UD :: Volume #6

#51: complete dao sets up base empty stretch/open Qishi

Lifts visual it, dangerous wall suddenly horizon. 举目视之,险壁直突天际。 As if this is place of mountain valley. But if discovers in this place as if radiance of fainting dawn, performs sends out from the calm four directions four different stones, then can break somewhat not to the taste. Abandoned this vague brilliance, actually this place cold wind travels around, the chill in the air is threatening, moreover not a vitality. Clearly is the underground extremely deep place. 似乎这是一处山谷之地。但若是发现此地中仿佛昏晓的光华,尽是从镇定四方的四枚异石中散发,便能断出有几分不对味了。摒弃了这若有若无的光辉,其实此地冷风周游,寒意逼人,兼之并无一丝生机。分明是地下极深之处。 A person stands in center, the appearance has at the same time the really imaginary wonder, describes the shadow shape, the image is big, as if must swallow to collect the entire deep pool in the fingers and palms. 一人立在正中,形貌兼有真幻之妙,描摹影形,意象却大,似乎要将整个地渊吞噬收藏于指掌之间。 Indistinct Sect Sect Leader Dongfang Wanqing. 缥缈宗掌门东方晚晴 Dongfang Wanqing slightly one is lost in thought that then treads one step. 东方晚晴微一出神,然后踏出一步。 Actually Hidden Sect Dao Venerable Mi and the others, invited her together, temporarily aided in the Yin-Yang Dao four secret place being out-of-bounds mouths, was actually turned down by her. 其实隐宗芈道尊等人,邀她一道,暂于阴阳道秘地的出界口接应,却被她婉拒了。 Dao Venerable Mi thinks that was she to the thorough fate and thorough chessgame still retention, therefore. Actually actually does not know, has the important matter, when must calculate the day, position all its suitable can, therefore unable to attend to other things. 芈道尊以为是她对彻底下场、深入棋局尚有所保留之故。其实却不知,是另有要事,非得算定天时、方位皆得其宜方能着手,故而分身乏术 As Dongfang Wanqing puts out a hand, this silent deep place, suddenly are of many sound water drop. 随着东方晚晴伸手一点,这一寂静深处,忽然多出滴水之声。 Then this water-drop sound reveals more and more, until the brook, again to calling the spring is intermittent. Soon, has then gathered a side basin in this deep place, the hundred zhang (333 m) has vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 然后这水滴声愈来愈显,直至汩汩溪流,再到鸣泉阵阵。不多时,在这地渊深处便已聚起一方水池,纵横百丈有余。 Then till hundred zhang (333 m), as the sound of water is smoother, the basin actually does not continue to expand ; Also crossed one, reduces on the contrary gradually. 然后到了百丈为止,随着水声愈畅,水池却并不继续扩大;又过了一阵,反倒是渐渐缩小。 30 zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area. 三十丈方圆。 Ten zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area. 十丈方圆。 Finally big or small a side source until zhang (3.33 m). 终于直至丈许大小的一方源泉。 That water activeness is extremely full, leaps however such as leaps, said that perhaps was the solemn hemisphere crosses ; But is also as if the steamed bun fermentation general inflation bulge, or cloud like is the convex of board game piece, but enlarged several hundred times. 那水活性极足,腾然如跃,说是俨然半球或许过了;但也是仿佛馒头发酵一般的膨胀凸起,又或云似是棋子之凸面,只是放大了数百倍而已。 When the spring no longer reduces, Dongfang Wanqing eyes concentrates, closely observes closely the deep place in water shape, as if has what profound principles. 待水泉不再缩小之时,东方晚晴双眸一凝,紧紧盯住水象中的深处,似乎其中藏有什么玄机 In the water indeed had to arrange the most precious object, only the right and wrong had the feeling to pass the boundary of celestial/heaven and human, was hard to catch its trail. 水中的确藏有布置了一件至宝,只是非有感通天人之境,难以捕捉其形迹。 In Dongfang Wanqing, this thing is actually showing without doubt, is at the same time the square picture roll, is slightly small compared with the spring, hides with the water surface under three chi (0.33 m). 东方晚晴目中,此物却是彰显无疑,乃是一面四四方方的图卷,较之泉眼略小,潜藏与水面三尺之下。 After several breaths, suddenly radiance rises, as if moonlight of midnight, by the stone hinder-detection, illuminated a photo toward the spring in layer upon layer. 数息之后,忽然光华一涨,似乎午夜之月华,透过层层土石避障,往者水泉中照了一照。 In spring water whish a sound. 泉水中“哗”地一声响。 That presents bulge water shape, suddenly the trail changes, changes to shape of the 56 zhang (3.33 m) Profound Turtle, all over the body white. The minds and four feet are lifelike , there is nothing any difference from the flesh and blood ; Only is in violation of the tortoise shell, is actually floats imaginary uncertain, seems is only the light shadow empty shape, is not real. 那呈现“凸起”的水象,蓦然形迹一变,化作一只五六丈大小的玄龟之象,通体白色。头脑、四足栩栩如生,与血肉之躯无有任何差别;唯有背上龟壳,却是浮幻不定,好似只是光影虚形,并非真实。 This Profound Turtle only maintained flickered, after electric light flint, does not immediately save. 玄龟只维持了一瞬,电光火石后,立刻不存。 But flickers in this, Dongfang Wanqing displays the movement. 但就在这“一瞬”,东方晚晴施展动作。 The five fingers gather, grasps receives. 五指并拢,一抓一收。 Looks at this movement, raised this white Gui tortoise shell seem like. 看这动作,倒像是将这白龟的龟壳掀了下来。 Fuzzy within, has the immeasurable numerous mysterious writing, forms together, as if the drift of stars gathers into the palm generally. 模模糊糊间,果有无量繁奥文字,汇成一道,仿佛星流一般聚入掌心。 This process, the magical skill has not been yet arrived to the person of boundary looks like, unavoidably is unclear. If slowed down ten million times the time speed of flow, then can observe profound principles. 这一过程,道行未臻至境之人看来,不免不明就里。但是若将时间流速放慢了千万倍,便能察出玄机 Actually in some instance, above that tortoise shell is strange, does not know is really the existence of writing or drawing, is quite plentiful. However this flash is quite short, in seeming like Profound Turtle of electric light flint preserves in the shape, only had 1/1000 instantly. 其实在某一个瞬间,那龟壳之上甚是奇异、不知是文字还是图画的存在,极为丰满。但是这一瞬间极为短暂,在看似电光火石的玄龟留存之象中,亦只存在了千分之一个刹那。 After that above this Profound Turtle, although still preserved is really being the crowded writing ; However without doubt already oversight many, seemed evaporated for no reason generally. 其后,这玄龟之上虽然仍旧留存着甚为密集的文字;但是无疑已经疏漏了甚多,好似无端蒸发了一般。 But in that 1/1000 instantly, instantaneous presents, was held by Dongfang Wanqing. 但就在那千分之一个刹那,瞬间之呈现,便被东方晚晴抓住了。 After a breath, the spring, Profound Turtle, moonlight, all without a trace. 一息之后,水泉,玄龟,月华,一切都无影无踪。 Dongfang Wanqing sets up a place, already under Lang Lang cloudless day. 东方晚晴立身之处,已在郎朗晴天之下。 The five fingers stroke, open the picture roll. 五指一拂,张开图卷。 Middle presents, is really as if the writing of insect leaf, ancient and abstruse unfathomable. 当中呈现,果然是仿佛虫叶之文字,古奥莫测 However this so-called writing, actually presents two color two phases. 但是这所谓的“文字”,却呈现二色二相。 What two color two phases? 何谓二色二相? Two color, red, yellow. 二色者,赤色,黄色。 Two phase, just like the law of seal cutting is divided carves Yang Ke to be the same Yin, this volume of Chinese characters, present this two phase. That writing does not smudge in the surface, can easily distinguish, the writing presents yellow, its appearance bulge, as if the ink is really slightly thick to gather, looks like Yang Ke ; But the writing presents red, is actually the strength passes the paper back, gets sucked, as if carves Yin. 二相者,正如篆刻之法分为阴刻阳刻一般,这卷中文字,亦呈现此二相。那文字并非涂抹于表面,可以轻易辨别,文字呈现黄色者,其形貌微微凸起,仿佛墨汁甚厚而集聚,肖似“阳刻”;而文字呈现赤色者,却是力透纸背,深陷下去,仿佛“阴刻”。 Although the handwriting meaning does not understand, but the style is also entirely different. Roughly yellow Yang Ke handwriting is very clear, gold/metal Goutie delimits, the edges and corners are distinct ; But red carves the writing slightly to be loosely fuzzy Yin. 字迹含义虽不得解,但是风格也是截然不同。约莫黄色的“阳刻”字迹十分清晰,金钩铁划,棱角分明;而赤色的阴刻文字却略显模糊松散。 Dongfang Wanqing takes a broad view to look, Yang Ke yellow Zizhan about 30%, carved deficit to occupy 70% Yin. 东方晚晴放眼望去,“阳刻”黄字占了30%左右,“阴刻”赤字占据70%。 Her frown concentrates, obviously is very amazed ; Then shows a happy expression , seems satisfied. 她双眉一凝,显然十分惊诧;然后露出一丝笑意,又似乎十分满意。 In the world does not have the wall that does not ventilate. 世上没有不透风的墙。 Indistinct Sect expects high regarding Wei Qingqi, resolves in this generation of achievement complete dao causes, other various sect also know mostly. 缥缈宗对于魏清绮期望甚高,立志在这一代成就完道伟业,其余诸宗也多半知晓。 Abatement Yueheng Sect knows the whole story and knows outside the Sect Leader Dongfang confidence really foot, other various sect, show neither approval nor disapproval, as if thought that this matter's credibility is very limited. 只是除却越衡宗知根知底、知晓东方掌门信心甚足外,其余诸宗,对此都是不置可否,似乎觉得此事的可信度十分有限。 Difficult of complete dao, Chenyang Sword Mountain and Origin Land Sect of achievement, are other seven, all has the clear understanding. 完道之难,无论是已然成就的辰阳剑山原陆宗,还是其余七宗,皆有清醒认识。 The natural talent of Wei Qingqi no doubt is shocking and stunning, but by her one person's strength achieve the dao, how to see is also beyond one's reach. 魏清绮之天资固然是惊才绝艳,但是凭借她一人之力成道,怎么看也是力有未逮。 Takes Hidden Form Sect for instance, the road of its complete dao ten stopped completes nine to stop above, perhaps finally, reached to boundary of perfection even is not as good as the half a point the top talent, but then no matter what at one fell swoop it. Measuring intelligence, this is completely feasible. 藏象宗为例,其完道之路十停中完成了九停以上,最后所余一部,或许一位臻至“圆满之境”甚或略逊半分的顶尖天才,便可一举任之。度量智力,这是完全可行的。 However Indistinct Sect still had from this step obviously is quite away from, is only the perfection boundary, as if not yet enough. Only feared that must one with Xuanyuan Huai and character of Gui Wujiu resembling, can receive this heavy responsibility. 但是缥缈宗明明距离这一步尚有相当距离,仅是圆满境,似乎尚未足够。只怕非得出一位与轩辕怀归无咎相类的人物,方能承此重任。 Even Dongfang Wanqing taught personally, helps very be still limited. 就算东方晚晴亲自教导,帮助也十分有限。 If routinely, but gradually is, this speculation cannot speak incorrectly. 若是按部就班、循序而为,这一推测不能说错。 In Indistinct Sect, if has an aptitude to reach to Du Niansha and character of Ning Suchen this level, can before Origin Infant later, near dao/shortcut, strive sensibility complete dao boundary. In the meantime, even if this is in direct line disciple oneself, will form the great confidence, as if oneself from the complete dao great undertaking, extremely easy to obtain. 缥缈宗内,若是出得一位资质臻至杜念莎宁素尘这一层次的人物,便可在元婴之后、近道之前,勉力感悟“完道境界。就在此时,纵然是这位嫡传弟子本人,亦会形成极大信心,似乎自己距离完道大业,唾手可得。 However this realizing from experience, takes off and lands just like the tide, the difficult scenery to exist forever certainly. When the time changes, especially after near dao/shortcut, attempts again, instead will think that this step because without the experience becomes before easy, even is on the contrary more difficult, being hard to reappear was magnificent on the same day. 但是这种体悟,宛若潮水起落,绝难风光长存。待时机一变,尤其近道之后再行尝试,反而会觉得这一步并未因有经验在前而变得容易,甚至反倒困难许多,难以复现当日辉煌。 Preserves experience, but 1/10. 所留存之“经验”,不过十分之一罢了。 This grade of character, if first even/including presents ten, each all takes ten also one, the road of Indistinct Sect complete dao, is then successful. 这等人物,若是一连出现十位,每一位皆取十还一,缥缈宗完道之路,便水到渠成。 Ten people of numbers, easier said than done. The Yueheng Sect past and present to fall, take root in Purple Tenuity Great World every 36 ten thousand years, dao foundation are clear above Ning Suchen, few several people. 十人之数,谈何容易。越衡宗古今以降,扎根紫微大世界凡三十六万载,道基明确在宁素尘之上的,也不过寥寥数人罢了。 Therefore, must tries another method. 所以,须得另辟蹊径。 Today method, «Instantly cable/search Weitu». Is Dongfang Wanqing and around head-family first two dao boundary mighty figure one after another, together the achievement, the side is true depending on Indistinct Sect self-confident complete dao. 今日手段,《刹那索微图》。乃是东方晚晴和本宗前两位道境大能前后相继,一同成就,方是缥缈宗自信完道的真正倚仗。 The test flickers, seizes that losing 9/10. 试法一瞬,捉住那遗失的“十分之九”。 Lifts one counter- nine to have the enormous difficulty as before, in the future when will use this chart, not necessarily can perfection be complete surely. 只是,举一反九依旧有极大难度,将来动用此图之时,未必就定能圆满无缺。 Lucky Wei Qingqi fulfills their mission, the preliminary test method, ten take 23. So, after Near Dao Boundary , the rope recalled that incised inscriptions, consider to accomplish a task with ease. 万幸魏清绮不辱使命,初试法门,十取二三。如此,近道境后索忆“阴文”,当是游刃有余。 Arrived this step, the road of Indistinct Sect complete dao, has been possible such as Yueheng Sect to be common, ahead of time announced completion. 到了这一步,缥缈宗完道之路,已可如越衡宗一般,提前宣告“完成”了。 ...... …… Han Taikang crosses the hands behind the back to stand, both eyes remote regard. 韩太康负手而立,双目遥视。 The shadow of front an escaping light has not dissipated, two rune/symbol Qianguo the light cyan person's shadow, will then be running hundred li (0.5 km) together shortly, leaps in a flash, clear escapes to be out-of-bounds outside. That azure person's shadow reviews looks, in eye the color of clear obviously it being unwilling. 面前一道遁光之影尚未消散,两封符签裹着一道淡青色的人影,顷刻间便奔走出百里,又一晃一跃,明白无误的遁出界外。只是那青色人影回眸一望,目中清楚可见其不甘之色。 By this moment, the Han Taikang energetic meteorology could not support again, in the sleeve seems a thing radiance to flash, immediately is gloomy ; Then his body suddenly one breaking down. 到了这一刻,韩太康的精神气象再也支撑不住,袖中似有一物光华一闪,立刻暗淡;然后其身骤然一“垮”。 Half th, to control escaping light, half take advantage of opportunity to crash, so plants to fall directly, sits falls to the ground. 半是驾驭遁光,一半顺势坠落,就这般径直栽落下去,坐倒在地。 View its appearance black as is white, in the surface cold sweat directing current, is such as rain half falls from the lower jaw unexpectedly. 观其面目似黑似白,面上冷汗直流,竟是如雨一半自下颌落下。 Monster Race this strength, is extremely really hard to deal with. 妖族本力,实在太过难缠。 This war, wins by luck! 这一战,胜得侥幸之极! cultivation base to the peak level, the dao art source and course, is self-made, is fastidious about compatible Huitong. various sect who nine sects will soon attend a meeting is in direct line, is in the foreign land wise such as Xi Lerong, Yu Gucheng, Qin Menglin and the others, is not exceptional. 修为到了最顶尖的层次,道术源流,皆是自成体系,讲究兼容汇通。无论是九宗即将赴会的诸宗嫡传,还是异域中高明如席乐荣御孤乘秦梦霖等人,都并不例外。 Takes Han Taikang same side Mu Yinli for instance, when its 17 divine ability, layer upon layer progressive, finally by person me is well-versed in both the inside and outside, an achievement big peak. 就以韩太康的同门木愔璃为例,其一十七种神通,层层递进,最终以“人我之余”兼通内外,成就一大巅峰。 But Han Taikang actually took an extremely rare path. The amends 10 six legal codes, punishes a group indiscriminately, each type all chaotic ; Also or the random one type all can be primarily, displays the really strong strength. For the first time looks, as if in engendering and overcoming the change is in the extremely advantageous position. 韩太康却是走上了一条极为罕见的道路。其所修一十六法,不分主从,每一种皆杂乱无章;又或者说任意一种皆能以之为主,发挥出甚强战力。乍一望去,似乎在生克变化中占据极为有利的地位。 For example just now war, 16 divine ability one by one try, oneself two divine ability dao art, has the wonderful effectiveness regarding natal divine ability that resisting refining up brightly extremely ; But another three divine ability, defensive measure that also the restraint refining up extremely brightly. Two unify, immediately is then in the upper hand greatly, hits brightly refining up to be caught off guard. 譬如方才之战,一十六种神通一一试去,自己两种神通道术,对于抵御朗炼的本命神通极有神效;而另外三种神通,又极为克制朗炼的防御手段。两相结合,立刻便大占上风,打得朗炼措手不及。 If unclear real and unreal, the opposite party may particularly look at Han Taikang one high, even thinks that he is as good as the Wei Qingqi first-class character. 若是不明虚实,对方或许会分外高看韩太康一眼,甚至以为他是不亚于魏清绮一流的人物。 But refining up is knows ranking of Han Taikang in Thirty Six Children Picture, therefore is especially unacceptable regarding this war. 可是朗炼是知晓韩太康三十六子图中之排名的,因此对于这战局尤其不能接受。 Several disparities, by difference of Monster Race and human cultivator, loss stand unexpectedly clear, is how strange! 数名之差距,凭借妖族人修之差别,竟尔败势立彰,何其古怪! not long, Han Taikang then felt that refining up the intention brightly, has vacillated ; The courage vigor upwells, is gradually anxious. 未过多久,韩太康便感到朗炼之心意,有所动摇;血气上涌,渐渐焦躁。 Actually has must lose. Han Taikang divine ability dao art, since enjoys the advantage that makes use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions and is in sharp opposition, must withstand divine ability to mix together does not agree and confuses the full of trivial detail drawback. The divine ability method of same level his not only magical power consumption are slightly many, simultaneously spiritually must bear the special pressure. 其实有得必有失。韩太康神通道术,既然享受到趋利避害、针锋相对的好处,就要承受神通杂糅不谐、混同丛脞的弊端。同等层次的神通法门他不但法力消耗略多,同时精神上也要承受特殊的压力。 If refining up to sneak a peek at real and unreal, clenches teeth to insist, who wins who lost/carrying was really difficult to say ; At least Han Taikang does not think optimistically. 若是朗炼窥见虚实,咬牙坚持,谁胜谁负还真难说;起码韩太康自以为绝不乐观。 But in Yueheng Sect, Mu Yinli and Ning Suchen two people, is the soldier, aiming at open and aboveboard win ; But the localization of Han Taikang, is the surprise-attack forces, aiming at unexpectedly. In order to match Han Taikang divine ability dao art, sect grants its rare treasure. 但在越衡宗内,木愔璃宁素尘二人,乃是正兵,意在堂堂正正取胜;而韩太康的定位,乃是奇兵,意在出其不意。为了匹配韩太康神通道术,宗门赐予其一件异宝。 Within a double-hour, even if its internal qi disorder, state of mind weary my, goes as if in high spirits superficially, writes with a free pen. 一个时辰之内,纵然其气机紊乱,神思疲敝,表面上看去却似乎精神焕发,挥洒自如。 The idea of this not pure launching a psychological attack, disturbed rival's judgment to its condition. Although simple, is very practical. Previously in Hidden Sect little realm tried to incur to spar respectively, outside abatement Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin, still did not have the third person to see through this camouflage. 这并非纯粹的攻心之计,更是干扰了敌手对其状态的判断。虽然朴实,却十分实用。先前隐宗小界之中各自试招斗法,除却归无咎秦梦霖外,尚无第三人能够看穿这一“伪装”。 In this thing withstands a limit, refining up suffers defeat and flees finally. 就在此物承受道极限之际,朗炼终于败走。 Rested half double-hour, Han Taikang self inductance spirit complete and qi sufficient, this however set out leisurely, seeks that „the shape of turbid qi. 足足休息了半个时辰,韩太康自感神完气足,这才施施然起身,寻那“浊气之象”去了。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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