UB :: Volume #2

#193: Three three Breakthrough

Shi Yu disclosed after the tour and Team Assembly following Myth Metropolis plan, each beast pet rouses. 时宇透露了接下来的神都之行、队内大会计划后,每一只宠兽都振奋起来。 Eleven and Ginseng Tot for new Super Skill, diligently. 十一参宝宝为了新的超阶技能,更加努力。 Wormie makes daydream phenomenon even more is also serious. 虫虫做白日梦现象也越发严重。 Only then Sword Sprite also worry-free lying down in the ice piece, watches the animated cartoon. 只有小剑灵还无忧无虑的躺在冰块里,看着动画片。 Small Akame: «Beautiful young girl Swordsman» really attractive! 赤瞳:《美少女剑士》真好看! Just like Shi Yu, can change the body. 时宇一样,都能变身。 Moreover can the speed per second replacement! 而且还能秒速换装! Sword Sprite ponders, what means oneself has, after Possession Shi Yu, changes an attire to Shi Yu? 小剑灵思考起来,自己有什么办法,附体时宇后,也给时宇变个装吗? At this time, Shi Yu also started the final sprint. 这时,时宇也做起最后的冲刺。 meditation! 冥想 He can immediately Beast Space Strengthening to Rank 4, on two and three things. 他马上就能将御兽空间强化四级了,也就两、三的事情。 The reason that this is also why Shi Yu decides three days later to embark. 这也是时宇为什么决定三天后出发的原因。 Only then his rank standard, will after not present Wormie Evolution, is too fierce, because actually Beast Master is too weak, was affected by the contract, is unable to stimulate the complete potential the accident. 只有他的等级达标,才不会出现虫虫进化后太猛,却因为御兽师太弱,受契约影响,无法激发出全部潜能的事故。 After all after Wormie this Evolution, likely is Overlord Species Commander-level, Shi Yu depends on current Rank 3 Beast Space, the Intermediate Beastmaster rank, maintaining the contract is very reluctant. 毕竟虫虫这次进化后,很可能是霸主种族统领级啊,时宇靠着当前的三级御兽空间,中级御兽师的级别,维持契约很勉强。 But if promotes Advanced Beastmaster, can be quite many. 但如果晋升到高级御兽师,就能好很多了。 Two days later. 两天后。 Beast Space crystal wall color radical transformation of Shi Yu for green. 时宇御兽空间晶壁颜色彻底转化为了绿色。 The achromatic color, grey, white, green, blue and purple green corresponds the Beast Master fourth rank, Advanced Beastmaster. 无色、灰色、白色、绿色、蓝色、紫色绿色对应御兽师第四个级别,高级御兽师 Is normally, can perfection governing cause the Commander-level beast pet rank! 是正常情况下,能完美御使统领级宠兽的级别! Proceeds again one step, was Master Beastmaster. 再往前一步,就是大师级御兽师了。 This is a difficulty. 这又是一道难关。 Beast Master in the boost Space rank process, Rank 3 to Rank 4, Rank 4 to Rank 5, Rank 6 to Rank 7 this is the different ridges, the difficulty is high. 御兽师强化空间等级过程中,三级四级,四级五级,六级七级这是不同的坎,难度非常高。 Because of Rank 4 and Rank 3 difference, lies in whether governing to cause Commander-level beast pet. 因为四级三级的差别,在于可否御使统领级宠兽 Rank 5 and Rank 4 difference, lies in whether governing to cause King Level beast pet. 五级四级的差别,在于可否御使君王级宠兽 Rank 7 is Overlord. 七级则是霸主 Shi Yu from Rank 3 to Rank 4, holds in five heavy BUFF in addition that Relic Meditation Technique and peaceful mind sachet, Void Stone, strong Physique and beast pet Breakthrough and Evolution feed back with rapt attention, used for three months! 时宇三级四级,在遗迹冥想法、静心凝神香囊、空灵石、超强体质宠兽突破进化反馈的五重BUFF加持下,足足用了三个月! This Time is quick, but is also very slow. 这个时间很快,但也很慢。 Contrasts other Beast Master, naturally is quick, but in the situations of some Shi Yu so many BUFF additions, seemed very slow. 对比其他御兽师,自然是很快,但是时宇有这么多BUFF加成的情况下,就显得很慢了。 Although said, Shi Yu is the matter that because must handle are too many, has not put in most energy on meditation. 虽然说,时宇是因为要做的事情太多,没把绝大多数精力投入在冥想上。 But if continues to get down according to such efficiency, Shi Yu thought, Breakthrough to Master Class, will be perhaps more difficult. 但如果继续按这样的效率下去,时宇想了下,突破大师级,恐怕会更难。 Time at least is the present over five times, is the 15 months? 时间起码是现在的五倍以上,也就是十五个月? King Level and Commander-level are completely not a rank, by Eleven and the others Race, after Breakthrough, Energy Value takes 1 million as the unit, even if there is Ginseng Tot, even if my Physique is strong, was limited in the contract, Eleven and the others is also unlikely hard before I become grandmaster Breakthrough to King Level.” 君王级统领级完全不是一个级别,以十一它们种族,突破后,能量值是以百万为单位的,哪怕有参宝宝,哪怕我体质再强,受限制于契约,十一它们恐怕也难以在我成为大师之前突破君王级。” If Breakthrough, were not Shi Yu presses out to do forcefully when the time comes were so simple, but was the meeting contract struggles free automatically, the Beast Space shatter degradation, Shi Yu received backlash, the vitality damages severely, serious even possibly endangered the life. 如果强行突破,到时候就不是时宇被榨干那么简单了,而是会契约自动挣断,御兽空间破碎降级,时宇受到反噬,元气大伤,严重甚至可能危及性命。 Shi Yu thinks of that situation black, the complexion one. 时宇想到那个情况,脸色一黑。 Own speed was too slow.” “自己的速度还是太慢了。” „Under it seems like, must increase the meditation Time proportion . Moreover, Void Stone should also change into other High-Grade Space-Type Resource.” “看来,得增加下冥想时间的比重了,另外,空灵石也该换成其他高级空间系资源了。” Like of Rhizome of the Grotto-heaven Tree Wormie Evolution Materials, can boost Beast Space, but the value over hundred million, the average person could not really have used. 虫虫进化材料之一洞天树根茎,就能强化御兽空间,不过价值过亿,一般人还真用不起。 But cannot use, Shi Yu must purchase some. 但用不起,时宇也得收购一些了。 If continues such add points and meditation advances in unison, Shi Yu felt, oneself will become first, because the beast pet cultivation too strong sudden death Beast Master. 如果继续这样加点冥想齐头并进,时宇感觉,自己会成为第一个因为把宠兽培育的太强而猝死的御兽师 This also too tragedy. 这也太悲剧了。 „After Breakthrough, in Shi Yu regarded a Space environment, then grasped the fist, believes firmly that own Physique upper limit was broken at this time, can continue to increase the Body and Spirit intensity through add points, this is very comfortable. “唔突破后,时宇内视了一下空间环境,然后握了握拳头,确信自己的体质上限此时又被打破,可以继续通过加点增加体魄强度了,这就很舒服。 In addition, at this time can also contract small Akame 除此之外,此时也可以契约小赤瞳 Small Akame is still watching the animated cartoon, Shi Yu appears in it the back. 赤瞳依然在看着动画片,时宇神不知鬼不觉就出现在了它的后边。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ Sword Sprite turns the head fast. 小剑灵快速转头。 Akame: „!!!” 赤瞳:“!!!” What's wrong! 怎么了! Today has not arrived against wallows Time! 今天也没到防沉迷时间呢呀! In order to let small Akame maintains enough sleep, Shi Yu gave it to stipulate every day watched the animated cartoon Time. 为了让小赤瞳保持足够睡眠,时宇给它规定了每天看动画片的时间 „It is not this.” Shi Yu showed a faint smile, opened the fourth contract position. “不是这个。”时宇微微一笑,开启了第四契约位。 Breeze blow, the window curtains flutters, the contract halo appeared by Sword Sprite. 微风吹拂,窗帘飘动,契约光环浮现在了小剑灵旁边。 Ni?” Small Akame stares, then rapid reaction. “咪?”小赤瞳一愣,然后快速反应了过来。 Condenses the pleasantly surprised expression with the flame. 用火焰凝聚出惊喜的表情。 Shi Yu Breakthrough? 时宇突破了? Un.” Shi Yu smiles, said: Was sorry, making you wait for three months.” “嗯。”时宇笑,道:“抱歉了,让你等了三个月。” Ni!” Sword Sprite not hesitant sneaking in halo. “咪!”小剑灵没有犹豫的钻进光环。 Under the contract light halo covers, quick, small Akame changes into a fluorescence, by the Shi Yu contract, entered Beast Space. 契约光圈笼罩下,很快,小赤瞳化为点点荧光,被时宇契约,进入了御兽空间 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Ancient Metropolis University Recharge Station, grips Eleven of live wire to raise the head slightly. 古都大学充电室,攥着充电线的十一微微抬头。 The botanical garden, collected anti- Wormie material Ginseng Tot also to lift the head, looked to the distant place. 植物园,采集着反虫虫材料的参宝宝也抬起了头,看向远方。 In the dormitory, Wormie wakes up from the sleep. 宿舍内,虫虫从睡梦中醒来。 Their simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looked to the Shi Yu direction. 它们齐齐看向了时宇的方向。 Eleven and Ginseng Tot corners of the mouth present the curve slightly, brims with the smile, Wormie is the eye pupil glitters the joyful ray. 十一参宝宝嘴角微微出现弧度,洋溢起笑容,虫虫则是眼瞳闪烁起欣喜的光芒。 Shi Yu not only Breakthrough, small Akame also officially by contract! 时宇不仅突破了,小赤瞳也正式被契约了! At this time, with is Shi Yu beast pet, originally only then Eleven, Ginseng Tot and among Wormie three has some psyche relation, now, many Sword Sprite. 此时,同为时宇宠兽,原本只有十一参宝宝虫虫三个之间存在某种精神联系,现在,又多了一个小剑灵 If Beast Master has not forced to twist beast Will, then among different beast pet of Beast Master contract, the sentiment is more like the brothers and sisters. 如果御兽师没有强制扭曲御兽意志,那么一个御兽师契约的不同宠兽之间,感情更像是兄弟姐妹。 life and life because Beast Master this tie concludes the new emotion. 生命生命会因为御兽师这条纽带缔结出新的情感。 My Soul Power strengthened.” “我的灵魂力量增强了。” At this time, just the contract ended Akame, Shi Yu felt that own Soul Power increased suddenly. 此时,刚刚契约完赤瞳,时宇就感觉到了自己的灵魂力量猛然增大。 And also in long-enduring has been moistened! 并且还在持续性的得到滋润! As Ghost-Type beast pet, Akame can give the Beast Master most direct-viewing feedback, is the enhancement of Soul Power! 作为死灵系宠兽,赤瞳能给御兽师最直观的反馈,就是灵魂力量的增强! Shi Yu shows the smile, as the matter stands, more convenient Possession. 时宇露出笑容,这样一来,更方便附体了。 The Possession condition of dead souls, is Beast Master Body and Spirit force and Soul Power standard! 死灵的附体条件,就是御兽师体魄力量灵魂力量达标! Well, your also Breakthrough?” “咦,你也突破了?” After pleasant surprise, Shi Yu stares suddenly, was undergoing some change the sensation to small Akame in Beast Space. 惊喜过后,时宇忽然一愣,感知到了小赤瞳御兽空间内正在经历某种变化。 His fast summoned small Akame. 他快速的将小赤瞳召唤了出来。 At this moment, compares the Awakened Level time the fruit knife size, small Akame has grown the short-sword size of arm length. 此刻,相比觉醒级时候的水果刀大小,小赤瞳已经增长到了手臂长度的短剑大小。 Dark red sword hilt and fiery red sword blade, although does not have the flame, but the vision regards, Soul is blazing. 深红的剑柄、火红的剑身,虽没有火焰,但目光所视,灵魂炽热。 Ni ~ small Akame exudes the cheerful cry. “咪~”小赤瞳发出欢快的叫声。 Obtains nourishing of Beast Space, it almost does not have the bottleneck achieved Transcendent Level from Awakened Level. 得到御兽空间的滋养,它几乎没有瓶颈的从觉醒级达到了超凡级 Name: Sword Sprite( Akame) 名称】:剑灵(赤瞳) Growth Level: Transcendent Level 成长等级】:超凡级 Energy Value: 10000 能量值】:10000 Ten Thousand sees the change of small Akame, Shi Yu is startled slightly. 1w”看到小赤瞳的变化,时宇微微一怔。 Worthily is Advanced Overlord Race Sword Sprite, Race close to mythical. 不愧是高等霸主种族剑灵,最接近神话种族 Just achieved Transcendent Level, and by boost Species Skill, Energy Value had not been reached the Commander-level lowest standard! 刚刚达到超凡级,且还没有被强化种族技能,能量值就达到了统领级的最低标准! Perhaps, after small Akame also achieves Commander-level, oneself really take it hopefully, pursues Eleven, Wormie and Ginseng Tot to cut? 或许,小赤瞳也达到统领级后,自己真有希望拿着它,追着十一虫虫参宝宝砍? Meanwhile, hears the sound, just passed through the gate Wormie that catches up with congratulate, fiercely body one stiff. 与此同时,听闻动静,刚刚进门赶来祝贺的虫虫,猛地身体一僵。 It saw that Shi Yu in room is laughing foolishly to the ceiling, reveals the fear the expression, drew back fast. 它看到房间内的时宇正冲着天花板傻笑,露出害怕的表情,快速退了出去。 Continues to sleep, just Breakthrough Shi Yu not too normal appearance. 还是继续去睡觉吧,刚刚突破时宇不太正常的样子。 Words said, Skilldex should also increase five pages.” “话说,技能图鉴应该也又新增五页了吧。” After the moment, Shi Yu recovers. 片刻后,时宇回过神来。 These three months, he vacates many numbers of pages. 这三个月,他空出不少页数。 Now increases five pages, immediately felt the pressure reduces much. 现在又新增了五页,顿时感觉压力减小不少。 Right, having a look at Super Skill to teach now.” “对了,看看超阶技能现在能不能教。” Remembers anything suddenly, Shi Yu opens Skilldex fast. 猛然想起什么,时宇快速打开技能图鉴 Shi Yu has opened several thousand times has not known Skilldex, when this meditation, Shi Yu realized suddenly where is not right. 时宇已经打开过不知道几千次技能图鉴,但这一次冥想时,时宇忽然意识到了哪里不对劲。 In his mind Space, on the black lithical Dex book cover, before comparing, had/left a dark diamond pattern. 他的脑海空间中,黑色的石质图鉴书皮上,相比之前,多出了一个更漆黑的菱形图案。 What ghost.” “什么鬼。” As Skilldex his Breakthrough, did have the change?!! 技能图鉴随着他这次突破,有了变化?!! Shi Yu stares, as beastmaster talent the Beast Master rank promotion, will have boost, this will be the general knowledge. 时宇一愣,御兽天赋会随着御兽师等级提升,发生强化,这个是常识。 Perhaps like former that Freud White Lightning talent, the present condition, is only equivalent to Basic Level Super Skill, perhaps but with his strength rise, to the talent follow-up development, the effect will be equivalent to Proficient Level and master level even Perfect Level Super Skill! 像之前那个付迪安白雷天赋,现在的状态,或许只相当于入门级超阶技能,但是随着他实力提升,对天赋后续开发,说不定效果会相当于熟练级精通级甚至完美级超阶技能 Same, these enhancement talent, as the Beast Master rank promotion, the effect is better. 相同的,那些强化天赋,也会随着御兽师等级提升,效果更加好。 Shi Yu thinks, manifestation that Skilldex promotes, increases the number of pages, but at this moment, as he opens p. 1, immediately realizes own mistake! 时宇原本以为,技能图鉴升级的体现,就是增加页数,但是此刻,随着他翻开第一页,立刻意识到了自己的错误! In the dark consciousness sea, black Dex floats there, Shi Yu shows the shocking expression. 漆黑的意识海中,黑色图鉴漂浮在那里,时宇露出震惊的表情。 Skilldex promoted a function! 技能图鉴升级了一个功能! skill: deterrence 技能】:威慑 Skill Rank 技能等级 Introduction 【介绍】 Condition 【状态】 Besides the basic information, at this time, Skilldex increased a column. 除了基本的信息外,此时,技能图鉴新增了一栏。 It is not appears occasionally Cooldown Time, Rather Learning Method!! 并不是偶尔出现的【冷却时间】,而是【教学方法】!! General Learning Method: Absorbing Psychic-Type king Clan( deterrence is Species Skill Race) after lifeform psyche crystal force, Breakthrough Growth Level under master level above deterrence, has probability awakening Intimidate (Ability), the awakening probability depends on beast pet talent and beast pet Race, beast pet and this/should skill compatibility. 【通用教学方法】:吸收精神系(威慑种族技能种族)的生物精神结晶力量后,在精通级以上威慑突破成长等级,有概率觉醒威慑技能,觉醒概率取决于宠兽天赋宠兽种族宠兽与该技能契合度 Looks so-called General Learning Method, Shi Yu all of a sudden delay. 看着所谓的【通用教学方法】,时宇一下子呆滞了。 He turned several pages fast, Multi-Size is also good, Iron Defense is also good, Energy Fruit is also good, except for Super Skill Botanokinesis, Convergence and Hiemal Breath, under each included Low Grade, mid rank and Advanced Skill, presented one General Learning Method!! 他快速翻了几页,倍化也好,固若金汤也好、能量果也好,除了超阶技能植物掌控内敛锋芒天霜寒气,每一个已收录的低阶中阶高阶技能下,都出现了一个【通用教学方法】!! Shi Yu understands certainly that this is what 时宇当然明白这是什么 Dex this was renewed, even did not draw support from Dex special force, can still let some beast pet learned skill general Hidden Skill Book!! 图鉴这是更新了,即使不借助图鉴的特殊力量,也能让一些宠兽学会该技能的“通用技能秘籍”!! Shi Yu rubs the eyes. 时宇揉了揉眼睛。 „Is this this is must make me transfer duty Skill Tutor???” “这是这是要让我转职技能教学师吗???” Skill Tutor and Evolution Counselor , are one of the Breeder branch professional. 技能教学师进化规划师,都是饲育师的分支职业之一。 Like Lu Qingyi to the Shi Yu Dazzling Beautifly Evolution plan, stemmed from the hand of Evolution Counselor initially. 像当初陆青依时宇光明女神蝶进化方案,就是出自进化规划师之手。 But Skill Tutor, naturally is other teaching beast pet learns skill, to increase skill proficiency professional. 技能教学师,自然就是教学其他宠兽学会技能、增加技能熟练度职业 These two professional are was known as that most makes money, the position loftiest Beast Master deputy. 这两个职业都是号称最赚钱、地位最崇高的御兽师副职。 At this time, looks at the function of Dex new renewal, Shi Yu that Breeding Department graduates, is lost in thought. 此时,看着图鉴新更新的功能,饲育系毕业的时宇,陷入了沉思。 Always felt, the status of oneself Breeding Department graduate, must look on. 总感觉,自己饲育系毕业生的身份,要更加坐视了。 Skilldex renewed the edition newly, oneself always have no alternative but to use, selling point Hidden Skill Book earns an extra income is also good. 技能图鉴新更新了版本,自己总不能不用吧,卖点技能秘籍赚个外快也好啊。 Does not think, when the Breeder Archaeology scientist isn't good Beast Master?” “不想当饲育师考古学家不是好御兽师?”
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