UPOH :: Volume #3

#433: Big nephew, small fish elder brother 【Is silver big pledge young in addition ( 7 )】

Bang the sound is lingering on faintly. 轰轰隆隆的声音不绝于耳。 In the upper air, the salute called, just like all flowers blooming together, brilliantly purple and red, infinite magnificent, dazzling, permanent. 高空中,礼炮鸣动,宛如百花齐放,姹紫嫣红,无限瑰丽,璀璨夺目,恒久不息。 Everyone is raising head to wait and see in this way the grand scene, 所有人都仰着头观望着如斯盛大的场面, In the look, performing is enchanted by, the color of admiring, was really beautiful! 眼神中,尽是迷醉、欣羡之色,委实是太美了! Even the person of attending , without one non- is lord of the place, hero of the side influence, or is this world master class, at this moment still unavoidably for it heart movement. 即便与会之人,无一非是一地之主,一方势力之雄,亦或者是此世一流高手,此刻仍旧难免为之心动。 Good long time, the sound of assorted fireworks comes to the end finally, in the sky only keeps a darkness. 好半晌,各色烟花的响动终于告一段落,天空中唯留一片漆黑。 At the right moment, the north sky was ripped open an opening suddenly, the sunlight shines, but Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian happen to rushed at this time, hit. 适时,北方天空突然被撕开一道口子,阳光重新照射进来,而左小多左小念正好在这个时候赶到,一头撞了进来。 A moment ago here sky phenomenon, was actually an numerous mighty figure little uses/gives method, blocks out of phase that the space created. 刚才这边的天空异象,却是一众大能小施手段,封锁空间所造成的异相。 In this also caused Zuo Xiaoduo and the others not to know to investigate, waited till, here happen to finished up, rips open an opening, let the bridegroom-to- be the bride-to-be can enter lightly, arrived officially...... 这也就导致了左小多等人根本就不知道究里,等到了跟前,这边正好完事儿,撕开一道口子,却让准新郎和准新娘可以翩然而入,正式登场…… Was taken away from another direction as for later Li Chenglong and the others...... 至于稍后的李成龙等人则是被人从另一个方向领走…… But as the matter stands, to everyone's feeling is: This a man and a woman, the happy pair, looking like the angel is the same, brought the light, brought radiantly, brought brightly...... brought about the hope! 而这样一来,给大家的感觉就是:这一男一女,新郎新娘,就像是天使一样,带来了光,带来了璀璨,带来了光明……更是带来了希望! In addition two people outstanding semblances, what male is so dashing, what female is so the outstandingly beautiful day fragrance. 再加上两人出众的外表,男的是如此的英俊潇洒,女的是如此的绝色天香。 Pulls open in heavenly canopy suddenly, that moment of dawn again being near world! 就在天幕骤然拉开,曙光再临尘寰的那一刻! Everyone has a feeling. 所有人都有一种感觉。 I saw the immortal! 我看到了仙人! Is...... that full, enough lets a dog grain that anybody eats to the full! 还有就是……那满满的,足够让任何人吃得饱饱的一顿狗粮! Airborne, Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian know nothing the unclear holding hands to fly into, Zuo Xiaoduo does not know that is saying anything, Zuo Xiaonian is a face gentle and bright smile. 空中,左小多左小念一无所知不明就里的牵手飞入,左小多不知道在说什么,左小念则是一脸温柔而灿烂的笑容。 This smile, making in all will of the people vibrate fiercely. 这笑容,让所有人心里都是猛地震动了一下。 Quite pure, is quite beautiful! 好纯净,好美! Nan Zhengqian practical joke, bellows intentionally at this moment suddenly: „Is bride beautiful?!” 南正乾存心恶作剧,此刻蓦然一声大吼:“新娘子美不美?!” This, inspired the aspirations of following countless people without doubt, Xu Duo/many bellowed subconsciously: beautiful......” 这一声,无疑是引动了下面无数人的心声,许多下意识大吼一声:“美……” By the Xu Duo/many person, the soaring to the heavens sound wave that Xu Duo/many high rank cultivator forms with one voice, the ignorant happy pair however will still curl to get up and throw to go out unexpectedly all of a sudden...... to hold the upper air...... 许多人,许多高阶修者异口同声形成的冲天音浪,竟然将犹自懵然的新郎新娘一下子卷了起来、扔了出去……托上了高空…… Ha hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈哈……” Following innumerable old ** sees with own eyes this scene to be jubilant, pats the thigh to roar with laughter. 下面的无数老**眼见这一幕兴高采烈,拍着大腿哄堂大笑起来。 Where Zuo Xiaoduo two people can not know that oneself two people were designed, but such red-letter day, such harmless small joke, under the heart also thinks little, depends on the original potential to fall gently slowly, the manner is free, does not see the color of losing presence of mind. 左小多两人哪能不知道自己两人被设计了,但这样的大喜日子,这样无伤大雅的小玩笑,心下倒也不以为忤,依着原势缓缓飘落下来,神态自若,丝毫不见失措之色。 Two people flutter leisurely, finally falls in front of Zuo Changlu remarkably. 两人一路款款飘飞,最后卓然落在左长路面前。 The Zuo Xiaoduo long body is handsome, one is hand-held Zuo Xiaonian, after lost/carrying, what end is handsome like a jade tree, natural! 左小多长身玉立,一手扶着左小念,一手负后,端的是玉树临风,潇洒至极! The innumerable old fogies laugh again, everyone is the worldly person slippery customer, where could not look that this boy this is plays the graceful in intentional acting cool? 无数的老家伙再度哄笑起来,大家都是人精老油条,哪里看不出来这小子这是在故意的装逼耍帅? Yo! Big nephew compels the attire, the perfect score has me to hit 9.9, 0.1 that finally buckles are because was too artificial, goes too far is as bad as not far enough, goes too far is as bad as not far enough!” “哟呵!大侄子这一个逼装的,满分有十分我打九点九,最后扣的零点一是因为太做作了,过犹不及,过犹不及啊!” Really really installed one well X!” “真真是装了一个好X!” What roar roar roar...... installs the so skilled appearance...... the end is the handed down in the family origin, the father hero real man, as one piece of fuel is consumed, the flame passes on to another, which no lack of successors to conduct......” “吼吼吼……装如此熟练的样子……端的是家传渊源,老子英雄儿好汉,薪尽火传,后继有人哪……” Hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈……” creating a disturbance, was some people takes the lead, the whole staff participated. 刚才的起哄,乃是有人带头,全员参与。 However now all dares the person of such unscrupulous cracking a joke, each to be Zuo Changlu that past youngest brother, the hardcore subordinate, has such courage and qualifications! 但是现在所有敢这么肆无忌惮的开玩笑的人,每一个都必须是左长路的那种当年老兄弟,铁杆部下,才有这样的胆子和资格! Cracks a joke , needs the qualifications component. 开玩笑,也是需要有资格份量的。 Not everyone can on the scene close speaks the joke as one pleases. 绝不是每一个人都能在场合上随心所欲的说笑话。 But can in front of Heaven Patrolling Throne, the person who plays his son joke unscrupulously, said the position only, places in three continent, must be of levers! 而能够在巡天御座面前,肆无忌惮的开他儿子玩笑的人,单说地位,放在三个大陆之中,也都必须是杠杠的那种! Otherwise, that afraid is serious that is hard to bear! 否则,那份心虚便是难以负担的沉重! In big laughter, one group of old fogies clash, Zuo Changlu first scolded one with a smile: Your this crowd is never concerned about face, my child great happiness day, cannot change your uncouthly bad habits, I may tell you, a while gives a present, if were short, did not say how my Grand Eminence renovates you, I do not let off you, looked that I do not have your muscles, digs up your skins!” 一片大笑声中,一帮老家伙冲上来,左长路先是笑着骂了一句:“你们这一群老不要脸的,咱家孩子大喜的日子,也改不了你们这粗鲁的臭毛病,我可告诉你们,一会儿送礼要是少了,不说咱家太座如何整治你们,我就不放过你们,看我不抽你们的筋,扒你们的皮!” One group of old things are smiling: boss felt relieved! The little brother this time sold the marrow, is to give the big nephew to get up surface child long/grows!” 一帮老东西嬉皮笑脸:“老大放心!小弟这次把骨髓都卖了,就是要给大侄子把面子长起来!” Moreover the person scolded: Your that marrow value how many filthy money? When I do not know that you took by force the crazy blade general couple days ago.” 另外就有一人骂道:“你那骨髓才值几个臭钱?当我不知道你前几天打劫了狂刀将军。” Hehe, my does not take by force, I raised a mouth, little Ru and dream such as give me on stops up space ring...... my are disrespect actually, by it worthily......” “嘿嘿,我那可不是打劫,我就提了一嘴,小茹和梦如就塞给我一空间戒指……我那是却之不恭,受之不愧……” Fart by it worthily! You clutch vulnerable point several thousand years of couple not to put, others can be willing to you?” “屁的受之不愧!要不是你揪着人家两口子的小辫子几千年不放,人家能心甘情愿的给你?” Immediately has interrupting of person of livid: Talked nonsense anything, our where had what vulnerable point...... you...... you baseless unmanned pure......” crazy blade general Tie Mengru. 顿时就有一人急赤白脸的插嘴:“胡说八道什么呢,我们哪有什么小辫子……你们……你们不要凭空无人清白……”正是狂刀将军铁梦如 Oh yo...... pretty boy, do you have purely? single Xiaoru, single Xiaoru!” “哎哟哟……小白脸,就你还有清白呢?单小茹,单小茹!” Bellows: Hurries to explain, the pureness of our crazy blade general, where ruined to go......” 一声大吼:“赶紧出来解释解释,我们狂刀将军的清白,到底葬送到哪里去了……” White hair Heavenly Immortal single Xiaoru appears, ill-humored say/way: Shuts your bird mouth, your ten thousand old hoodlum, senior single dog! cocky anything, so many dog grains could not have filled today your crowd of shrivelled bellies!” 白发天仙单小茹出现,没好气的道:“闭上你丫的鸟嘴,你个万年老光棍,资深单身狗!嘚瑟什么,今天这么多的狗粮还填不饱你们这群瘪肚子!” What this ten thousand old hoodlum and senior single dog end is the sure-kill! 这一句万年老光棍、资深单身狗端的是绝杀! On the faces of several senior generals twitched immediately, looks at single Xiaoru wickedly! 几位老将军的脸上登时抽搐了一下,恶狠狠看着单小茹! single Xiaoru does not fear happily, finger one after another point in the past: Single dog! Single dog! Single dog! Your three...... single dog! The courage where the single dog...... has a face to taunt our couple love...... your single dogs comes unexpectedly? Believed the dog grain brace to explode the dog bellies of your flock of single dogs?” 单小茹怡然不惧,手指头一个个的点过去:“单身狗!单身狗!单身狗!还有你们三个……单身狗!单身狗……居然有脸嘲讽我们夫妻恩爱的……你们这些单身狗哪里来的勇气?信不信狗粮撑爆了你们这群单身狗的狗肚子?” „......” “……” One group of old fogy collectives are repulsed, in an instant the total military defeat, has the potential of being utterly routed. 一帮老家伙集体败退,刹那间兵败如山倒,直有溃不成军之势。 Zuo Xiaoduo has almost not borne the laughter, has not smiled luckily, otherwise a pig called unable to be inescapable. 左小多则是差点没忍住笑声来,也幸亏没笑出来,否则一声猪叫是跑不了的。 Really is really valiant...... 真真是彪悍啊…… But at this time, one share inexplicable familiarity surged suddenly, could not bear blurt out without consulting anybody: Lan Xiaotu?” 而就在这时候,一股子莫名的熟悉感陡然涌动,径自忍不住脱口而出:“兰小兔?” Initially, contended in martial arts in Hidden Dragon High Martial, a blade cut to kill Central Plains Prince adopted daughter Xiao Junyi Lan Xiaotu, was this person? 当初,在潜龙高武比武,一刀斩杀中原王义女萧君仪兰小兔,便是此君? Zuo Xiaoduo determined that oneself has not admitted mistakes, was this person without doubt! 左小多确定自己没有认错,就是此人无疑了! single Xiaoru hearing this instant is shocked, that elegant face twisted immediately, oneself came out a moment ago, really has not controlled the sound to change, is she has not mainly paid attention, has not actually thought, this Young Master Throne the memory is so unexpectedly good, but casual acquaintance, has not put in an appearance the dialogue, actually remembers so clearly! 单小茹闻言瞬时愣住,那张俏脸登时扭曲了一下,刚才自己就这么出来,委实是没控制声音变化,主要是她也没注意,却没有想到,这位御座公子记忆力居然这么好,不过一面之缘,还不是照面对话,竟然记得这般清楚! Aiya, the big nephew is really the retentiveness!” “哎呀,大侄儿真是好记性!” single Xiaoru say/way with a smile, graceful direct acknowledgment. 单小茹笑吟吟的道,落落大方的直接承认了。 Zuo Xiaoduo oneself was instead shocked. 左小多自己反而愣住了。 Really is!? 真的是!? Then he turned the head to look at crazy blade general Tie Mengru, the complexion twisted: „Are you Tie Xiaoniu?” 接着他转头看着狂刀将军铁梦如,脸色扭曲了一下:“那你是铁小牛?” Tie Mengru first laughs, with is a little slightly embarrassed, saying of complaint: Good name that Right Path Heavenly King gives!” 铁梦如先是哈哈大笑,跟着稍稍有点窘迫,不无怨念的说道:“右路天王取的好名字!” You Dongtian is raising head to look at the day at the same time, I do not pass. 游东天在一边仰头看天,我不过去。 , Coming up of your one after another called boss especially brazenly, what to do called the big nephew...... me? 特么的,你们一个个的上去就厚着脸皮叫老大,叫大侄子……我咋办? father kept aloof for a lifetime, later also planned to continue on, but this little fellow marries now, was the father unexpectedly baseless shorter than a generation you? 老子高高在上一辈子了,以后还打算继续在上,可是现在这小家伙结婚,老子居然就凭空比你们矮了一辈? Why do you come up to call Uncle Zuo boss? one after another clearly is much smaller than me...... 你们凭什么上去就叫左叔老大一个个分明比我还小着不少呢…… This special real aggrieved! 这特么的真憋屈啊! Thinks of that person again, similarly is because the apprentice is the Uncle Zuo unmarried girl, grew oneself one generation unexpectedly, 12,000 aggrievedness! 再想到那人,同样是因为徒弟是左叔的闺女,竟也生生长了自己一辈,更加万二分的憋屈! Scratches, these days father with rank bar on! 擦,这段时间老子跟辈分杠上了! But he does not want to provoke that crowd of old **, these old ** where will actually let off him? 但他不想招惹那群老**,这些老**却又哪里会放过他? Performs is thinking oneself moistens the Right Path Heavenly King cheap opportunity for a lifetime perhaps on this time, how could to let off? 尽都想着自己一辈子沾右路天王便宜的机会也许就这一次,岂能放过? Everyone over ten thousand times is lives life and death dead to spin several thousand people, but also fears the retaliation of your Right Path Heavenly King? 大家都是生生死死打转几千上万次的人,还怕你右路天王的报复? The benefits did not need to become invalid after date! 福利不用可就是过期作废了! Therefore one group of old fogies point at Right Path Heavenly King to say to Zuo Xiaoduo: Big nephew, that is your small fish elder brother, hurries to greet!” 于是一帮老家伙指着右路天王左小多道:“大侄子,那是你小鱼哥,赶紧打个招呼啊!” A face of You Dongtian was at the scene black! 游东天的一张脸当场就黑了! The meaning of these words, simply should not be too obvious! 这句话的意思,简直是不要太明显! At this moment he envies Mr. and Mrs. Yun Zhonghu infinitely, originally arranges the seat in inside, is responsible for supervising the audience, person who various places recuperate, should be his You Dongtian is right. 这一刻他无限羡慕云中虎夫妻,本来在里面安排座位,负责监察全场,各处调理的人,应该是他游东天才对。 However You Dongtian dislikes troublesome, therefore inertia flung the pot to fling to Yun Zhonghu. 但是游东天嫌麻烦,所以惯性的一个甩锅甩给了云中虎 Now others Yun Zhonghu in other end diligent working, he here relaxed joins in the fun...... 现在人家云中虎在彼端勤勤恳恳的干活,他则在这边轻轻松松的凑热闹…… Forgot unexpectedly here also has most fatal rank issue. 竟是忘记了这边还有个最致命的辈分问题。 Now, thorough was awkward. 现在,彻底的尴尬了。 Zuo Xiaoduo is perplexed, the smile goes forward one step: Small fish elder brother is good, Right Heavenly King is good.” 左小多不明所以,笑脸上前一步:“小鱼哥好,右天王好。” First is calls the small fish the elder brother, naturally is the handed down in the family origin, expressed that two are intimate with, but then called Right Heavenly King, was actually respects the Right Path Heavenly King so many years brilliant contributions and illustrious military exploits! 先是叫小鱼哥,自然是家传渊源,表示两家亲近,但接着叫右天王,却是尊敬右路天王这么多年的杰出贡献和赫赫战功! Un un, Xiaoduo hello/you good.” You Dongtian kind response. “嗯嗯呢,小多你好。”游东天亲切回应的。 Then sees does old ** stands vigorous a row, the tooth that one after another smiles to be very merry: Big nephew, you only saw your small fish elder brother, here so many uncles did not say to salute upon meeting, ended with your Elder Brother intimately was one's turn our these uncles......” 然后就见一干老**挺胸凸肚站成一排,一个个笑的呲着牙很快活:“大侄子,你只看到你小鱼哥了,这边这么多叔叔也不说过来见礼,跟你哥哥亲热完了就轮到我们这些叔叔了吧……” Tooth that You Dongtian bites sound: Your one after another is waiting!” 游东天咬的牙齿咯嘣嘣的响:“你们一个个的等着!” Waits to wait, who also cares about your junior!” “等着就等着,谁还在乎你个小辈!” Everyone cares about nothing. 大家毫不在乎。 How many since our Xu Duo/many years were flung pot to return by your Right Heavenly King? 咱们这许多年以来被你右天王甩锅多少回了? Rare entire time you, the father will be lenient, not entire enjoys oneself to the full!? 难得整一次你,难道老子还会手软,不整个尽兴!? However everyone cracks a joke to turn over to crack a joke, has the discretion very much. For example plays the Zuo Xiaoduo joke, has not played the Zuo Xiaonian joke...... this to look at everyone's sense of proportion...... 不过大家开玩笑归开玩笑,却还是很有分寸的。比如只是开左小多的玩笑,并没有开左小念的玩笑……这就看出来大家的分寸感来了…… Bride's joke, even if the intimate relations, the joke cannot open casually. 新娘子的玩笑,哪怕是再亲近的关系,玩笑也不能随便开的。 Facing Right Path Heavenly King that flying into a rage has not dared to manifest suddenly, does old ** looking fierce that smiles. 面对暴跳如雷还不敢发作的右路天王,一干老**都是笑的龇牙咧嘴的。 Flew crisply...... 爽飞了…… You have today! 你也有今天! ............ ………… Today only wrote 9000, is quite depressed. Asked the ticket.】 【今天只写了九千,好懊丧。求票。】
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