UD :: Volume #7

#238: 2 law errors how much

Without a doubt, has stepped on by way of a step trail, is equivalent to this handwriting correctly by confirmation unmistakable. 毫无疑问,经由步枝足迹踩过,就相当于这个字迹被“确认”正确无误。 A step complexion is dim, as if limps , if drunk. Step by step, the quick first line came to the end, starts the transition to come back. 步枝面色朦胧,似乎蹒跚若醉。一步接着一步,很快第一行就走到了尽头,开始转折回来。 The first line of each handwriting, all leave behind the tracks, but actually not a character change. 第一行的每一个字迹,皆留下足印,但是却并无一字变更。 The second line...... 第二行…… The third line...... 第三行…… Also duplicate/restores such as is. 亦复如是。 Gui Wujiu sees it, is the secret praise. 归无咎见之,也是暗暗称许。 Martial Dao higher boundary mighty figure, since goes through all the complications, dispatches step lower realm, will be self-confident will naturally promote to lower realm dao art surely. 武道上境大能,既然费尽周折,遣出“步枝”下界,自然是自信对下界道术必定会有所提升。 The character who even if present age the person of extraordinary ability, is era, has room for of promotion as before. 哪怕当世俊彦,皆是纪元不出的人物,依旧有提升之空间。 However really flows the Grand Dao no small matter, even if higher boundary mighty figure, is not easy to give and accept privately, changes magically at will. Even if aptitude boundary to perfection above, there are has grasped the person of this field of endeavor to instruct earnestly, cannot say that easily can comprehend. 但是真流大道非同小可,哪怕是上境大能,也不易私相授受,随意点化。纵然资质境界到了圆满之上,又有已然掌握此道之人耳提面命,也不能说轻易就能领会。 According to the Gui Wujiu estimate, this promotion the dao art level, on approximately arrives at the distance really to flow the position of Grand Dao one pace. 归无咎估量,这所“提升”的道术层次,大约上抵乎距离真流大道一步之遥的位置。 Present Martial Dao, cannot be this level definitely. 现在的武道,决计达不到这一层次。 Bountiful not and really flows, already exceptionally fearsome. 饶是未及真流,也已经异常可怖。 But by the step so high level examination, first even/including traversal three lines of more than 200 characters, cannot seek one is not yet arrived ultimate good unexpectedly. 但以步枝如此高的水准检验,一连遍历三行二百余字,竟未能寻得一处未臻至善者。 Jiang Minyi becomes wise of dao technique with the aid of White Tiger Seal, has no qualms in the Martial Dao peak. 姜敏仪借助白虎印所成道法之高明,无愧于武道巅峰。 Also waits for one, until the seventh line, step settles down finally. Brow slightly pressed, after sucking in the finger long time, in the surface exudes a rouge to be red, twittering talked to oneself: „To select a problem is not really easy.” 又等候一阵,直到第七行上,步枝终于驻足。眉头微蹙,吮吸手指良久后,面上泛起一丝胭红,呢喃自语道:“想挑一点毛病真不容易。” At once under the foot treads layer on layer/heavily. 旋即足下重重一踏。 Mentioned also wonderfully, step seemingly did not have slight magical power obviously, as she under trod fully, that and her person contour handwriting , the dissipation did not see suddenly, became one blank. 说来也奇,步枝明明看似没有丝毫法力,但是随着她足下一踏,那和她人身等高的字迹,蓦然消散不见,成为一处“空白”。 When Between Truth and Illusion, step experience that numerous stele inscribed text, is momentarily the speaking review ; Even if saw dao art that Gui Wujiu leaves behind afterward , is the same. But at this moment, she experienced most legitimate Martial Dao inheritance, is actually becomes exceptionally careful quiet. 真幻间中时,步枝见识那林林总总的石碑碑文,可是随时出言点评的;纵然是后来看到归无咎留下的道术,也是一样。但此时此刻,她见识了最正统的武道传承,却是变得异常审慎沉寂。 This not necessarily is her disposition shows. 这未必是她本人的心性展现。 Gui Wujiu also waited for her to direct the landscape, finally was disappointed. 归无咎原还等着她指点江山,却终于失望了。 The Jiang Minyi actually complete mind looks a character that hidden goes, looking pensive. 姜敏仪却全副心神看着那隐去的一字,若有所思。 Arrived the 19 th line, step sought second finally not completely perfection the handwriting, barefoot trod again, that character crushing. 到了第十九行上,步枝终于寻到了第二个“未尽圆满”的字迹,赤足重踏,将那字击碎。 So crossed 30 lines, step has not had acts third time. 如此又过了三十行,步枝始终未有第三度出手。 Approximately the less than half double-hour passes by, after waiting till 70 lines, entire chapter scrip­tures more than half, sought the third character. 大约小半个时辰过去,足足等到七十行之后,整篇经文已然过半,才寻到了第三字。 Henceforward, the frequency speeds up slightly, every other three five phases then can find a character. 自此以后,频率稍稍加快,每隔三五行便能觅得一字。 When 130 ten five phases main text classics all traversal, steps on erasing for step, total 21 characters. 等到一百三十五行正文经典尽数遍历而过,为步枝踩踏抹除者,共计二十一字而已。 Jiang Minyi internal qi inspires, in both eyes radiance brilliant, but the body actually concentrates to stand motionless as if makes an idol, falls into boundary that the intention sank closes up densely and as if very much obviously. 姜敏仪气机一振,双目中光华灼灼,但是身躯却凝立不动仿佛塑像,很显然陷入了心意沉密、仿佛闭关的境界 If after is 30 breath, her internal qi sinks suddenly, in the pupil radiance restrains the difference suddenly the gentleness, as if marine torrential monstrous waves change suddenly tranquilly ; Meanwhile, the big sleeve wields! 如是三十呼吸之后,她气机陡然一沉,眸中光华忽然收敛成异样的柔和,仿佛海上的滔滔巨浪忽然化作平静;同时,大袖一挥! That 21 blanks, fill the new handwriting all. 那二十一处空白,尽数填补上新的字迹。 Step looks, the small mouth opens immediately in a big way, can under the stopper the fist of oneself. 步枝一望,小嘴立刻张得大大的,能塞下自己的拳头。 Meanwhile her both eyes circle opens the eyes, the eyeball high and low rotates. 同时她双目圆睁,眼珠上下转动。 Lest she originally Jiang Minyi depends on oneself, will explain she can only the correction, but does not have the merit of formulation ; Without thinking only separates dozens breaths, Jiang Minyi makes up this scrip­tures immediately. 她本来唯恐姜敏仪赖上自己,正要说明她只能勘误,而无创制之功;没想到只隔数十息,姜敏仪立刻就将这经文补足。 Comes back to look at this scrip­tures again. 回过头来再望这经文一遍。 Really is around passes the birthplace, the character character pearl, the dao technique dense intent, does not have one not to echo is satisfactory to both sides. 果然是前后通贯,字字珠玑,道法密意,无一处不呼应两全。 Somehow, the scene made in a step heart somewhat lose actually slightly. 不知怎的,如此景象倒是令步枝心中微微有些失落。 Gui Wujiu also understands the person of Martial Dao dao art, at this time reads repeatedly, in the heart also is really satisfied. Resulted in this secret art, Jiang Minyi no longer is inferior at least on the dao art foundation Shentu Longshu and Wei Qingqi. 归无咎亦是深谙武道道术之人,此时反复阅览一遍,心中也甚是满意。得了这一篇法诀,姜敏仪至少在道术根基上不再逊于申屠龙树魏清绮 If given time the cultivation promotion, advances into first grade under real class/flow sufficiently. 假以时日修炼提升,足以跻身于真流之下的第一等 A step eyelid loosen, had a yawn suddenly, said: Since succeeds, I then first went back.” 步枝忽然眼皮一松,打了个哈欠,道:“既然成功,我便先回去了。” pull empty/sky who the body does sway, as if must escape to goes. 身躯摇摇晃晃的拔空而起,似乎就要遁离而去。 In the Gui Wujiu heart moves, actually does not stop. 归无咎心中一动,却也并不阻拦。 Really, after more than ten breaths, step only escapes dozens li (0.5 km), suddenly turns back. In the surface does not know understands clearly, is puzzled. 果然,等到十余息之后,步枝只遁出数十里,忽然折返。面上不知是了然,还是困惑。 The Gui Wujiu smile said: Why goes to return?” 归无咎微笑道:“为何去而复返?” A step small hand rests one's chin in one's hands knits the brows, said: Seemed like completes ; However does not seem to completed.” 步枝小手托腮皱眉,道:“似乎是做完了;但是似乎又没有做完。” Jiang Minyi and Gui Wujiu look at each other one. 姜敏仪归无咎对视一眼。 Does not wait for Gui Wujiu and the others to ask, step from also added: I think is her dao technique level is too high, needs the place that I modify is not many, therefore has this pondering feeling ; However when soon far away from, the thought actually identified gradually defined- was not this reason.” 不等归无咎等人发问,步枝自又补充道:“原先我以为是她那道法层次太高,需要我改动的地方不多,所以生出这种意犹未尽的感觉;但是即将远离之际,念头却渐渐辨认明晰了-并不是这个原因。” Indeed has not completed.” “的确是没有做完。” In the Gui Wujiu heart understands clearly. 归无咎心中了然。 Step lower realm, is really not in the common significance restores dao art, but has the special goal. 步枝的下界,果然不是寻常意义上的“修缮道术”而是有着特殊的目的。 This act is pointed beginning, for the advantage of balanced opposite party camp. 此举是针对性的落子,为了平衡对方阵营的一道优势。 The Gui Wujiu smile said: You, and waits for some double-hour again. At most on the 12 th, in your heart meaning completely will not certainly have cashed.” 归无咎微笑道:“你且再等候些许时辰。至多一二日,你心中的‘未尽之意’一定会兑现。” Step unquestioning say/way: Good.” 步枝毫不迟疑的道:“好。” By way of the practical example, Gui Wujiu has established the credit her here at present initially. 经由眼前实例验证,归无咎已经在她这里初步确立了信用。 The Jiang Minyi eyelid jumps suddenly, looks color, said looking pensive: „It is skillful- was actually including 12 days not to need to wait.” 姜敏仪眼皮忽然一跳,面露奇色,若有所思道:“巧得很-却是连一二日也不必等了。” Gui Wujiu nods secretly. 归无咎暗自颔首。 Fitting together perfectly, a breath is not bad. 严丝合缝,一息不差。 Jiang Minyi hesitates secretly, suddenly raises to the day backhandedly, as fierce radiance such as the lightning punctures the blue sky together generally, that White Tiger Seal has changed to more than ten zhang (3.33 m) pumices, hangs in midair 23 li (0.5 km) high. 姜敏仪暗自沉吟一阵,忽然反手向天一掀,随着一道剧烈的光华如闪电一般刺破青空,那“白虎印”已然化作十余丈大小的浮石,悬在半空二三里高。 At this moment, this White Tiger Seal, if clear(ly) if dark, innumerable say/way intense radiance interweaves, shines in the ground. 此时此刻,这枚白虎印若明若暗,无数道强烈光华交织,照射于地上。 The place of shine, is less than ten zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area, but expanded ten times! 其映照之地,不是十余丈方圆,而是足足又扩大了十倍! The one light and one dark light shadow interlocks, falls after the ground, forms handwriting exactly, the brocade existing writing, presents the pearls and jade. 一明一暗的光影交错,落在地上之后,恰好形成一个又一个字迹,织锦成文,呈现珠玉之相。 These writing sizes are disparate, obviously is not one ; And small, each character such as the handwriting size in common letters. Several hundred characters, or several thousand characters concentrate the same place, widely is distributed in place of this hundred zhang (333 m) edge position. A writing, is the picture scroll size of opening. Numerous, feared that does not have 3,000-4,000. 这些文字大小悬殊,显然并非一篇;其中较小者,每一个字正是如寻常书简中的字迹大小。或数百字、或数千字凝成一块,广泛分布在这百丈之地的边缘位置。一篇文字,也不过是张开的画卷大小。林林总总,怕不是有3,000-4,000件之多。 But in this place of most middle position shine, the large character that actually focuses attention on extremely. 而在这映照之地最中间的方位,却是极瞩目的大字。 The handwriting size, previously restored the classical main texts of 21 characters compared with Jiang Minyi, but also wants to be big 1/3. 其字迹尺寸,较之姜敏仪先前修缮二十一字的经典正文,还要大出三分之一。 However although that handwriting is garish, but by improving the degree discussed that actually not necessarily grew perceptibly. 不过那字迹虽然扎眼,但以完善程度而论,却未必见长。 The 3,000-4,000 writing of these square edge positions, look small and exquisite, but the handwriting is orderly, and clean neatly and not takes off/escapes leaks ; But that occupies the large character of central ten 78 region, although each character has 23 chi (0.33 m), but the light shadow chaos, as if are instead slurred. 那些四方边缘位置的3,000-4,000篇文字,看着小巧玲珑,但字迹严整清晰,且干净整洁而无脱漏;而那占据中央十之七八区域的大字,虽然每一个字都有二三尺大小,但反而光影混沌,似乎模糊不清。 A step as if also feeling of weariness completely disappears, becomes the state of mind enthusiastically, clapped to call out: Merit achievement circle, does not have!” 步枝似乎也倦意尽消,变得神思踊跃,拍手叫道:“功成果圆,无来无去!” As if a dream will awake suddenly clearly becomes aware, the present scene, is the goal of her trip. 似乎一梦将醒豁然明悟,眼前之景象,就是她此行的目标。 Gui Wujiu both eyes concentrate. 归无咎双目一凝。 At this moment, was caught by him- 这一刻,被他捕捉到了- From a step manner, Gui Wujiu saw that person of shadow. 从步枝的神态之中,归无咎看到了那人的影子。 Passed more than ten breath times. 过了十余息功夫。 That writing is gradually defined. 那文字逐渐明晰。 The overhead vigorous powerful several large characters, focus attention on impressively: 当头雄浑有力几个大字,赫然瞩目: Only my Mahayana. 唯我大乘经。 Calculates the date and time, Origin Venerable ascend two days around this ; Has not thought around this links up, is not bad. 推算时日,元尊飞升就在这前后两日;只是没想到这前后衔接,一丝不差。 record/native place who that encirclement all around, the handwriting big or small and normal books Chinese character quite, in Martial Dao various clans keep secret. View its scale, had the suitable climate. 那环绕四周,字迹大小和正常书卷中文字相当者,正是武道中各氏族秘而不宣的经籍。观其规模,却也有了相当气候。 With situated in central «Only My Mahayana after» compared with, actually paled by comparison. 只是和位居中央的《唯我大乘经》相比,却是相形见绌了。 Gui Wujiu smiles saying: Is your accomplishment time arrived.” 归无咎笑言道:“是你建功的时候到了。” However he finishes barely the words, step is unbearably anxious, scatters the foot to rush over. 不过他话音未落,步枝早已急不可耐,撒着脚丫冲了过去。 Jiang Minyi knits the brows: Derives true words of dense intent first in this law, if person of cultivation boundary bitter experience is high enough, many are the heart has the induction. If the detailed additional deduction, not necessarily cannot clearly become aware this matter primitive.” 姜敏仪皱眉道:“以此法汲取一世之真言密意,若遭遇之人功行境界足够高,多少是心有感应的。若是详加推演,未必不能明悟此事之原始。” Gui Wujiu said lightly: Is only he is not necessarily able to think, I and others can obtain this method completely.” 归无咎淡淡道:“只是他未必能想到,我等能够将这法门完整得到。” Jiang Minyi lifts the head looks, is surprised the different way: Can?” 姜敏仪抬首一望,诧异道:“能么?” Gui Wujiu said easely: Waits.” 归无咎悠然道:“拭目以待吧。” When that stretch after stretch of writing, the rapidness of traversal speed, previously appraised Jiang Minyi keeps dao technique, instead wins three points. 那一段又一段的文字,遍历速度之快,先前品鉴姜敏仪所留道法时,反而更胜三分。 However although the speed is fast, steps on the broken handwriting, similarly are also much more! 但是速度虽快,踩破的字迹,同样也多得多! Is the first line, then four characters were stepped on by step. 仅仅是第一行下来,便有四字被步枝踩去。 Dozens lines, half volume of scrip­tures, are tattered and torn. 数十行下来,半卷经文,已然是千疮百孔。 The Jiang Minyi brow concentrates. 姜敏仪眉头微凝。 The White Tiger Seal photo falls, this central textual material first presents the fuzzy phantom appearance, finally after one revolution, ready-made definite handwriting, in her heart apparent this higher boundary mighty figure the law of giving, inevitably is not Martial Dao ascend shines upon law to seize all. 白虎印照落,这中央正文部分先是呈现出模糊虚影的模样,最终一转之后才现成确定的字迹,她心中便知这上境大能所授之法,必然不是武道的“飞升映照法”所能尽数攫取的。 However has not thought of the error unexpectedly so. 但是也没想到错讹竟然如此之多。 Enough after two double-hour . 足足两个时辰之后。 Step panting paces, the under foot seems like some is not steady. 步枝气喘吁吁的踱步回来,脚下似乎有些不稳。 She somewhat seems to be sleepy, suddenly falls to the ground then to rest. 她似乎有些困倦,忽然倒地便睡。 Entire «Only My Mahayana Passing through», no longer perfection- intent is separated from the writing of source-book success reappearance, there are 880 caret-shaped. 整个《唯我大乘经》,不复圆满-意即脱离原典并未成功复现的文字,共有八百八十八字之多。 The Jiang Minyi facial features transfer austere, said: Only feared that is somewhat difficult.” 姜敏仪面容转肃,道:“只怕是有些艰难。” The dao inheritance classics, before later word intent smoothly was the premise, in addition above perfection the strength of character most high rank deduction, each blank place possible handwriting, was extremely actually easy to lock in 350. 道传经典,以前后文意通顺为前提,加上圆满之上人物最上乘的推演之力,其实每一个“空白”处可能的字迹,极易锁定在三五十个之内。 Only 880 will make up caret-shaped, seems a cinch. 将区区八百八十八字补足,似乎不在话下。 However the subtleness of dao art wonderful principle, really cannot common sense it. 但是道术妙理的精微,委实是不可以常理度之。 Even if Gui Wujiu boundary deduces, perhaps character you thought that is really appropriate ; However after B place vacancy fills in the writing changed, the original armor place fills the seemingly appropriate inscription, is very likely becomes suddenly inappropriate. 哪怕是归无咎境界去推演,其中一字或许你觉得甚是妥帖;但是乙处空缺所填文字变更了之后,原先甲处填充进去看似合适的字样,极有可能忽然变得不合适了。 888 all agree, must the unified integral whole not be possible, actually the difficulty is above the imagination high. 八百八十八处无一不谐,非得统一浑成不可,其实难度之高超乎想象。 Gui Wujiu is calm: I have the means.” 归无咎从容道:“我有办法。” ps: The body condition gets down, the brain feeling is a little slow. Types also makes a mistake repeatedly. ps:身体状态一下来,脑子感觉有点迟钝。就连打字也频频出错。 7017 k 7017k
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