UD :: Volume #7

#220: Full shrinking changes real and unreal to be balanced

Great egg within. “巨蛋”之内。 It looks like in the outside, this great egg throughout is the general size, since several months has not had a change. 在外间看来,这巨蛋始终是一般大小,数月以来没有一丝变化。 However in interior and during Gui Wujiu the mind induction, this secret realm the evolution has completed important one- it grew space biggest that apex, started to contract gradually. 但是在内部、在归无咎的心神感应之中,这“密界”的演化已然完成了至关重要的一步-它成长到了空间最大的那个“顶点”,开始渐渐收缩。 It seems like completed by the whereabouts counter- the essential transition, Gui Wujiu regarding the deduction that this thing growth evolves, immediately became defined. Just like an extremely deep alley, the end place has the one revolution booklet ; Only can through the internal qi induction guess turning point possible change ; Now comes to the end of that alley, the eyesight sees, takes in everything at a glance. 似乎是完成了“由去向反”的关键转折,归无咎对于此物成长演化的推演,也立刻变得明晰了许多。宛若一道极深的弄堂,尽头处有一转折;原本只能通过气机感应猜测拐弯处可能的变化;如今走到那弄堂的尽头,目力所见,一览无余。 Thing that sees, as if is not so happy. 只是,所看到的东西,似乎并不那么美好。 The deduction of Gui Wujiu is exceptionally defined: 归无咎的推演异常明晰: After this thing finally congealing shape, inborn from building up, from its shape, takes Gui Wujiu as treasure spirit the achievement " fruit ”, as if its quality level is quite limited, has not met beforehand expectation by far. 此物最终凝形之后,“天生自炼、自化其形”,以归无咎自身为宝灵所成就的这一“果”,似乎其品质层次颇为有限,远远不曾达到事先的预期。 The approximate estimate, is only common Heavenly Sacrifice Item or Primordial True Treasure is slightly strong. 大致估算,只是较寻常的天祭器或“混元真宝”稍强。 This is also only solely on the quality- 这还只是单单就品质而言- The treasure that because takes shape finally, does not have any use, seems only a pure vase. Then, its true value compares with Primordial True Treasure also to be inferior. 因为最终成型的这件宝物,没有任何“用途”,似乎只是一件纯粹的花瓶。如此一来,其真正的价值较混元真宝还要有所不如。 In the end, this thing biggest effectiveness, is to promote from Gui Wujiu broken boundary time several years to dozens years. 到头来,此物最大的效用,就是提升归无咎破境时间数载至数十载。 The careful deduction, seems like reason that because great egg the inside and outside pressures are insufficient. 仔细推演,似乎是因为“巨蛋”内外的压力不足的缘故。 If the inside and outside magical power level promotes 34 times...... to seem like the aspect to be different again. 如果内、外法力的层次再提升三四倍……似乎局面就会有所不同。 This regarding Gui Wujiu no doubt is unobstructive. His duality paddle wheel law, on breadth, even if ten million people besiege are also fearless ; On the altitude, may resist the sole output to achieve dragon fully to say eight times of magical power levels. 这对于归无咎而言固然是无碍。他的双重“明轮”之法,就广度而言,哪怕千万人一齐围攻也是无惧;就高度而言,足可抵御单一输出达到龙云八倍的法力层次。 However outside dragon clouds and the others, is actually not able to intertwine the so powerful strength. 但是外间龙云等人,却无法纠结如此强盛的战力。 Even if subordinates in dao boundary mighty figure of Gui Wujiu friend pledge side comes help, as before is insufficient. 纵然是隶属于归无咎友盟一方的道境大能都来“帮忙”,依旧是不够。 At this moment, Gui Wujiu resists attack divine ability that in the vault of heaven evolves conveniently, while deduces this great egg the secret of evolution. 此时此刻,归无咎一边随手抵挡天穹中演化的攻击神通,一边推演这“巨蛋”的演化之秘。 If this treasure, must inside and outside more than ten top dao boundary balanced, can refining succeed, 如果说这件宝物,须得十余位顶尖道境内外均衡,方能炼化成功, This does not seem to conform to the Purple Tenuity Great World situation and truth-, because means that the condition is almost impossible to satisfy ; Building up of this thing, being doomed is unable to succeed. 这似乎不符合紫薇大世界的形势和道理-因为意味着条件几乎不可能满足;此物之炼,注定无法成功。 Gui Wujiu believes that this method surely is not formulation of Xian Dao and Ying Yuan, but in subtenancy from some big shot method ; But that mighty figure of layout, is impossible to drop such a opening. 归无咎相信这道法门必定不是显道、应元二人的创制,而是自某一位大人物的手段中“转借”而来;而布局的那位大能,不可能落下这样一枚“空子”。 Observed one, Gui Wujiu as if grasped anything. 观察了一阵,归无咎似乎把握到了什么。 The present shape, seems like empty abundant and solid fades, the strength of inside and outside suppression actually already really strong, but does not have the carrying/sustaining entity, therefore subtle magical power does not have to rely on, finally melts inevitably, in ten tenths only then 10% integrated in the final most precious object molding process. 眼前之象,似乎是“虚盛而实衰”,内外压制之力其实已经甚强,但是没有承载实体,所以精微法力无所依傍,最终必然化去,十成中只有10%纳入了最终的至宝成型过程中。 Like an iron saucepan in raging fire top sky fever, because of does not have thing of the accommodation, the natural thick smoke is billowing, just like roasting roasts together the iron. 就像一口铁锅在猛火灶台上空烧,因其中没有所容之物,自然浓烟滚滚,宛若在炙烤一块烙铁。 Gui Wujiu just now induces indistinctly, strengthens 34 times inside and outside magical power again, no doubt is a law ; That is walks the slant to use the pinnacle the sword, the use certainly strong invisible strength, meets the requirements of treasure congealing forcefully. 归无咎方才隐约感应到的,将内外法力再加强三四倍,固然是一法;那是将剑走偏锋用到极致,利用绝强的无形之力,强行达到宝物凝形的要求。 But the most correct method, is actually increases the entity, the packing material, making real and unreal balanced. 但最正确的方法,却是增加实体,填充质料,使得虚实均衡。 In the Gui Wujiu heart moves, the thumb and an index finger buckle, have taken out a thing gently- 归无咎心中一动,拇指、食指轻轻一扣,已然取出一物来- This is really a colossus. After the visualization, is three zhang (3.33 m). End has one person to joint hold thick or thin, another quite thick main point, hardly next eight chi (0.33 m). 这委实是个庞然大物。显形之后,大致有三丈长。尾端有一人合抱粗细,另一头较为粗大处,几乎不下八尺。 View his foot, clearly is the skeleton of what Monster Race. 观其根脚,分明是什么妖族的骨骼。 Moreover looks to know, this absolutely is not the leg bone, the arm bone, rib, the skull and other large-scale skeletons, seem like a tooth. 而且一望可知,这绝对不是腿骨、臂骨、肋骨、头骨等大型骨骼,倒像是一枚牙齿。 The greatness of this thing main body, it can be imagined. 此物本体之巨,可想而知。 By rank of this thing, is used as principal that forges Heavenly Sacrifice Item, had more than enough to spare. 以此物之品阶,用来作为一件锻造天祭器的主材,也绰绰有余了。 Since Gui Wujiu enter the dao, has not deliberately collected what treasure ; However because of his status aloof reason, presenting of other sect and great clan, quiet between nature on treasure gathering, countless. 归无咎入道至今,并未刻意搜罗过什么宝物;但是因他身份超然的缘故,其余宗门、巨族之馈赠,悄无声息之间自然就珍宝汇聚,数之不尽。 Gui Wujiu big sleeve one volume, this thing toward the most center of space, throws fiercely! 归无咎大袖一卷,将此物朝着天上的最中心,猛地一掷! This tooth bone, changes to the meteor immediately, dissipates does not see. 这枚齿骨,立刻化作流星,消散不见。 About after more than hundred breaths, during the endless blue sky, appears suddenly phantom of thing, is this tooth bone. 大约百余息之后,漫漫青天之中,蓦然浮现出一物之虚影,正是这枚齿骨。 However at this time the meteorology, actually presents two interesting parts. 但是此时气象,却呈现两般妙处。 This tooth bone and between the Gui Wujiu lines of sight, does not open access, but has a mutual lack of understanding faintly. As if at this time this thing is, inside and outside internal qi in great egg band, regardless of the foreign capital, all cannot touch. 这齿骨和归无咎视线之间,并非畅通无阻,而是隐隐有一层隔膜。似乎此时此物之所在,是在“巨蛋”内外气机的“夹层”之中,无论自外资内,皆不能触及。 Next, above this tooth bone, as if there is faint trace white clouds faint dissipation, fills great egg at the extremely quick speed within. 其次,这齿骨之上,似乎有丝丝白气隐隐散逸,以极快的速度填充到“巨蛋”之内。 The Gui Wujiu clear feeling, because of this vague white clouds full, this side secret realm became lubricated, remarkably strengthened regarding the inside and outside internal qi adhesive powers. Can deduce to be clear about the conclusion, if other conditions are invariable, finally the treasure quality of achievement, will teach previously to strengthen one. 归无咎清楚的感受到,因为这若有若无的白气充盈,这方密界变得润滑了许多,对于内外气机的附着能力明显增强。可以推演出明确结论,若是其余条件不变,最终成就的宝物品质,将会教先前增强了一丝。 But is also only one. 但也只是“一丝”而已。 A time of observation deduction, Gui Wujiu fixes the eyes on slightly looks again, that tooth bone the size, had shrunk 1/3. 就这么稍一观察推演的功夫,归无咎定睛再望,那“齿骨”的大小,已然缩水了三分之一。 Enduring is treasure of Heavenly Sacrifice Item material level, the thick rough estimate, can only insist the quarter of an hour unexpectedly high and low. 堪为天祭器材料层次的宝物,粗粗算来,竟然只能坚持一刻钟上下。 Waited for one, in flickers, Gui Wujiu that it will soon extinguish thoroughly determined this tooth bone the spending rate has not really changed. Takes out precious material that two levels were close to from storage ring, invests. 等候了一阵,在其即将彻底消弭的一瞬,归无咎确定这“齿骨”的消耗速度果然没有变化。自纳物戒中又取出了两件层次接近的宝材,投入其中。 When these two precious material also consume completely, the Gui Wujiu thought moves, suddenly takes out two qualities to be slightly inferior, only to refine half damaged goods Heavenly Sacrifice Item precious material at most- different bird leg bone that two harvested long ago, investment space. 待得这两件宝材也消耗殆尽,归无咎念头一动,忽然取出两件品质稍次、至多只能炼制出半残品天祭器宝材-两枚早年收获的异鸟腿骨,投入天上。 Unexpectedly it only insisted 34 breath , all was not been then serviceable. 不料其只坚持了三四个呼吸,便被化去了,全不堪用。 Gui Wujiu is startled however is lost in thought. 归无咎怔然出神。 Without a doubt, only then maintains that real and unreal quite, the middle has thing the pattern, the exercise formation of this treasure, will achieve the optimum condition. 毫无疑问,只有维持那“虚实相当、中间有物”的模式,这宝物的锻炼成型,才会达到最佳状态。 However around this consumption, is an astonishing number. 但是这前后的消耗,将是一个惊人的数目。 If invests is completely endures is Heavenly Sacrifice Item precious material that tooth bone treasure of level, then the need quantity will be 300,000- this had not considered when soon the merit became. This its drying furnace request, whether will further promote. 如果所投入的尽是堪为天祭器宝材的那“齿骨”层次的宝物,那么需要的数量将会是三十万件-这还不考虑到到了即将功成之时。这“本身烘炉”的要求,是否会进一步提升。 Resembles that tooth bone kind of treasure, Gui Wujiu body search more than hundred no doubt is a cinch, if said 300,000, that cannot. 似那齿骨一类的宝物,归无咎身上搜寻个百余件固然是不在话下,若说三十万件,那是决计不能的。 That only has a road- 那就只有一条路- treasure of investment higher level. 投入更高层次的宝物 Gui Wujiu first thinks that from that giant skeleton that Dragon Clan hides away ; Several rare treasures that the Gui Wujiu oneself collection, the quality is not as good as, may endure use. 归无咎第一时间想到的,就是得自龙族秘藏的那件巨大的骸骨;归无咎自己珍藏,品质稍逊一筹的几件秘宝,也可堪运使 Moreover, most precious object armor of Qilin clan ascend Monster Ancestor refinement, although in the first round-trip end puts on to cross with the space of continent loses many, but it after all is the ascend Monster Ancestor background, takes material to cause it, only feared that was not worse than Dragon Clan that dragon bone|keel many. 另外,麒麟一族飞升妖祖炼制的至宝铠甲,虽然在第一次往返末拿本洲的空间穿渡中损耗甚多,但其毕竟是飞升妖祖的底子,将其重新作为“材料”来使,只怕并不比龙族那龙骨差了多少。 A magical treasure kind that even takes shape, as if may also invest. 甚至于成型的法宝一类,似乎也可投入其中。 The Gui Wujiu mind is reserved, sword heart one revolution. 归无咎心神内敛,剑心一转 That that since body hides dragon bone|keel on, sweeps. 身上所藏的那具“龙骨”上,一扫而过。 If this dragon bone|keel resolution, making it principal that refined Heavenly Sacrifice Item or Permanent Item, can only analyze 500 high and low at most ; However high of its overall level, is the independent material is beyond expectation. The level enhances a point every time, the time of its insisting has the promotion of getting quick results. 若将这龙骨拆分,令其成为炼制天祭器或“恒器”的主材,至多只能拆分成五百件上下;但是其整体层次之高,却是单独的材料所不及的。层次每提高一分,其所坚持的时间就有立竿见影的提升。 Was similar to a moment ago that two different bird leg bones, actually as the material quality value also had that tooth bone 1/10 ; Duration that however it insists, actually only then that tooth bone 24%. 就如同刚才那两枚异鸟腿骨,其实作为材质的价值也有那“齿骨”的十分之一;但是其坚持的时间长短,却只有那“齿骨”的二三百分之一。 The role that a Gui Wujiu slightly deduction, known solely this dragon bone|keel plays, is not equivalent to 500 tooth bone, but is appreciates hundred times, achieves 50,000. 归无咎略一推演,已知单单这具“龙骨”所起到的作用,不是相当于五百件“齿骨”,而是升值百倍,达到五万件。 Now all wealthy collections of Gui Wujiu body concentrate, as if enough supports to the formation of this treasure. 现在归无咎身上的所有富裕的收藏集中起来,似乎足够支撑到此宝之成型。 If before non-, returns to the tour of Dragon Clan to capture greatly, only feared that must miss. 如非前回龙族之行大有斩获,只怕还要差了一些。 This highlights immediately that unsolved problem- 这立刻将那个老问题凸显出来- This great egg, must insist for 12 years, persists at the last minute, not being able to waste all previous efforts. 这“巨蛋”,务必要坚持十二年,坚持到最后一刻,可不能前功尽弃。 Such intention Gui Wujiu has it, however previously held can also accept firmly joyfully and by some chance inadequately the attitude ; But at this moment not so. If this refinement the process gives up halfway, waits, if the Gui Wujiu innumerable collections completely pay the running water. 此等心念归无咎早已有之,然而先前是抱着“得固欣然、万一不成也能接受”的态度;但此时此刻则不然。倘若这“炼制”的过程半途而废,等若归无咎无数珍藏尽付流水。 Resembles that dragon bone|keel level treasure, even if controls a realm, cannot easily seek. 似那龙骨层次的宝物,哪怕是主宰一界,也不可轻易寻得。 Also does not know which outside ally, can comprehend the oneself subtle situation. 也不知道外间盟友中的哪一位,能够领悟自己的微妙处境。 Also is two treasure consumes, Gui Wujiu throws the first heavy treasure finally- 又是两件宝物消耗完毕,归无咎终于丢进去第一件重宝- Qilin clan Saint Ancestor forest Leiyi sheds the refined armor. 麒麟一族圣祖林雷遗蜕所炼制的铠甲。 Because cannot guarantee that a friend pledge side can comprehend the intention and this refinement process of oneself to surely be able to finish what one starts. In order to reduce the possible loss, Gui Wujiu invests the treasure order also to have tasteful- 因为不敢保证友盟一方定能领会自己的用意、这炼制过程必能有始有终。为了降低可能的损失,归无咎投入宝物的次序也是有讲究的- Now Gui Wujiu contact in end with the continent and Purple Tenuity Great World, has not needed to draw support from this thing. 如今归无咎往来于末拿本洲和紫薇大世界,已不必借助此物。 And this thing spirituality loses most, has lost has further molded the potential of refinement, at this moment exactly display afterheat. 且此物灵性损失大半,已然失去了进一步塑造提炼的潜力,此刻恰好发挥余热。 Once this thing places oneself in great egg inside and outside internal qi, the chaotic blue sky, dyes dazzling golden yellow at the extremely quick speed- originally, this thing dissipates, is not such as tooth bone existence of mist as if like that but extremely overbearing yellow flowing light. 此物一旦置身于“巨蛋”的内外气机之间,浑浑青天,以极快的速度染成刺目的金黄色-原来,此物所逸散的,不是如“齿骨”那般的仿佛雾气的存在,而是极霸道的黄色流光。 Among real and unreal, achieved the subtle balance for the first time. 虚实之间,第一次达到了微妙的平衡。 In the Gui Wujiu heart inspires. 归无咎心中一振。 Distinguishes clearly clearly, this thing insists sufficiently for a year. If non- uses spirituality to damage greatly, only fears must longer one time. 清楚辨明,此物足以坚持一年有余。如非动用过一次灵性大损,只怕还要更久一倍。 Great egg beside. “巨蛋”之外。 dragon cloud, wind azure, Xian Dao and Ying Yuan and the others the look is elegant, obviously the interest is not high. 龙云、风青、显道、应元等人神色郁郁,显然兴致都不甚高。 Because calculates the time, if Hidden Sect the hands and feet is quick enough, divides to raid the various realms day row position dao boundary to exist, as if has been able to return promptly. However brings up the rear in this's Dongfang Wanqing, Yin-Yang Dao Lord and the others, is only waits and sees as before distantly, has not looked like some people to catch up to converge, will not soon have started the stance of general attack. 因为推算时间,隐宗如果手脚够快,分袭诸界天的列位道境存在,似乎已能及时回返了。但是压阵于此的东方晚晴阴阳道主等人,依旧只是遥遥观望,并未看来有人赶来汇合,更加没有即将发动总攻的架势。 This is not a good news. 这可是在不是一个好消息。 7017 k 7017k
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