UB :: Volume #2

#195 Part 2: Antiques and Mechanical

Schoolmate Shi Yu is interested in Alternate Tree and machine beast.” Meng Qing asked: You come us to sign, can offer your Alternate Tree free of charge and re-equipping Mechanical of one set of Advanced Commander potential.” 时宇同学对异形树机械宠兽感兴趣吗。”孟晴问道:“你来我们这边签约,可以免费赠送你一只异形树和一套高等统领潜力的改装机械哦。” Disturbed.” Shi Yu said. “打扰了。”时宇道。 The sweet-talking turns over to the sweet-talking, tricks I to work, no way. 嘴甜归嘴甜,忽悠我来打工,没门。 Helpless Shi Yu smiles: „The studies are presently important.” 时宇无奈笑了笑:“当前还是学业要紧。” He is under the authoritative body, the future development route and financial group and club system eight bamboo poles will unable to project on. 他隶属于官方机构,日后的发展路线和财团、俱乐部体系八竿子打不到。 However, the financial group and official, pour do not relate not to have, after all in the association has many factions is also the financial group supports. 不过,财团和官方,倒也不是一点联系没有,毕竟协会中有不少派系也是财团扶持的。 But looks like behind Machine Tree principal technology product the founder of century financial group, it is said founded the Donghuang Machine Department Legendary Beastmaster apprentice. 而像机械树背后的主打科技产品的世纪财团的创始人,据说还是开创了东煌机械系传说御兽师的徒弟。 At present, the Mechanical giant in this Legendary, is very likely in Donghuang only also living Legendary Beastmaster, according to the normal age calculated after all, he was also insufficient to pass away. 目前,这位传说中的机械巨擘,很有可能是东煌内唯一还活着的传说御兽师,毕竟按照正常年龄来推算,他还不至于过世。 But in the past several years, without this news also real, following many Top grade Machine Lifeform are also the promising youth development of some Machine Field. 但近十几年来,没有这位一点消息也是真的,后续许多顶级机械生命也都是些机械领域的后起之秀开发的。 This also with Legend Lin Feng same missing? Is closing up attacks mythical? Shi Yu whispered. 难道这位也和林风传说一样失踪了?还是在闭关冲击神话时宇嘀嘀咕咕。 The Deity-Level Forbidden Weapon might outraced the nuclear weapon, did the words of mythical level science and technology weapon, extinguish the star-level weapon? 守护神级禁忌武器威力就超越核武了,神话级科技武器的话,灭星级武器? At the Shi Yu level, but also cannot contact these. 时宇的层次,还根本接触不到这些。 Understanding, the studies are important.” Boss Meng smiles, she is also speaks thoughtlessly asked that also hopeless Shi Yu really can come. “了解,学业要紧。”孟老板笑了笑,她也就是随口一问,也没指望时宇真能来。 Depending on the Shi Yu Iron Eater Evolution Counselor status, directly with major financial group or association official cooperation, but joining a small club room has the future more. 时宇食铁兽进化规划师的身份,直接和各大财团或者协会官方合作,可要比加入一个小小俱乐部有前途多了。 After the moment, below training ended probably one round, these club members discovered own boss stands above, one of them cannot help but shouts: Boss, any instructions.” 片刻后,下方的训练好像结束了一轮,那些俱乐部成员发现自家老板站在上面,其中一人不由得喊道:“老板,有什么指示吗。” „, Has the rookie?” A women's team friendly wonderful is looking at Meng Qing nearby Shi Yu. “诶,是不是有新人?”一个女队友好奇的望着孟晴旁边的时宇 This is not an rookie.” Meng Qing smiles, club general recruitment is that type has failed to be elected or not been admitted to Professional Exam the ideal school not to come one year of Beast Master again, the foremost person in the field like Shi Yu, the best club cannot recruit. “这可不是新人。”孟晴笑了笑,俱乐部一般招收的都是那种在职业考核中落选或者没有考上理想学校又不愿意重来一年的御兽师,像时宇这样的状元,最好的俱乐部也招收不到啊。 Introduced to you, this was this Ancient Metropolis Professional Exam foremost person in the field.” “给你们介绍一下,这位是这一届古都职业考核的状元。” „The finder of Iron Eater Evolution shape, Ancient Metropolis University Archaeology Department Archaeology scholar, Shi Yu.” 食铁兽进化形的发现者,古都大学考古系考古学者,时宇。” Then, she brought Shi Yu to walk. 说完,她带着时宇走了下去。 The Meng Qing words fall, below peace, five people of expressions are somewhat astonished and vacant, another male team member remembers anything suddenly, said: Is that Shi Yu?” 孟晴话落,下方一阵安静,有五人表情有些惊愕与茫然,另一男队员猛然想起什么,道:“是那个时宇?” Who.” The side female team member asked. “谁啊。”旁边女队员问。 How this said that you know that was very famous Professional Exam Champion will do.” Her nearby person does not know that from where explained “这怎么说呢,你知道是一个很出名的职业考核状元就行了。”她旁边的人不知道从何解释 After the moment, Meng Qing and Shi Yu got down, several people bumped into one, Boss Meng continued to introduce: 片刻后,孟晴时宇下来了,几人碰到了一起,孟老板继续介绍: „Under Schoolmate Shi Yu comes here to visit Mechanical Alternate Tree, I lead him to stroll casually.” 时宇同学来我们这里参观下机械异形树,我带他随便逛逛。” ohh, welcome.” 哦哦,欢迎。” Schoolmate Shi Yu hello/you good.” Six team members hear boss's introduction, gave regards. 时宇同学你好。”六名队员听到自家老板的介绍,纷纷问好。 However quick, their attention, on Sword Sprite by Shi Yu neck were hung to fall the attraction. 不过很快,他们的注意力,被时宇脖子上的剑灵吊坠吸引。 Sword Sprite??” The male team member who that recognizes Shi Yu, looks that this hangs to fall, said surprised: „Your third beast pet contract Sword Sprite 剑灵??”那名认出时宇的男队员,看着这个吊坠,吃惊道:“你第三只宠兽契约了一个剑灵 Was right, I called Lei Liang, has looked at your video?” “哦对了,我叫雷亮,看过你的视频?” Small Akame crooked sword blade, video, what video? 赤瞳歪了歪剑身,视频,什么视频? Is.” Shi Yu shows a faint smile saying: „It is not third, is fourth.” “算是吧。”时宇微微一笑道:“不过不是第三只,是第四只。” The Shi Yu words fall, the people stare again. 时宇话落,众人再次一愣。 Shi Yu is not this year inspects the foremost person in the field, such quickly on Advanced Beastmaster??? 时宇不是今年考核状元吗,这么快就高级御兽师了??? Meng Qing also stares, this is freshman the main force standard of their club? 孟晴也一愣,这大一即他们俱乐部的主力标准? Monster! 怪物吧! „It is not four months ago primary Lei Liang is vacant. “不是四个月前才初级的吗雷亮茫然。 You do not understand the Genius world.” By him a female team member said. “你不懂天才的世界。”他旁边的一个女队员道。 Heard that side Ancient Metropolis is quite popular this spirit kind of beast pet ?” She also asked curiously. “听说古都那边比较流行这种器灵类宠兽,是真的吗?”她又紧接着好奇问。 Shi Yu: „It is not quite popular, but Ancient Metropolis Spirit Medium are quite indeed many.” 时宇:“也不算比较流行吧,不过古都通灵者的确比较多。” Therefore that side Ancient Metropolis, is Machine Department is not popular.” She continues to ask. “所以古都那边,是不是机械系不怎么流行呀。”她继续问。 Not, are many.” “不会,也很多的。” Boss Meng sees the people to chat Sword Sprite, smiles, treated as next door club the matter of kicking hall to say Shi Yu Machine Tree a moment ago by mistake. 孟老板见众人聊到剑灵,笑了笑,把刚才机械树误把时宇当作隔壁俱乐部的踢馆者的事情说了说。 The club members also cannot help but follow to smile embarrasedly. 众俱乐部成员也不由得跟着讪讪一笑。 Shi Yu hears again, cannot help but looks to small Akame, asked curiously: Felt that everyone pays attention to this type beast pet very much, because of the reason of next door club.” 时宇再次听到,不由得看向小赤瞳,好奇问:“感觉大家对这类型宠兽很关注,是因为隔壁俱乐部的原因吗。” Boss Meng said with a smile: Possibly has this reason, we and next doors were the old enemies, but can also trace my father that rank, he and next door club the owner were good friends, liked antique sword class beast pet, was the good friend of similar pursue, but afterward, because Machine Department rose, my father repaired Machine Department, they therefore also had the contradiction, went separate ways.” 孟老板笑道:“可能有这个原因吧,我们和隔壁是老对头了,还能追溯到我父亲那个辈分,他和隔壁俱乐部的老板原本是好朋友,都喜欢古董刀剑类宠兽,是同样追求的好友,不过后来,因为机械系崛起,我父亲就去改修机械系了,他们两人因此也闹出矛盾,分道扬镳了。” Ancient new struggle?” Shi Yu asked, this issue, does not seem to limit to these two clubs. “古新之争吗?”时宇问,这个问题,好像不局限于这两个俱乐部。 After Modern Age, the antique sword cannot breed spirit, was only left over a number of weapons that preserved from the ancient times, or was the spirit bodies of these weapons. 现代后,古董刀剑已经不能孕育出灵了,只剩下了一批从古代保存下来的武器,或者是那些武器的灵体。 Compares these, Machine Department replaced these antiques emerging life. 相比这些,机械系是取代了这些古董的新兴生命 In Modern Age, rarely has Beast Master to be willing like ancient Beast Master, a contract sword, a bow, Armor, from the performance-to-price ratio, they were exploded by present potential bigger Machine Department. 现代,已经很少有御兽师愿意像古代御兽师那样,契约一把剑,一把弓,一身铠甲了,从性价比来看,它们被现在潜力更大的机械系完爆。 The former is scarce and expensive, the potential is low, the latter is the emerging attribute, the relative popularization, the growth potential is high. 前者稀少、昂贵,潜力还低,后者是新兴属性,相对普及,成长性还高。 In most people opinion, ancient Sword Sprite, compared a Mechanical light sword, a disparity incessantly tiny bit. 在绝大多数人看来,一把古代剑灵,相比一把机械光剑,差距不止一星半点。 It can be said that the rise of Machine Department, accelerated desolate of antique sword class beast pet indirectly, both did not cope very much. 可以说,机械系的崛起,间接的加速了古董刀剑类宠兽的落寞,两者一直不是很对付。 Probably has a little meaning.” Meng Qing nods. “好像是有这么一点意思。”孟晴点头。 Words said that the Archaeology scientist is ancient fight sends.” “话说考古学家是不是都是古斗派呀。” Lei Liang saw the Shi Yu contract Sword Sprite, in addition the status of Shi Yu Archaeology scientist, the subconsciousness guessed that the judgment said. 雷亮时宇契约了剑灵,再加上时宇考古学家的身份,下意识猜测判断道。 ancient fought to send like ancient Beast Master, contract Armor, sword and use four arts type beast pet conducted the fight Beast Master, generally speaking with Modern Age Machine Department was the opposition name, now has declined was only left over few inheritance, was the nature no longer is mainly born this life body. 古斗派就是像古代御兽师一样,契约铠甲、刀剑、使用琴棋书画类型的宠兽进行战斗的御兽师,一般来说和现代机械系是对立称呼的,现在已经没落的只剩下很少一部分传承者了,主要是自然界不再诞生这种生命体。 You little said.” Meng Qing stared Lei Liang one, suddenly the feeling continues to chat like this, everyone will revolve ancient new arguing to discuss. “你少说点。”孟晴瞪了雷亮一眼,忽然感觉继续这样聊下去,大家会围绕古新之争辩论起来。 Should not.” Shi Yu has not cared actually, he said: Actually is in my opinion same.” “应该不是吧。”时宇倒是没怎么在意,他道:“其实在我看来都一样。” „The beast pet type does not have the division of fit and unfit quality, force that can display, entirely depends on governing causes his Beast Master.” The animal is also good, element is also good, dead souls is also good, the antique sword is also good, Machine Lifeform is also good, with the Race rank, looks like in Shi Yu, the potential is similar, add points draws fully, could not miss. 宠兽类型没有优劣之分,所能发挥出来的力量,完全取决于御使他的御兽师。”动物也好,元素也好、死灵也好,古董刀剑也好,机械生命也好,同种族级别下,在时宇看来,潜力都差不多,加点拉满,都差不了的。 Perhaps even next beast pet, I will choose Machine Department.” “甚至下一只宠兽,说不定我就会选择机械系。” The idea of Shi Yu, is various types of beast pet, comes one. 时宇的想法,就是各种类型的宠兽,都来一个。 The animal, plant, dead souls, Mechanical and element does not collect the hobby, is Shi Yu thought purely their respective abilities are unreplaceable. 动物、植物、死灵、机械元素倒也不是收集癖,纯粹是时宇觉得它们各自的能力不可替代。 For example now, Shi Yu then basically does not have in the sea the operational capacity, in Blue Star, is Sea occupies most domain, Sea is Human forbidden area through the ages, even if these Legendary Beastmaster, is unable to conquer Sea. 比如现在,时宇便还基本没有海中作战能力,在蓝星,同样是海洋占据大部分领域,海洋人类古往今来的禁区,哪怕那些传说御兽师,也无法征服海洋 The deep sea is occupying many powerful sea beasts, has the incomparably rich resources , many seabed Remains, Dragon Emperor once word, if Sea lifeform some day collectively attack land, then any Human state, is unable to prevent presently. 深海居住着许多强大的海兽,拥有无比丰富的资源,也有许多海底遗迹,龙帝曾言,如果海洋生物有朝一日集体进攻陆地,那么当前任何一个人类国度,都无法阻挡。 Also is because the resources not suitable sea beast of land, between both has lived in peace with each other. 也就是因为陆地的资源不适合海兽,两者间才一直相安无事。 But if Shi Yu wants to explore Sea, that has to contract Water-Type, best be Elemental-Type beast pet. 但如果时宇想探索海洋,那就不得不契约一只水系,最好是元素类宠兽了。 Ni! ~ ~ small Akame hit Shi Yu, although this is what is said that cannot praise boasts it! “咪!~~”小赤瞳撞了撞时宇,话虽这样说,就不能夸夸它嘛! What is same! 什么叫都一样! Machine Lifeform it has also understood, is not the huge robot, its sword chops one! 机械生命它也了解过,不就是巨大机器人嘛,它一剑劈一个! Clever ~ Shi Yu comforted under small Akame, cannot chop, don't yourself like the refrigerator? That is the Machine Lifeform embryonic form! “乖~”时宇安抚了下小赤瞳,不能劈,你自己不也喜欢电冰箱吗?那就是机械生命的雏形啊! Small Akame: „!!” 赤瞳:“!!” Small Akame stares, so that's how it is, that Machine Department, good. 赤瞳一愣,原来如此,那机械系,挺好。 Like my Akame, the strength is very strong.” Shi Yu shows a faint smile, added. “像我的赤瞳,实力就很强的。”时宇微微一笑,补充道。 Akame this Sword Sprite name? 赤瞳这个剑灵的名字吗? The people look again to Sword Sprite. 众人再次看向小剑灵 Is reasonable, but next one is only the Machine Department words, really doesn't consider Mechanical Alternate Tree?” Boss Meng also never forgets, said: If there is a demand, looks for me, I know many financial group's that side Mechanical grandmaster.” “有道理,不过下一只是机械系的话,真不考虑机械异形树?”孟老板还念念不忘,道:“如果有需求,找我也可以,我还是认识很多财团那边的机械大师的。” The century financial group principal technology product, internal Mechanical grandmaster has, at present the Machine Modification installment of Machine Tree club, is the century financial group provides. 世纪财团主打科技产品,内部机械大师有很多,目前机械树俱乐部的机械改造装置,便都是世纪财团提供。 Good, having the demand I will not be polite.” Shi Yu shows a faint smile. “好的,有需求我不会客气的。”时宇微微一笑。 Comes, has a look at Mechanical Alternate Tree of our club.” Meng Qing thinks Shi Yu comes here proper business, she looked stands erect six Machine Tree that to the scene, introduced. “来来来,看看我们俱乐部的机械异形树。”孟晴想到了时宇来这里的正事,她看向现场矗立的六只机械树,介绍道。 Shi Yu looked. 时宇看了过去。 They were conducting the fight to hit the training a moment ago.” “刚才它们是在进行抗击打训练吧。” Yes.” Meng Qing nods. “是啊。”孟晴点了点头。 A moment ago that was harden skill.” Shi Yu asked. “刚才那是坚化技能吧。”时宇问。 Species Skill: Mutation, tricolor balls, great weapon arms, locking, harden and great tree artillery 种族技能】:变异体、三色弹、巨械臂、锁定、坚化、巨树炮 Recalled that Mechanical Alternate Tree skill, Shi Yu thinks slightly. 回想起机械异形树技能,时宇微微思索。 harden, this is mid rank, containing earth and wooden dual-type force skill. 坚化,这是中阶,含有土、木双系力量技能 The effect, Wood-Type skill or plant life firm hardening, fusion Land and Wood-Type force, letting the plant like the Land solid rock firm, turns into the hardening plant. 效果,就是将木系技能或植物生命硬化,融合大地木系力量,让植物像大地坚石一样坚固,变成硬化植物。 Defends the technique, but possessing both offense and defense operational requirement, similar hardening. 算是防御技,但攻防兼备,类似硬化 To be honest, this skill is good, is Evolution of few plants under the adverse circumstance in Species Skill that comes out. 老实说,这个技能不错的,是极少数植物在恶劣环境下进化出来的种族技能 Shi Yu has intended to give Ginseng Tot to look for the defense technique, most universal and conventional is Bark Shield skill, because was too conventional, Shi Yu is not too satisfied. 时宇一直有意给参宝宝找个防御技,最普遍、常规的就是木盾技能,但因为太常规了,时宇不是太满意。 His want to, functional many point skill, this is also rarely easier to compose Profound Augmentation with other skill, eliminated being insufficient is so quick. 想要稀有一点,功能性多一点的技能,这样也更容易和其他技能组成奥义,淘汰的不至于那么快。 Like Bark Shield, in the future completely by Botanokinesis function substitution, but harden, can actually with Botanokinesis combination use skill. 木盾,日后就会完全被植物掌控作用替代,但坚化,却是可以和植物掌控组合使用的技能 Considers, in the future Ginseng Tot will summon huge Bark Shield to protect itself, if will be only ordinary plant Bark Shield, opponent one group of same level flame, directly burning, but if will be Bark Shield after harden, then also contained some Ground-Type natures, was not restrained, considerably increased the might of plant. 试想一下,未来参宝宝召唤一个巨大木盾保护自己,如果只是普通植物木盾,对手一团同级的火焰,就直接给烧了,但如果是坚化后的木盾,便又蕴含一些土系性质了,又不是那么被克制了,大大增加了植物的威力。 Such skill, is quite difficult to practice, but Shi Yu does not care. 这样的技能,比较难练,但时宇不在乎。 Except for Mutation, after Shi Yu sees harden skill, hesitates, a little moves, in the ancient big botanical garden, he has not seen this skill. 除了变异体,时宇看到坚化技能后,沉吟一下,有点动心,在古大植物园,他可没看到这个技能 Now Ginseng Tot grasps Full/Complete Level Pinnacle Earthbound, to good of very Land force utilization, agrees with very much this skill, after the learned, even if Shi Yu not add points, it is estimated that Ginseng Tot can also in short Time, quick mastery even practice perfection. 现在参宝宝掌握满级技进乎道”的大地连锁,对大地力量运用的十分不错,很契合这个技能,学会后,哪怕时宇加点,估计参宝宝也能在短时间内,很快精通甚至练到完美 Learned this, that was really Ginseng Tot stands erect above Land is then invincible. 学会了这个,那真的是参宝宝屹立于大地之上便所向无敌了。 Right.” Several people replied. “对。”几人答道。 I can contact to have a look.” Shi Yu asked. “我可以接触看看吗。”时宇问。 Meng Qing smiles, said: Naturally , they are very at will docile.” 孟晴笑,道:“当然,随意,它们很温顺的。” Shi Yu arrives by Machine Tree, touched under its harden bark, said: Good of very cultivation, my beast pet also grasps harden, but compares their harden also to miss a point at present.” 时宇来到一棵机械树旁边,触摸了下它的坚化树皮,道:“培育的很好,我的一只宠兽也掌握坚化,不过目前比它们的坚化还差了一点。” Includes successfully 【收录成功】 The people smile, they in view of Machine Tree each skill, but there is special cultivates secret book, entire family depends on Machine Tree to eat meal, naturally some things. 众人笑了笑,他们针对机械树的各个技能,可是有专门培育秘籍的,全家靠着机械树吃饭,自然是有一些东西的。 harden that Shi Yu beast pet grasps, at present possibly also on master level, but these Machine Tree, harden has exercised Perfect Level! 时宇宠兽掌握的坚化,目前可能也就精通级吧,但这些机械树,坚化已经锻炼到了完美级 By the touch experience is not very direct-viewing, you can attack to have a look with beast pet, you're welcome, lets them when trained.” Lei Liang said with a smile: You can make that only Sword Sprite give a try, their defensive powers are very powerful.” “靠触感体验不是很直观的,你可以用宠兽攻击看看,不用客气,让它们就当训练了。”雷亮笑道:“你可以让那只小剑灵试试看,它们的防御力还是很给力的。” Machine Tree:??? 机械树们:??? Logical expression? 人话? Shi Yu hears word, stares slightly, latter said with a smile: Does not use.” 时宇闻言,微微一愣,后笑道:“不用了。” Small Akame Transcendent Level, is pointless, the ordinary attack estimate does not have an effect, full power words Shi Yu feared that the opposite party cannot withstand. 赤瞳超凡级,没意义,普通攻击估计不起作用,全力的话时宇怕对方顶不住。 harden is strong , is like hardening, lord the defense material, but small Akame, main attack Soul. 坚化再强,也是和硬化一样,主防御物质,但小赤瞳,主攻灵魂呀。 Even if missing a big rank, Shi Yu also feared that small Akame does not arrive at the Mind wound that this crowd of Energy Value 4 w big fellow cuts. 哪怕差着一个大级别,时宇也怕小赤瞳把这群能量值不到4w的大家伙砍的心灵创伤。 As Advanced Overlord Race, small Akame talent is very high, like Soul Cut, Heat Haze and even Sword of Imbrication skill, although Basic Level, but it can combine with ease is using together, the flame and Soul attack blood to subdue|grams Machine Tree. 作为高等霸主种族,小赤瞳天赋很高,像斩魄阳炎乃至交错之剑技能,虽然才入门级,但它都可以轻松组合在一起使用,火焰、灵魂攻击血克机械树 I mainly want to observe, record and study around the Alternate Tree mutated difference.” Shi Yu said. “我主要还是想观察、记录、研究异形树变异进化前后的差别。”时宇道。 Small gift.” Meng Qing hehe smiles: Two days later definitely makes you see.” “小意思。”孟晴呵呵一笑:“两天后肯定让你看到。” Then, the Machine Tree club entertained Shi Yu this genius archaeologist warmly, but, Shi Yu has not stayed for a long time, after all others must train, see do not have opportunity Copy Mutation today, Shi Yu and Boss Meng gave the telephone mutually, quick said goodbye on own initiative. 接下来,机械树俱乐部热情招待了时宇这个天才考古学家,不过,时宇也没久留,毕竟人家还要训练,见今天没机会复制变异体,时宇孟老板互留了电话,很快就主动告辞了。 After leaving the Machine Tree club, Shi Yu long shouted the tone. 离开机械树俱乐部后,时宇长呼口气。 He thinks, oneself as if did not have registration Metamorphosis Fiesta! 他想了一下,自己似乎还没报名化蝶大会 Metamorphosis Fiesta conducts in Godfeather Mountain Range of Myth Metropolis city, situated in the wild field region, is no one can go. 化蝶大会神都市的神羽山脉内举办,处于野外区域,也不是谁都能去的。 Metamorphosis Valley is away from a labyrinth same forest with the city, at least wants Professional Beastmaster, can pass through normally, if Trainee Beastmaster wants to go, must look for the bodyguard. 化蝶谷跟城市隔着一片迷宫一样的森林,至少要职业御兽师,才能正常通行,如果是见习御兽师想进去,就得找保镖了。 Moreover, the Metamorphosis Valley region is limited, Beast Master that the official also the determination goes to is the sincerity helps beast pet Evolution, watches the fun purely, the latter enough strong background, perhaps is not easy to go to watch. 另外,化蝶谷区域有限,官方也得确定前往的御兽师是真心帮助宠兽进化,还是纯粹去看热闹,后者没有足够强的背景,恐怕不是那么容易进去观看的。 Generally, is each Beast Master that goes to Godfeather Mountain Range and Metamorphosis Fiesta, must register ahead of time, taking down status. 大致来说,就是每一个去神羽山脉化蝶大会御兽师,都得提前去登记一下,记录下身份。 This also to prevent some badmen enters the mountain lineage/vein, after all that chaotic place, most insect cocoons side the master, the insect cocoon will also not possibly have the battle efficiency, if tightly does not control, may have an opportunity by stealing very much , if enrages Guardian God, that was more serious. 这样也是为了防止一些不法之徒进入脉,毕竟那个混乱的场所,绝大多数虫茧可能都不会在主人身边,虫茧又没有战斗力,如果不严格管制,很有可能被盗猎者有机可乘,更甚,如果激怒到守护神,那就更严重了。 First under the registration, do not wait last day to line up again.” After Shi Yu thinks, makes the decision quickly. “先去登记下吧,别等最后一天再去排队。”时宇想了想后,很快做出决定。 The registration participates in the Metamorphosis Fiesta flow is very simple, puts out the document registration, and looked at to the officials contract insect cocoon will do. 登记参加化蝶大会的流程也很简单,拿出证件登记,并且给官方人员看一下自己契约的虫茧就行了。 When Shi Yu arrives at the Flutter Town of Myth Metropolis city to Godfeather Mountain Range, discovered that here lines up to conduct Beast Master also several hundred people of registration, might be has registered a major part ahead of time, might be has not arrived at Myth Metropolis. 时宇来到神都市通往神羽山脉百蝶镇时,发现在这里排队进行登记的御兽师也就几百人,有可能是提前已经登记了一大部分,也有可能是都还没到神都 Metamorphosis Valley may accommodate 100,000 people to add 100,000 insect cocoons, although this Metamorphosis Fiesta threshold is not high, some opportunities see Guardian God, but so many Beast Master have not as if participated in Metamorphosis Fiesta. 化蝶谷可容纳十万人加十万只虫茧,虽然这次化蝶大会门槛不高,有机会见到守护神,但似乎也并没有那么多御兽师来参加化蝶大会 Because most people do not have the Azure Silkbug Evolution plan, normal Evolution is the Drafty Crystal Butterfly Azure Silkbug cocoon, even if benefits in Metamorphosis Fiesta, still most endures compared with middle-grade Transcendent Species, the significance is not big, Metamorphosis Fiesta gives these to have top rank Evolution plan the stage of Beast Master preparation in the final analysis. 因为多数人没有青绵虫进化方案,一只正常进化风晶蝶青绵虫茧,就算在化蝶大会中得到好处,也最多堪比中等超凡种族罢了,意义不大,化蝶大会说到底还是给那些拥有极品进化方案的御兽师准备的舞台。 For example these grasp the Advanced Commander Race Evolution plan Beast Master, can perhaps draw support from Metamorphosis Fiesta, was endured by own beast pet Race potential compared with Monarch even achieves King Species. 比如那些掌握高等统领种族进化方案的御兽师,说不定就能借助化蝶大会,让自己的宠兽种族潜力堪比君王甚至达到君王种族 Therefore, overwhelming majority Evolution positions, have possibility official to use, trains some Evolution butterfly species through the Butterfly Deity unification. 所以,绝大部分进化位置,有可能还是官方自己使用的,通过蝶神统一培养进化某种蝶类 This I.” After the moment, Shi Yu moved. “该我了。”片刻后,时宇动了。 Here is ten hall rooms lines up to register simultaneously, Shi Yu has not waited for many Time, about after 40 minutes, was one's turn him. 这里是十个大厅房间同时排队登记,时宇并没有等待多少时间,大约40分钟后,就轮到他了。 Shi Yu enters this hall, the one who is responsible for registering is a young woman, this chapter of opposite party quite looked like the service personnel, like a moment ago that Boss Meng, was not a boss, sits in the hall unexpectedly plays the computer, received guest 时宇进入这个大厅,负责登记的是位年轻的女士,这回对方就比较像服务人员了,不像刚才那个孟老板,身为一个老板,竟然在大厅坐着玩电脑,接待来客 Hello, please give me the Beast Master license.” Registrant Girl sweet smiles, said to Shi Yu. “您好,请把御兽师执照给我。”登记小姐甜甜一笑,向时宇道。 Good.” Shi Yu nods, gave the opposite party own Intermediate Beastmaster license. “好。”时宇点头,将自己的中级御兽师执照递给了对方。 On the other hand, after going back, should look for Grandmaster Qujie to be admitted to Advanced License? 话说回来,回去后,是不是该找曲解大师考取高级执照了? Does he give the inspection? 还是他老人家给考核吗? Grandmaster Qujie Sealing Talent is good 曲解大师封印天赋还是不错的 Please verify.” “请您核实一下。” Name, Shi Yu, the age, 19 years old, the rank, intermediate Professional Beastmaster, the ID registration location, Icesource City Pingcheng District, inspects the place, Ancient Metropolis Beast Association.” The Registrant Girl convention registrates. “姓名,时宇,年龄,19岁,级别,中级职业御兽师,户籍地,冰原市平城区,考核地,古都御兽协会。”登记小姐常规进行起登记。 This age, this rank, is very theoretically strong, but for these days, Registrant Girl saw that too here Nine Universities came to participate in Metamorphosis Fiesta Genius, is numb. 这个年龄,这个级别,理论上来说很强,不过这几天,登记小姐见到太多九大学府来这边参加化蝶大会天才了,已经麻木了。 Does not have the issue.” Shi Yu nods. “没有问题。”时宇点了点头。 „Under then asked you to summon you to participate in Metamorphosis Fiesta beast pet, must already the contract condition, moreover can only be the Azure Silkbug cocoon.” Registrant Girl also said: Here must help under the beast pet physical examination registration, will inspect the insect cocoon for you while convenient the healthy condition, is free ~ Professional Beastmaster benefits ~ “接下来请您召唤下您要参加化蝶大会宠兽,必须是已契约状态才可以哦,而且只能是青绵虫的茧。”登记小姐又道:“这边也要帮宠兽体检登记下,会为您顺便检查一下虫茧的健康状态,是免费的~职业御兽师福利~” Can melt the cocoon Bug-Type incessantly Azure Silkbug, but Azure Silkbug is in the world largest Bug-Type, simultaneously Butterfly Deity at first is also Azure Silkbug, therefore Metamorphosis Fiesta can only be the Azure Silkbug cocoon can participate. 能化茧的虫系不止青绵虫一个,不过青绵虫是世界上数量最多的虫系,同时蝶神最初也是青绵虫,所以化蝶大会只能是青绵虫茧才能参加。 Shi Yu raised the head slightly, looks to Registrant Girl. 时宇微微抬头,看向了登记小姐 Summoned Wormie not to have the issue not to have the issue, but, the opposite party saw the Wormie cocoon, will not acknowledge mistakes. 召唤出虫虫没问题是没问题,不过,对方看到虫虫的茧,不会不认账吧。 After all, his Azure Silkbug cocoon, with the normal Azure Silkbug cocoon, one loses the difference. 毕竟,他的青绵虫茧,和正常的青绵虫茧,还是有一丢丢差别的。 Un?” Registrant Girl looked at Shi Yu. “嗯?”登记小姐看了一眼时宇 Un Shi Yu summoned, before the body, presented together the Space ripples, white green flash chart appeared in summoned platform center , the next second, whole body appears by the insect cocoon that the pure white silk packages in Registrant Girl at present. “嗯时宇召唤起来,身前出现一道空间涟漪,白绿色的闪光图阵出现在了召唤台中,,下一秒,一只全身被洁白的丝包裹起来的虫茧出现在了登记小姐眼前。 Advanced Beastmaster? 高级御兽师 Registrant Girl stares, discovered the Shi Yu summon rank and material incompatible did not have to inspect. 登记小姐一愣,发现了时宇召唤等级和资料的不符是还没去考核吗。 If Advanced Beastmaster, the 19-year-old age, was a little terrifying. 如果是高级御兽师,19岁的年龄,就有点恐怖了。 She is responsible for registering so many people, few with the Shi Yu same evildoer/monstrous talent. 她负责登记这么多人,也没几个和时宇一样妖孽的。 Luster not sees the Azure Silkbug cocoon very much, Registrant Girl just about to polite, however, the vision is startled suddenly. “色泽很不”看到青绵虫的茧,登记小姐刚要客气一下,然而,目光猛然一怔。 Because, on this white insect cocoon, the pinhole, in the hole that big eye is blinking to observe her. 因为,这个白色的虫茧上,有一个小洞,洞里那双大大的眼睛正眨着眼观察着她。 Accurate, is two eyes, but Wormie is sideways at present, after the moment, Wormie turns around, both big eyes looked to Registrant Girl. 准确来说,是两个眼睛,只不过目前虫虫在侧着身,片刻后,虫虫转身,两个大眼睛都看向了登记小姐 fuck.” Registrant Girl stares. 卧槽。”登记小姐一愣。 The mouth opens wide slightly, this, this is what ghost!!! 嘴巴微微张大,这,这是什么鬼!!! At this moment, serves the etiquette, she almost all forgot. 这一刻,服务礼仪,她差点全忘了。 Meanwhile, is responsible for under the summon stage of physical examination, demonstrated current Wormie Energy Value. 与此同时,负责体检的召唤台下,显示出了当前虫虫能量值 This is Professional Exam examines machine similar installment of Energy Value. 这是和职业考核检测能量值的机器类似的装置。 Energy Value: 38869 能量值:38869 This, sees the digit, the Registrant Girl innermost feelings trembles again, cannot bear stare the big eye, retrocedes one step. 这一下,看到数字,登记小姐内心再次一颤,忍不住瞪大眼睛,后退一步。 3 w 8? 3w8? She has not misread!! 她没看错吧!! The Azure Silkbug cocoon, should not be awakening Rank 10, many not over 100 Energy Value??? 青绵虫的茧,不都应该是觉醒十级,最多不超过100的能量值吗??? Your this 你这 3 w 8, has been close to King Species quickly Commander-level standard! 3w8,已经快接近君王种族统领级的标准了啊! It is not right, this at all is not the Azure Silkbug cocoon, Registrant Girl cannot bear look to Shi Yu! 不对,这根本不是青绵虫的茧吧,登记小姐忍不住看向时宇 This, this at all is not the Azure Silkbug cocoon!” “这,这根本不是青绵虫茧啊!” Wormie: „?” 虫虫:“?” Who am I? Your politeness. 那我是谁?你礼貌吗。 This is the Azure Silkbug cocoon.” Shi Yu said: Real.” “这就是青绵虫茧。”时宇道:“货真价实。” Registrant Girl shakes the head crazily, she does not believe. 登记小姐疯狂摇头,她不信。 She is pointing at the cocoon and below 3 w multi- Energy Value that are staring the big eye, do you manage this to call the Azure Silkbug cocoon? 她指着瞪着大眼睛的茧和下方的3w多能量值,你管这叫青绵虫茧? When Metamorphosis Fiesta, others cocoons are the deep sleep are waiting for the Butterfly Deity blessing butterfly, only then your cocoon stares the big eye to stroll randomly, can you manage this to call the Azure Silkbug cocoon? 等到化蝶大会,人家的茧都是沉睡着等待蝶神祝福化蝶,只有你的茧瞪大眼睛乱逛,你能管这叫青绵虫的茧? Shi Yu shows a faint smile, helpless said: „, My Azure Silkbug is quite really special, therefore after melting the cocoon , is also quite special, is New Form, the paper my water wrote half, other half waited for it to melt the butterfly replacement to end, can publish.” 时宇微微一笑,无奈道:“真的,我的青绵虫比较特殊,所以化茧后也比较特殊,算是一种新形态吧,论文我都水写一半了,等它化蝶后补完另外一半,就可以发表了。” Registrant Girl:??? 登记小姐:??? She, is incomprehensible. 她,不能理解。 How this insect cocoon saw that is unscientific. 这虫茧怎么看也不科学。 Azure Silkbug cocoon close to Monarch potential? 接近君王潜力的青绵虫茧? You are teasing me! 你在逗我吗! „Under I, I must inform our heads, I cannot take responsibility.” She said. “我,我要通知下我们负责人,我做不了主。”她道。 She does not know that should puts to the different kind Shi Yu and Wormie this. 她不知道该不该把时宇虫虫这对异类放进去。 She has not believed this is the Azure Silkbug cocoon. 她还是没相信这是青绵虫茧。 Good.” If Shi Yu did not remember incorrectly, the Metamorphosis Fiesta head, should be Legendary Beastmaster. “好。”如果时宇没记错,化蝶大会的负责人,应该是位传奇御兽师 Is expert in Bug-Type Butterfly Lifeform Legend. 专精虫系蝶类生物传奇 When the time comes, entire Metamorphosis Fiesta, the entire journey is managed by her, association, has been responsible for communicating with Butterfly Deity by her. 到时候,整个化蝶大会,全程由她主持,协会这边,也一直是由她负责跟蝶神沟通。 Meanwhile, in Flutter Town, in a garden, one over 40 years old, the beautiful woman of old yet still graceful received telephoned. 与此同时,就在百蝶镇内,一处花园中,一位四十多岁,风韵犹存的美妇人接到了一通电话。 What's wrong, was the registration of Metamorphosis Fiesta has the problem.” “怎么了,是化蝶大会的登记出现问题了吗。” Legend Hua, yes, registration time, presented Beast Master that brings very strange Azure Silkbug cocoon 花传奇,是,登记的时候,出现了一个带着很怪的青绵虫茧的御兽师 Strange?” Surname flower Legendary Beastmaster smiles, UU reads “有多怪?”姓花的传奇御兽师笑了笑,UU看书 www.uukanshu.com Said: Heterochrosis?” 道:“异色吗?” As Legendary Beastmaster of mastery Butterfly Lifeform cultivation, she has seen many strange abnormal beast pet, has been unalarmed by strange sights. 作为精通蝶类生物培育的传奇御兽师,她见过许许多多奇怪的变态宠兽,早就见怪不怪。 However for all that but this host Metamorphosis Fiesta, she made the registration office pay attention to a special participant. 不过虽然如此,但这次主持化蝶大会,她还是让登记处留意了一下特殊的参与者。 „It is not, is that only Azure Silkbug cocoon, had a pair of eye, not in deep sleep.” “不是,是那只青绵虫茧,长了一对眼睛,没有在沉睡。” Legend Hua stares. 花传奇一愣。 Had the eye?” “长了眼睛?” Moreover, its Energy Value, achieved 38869, Growth Level, is Commander-level.” “而且,它的能量值,达到了38869,成长等级,是统领级。” Legend Hua:??? 花传奇:??? Its Beast Master said, this is Azure Silkbug Evolution, that Beast Master feels very normal, but I have not seen, I have not heard, I cannot determine that your can come one?” “它的御兽师说,这就是青绵虫进化的,那个御兽师觉得很正常,但我也没见过,我也没听说过,我也不敢确定啊,您要过来一趟吗?”
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