VS :: Volume #20

#1959: Assigns above the knowledge!

Heard the Ye Xuan words, the snow exquisite radical collapse! 听到叶玄的话,雪玲珑彻底崩溃了! This fellow is really a big loyal son! 这家伙真的是一个大孝子! At this moment, the space in field shivers suddenly! 就在这时,场中的空间突然间颤动起来! Sees this, in the field everyone complexion changes! 见到这一幕,场中所有人脸色为之一变! Has the war of this ancient worry and snowy mountain king, affected this realistic space and time? 这古愁与雪山王的大战,已经影响到这片现实时空了? At this moment, in the field the space and time unexpectedly is ordinary just like a burnt paper, bit by bit is reduced to ashes! 就在这时,场中时空竟然宛如一张被燃烧的纸一般,一点一点化为灰烬! Everyone complexion big change! 所有人脸色大变! If ancient worry and snowy mountain king to appear in this space and time, their wars can destroy absolutely entire buried the territory! 如果古愁与雪山王出现在这片时空,那他们两人的大战绝对可以毁了整个葬域! Because two people strengths were really terrifying! 因为两人的力量实在是太恐怖了! Buries the territory unable to withstand two people strengths! 葬域根本承受不住两人的力量! At this time, the every gorge of horizon said suddenly: Defends this space and time!” 这时,天际的凡涧突然道:“守住这片时空!” The sound falls, her palm spreads out, the innumerable sword light depart from her palm, these sword light submerge in all around space and time, then reinforces in the field these space and times! 声音落下,她掌心摊开,无数剑光自她掌心之中飞出,这些剑光没入四周时空之中,然后加固场中那些时空! martial Lingmu and the others also make a move immediately, in abundance reinforcement this space and time! 武灵牧等人也是立即出手,纷纷加固这片时空! Obviously, they do not think that this buries the territory to be ruined! 显然,他们并不想这葬域就这么被毁掉! In every gorge and the others under the reinforcement, in the field these space and times start to return to normal, but shortly, all around space and time starts to shiver, and is cracked gradually! 在凡涧等人的加固下,场中那些时空开始恢复正常,但没多久,四周时空又开始颤动起来,并且渐渐龟裂! Every gorge brow wrinkled, resembling thinks of anything, she looks to Ye Xuan of not far away, „, if this place space and time was shattered, at their strengths, once divulges here, we are definitely all right, but you are uncertain!” 凡涧眉头皱了起来,似是想到什么,她看向不远处的叶玄,“若是此地时空破碎,以他们两人的力量,一旦泄露到这里,我们肯定没事,但你就不一定了!” Ye Xuan: „......” 叶玄:“......” Every gorge also said: This buries the territory to be stave, does not have the fault to you, not?” 凡涧又道:“这葬域破碎,对你没有坏处,不是吗?” Ye Xuan sinking sound said: Every gorge miss, I assign/life the body boundary!” 叶玄沉声道:“凡涧姑娘,我才命体境啊!” Every gorge and the others were speechless! 凡涧等人无语! At this time, you know that you are the life body boundary? 这个时候,你知道你是命体境呢? Every gorge sinking sound said: Your sword!” 凡涧沉声道:“你的剑!” Azure profound sword! 青玄剑! Ye Xuan looked at azure profound sword in a hand, he does not have to think, then the palm spreads out, the azure profound sword flies into the horizon, the next quarter, all around space and time direct shivers fiercely, under everyone's gaze, the space and time of all around these crack bit by bit recovered unexpectedly! 叶玄看了一眼手中的青玄剑,他没有多想,然后掌心摊开,青玄剑飞入天际,下一刻,四周时空直接剧烈颤动起来,在所有人的注视下,四周那些原本龟裂的时空竟然一点一点复原! Sees this, martial Lingmu and the others in the eye all flashes through a shock! 见到这一幕,武灵牧等人眼中皆是闪过一丝震惊! Every gorge said suddenly: Can have a look taking advantage of me?” 凡涧突然道:“可以借我看看吗?” Ye Xuan looks to every gorge, every gorge said: Has a look!” 叶玄看向凡涧,凡涧道:“就看看!” Ye Xuan nods, good!” 叶玄点头,“好!” Saying, his intention is moving, the azure profound sword flies the front of every gorge. 说着,他心念一动,青玄剑飞到凡涧的面前。 Every gorge puts out a hand to grip the azure profound sword, she is looking at the azure profound sword in hand, for a long time, she looks to Ye Xuan, you did not fear that I did borrow not also?” 凡涧伸手握住青玄剑,她就那么看着手中的青玄剑,许久后,她看向叶玄,“你不怕我借了不还吗?” Ye Xuan laughs, every gorge miss, you cannot!” 叶玄哈哈一笑,“凡涧姑娘,你不会的!” Every gorge asked that why?” 凡涧笑问,“为何?” Ye Xuan looks at every gorge, „, because you are a sword cultivate/repair! Our sword cultivates the arrogance that the sword cultivates, this dirty/small error behavior, even if you die, you will not do!” 叶玄看着凡涧,“因为你是一名剑修!我们剑修有剑修的傲气,这种龌蹉行为,就算你死,你也不会做的!” Every gorge looks at Ye Xuan, did not speak. 凡涧看着叶玄,不说话。 Ye Xuan also said: Every gorge miss, can I consult two issues to you?” 叶玄又道:“凡涧姑娘,我可以向你请教两个问题吗?” After every gorge silent moment, the palm spreads out, the azure profound sword flies back to Ye Xuan in front, asked!” 凡涧沉默片刻后,掌心摊开,青玄剑飞回到叶玄面前,“问!” Ye Xuan receives the azure profound sword, then said: What boundary does swordsmanship have a minute/share of?” 叶玄收起青玄剑,然后道:“剑道还有分什么境界吗?” Every gorge looks at Ye Xuan, „don't you know?” 凡涧看着叶玄,“你不知道吗?” Ye Xuan shakes the head. 叶玄摇头。 Every gorge referred to the azure profound sword, this sword infinitely subtle, makes the person of this sword, the swordsmanship attainments above me, why not did you ask her?” 凡涧指了指青玄剑,“此剑奥妙无穷,造此剑之人,剑道造诣在我之上,你何不问她?” Ye Xuan said with a smile: „To ask you!” 叶玄笑道:“就想问问你!” He also wants to ask azure, but, he feared that was attacked! 他也想问青儿,但是,他怕被打击! If by some chance azure comes the sentence not to discuss this low level issue, oneself may 万一青儿来句不讨论这种低级问题,那自己可 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) Hurt on the egg! 就蛋疼了! After every gorge silent moment, said: Actually, simply does not have the so-called boundary! A swordsmanship way, ever changing, the swordsmanship that each sword cultivates is different! If must make what boundary to come out, was equal to limit the sword to cultivate/repair. In my opinion, without the boundary sword cultivates, is a genuine sword cultivates, because he does not take others' road, he was not limited by others in the frame, the heart of his swordsmanship is free, rather than being fettered, yes?” 凡涧沉默片刻后,道:“其实,根本没有所谓的境界!剑道一途,千变万化,每一个剑修的剑道都是不同的!如果非要弄个什么境界出来,等同限制了剑修。在我看来,没有境界的剑修,才是一个真正的剑修,因为他不走别人的路,他不被别人限制在框架里,他的剑道之心是自由的,而不是被束缚着的,明白?” Ye Xuan is silent, in the heart somewhat shocks! 叶玄沉默,心中有些震撼! Does not have the boundary sword to cultivate/repair, is a genuine sword cultivates! 没有境界的剑修,才是一个真正的剑修! Boundary? 境界? He listened to azure saying that the so-called boundary, was actually others' one fetters to certain people! 他听青儿说过,所谓的境界,其实就是别人对某些人的一种束缚! Why can take others' road? 为何要走别人的路? Naturally, this world is this, goes to others to pass through the road that certainly wants to be simpler, because must little take many tortuous paths! 当然,这个世界就是这样,去走别人走过的路,肯定要简单一些,因为要少走许多弯路! However, some people, they never go to others' road, but is explores, takes own road. 但是,有一些人,他们从不去走别人的路,而是自己去探索,走自己的路。 At this time, every gorge continued saying: Your swordsmanship actually does not have the issue, in your age, belongs is quite rare! Just, now what because you face is we, therefore, you thought that you are very weak! But you have not thought that we lived at least ten million years! But you? You are about hundred years, why can you compare with us? You must be clear, otherwise, you can live is very tired!” 这时,凡涧继续道:“你的剑道其实并没有问题,在你这个年纪,已经属于极为难得了!只不过,因为现在你面对的是我们,所以,你觉得自己很弱!可你并未想过,我们可是活了至少千万年!而你呢?你不过百年时间,你为何要与我们比?你要清楚一点,不然,你会活的很累!” After Ye Xuan silent moment, slight nod, many thanks!” 叶玄沉默片刻后,微微点头,“多谢!” Actually, he discovered, his some demons bonded! 其实,他发现,他有些魔障了! He before and snow said exquisite, the person do not compare, but, he has not achieved this point that oneself said! 他之前与雪玲珑说,人不要与人比,但是,他还是没有做到自己说的这一点! He wants to grow stronger! 他想变强! Such as at this moment, facing every gorge and the others, his Ye Xuan can say that is very weak, he does not like this feeling! However, such as every gorge said why oneself does go to compare with them? 就如此刻,面对凡涧等人,他叶玄可以说就是很弱,他不喜欢这种感觉!但是,如凡涧所说,自己凭什么去与她们比? Oneself cultivation for hundred years, but others cultivated at least ten million years, why do oneself go to compare with others? 自己不过修炼才百年,而人家修炼了至少千万年,自己凭什么去与人家比? The people, must know! 人,要有自知啊! Read hence, Ye Xuan shook the head smiles, the heart knot opened, the whole person was refreshing! 念至此,叶玄摇头一笑,心结打开,整个人神清气爽! But at this time, the azure profound sword in his hand shivered suddenly, at the same time, his within the body also erupted together the terrifying aura. 而这时,他手中的青玄剑突然颤动起来,与此同时,他体内也爆发出一道恐怖气息。 Ye Xuan is shocked, is this must break through? 叶玄愣住,自己这是要突破吗? In the field the people are also shocked, did this fellow break through unexpectedly? 场中众人也是愣住,这家伙居然突破了? The horizon, every gorge looks at Ye Xuan, without the speech, in the heart is actually somewhat shocking. 天际,凡涧看着叶玄,没有说话,心中其实是有些震惊的。 This fellow is seemingly gaudy, the perception also is extremely actually high , Ye Xuan will not the most important thing is bore tip of cows horn, this is most fearful! 这家伙看似花里胡哨,实则悟性也极高,最重要的是,叶玄不会钻牛角尖,这才是最可怕的! A person, making a mistake was unimportant, but if refuses stubbornly to admit mistakes, bores tip of cows horn, this person, either is a peerless talent, either is a peerless fool! 一个人,错了不要紧,但若是死不认错,钻牛角尖,这种人,要么就是一个绝世天才,要么就是一个绝世傻逼! Under everyone's gaze, Ye Xuan within the body that swordsmanship aura is getting stronger and stronger, not only his aura is getting stronger and stronger, the aura of azure profound sword is also stronger and stronger! 在所有人的注视下,叶玄体内那道剑道气息越来越强,不仅他的气息越来越强,青玄剑的气息也是越来越强! Every gorge and the others look suddenly to the azure profound sword, looks at the azure profound sword, martial Lingmu the brow slightly wrinkle, „does this fellow swordsmanship promotion, what relations have with this sword? Does it follow to promote?” 凡涧等人突然看向青玄剑,看着青玄剑,武灵牧眉头微皱,“这家伙剑道提升,跟这剑有什么关系?它怎么也跟着提升?” After every gorge silent moment, said: This sword is not the promotion, but is unsealing! The Ye Xuan promotion, after she will de-archive...... the moment, this sword will be another level!” 凡涧沉默片刻后,道:“此剑不是提升,而是解封!叶玄提升,她就会解封......片刻后,这柄剑就会达到另一个层次!” Speaking of this, her look becomes is also quite dignified, the sword that we see, the final appearance of not this sword...... she imagines us is more terrifying than!” 说到这,她神色也变得极为凝重起来,“我们看到的这柄剑,并不是这柄剑的最终模样......她比我们想象的还要恐怖!” martial Lingmu sinking sound said: „The person of Zhao this sword...... as strong as what degree?” 武灵牧沉声道:“赵此剑之人......到底强到了何种程度?” Every gorge looks up to the horizon end, in the eye full is the vacant color. 凡涧抬头看向天际尽头,眼中满是茫然之色。 Under, Ye Xuan stood suddenly, as soon as he stands, all around these powerful swordsmanship aura well up his within the body all! 下方,叶玄突然站了起来,他一站起来,四周那些强大的剑道气息尽数涌回他体内! Ye Xuan puts out a hand to grip azure profound 叶玄伸手握住青玄 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) Sword! 剑! Bang! 轰! The sword whining noise shoots up to the sky together, enters the clouds, the shake horizon! 一道剑鸣声冲天而起,直入云霄,震荡天际! The Ye Xuan eyes shut slowly, at this moment, he felt that own swordsmanship had had the tremendous changes! 叶玄双眼缓缓闭了起来,此刻,他感觉自己剑道已经发生了翻天覆地的变化! However, he does not know oneself achieved what boundary! 但是,他也不知道自己达到了什么境界! Ye Xuan turns the head to look that is exquisite suddenly to the snow, his present feeling is, he can a sword cut to kill the snow to be exquisite, moreover does not need to use that mysterious space and time! 叶玄突然转头看向雪玲珑,他现在的感觉就是,他能一剑斩杀雪玲珑,而且不需要动用那神秘时空! Self-confident! 自信! At this time, that every gorge said suddenly: Congratulations!” 这时,那凡涧突然道:“恭喜!” Ye Xuan looks to every gorge, what degree was I?” 叶玄看向凡涧,“我达到什么程度了?” Every gorge said with a smile: Two enemies are you cannot be victorious now, the first type, ancient worry and snowy mountain king type! The second type, the life knows god, is I and martial Lingmu this type!” 凡涧笑道:“有两种敌人是你现在打不过的,第一种,古愁与雪山王这种!第二种,命知神者,也就是我与武灵牧这种!” Ye Xuan looked that knows the saint to every gorge behind that several lives, they?” 叶玄看向凡涧身后的那几名命知圣者,“他们呢?” Every gorge said: You can fight with them, but, you may not win! Naturally, if you use in your hand that sword, you and they, should be able to achieve 46 to open, you four!” 凡涧道:“你能与他们一战,但是,你不一定能赢!当然,你如果动用你手中那柄剑,你与他们,应该可以做到四六开,你四!” Ye Xuan sinking sound said: Where did I promote?” 叶玄沉声道:“我哪里提升了?” Every gorge said: Swordsmanship! Your heart knot has opened, the swordsmanship has been promoted, was equal to that your sword removed a fetter, yes?” 凡涧道:“剑道!你的心结已开,剑道得到提升,等于你的剑又去掉了一道束缚,明白?” Ye Xuan sinking sound said: In other words, does my present sword have the fetter?” 叶玄沉声道:“也就是说,我现在的剑还有束缚?” Every gorge said with a smile: Naturally! Not only you, I am also so! Each fetters and shackles together, our kendoists will face forward to tread one step!” 凡涧笑道:“当然!不仅你,我自己也是如此!每去一道束缚与枷锁,我们的剑道就会朝前踏出一步!” After Ye Xuan silent moment, said: Thanks for the advice!” 叶玄沉默片刻后,道:“多谢指点!” Every gorge looked at Ye Xuan, without speech. 凡涧看了一眼叶玄,没有说话。 At this moment, in the field everyone turns the head to look suddenly, not far away, that space and time burns suddenly, at the same time, ancient worry and snowy mountain king to appear in public eyes. 就在这时,场中所有人突然转头看去,不远处,那片时空突然燃烧起来,与此同时,那古愁与雪山王出现在众人视线之中。 ancient worry at this moment, the white clothing wins the snow as before, spotless, on the face also has the light happy expression, naturally, one not minces matter excited with fighting intent! 此刻的古愁,依旧白衣胜雪,一尘不染,脸上同样带着淡淡的笑意,当然,还有一丝毫不掩饰的兴奋与战意! In ancient worried that opposite is that snowy mountain king, the snowy mountain king calmly is standing there, on the face does not have the half a point mood to fluctuate! 在古愁对面是那雪山王,雪山王静静站着那里,脸上没有半分情绪波动! Indifferent! 冷漠! His that pair of eyes tranquil fearfulness, seems world to have nothing to do with him! 他那双眼平静的可怕,就好像世间一切都跟他无关! At this time, ancient worry laughed to say suddenly: Pain! Fought real happy! Snowy mountain king, you?” 这时,古愁突然大笑道:“痛苦!战的真痛快!雪山王,你呢?” Everyone looks to the snowy mountain king, the snowy mountain king he worries to walk toward ancient gradually, has saying that...... you are very good, even your wicked clan ancestor, cannot compare you by far!” 所有人看向雪山王,雪山王他缓步朝着古愁走去,“不得不说......你很不错,即使你恶族先祖,也远远比不上你!” ancient worried that haha smiled, snowy mountain king, hits, I thought that is also no interesting, was inferior, selects really?” 古愁哈哈笑了起来,“雪山王,这么打下去,我觉得也没什么意思,不如,来点真格的?” Snowy mountain Wang Weiwei nods, „!” 雪山王微微点头,“可以!” ancient worries the right hand to spread out, says with a smile: Please grant instruction!” 古愁右手摊开,笑道:“请赐教!” The snowy mountain king stopped suddenly, such as you hope!” 雪山王突然停了下来,“如你所愿!” The sound falls, terrifying aura sweeps across from his within the body suddenly, that flash when this aura presents, an invisible pressure covered outside every gorge everyone! 声音落下,一股恐怖的气息突然自他体内席卷而出,当这股气息出现的那一瞬间,一股无形的威压笼罩住了外面凡涧等所有人! But was covered by this aura, everyone felt own soul as if put on shackles! 而被这股气息笼罩,所有人都感觉自己灵魂仿佛被套上了一道枷锁! Desperate! 绝望! In all brains raised desperate reading! 所有脑中升起了绝望之念! Including every gorge and martial Lingmu and the others! 包括凡涧与武灵牧等人! Every gorge wants to release own sword intent, but she discovered, she cannot release, under this pressure, this life knows god to link unexpectedly revolts against the ability not to have slightly! 凡涧想释放自己的剑意,但她发现,她根本释放不出来,在这股威压之下,她这位命知神者竟然连丝毫反抗能力都没有! Resembling thinks of anything, every gorge eye pupil shrinks suddenly, trembling sound said: Assigned above the knowledge...... he...... he to open one...... the brand-new boundary......” 似是想到什么,凡涧眼瞳骤然一缩,颤声道:“命知之上......他......他开辟出了一个......全新的境界......” Assigns above the knowledge! 命知之上! In the field, everyone petrifies! 场中,所有人石化! ..... .....
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