏出一步,这一步踏出,一股恐怖的气息突然自他体内席卷而出,一瞬间,整片葬域时空直接沸腾了起来! Sees this, ancient worry of distant place and the others the complexion all sank! 见到这一幕,远处的古愁等人脸色皆是沉了下来! This old man really wants the destruction entire to bury the territory! 这老者是真的要覆灭整个葬域! At this time, ancient worry of distant place said suddenly: Your excellency, it is necessary the destruction entire does bury the territory?” 这时,远处的古愁突然道:“阁下,有必要覆灭整个葬域吗?” The old men coldly looked at ancient worry, wants to extinguish extinguishes, did you have the issue?” 老者冷冷看了一眼古愁,“想灭就灭,你有问题吗?” ancient worried look wrinkles, old man, I told you, you extinguished us not to relate, but, here but you could not offend, if you want to be clear!” 古愁眉头皱起,“老头,我告诉你,你灭我们没有关系,但是,这里可是有一个你得罪不起的,你要想清楚!” The old men ridiculed: „Can't I offend? Are you chatting?” 老者讥讽道:“我得罪不起的?你是在说笑吗?” ancient worries to point at Ye Xuan suddenly, gets angry: My leaf brother here, you how dare hurriedly?” 古愁突然指着叶玄,怒道:“我叶兄在此,你岂敢造次?” hears word, the Ye Xuan both eyes circle opens the eyes, the lying trough, what meaning does worry your? What your his mother is drawing the hatred to me? 闻言,叶玄双目圆睁,卧槽,古愁你什么意思?你他娘的是在给我拉仇恨吗? The old men look to Ye Xuan, when sees Ye Xuan, his brow wrinkles slightly, you......” 老者看向叶玄,当看到叶玄时,他眉头微微皱起,“你......” ancient worries to say hastily: This is my leaf brother, now first strong two...... the first talent! Do not blame me not to remind you, if you dare to move him, your forehead may insert a sword suddenly!” 古愁连忙道:“这是我叶兄,当今第一强二......第一天才!别怪我没提醒你,你若敢动他,你脑门可能会突然插一柄剑!” Ye Xuan: „......” 叶玄:“......” People: „......” 众人:“......” The old men look at Ye Xuan, after the moment, his sinking sound said ; Why my pair of you have to kill to read, will then feel a crisis?” 老者看着叶玄,片刻后,他沉声道;“为何我一对你有杀念,便会感受到一丝危机?” Ye Xuan hesitant, will speak, ancient worry suddenly appears before him, ancient worry looks at Ye Xuan, held holding the fist in the other hand, leaf brother, you called my ancient brother before, I called your leaf brother, in other words, we were the brothers, was not only brothers, my some incident requested, you won't reject?” 叶玄犹豫了下,正要说话,古愁突然出现在他面前,古愁看着叶玄,抱了抱拳,“叶兄,你之前叫我古兄,我叫你叶兄,也就是说,我们是兄弟,既是兄弟,那我有一事相求,你不会拒绝吧?” Ye Xuan whole face heavy line, you......” 叶玄满脸黑线,“你......” ancient worried to pat a Ye Xuan shoulder suddenly, said with a smile: I know, you will definitely not reject!” 古愁突然拍了一下叶玄肩膀,笑道:“我知道,你肯定不会拒绝!” Saying, him is not waiting for Ye Xuan to speak, brings the azure profound sword in Ye Xuan hand, then the next quarter, he disappears in same place, appears again, in the front of that old man, he azure profound sword will have handed in front of that old man, said with a smile: Your excellency, I know you to be very strong, but, do you dare with making the person of this sword compare?” 说着,他不等叶玄说话,就将叶玄手中的青玄剑拿了过来,然后下一刻,他消失在原地,再次出现时,已经在那老者的面前,他将青玄剑递到那老者面前,笑道:“阁下,我知你很强,但是,你敢与造此剑之人比一下吗?” The old men looked at a azure profound sword, then said with a smile: What's wrong, are you threatening me?” 老者看了一眼青玄剑,然后笑道:“怎么,你是在威胁我吗?” ancient worries to show a faint smile, does not dare!” 古愁微微一笑,“不敢!” The old men look at ancient worry, my truth said with you, is not I must extinguish your piece of universes, but is above must extinguish your piece of universes, because of the appearance of snowy mountain king, making them feel a crisis! Although is only one, but, they do not think in the future, this piece of universe presents a more powerful person! Do you understand?” 老者看着古愁,“我实话与你说,并非是我要灭你们这片宇宙,而是上面要灭你们这片宇宙,因为雪山王的出现,让他们感受到了一丝危机!虽然只是一丝,但是,他们不想未来以后这片宇宙出现更强大的人!你懂?” After ancient worries the silent moment, said: I understand!” 古愁沉默片刻后,道:“我懂!” The old men referred to below Ye Xuan, then said: You said so many with me, wants to let me intentionally in view of him, obviously, this youngster is not very simple! But what you do not know, he does not jump over simply, he more damn! Because above will not make any different kind appear!” 老者指了指下方的叶玄,然后道:“你方才与我说那么多,是想故意让我针对他,很显然,这少年不简单!但你并不知道的是,他越不简单,他就越该死!因为上面不会让任何异类出现!” Ye Xuan: „......” 叶玄:“......” After ancient worries the silent moment, he looks to Ye Xuan, smiles bitterly and astringently, leaf brother, this say/way of attire compelling, I, will really not be inferior that yourself come!” 古愁沉默片刻后,他看向叶玄,苦涩一笑,“叶兄,这装逼之道,我实在不会,不如你自己来吧!” Then, he took the azure profound sword to return to the Ye Xuan front, said ; Sorry, I want to save my clansman, therefore wants to drag down you, but looking back now, you do not need me to draw the hatred to you, you, bring the hatred...... I also very to worry inborn, but saw that he must make you, I am suddenly unhurried! Hehe......” 说完,他拿着青玄剑回到了叶玄的面前,又道;“抱歉,我想救我的族人,所以才想把你拉下水,但现在看来,你根本不需要我给你拉仇恨,你这人,天生自带仇恨......本来我还挺担忧的,但看到他要弄你,我突然不慌了!嘿嘿......” Ye Xuan: „......” 叶玄:“......” At this time, the old man fell the vision on Ye Xuan, even the snowy mountain king, still without letting me felt the danger, but you can actually make me feel the danger, the youngster, why can you tell me this are?” 这时,那老者将目光落在了叶玄身上,“即使是雪山王,也没有让我感受到危险,但你却能够让我感受到危险,少年,你能告诉我这是为什么吗?” After Ye Xuan silent moment, said: I not with you for the idea of enemy!” 叶玄沉默片刻后,道:“我没有与你们为敌的想法!” The old men look at Ye Xuan, can we want you to refuse stubbornly to be possible?” 老者看着叶玄,“可我们非要你死不可呢?” Ye Xuan is somewhat puzzled, because I did make you feel a danger?” 叶玄有些不解,“就因为我让你们感受到了一丝危险?” The old men nod, we do not allow any to threaten our people to exist! Shuts off the talent in the cradle, this truth, don't you understand?” 老者点头,“我们不允许任何能够威胁到我们的人存在!将天才扼杀在摇篮中,这个道理,你明白不?” Ye Xuan looks at the old man, said, you can kill me?” 叶玄看着老者,“这么说,你非要杀我?” The old men said: Yes, because we do not want the second snowy mountain king to appear again!” 老者道:“是的,因为我们不想再有第二个雪山王出现!” Ye Xuan sighed in a low voice, you very reasoned with!” 叶玄低声一叹,“你们好不讲理!” The old men said: You called the person!” 老者道:“你叫人吧!” Saying, him, was saying with a smile: Right, you shouted, to call many casually, we were invincible, you were optional!” 说着,他顿了顿,笑道:“对了,你随便叫,叫多少都可以,我们无敌,你随意!” Ye Xuan: „......” 叶玄:“......” ... ...
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