UES :: Volume #18

#1717: Preparation

Therefore rushes to the real witch mainland from the red glowing sun mainland, must detour is good, this means that Tang Junming needs to navigate a farther distance in the sea. 所以从红日大陆赶往真巫大陆,必须绕路才行,这就意味着唐君明在海洋上需要航行更远的距离。 If winds such a, perhaps little said that must navigate hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) even is over several hundred thousand li (0.5 km), after all in vast sea, so long as circles the road slightly, that is very long distance. 若是绕上这么一圈的话,恐怕少说也要航行数十万里甚至是几十万里以上,毕竟在浩瀚的海洋上,只要稍微绕一下路,那就是很长一段距离。 To be honest similar perils of the sea, Tang Junming has also met in the beforehand navigation, but these dangers in the danger of red glowing sun mainland to real witch mainland, that were not worth mentioning . 说实话类似的海上危险,唐君明在之前的航行中也遇到过,但是这些危险相对于红日大陆到真巫大陆之间的危险,那就不值一提了,。 The disparity between both are day and the disparity between place, reason that like this, besides the difference of magic elemental concentration, on the other hand because by the appoximate witch mainland, various high-grade demon beasts will also be more. 两者之间的差距就是天与地之间的差距,之所以会这样,除了魔法元素浓度的差异之外,另一方面也是因为越是靠近真巫大陆,各种高等级的魔兽就会越多。 These high-grade demon beasts created all sorts of dangers in the sea, even the somewhat terrifying marine dangerous situation was these high-grade demon beast behaviors, or was the big Divine Ability behavior in real witch mainland. 这些高等级的魔兽在海洋中制造出了种种危险,甚至有些恐怖的海上险境就是这些高等级魔兽所为,或者就是真巫大陆上的大神通者所为。 Naturally a few words, that is around the real witch mainland magic elemental concentration excessively is in the final analysis high, this caused its surroundings to pose all sorts of fearful threats. 当然归根结底还是一句话,那就是真巫大陆周围的魔法元素浓度过高,这才导致其周围出现了种种可怕的威胁。 Without such high magic elemental concentration, many dangers will not appear, naturally this is not representing, only then the magic elemental concentration high place will present the quite dangerous place, some magic elemental concentration low places will have some high-risk hopeless situations. 要是没有这么高的魔法元素浓度的话,很多危险也不会出现,当然这不代表着只有魔法元素浓度高的地方才会出现比较危险的地方,有些魔法元素浓度低的地方也会出现一些高危绝境。 From Hidden Treasure Pavilion in red glowing sun empire, Tang Junming found a red glowing sun mainland safest nautical chart, although was known as that is the red glowing sun empire safest dolphin, but must experience many dangerous situations all the way, even the slightest misstep is waiting for the swimmer is the crisis that is drowned, even by the Tang Junming Third Level invincible strength, facing somewhat dangerous, may still fall from the sky incautiously. 从红日帝国的藏宝阁中,唐君明找到了一份红日大陆最安全的海图,虽然号称是红日帝国最安全的海豚,但是一路上也要经历很多险境,稍有不慎等待着航行者的就是灭顶的危机,即使以唐君明三级无敌的实力,面对有些危险,一不小心也有可能陨落。 This nautical chart also made Tang Junming safer, did not represent to make Tang Junming open access, to rush to the real witch mainland, Tang Junming must also probably experience many risks. 这张海图也只是让唐君明安全了很多,不代表能够让唐君明一路畅通无阻,所以要想赶往真巫大陆,唐君明必须还要经历很多风险。 These years rush to the real witch mainland from some red glowing sun mainland also many sorcerers, few that but can rush to truly smoothly. 这些年从红日大陆也有不少巫师赶往真巫大陆,可是真正能够顺利赶到的寥寥无几。 These sorcerers who recently several hundred years, rushed to the real witch mainland, basically no one came back, this also means the sorcerer who these rushed to the real witch mainland, had died on the road either, either fell from the sky in the real witch mainland. 最近数百年,赶往真巫大陆的那些巫师们,基本上没有人回来,这也意味着那些赶往真巫大陆的巫师,要么在路上已经死了,要么就是在真巫大陆上陨落了。 Otherwise will not have this situation, after all among the sorcerer who the past these rush to the real witch mainland, in really witch Dalu obtained the big chance, after the strength rise, unavoidably will not somewhat return home with riches and honors, brought the news and knowledge of many real witch mainland to the red glowing sun mainland. 否则的话绝不会出现这种情况,毕竟在以往那些赶往真巫大陆的巫师当中,有些在真巫大陆获得了大机缘,实力提升以后难免不会衣锦还乡,给红日大陆带来了很多真巫大陆的消息和知识。 Since several hundred years did not have the sorcerer to return from the real witch mainland again, that means that these sorcerers had/left the danger, otherwise was always insufficient one to have no way to return, can see the sea area danger of red glowing sun mainland to real witch mainland from here big. 既然数百年都没有巫师再从真巫大陆返回了,那就意味着这些巫师出了危险,不然的话总不至于一个都没法返回,从这里就可以看出红日大陆到真巫大陆之间的海域危险有多大。 It is for this reason that these years gradually few sorcerers have been rushing to the real witch mainland from the red glowing sun mainland, the danger that after all must experience is extremely scary, although these Third Level sorcerers want to break through to a higher boundary, obtains the glorious life span, but this does not represent them to be willing with own life to crack a joke. 正是因为如此,这些年渐渐的已经很少有巫师在从红日大陆赶往真巫大陆,毕竟所要经历的危险太过吓人,那些三级巫师虽然很想突破到更高的境界,获得更加悠久的寿命,但这并不代表着他们就愿意拿自己的性命开玩笑。 Therefore if as expected, from the red glowing sun mainland to real witch mainland distance, should be the most dangerous range that Tang Junming will soon experience, so long as can successfully pass, Tang Junming can enter the sorcerer universe the main world, obtains the magnanimous resources and wealth, enhances the strength at a more terrifying speed. 所以若是不出意外的话,从红日大陆到真巫大陆这段距离,应该是唐君明即将经历的最危险的一段航程,不过只要能够顺利通过,唐君明就能够进入巫师宇宙的主世界,获得海量的资源和财富,以更加恐怖的速度提升自身实力。 Before embarks officially goes to the real witch mainland, Tang Junming will try to plunder the resources and wealth of red glowing sun mainland, naturally must have also has the resources and wealth of red glowing sun mainland surroundings these mainland, as far as possible turns into Common Experience them, is used to enhance own strength. 所以在正式出发前往真巫大陆之前,唐君明会尽全力搜刮红日大陆的资源和财富,当然少不了还有红日大陆周围那些大陆的资源和财富,尽可能的将它们变成通用经验,用来提升自身的实力。 If Ok, after Tang Junming wants he to promote to become the Third Level mid-rank sorcerer, again embarks to go to the real witch mainland, then the security will enhance. 若是可以的话,唐君明想要等他晋升成为三级中位巫师以后,再出发前往真巫大陆,如此一来安全性会提高很多。 Why as for is not the Third Level high-rank sorcerer, naturally is because the resources and wealth in red glowing sun mainland and surrounding sea area these mainland are limited, if really wants , after promoting to become the Third Level high-rank sorcerer, embarks to rush to the real witch mainland again, the time of that need were too much, Tang Junming may be so long, therefore Third Level mid-rank sorcerer reluctantly enough. 至于为什么不是三级上位巫师,自然是因为红日大陆和周围海域那些大陆上的资源和财富有限,若是真要等到晋升成为三级上位巫师以后,再出发赶往真巫大陆,那需要的时间就太多了,唐君明可等不了那么久,所以三级中位巫师就勉强够了。 By the Tang Junming foundation and background, once promotes to become the Third Level mid-rank sorcerer, its all-round strength has basically been close to the morning star sorcerer, such strength should protect oneself sufficiently. 唐君明的基础和底蕴,一旦晋升成为三级中位巫师,其综合实力基本上已经接近晨星巫师,这样的实力应该足以自保。 However actually in the Tang Junming heart somewhat whispered, after all according to the old book in red glowing sun mainland said that morning star sorcerer and between Third Level sorcerers entirely different, the disparity between both might be called day leave simply badly, hardly can the truth idea. 不过其实唐君明心中还是有些嘀咕的,毕竟根据红日大陆上的古籍所言,晨星巫师和三级巫师之间截然不同,两者之间的差距简直堪称天差地别,几乎不可以道理计。 Therefore Tang Junming cannot determine, after he promotes the Third Level mid-rank sorcerer, whether all -round strength can be close to the morning star sorcerer, but this is quite as if likely. 所以唐君明也不敢确定,他晋升成三级中位巫师以后,综合实力能否接近晨星巫师,而这个可能性似乎比较小。 But rushes to the sea area of real witch mainland from the red glowing sun mainland, various Fourth Level demon beasts emerge one after another incessantly, the strengths of these Fourth Level demon beasts endure compared with the morning star sorcerer, once meets these Fourth Level demon beasts, and opposite party also has the hostility words to Tang Junming, is waiting for Tang Junming is not the good result. 可是从红日大陆赶往真巫大陆的海域上,各种四级魔兽层出不穷,这些四级魔兽的实力都堪比晨星巫师,一旦遇到这些四级魔兽,并且对方又对唐君明有敌意的话,等待着唐君明的可不是什么好结果。 Tang Junming also can only increase own strength and card in hand as far as possible, once then meets these Fourth Level demon beasts, even Tang Junming is not his opponent, but at least can escape from its. 唐君明也只能尽可能的增加自身的实力和底牌,如此一来一旦遇到这些四级魔兽的话,即便是唐君明不是其对手,但是至少能够从其手底下逃命。 However wants maximum to strengthen own background and strength, existence of super battleship is extremely important one chapter, Tang Junming is naturally plundering the resources and wealth of real witch mainland and surrounding these mainland at the same time, on the other hand also starts to improve own super battleship again, and arranges various Third Level Array Method above, forms a huge Third Level demon group. 但是想要最大限度的增强自身的底蕴和实力,超级战舰的存在自然是极为重要的一章,唐君明一边搜刮着真巫大陆和周围那些大陆的资源和财富,另一方面也再次开始改进自己的超级战舰,并且在上面布置各种三级阵法,形成一座庞大的三级魔阵群。 Although Third Level magic in red glowing sun mainland are not many, so long as there are several Third Level magic achievement references, Tang Junming can by oneself powerful Array Method Cultivation Base, create various Third Level magic forcefully, and these Third Level magic are linked together, can form a fearful magic group, large scale promotion Tang Junming strength and battle efficiency. 虽然红日大陆上的三级魔法阵并不多,但是只要有了几座三级魔法阵作为参考,唐君明就可以凭借自己强悍的阵法修为,强行创造出各种三级魔法阵,并且这些三级魔法阵环环相扣,能够形成可怕的魔法阵群,大幅度的提升唐君明的实力和战斗力。 Once can make the magic battleship smoothly, risk of Tang Junming in sea will significantly reduce. 一旦能够顺利地建造出魔法战舰,唐君明在海洋中的危险性就会大幅度降低。 When the time comes relies on the magic battleship, Tang Junming was even having confidence that contends with 12 with the Fourth Level demon beast, even is not the opponent of Fourth Level demon beast, but wants to escape is very simple. 到时候凭借着魔法战舰,唐君明甚至有把握与四级魔兽抗衡一二,即便还不是四级魔兽的对手,但是想要逃命还是很简单的。 The prestige energy of magic battleship, in addition Tang Junming own strength, Tang Junming will also prepare some medicines and so on, the protection, will so make smoothly the possibility that Tang Junming arrives in the real witch mainland rise dramatically layer upon layer. 魔法战舰的威能,再加上唐君明自身的实力,唐君明还会准备一些药物之类,如此层层防护,会让唐君明顺利抵达真巫大陆的可能性暴增。 Tang Junming starts to accumulate own card in hand thereupon full power, enhances own strength while convenient, to go to the real witch mainland prepares. 于是乎唐君明开始全力积累自己的底牌,顺便提升自身的实力,为前往真巫大陆做准备。
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