UB :: Volume #7

#631 Part 2: The place of deep sleep

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Naturally, these are away from you, is still remote, but, you indeed have this aptitude.” Arranges in order king to say with a smile: „Before presses me, said that step by step.” “当然,这些距离你,也依然遥远,不过,你的确是有这个资质的。”列王笑道:“就按我之前说的,一步一步。” You can first think, then, I recommend you to go to a place.” “你可以先想,接下来,我推荐你去一个地方吧。” That place, can make you go a step further absolutely.” “那个地方,绝对能让你更进一步。” Goes??” Shi Yu surprise. “去哪??”时宇诧异。 Relax, will not delay you to return to the Universe sea.” “放心,不会耽误你返回宇宙海的。” Arranging in order king as if knows Shi Yu to return to the Universe sea to be the same in the near future, said ; Your has heard, the place of deep sleep.” 列王仿佛知晓时宇近期会返回宇宙海一般,道;“你听说没听说过,沉睡之地。” Shi Yu shakes the head. 时宇摇了摇头。 You should hear, many Epoch God, and even Breakthrough human race Beast Master of Myth Rank limit, to delay Life Span is also good, avoiding thunder tribulation is also good, conducted self- seal matter.” “那你应该听说过,许多纪元神,乃至突破神级极限的人族御兽师,为了延迟寿命也好,躲避雷劫也好,都进行了自我封印这件事吧。” This I have heard actually.” “这个我倒是听说过。” Just, by the disposition of Shi Yu, has been able to other avoidance saying that now this thing can also chop the deceased person? Also with hiding?”. 只不过,如今以时宇的配置,已经可以对其他躲避者说“这玩意也可以劈死人?还用躲?”了。 „The place of deep sleep, is one crowd of Epoch God deep sleep place, they are the Overlord area innumerable years, one crowd of monsters of accumulation.” “沉睡之地,就是一群纪元神的沉睡场所,它们都是霸主疆域无数年来,积累的一群怪物。” Epoch God of this place deep sleep, has characteristics, that is, is willing to conduct the contract with Human.” “这个地方沉睡的纪元神,有着一个特点,那就是,愿意和人类进行契约。” „The premise, is to obtain their approvals.” “不过前提嘛,就是要得到它们的认可。” „The contract of your god, should be belongs to increase the contract quantity, rather than the reduced contract quantity, I recommend you to go to here , because, if you can obtain the approvals of 2 ~ 3 Epoch God, completes the contract with them, perhaps then, you can attack 14 heavy day of boundaries that some people have not achieved.” “你的神之契约,应该是属于增加契约数量,而非减少契约数量吧,我之所以推荐你去这里,是因为,如果你能获得2~3个纪元神的认可,和它们完成契约,那么,说不定你能冲击还未有人达到的14重天境界。” „, No one has the qualifications to go to the place of deep sleep. Compares courtyard Rain, here the fellow of deep sleep, is one of the Universe Overlord Legion deeper background.” Arranges in order the kingly way: You should also be able the contract new pet beast.” “要知道,可不是谁都有资格去沉睡之地。相比庭,这里沉睡的家伙,才是宇宙霸主军团更深的底蕴之一。”列王道:“你应该还能契约新宠兽吧。” Shi Yu looked, arranged in order the king really to make Universe Overlord raise to the human race interest, thus made Universe Overlord support human race vigorously. 时宇看出来了,列王是真的想让宇宙霸主重新提起对人族的兴趣,从而让宇宙霸主大力扶持人族 This delivered to his mouth to come Epoch God beast pet. 这都把纪元神宠兽送到他嘴边来了。 Sounds, probably a little meaning.” Shi Yu said. “听起来,好像有点意思。”时宇道。 He actually not to contract new Epoch God rigid, rather, he feels and Epoch God fight, should also be able to temper Wormie, Ginseng Tot and Akame their Will. 他倒不是对契约新纪元神有多执着,而是,他感觉和纪元神战斗,应该也能磨炼虫虫参宝宝赤瞳它们的意志 Epoch God, with the Super God level, does not have the wide difference. 纪元神,和超神级,已经没有多大差别。 Moreover, the same level fight, can stimulate the beast pet fight fervor. 而且,同级战斗,更能激发宠兽的战斗激情。 In addition, as Overlord area most flamboyant one crowd of Myth Rank, the skill column should be very abnormal, conveniently Copy several, can a boost wave of team. 除此之外,作为霸主疆域最牛逼的一群神级,技能栏应该很变态吧,随手复制几个,又能强化一波全队。 Naturally, if really has that type rarely, Race to the pinnacle, similar Wish Star Clan Epoch God, both sides came a reason, agrees with, Shi Yu does not mind contract one. 当然,如果真的有那种,种族稀有到极致的,类似祈星族纪元神,并且,双方来了眼缘,非常契合的,时宇也不介意契约一只。 That is natural.” Arranges in order the king to laugh saying: Relax, there will make you satisfy, there, you can see all kinds of monsters, Star Zerg of Epoch God level, Meteorum Race of Epoch God level, and even Universe Behemoth of Epoch God level you may see.” “那是当然。”列王哈哈一笑道:“放心,那里会让你满意的,在那里,你可以看到各种各样的怪物,纪元神级的星空异虫,纪元神级的陨族,乃至纪元神级的宇宙巨兽你都有可能看到。” They are Universe Overlord Legion the monster that drafts from Universe, naturally “它们都是宇宙霸主军团宇宙各地征来的怪物,当然 I am very confident regarding your strength, but, can actually find the right new partner, looked is not the strength, the place of deep sleep in you return to the Universe sea on the road, is on the way, if you are interested, has a look.” “我对于你的实力很有信心,不过,究竟能不能找到合适的新搭档,看的也不全是实力,沉睡之地就在你返回宇宙海的路上,是顺路,如果你有兴趣,就去看看吧。” If can obtain the right new partner, possibility that you create the new miracle, freshman some, will be rarer, I will use my eight king status the privileges, delivers you to pass, although you just joined Universe Overlord Legion, but depended on you to see Universe Sir Overlord, other high levels should not say anything.” “如果能获得合适的新搭档,你创造新奇迹的可能性,也会更大一些,机会难得,我会动用我八王身份的特权,送你过去,虽然你刚刚加入宇宙霸主军团,但就凭你见了宇宙霸主大人,其他高层应该不会多说什么。” I strongly suggested that your thinks means contract Universe Behemoth, they were known as that the Universe first Clan, regarding the feedback of Beast Master, incomparable huge, there incessantly Legion the monster that turns from the Behemoth empire.” “我强烈建议你想办法契约一只宇宙巨兽,它们号称宇宙第一,对于御兽师的反馈,无比巨大,那里不止一只军团巨兽帝国拐过来的怪物。” Xiao Zi:? 小紫:? Today under the reorganization the program, will start to restore 2 to repay a debt tomorrow, opens the new chapter! Suddenly discovered, the kitty new book best-selling list's first this is a little unscientific. 今天整理下大纲,明天开始恢复二更还债,开启新篇章!忽然发现,猫猫的新书畅销榜第一了这是不是有点不科学。 Then before sealed up the period was missing the chapter to say the commentary, it is said that will emit in following Time one after another, after restoring, I will inform everyone, wants to look the chapter said can go back to look at orz again 然后之前封闭期间的失踪章说评论,据说会在接下来一段时间陆续放出,等恢复后我会通知大家,想看章说的可以回去再看一遍orz
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