UD :: Volume #6

#109: 4 limits the ingenious method short weapons to be near

nine sects True Monarchs, was quite vibrated at this moment. 九宗诸位真君,此刻都颇受震动。 Previously although that several divine ability might great, but transcendence various perfected is not unexpected. As long as surrounds in the trouble that dozens collections between four Heavenly Venerable can solve, cannot be the true challenge. 先前那数道神通威能虽宏,但是尚未超脱诸真意料之外。但凡环绕于四位天尊之间的数十件珍藏能够解决的麻烦,都不能算是真正的挑战。 However at this moment, that strange child present world, forces the nine sects true background immediately. 但是此时此刻,那诡异孩童现世,立刻逼迫出了九宗真正底蕴。 If no dao boundary mighty figure to assume personal command, each meets the enemy respectively, only feared that in the abatement use gate that together is basic beyond the method, already no other his plan. 若是无道境大能坐镇,每一宗分别迎敌,只怕除却动用门中那一道根本法门之外,已别无他策。 Just now is from the hand of Du Minglun High Perfected, display after sword master Ji Cangsheng, is Hidden Form Sect position serious secret technique, formulates in the hand of achievement complete dao great undertaking Yan Donghui Heavenly Venerable most likely. 方才取自杜明伦上真之手、经剑主季苍生施展的,乃是藏象宗地位甚重的一道秘术,创制于成就完道大业十之八九的严侗晖天尊之手。 Monster Ancestor holds reading, although is most likely accurate, but not necessarily does not have the deviation. 诸位妖祖所持之念,虽然十之八九准确,但也未必全无偏差。 Discussed commonly, its truth supported freely- in break the realm ascend and feeling passed celestial/heaven and human flickers, obtained vast, sees subtly, simultaneously the sensing below inheritance, cannot be extremely complex inevitably. 寻常而论,其道理自由支撑-在破界飞升、感通天人的一瞬,所得浩瀚,所见精微,同时传感于下的传承,势必不能太过复杂。 But if the leader in dao boundary, goes out really far in complete dao, or tries another method, opened oneself original path. Then regarding the profoundness of Grand Dao comprehension, or the non- associates may compare. The although not ascend, but regarding the truth of a realm, even for the ascend later meteorology change, how and even ascend mighty figure not to exceed ascend in the world Heavenly Venerable, all understands clearly in heart. 但若是道境之中的顶尖人物,于一宗完道走出甚远,又或者另辟蹊径,开辟了自家独到的道途。那么对于大道领悟之深湛,或非同侪可比。其虽然并未飞升,但是对于一界之道理,甚至对于飞升之后的气象变化,乃至飞升大能何以胜过尚未飞升的驻世天尊,全了然于心。 This generation of institute leaves behind secret art, was then unusual. 此辈所留下之法诀,便与众不同了。 Although the action of ascend also flickers, can not hold ; But even if short flickers, has under the premise of number of degree in the chest, can go out to be far as before! 虽然飞升之举同样只是一瞬,不得暂留;但即便是短短一瞬,在胸中自有度数的前提下,依旧能够走出极远! For example draws a picture. 譬如作一幅画。 One by one, outlined the description carefully, naturally was a style ; If to will soon paint to know from A to Z, then a mind seal, naturally can in one in an instant the splashing ink achievement. 一笔一划,仔细勾勒描摹,自然是一种风格;但是若对即将作画了如指掌,那么心神一印,自然能够在一个刹那间泼墨成就。 This moment three Heavenly Venerable make a move. 此刻三位天尊一齐出手。 Used front true treasure background, either does not rely on the external object, uses magical power purely. 或者是动用了面前真宝底蕴,或者并不依傍外物,纯粹动用自家法力 However shows presently outside, this fighting scene was not so attractive. 不过示现于外,这斗战场景就并不那么好看了。 When not low rank cultivator fights tall and pleasing to the eye divine ability change. Can seeing, only have that very strong already child, the body continuously the distortion to fluctuate. As if an invisible great hand holds down it, makes an effort to rub to pinch. 并无低阶修士交手时美轮美奂的神通变化。所能见者,唯有那已然十分壮大的“孩童”,身躯不住扭曲变幻。仿佛一只无形巨手将其按住,用力揉捏。 Roughly after ten breaths, that child immediately arrives at the creakying edge. 约莫十息之后,那“孩童”立刻到了摇摇欲坠的边缘。 The war, is so big dragon saying that and other people expect. 如此战局,大出龙云等四人之所料。 nine sects used profound secret art without hesitation, explained two. 九宗毫不犹豫的动用了一门深湛法诀,说明两条。 The opposite party know fierce of this technique ; 对方识得此术之厉害; To/Clashes this technique by the so decisive use, the opposite party presses the bottom truly the method, had not caused by far. 就冲此术被如此果断的动用,对方真正压箱底的手段,远远不曾使了出来。 In dragon clouds and the others were expected, can deal with just now this law, each sect only has one type at most, is the background of its true self-preservation. Once uses, this sect falls into immediately void, then oneself can begin to deal. 原本在龙云等人预料中,能够应对方才这一法的,每一家宗门至多只有一种,就是其真正自保的底蕴。一旦动用,这一家宗门立刻陷入空虚,然后自己便可着手加以应对。 Wind azure, Wu Ming, the sleeve handles gently strokes, intervenes decisively. 风青、武鸣二人,袖手轻拂,果断出手干预。 The wind used oneself divine ability dao art azure ; Wuming borrowed one type to prepare the method of conceals as before beforehand. 风青是动用了自家神通道术;武鸣依旧是借用了某一种事先备藏的手段。 mighty figure divine ability stirs, the war also has the induction immediately, presents wonderfully. 各位大能神通相搅,战局也立刻生出感应,呈现妙相。 Boundless a realm, between two strange scenes, fluctuates repeatedly. 茫茫一界,在两种奇异景象之间,反复变幻。 One of them, is heaven and earth is boundless, the mighty force coincides. Is up and down, two boundless unrestrained and lofty endless vigorous internal qi, just like turning a millstone, just like the vortex, flowing tilt, affects ten thousand to have. 其中之一,是天地苍茫,伟力相合。一上一下,两道磅礴恣肆、高远无尽的雄浑气机,宛若推磨,宛若旋涡,流动倾覆,波及万有。 A strength is to that huge child thorough limit, grinds the smashing. 一种力量,是要将那巨大的“孩童”彻底限制,以至于碾成粉碎。 Another strength, is actually to the strengthening of this child, as if there is boundless energy, pours into to the body of this child. 另一种力量,却是对这孩童的强化,似乎有无限精力,灌注到这孩童的身躯之中。 Such scene, after maintaining more than ten breaths, suddenly changes. 此等景象,维持十余息之后,陡然一变。 Melts baseless obviously, is actually two giants, with that child general size. A person holds the fist with the sword, acts at will, the desire makes a move to attack by surprise to that child ; But another person is actually the double palm shade, the long sleeve graceful dance, wanting to rescue. 凭空显化而出的,却是两个巨人,与那“孩童”一般大小。一人执拳用剑,随意出手,欲向那孩童出手攻袭;而另外一人却是双掌遮拦,长袖曼舞,欲要进行救援。 Solemn assassin, a guard. 俨然一个刺客,一个守卫。 Spars, similarly is roughly more than ten breath time, two daoist shapes melt, returned to that two strength to stir the shape. 斗法一阵,同样是约莫十余息时间,二道人像化去,又回到了那“二力相搅”之象。 So fluctuates repeatedly, 如此反复变幻, The pro and con infinite...... gives the devil his due. 正反无穷……平心而论。 The tactical rules of that abstract mystery, the breadth of spirit is quite grand. Only teaches the person to feel that eternal such as for a while, the thousand years like flicker, general endless like Purple Tenuity Great World , are just a lone boat in vast Tianhe. 那抽象玄虚的战法,气魄极为宏伟。只教人感到万古如一时,千载如一瞬,广大无尽如紫微大世界,也只不过是浩瀚天河中的一叶孤舟而已。 Such intention, regarding True Monarchs, is actually unprecedented. In the heart half is the vibration is happy ; half th, to startle different confused. 此等心念,对于诸位真君而言,却是前所未有。心中半是震动欣悦,半是骇异迷茫。 But that concrete form transformation tactical rules, two people fight the scene, although his rough tall ancient is inferior to the former, but precise careful, lifelike, there is previous tactical rules the place. 而那具体化形的战法,两人搏斗之场面,虽然其粗犷高古不如前者,但是精密细致,栩栩如生,又有前一种战法所不及之处。 True Monarch Ning Zhongliu transfers the head suddenly, looked at Du Minglun one. 宁中流真君忽然转首,望了杜明伦一眼。 In this time, Du Minglun also cast the vision to come exactly. 恰在此时,杜明伦也恰好投了目光过来。 Other True Monarchs, cannot observe the evolution of war. However these two cultivation high, actually saw some clue. 其余诸位真君,尚未能够察出战局之演变。但是这两位功行甚高者,却看出了一些端倪。 Two tactical rules, seem like the both sides mighty figure respective home game. 两种战法,似乎是双方大能各自主场。 In process that in that two boundless different strength fights, seemed like that to give the strength that the child supported to get the winning side ; Although the strength of that together suppression seemingly vigorous sharp to the extreme, but actually cannot pose the fundamental threat to the child body. 在那两道磅礴异力交手的过程中,似乎是那给孩童撑腰的力量占据了上风;那一道镇压之力虽然貌似雄健锋锐到了极点,但是其实始终并未能够对孩童身躯造成根本威胁。 In process that in that specific portrait fights, actually inverts. It seems like the person of raid, the style was ingenious, changes to the degree in the extreme subtly. But that person that is responsible for defending, although this strength fierce, is actually changing in the transition to fall at times imaginary leeward. 但是在那具体人像交手的过程中,却颠倒过来。似乎是破袭之人,招式巧妙,变化精微到了无以复加的程度。而负责防守的那人,本力虽悍,却时时在幻变转折之中落入下风。 These as if contained four profound truth that is born Monster Ancestor and four Heavenly Venerable magical skill fit and unfit quality. 这其中似乎蕴藏了四位降世妖祖和四位天尊道行优劣的深刻道理。 However Ning Zhongliu and Du Minglun, although is the maximum level in Near Dao Boundary, for a while actually cannot analyze thoroughly. 但是宁中流杜明伦虽然是近道境中的最高层次,一时却也不能剖析透彻。 When war rubber, in various perfected heart all not big butt buffer. 就在战局胶着,诸真心中皆不大托底之时。 Chenyang sword master Ji Cangsheng, the figure concentrates suddenly. 辰阳剑主季苍生,身形忽然一凝。 Originally the Ji Cangsheng appearance described, always a nondescript different feeling. The surface seems like the clothing facial features is really clear, but closes eyes the echo, as if abatement person of hair extremely short beside , there is nothing one to be able unexpectedly accurately the angle that starts writing to carve. 本来季苍生的面目形容,总是给人一种无可名状的异感。表面看来似乎衣衫五官甚是清晰,但是闭目回响,似乎除却此人头发甚短之外,竟无有一个可以准确下笔雕琢的角度。 Even his short hair, may be symbol that” deliberately stays behind. 甚而他那一头短发,也极有可能是刻意留下的“符号”。 However at this moment, his appearance is suddenly defined. 但是此时此刻,他忽然面目明晰。 In the various perfected heart is astonished, fixes the eyes on looked, his cheek as if imagines is slightly longer, the skeleton slightly is also more prominent, the stature is slightly thinner, looks apparent is benign countenance ascetic. 诸真心中讶异,定睛一看,其面颊似乎较想象中略长一些,骨骼也略微突出一些,身材略微瘦削一些,一望便知是一个慈眉善目的苦修之士 But a Ji Cangsheng figure reality ; In that battlefield obviously the person of melting is corresponding one empty. 季苍生身形一实;那战场之中显化之人却相应一“虚”。 Fuzzy, muddy cannot distinguish. 模模糊糊,浑不可辨。 That defend person is caught off guard, the offense is joined to refer to making the sword, pricks that at one fell swoop child forehead. 守御之“人”措手不及,攻方已是骈指作剑,一举刺入那“孩童”的眉心。 The trend of the figure growth, suddenly stagnation. 其身形增长之势,骤然停滞。 Jiang Chenglu transfers the head suddenly, deeply looked at Ji Cangsheng one, at once says indifferently: thanked.” 姜成鹿蓦然转首,深望了季苍生一眼,旋即淡然道:“谢过。” ...... …… After this type was disintegrated, forest thunder Monster Ancestor resorted to two big divine ability methods. 这一式被瓦解之后,林雷妖祖又动用了两道大神通手段。 These two one uses five phases as the foreword, as long as dao art of use Yin-Yang five phases ten big access, then naturally can introduce boundary of the non-solution the war ; Another big divine ability takes the perch as the foreword, only need occupies decides the six directions position to rotate three, then can inspire a might that affects a realm. 这两者一者是以五行为序,但凡动用阴阳五行十大门径的道术,便自然能够将战局引入一种无解之境;另外一道大神通是以占位为序,只消占定六合方位轮转三回,便能引动一种牵动一界的威力。 The war and various perfected expect, seems different. 战局与诸真所料,似乎不同。 originally thought, this war at least in the first half, before Monster Race four Saint Ancestor have made up mind the own fate, this is the competition of both sides background. The both sides background gradually uses, your my consumes, end looked that whose savings is thicker. Even then decides the victory and defeat by this, cannot know. 原本以为,此战至少在前半段,在妖族四位圣祖决意亲身下场之前,这是双方底蕴的比拼。双方底蕴逐渐动用,你一着我一着的耗下去,端的看谁的积蓄更厚。甚至于以此便决出胜负,也未可知。 However now looks like, so-called background, the level position also has the obvious distinction. That takes size five phases perch as to limit big divine ability method, obviously is the strategic extraordinary skilled artist. Regarding such divine ability establish condition, the pursuit and help protect, must first produce offensive and defensive operations. 但是现在看来,所谓的“底蕴”,层次地位也有明显分别。那以“大小”“五行”“占位”为限的大神通手段,显然是具有战略意义的非凡妙手。围绕此等神通成立的条件,驱逐与援护,要先产生一场攻防战。 Waits if big topic , the nine sects side must with a stronger background to suppress together, then by small topic a minute/share of victory and defeat. 等若是一个“大题”之下,九宗方也要用一道更强的底蕴为镇压,然后以“小题”分胜负。 Facing after that two methods, a big background that Origin Land Sect Hong Chuxuan and Chenyang Sword Mountain two groups of institutes leave behind, one after another use. 面对其后的两种手段,原陆宗洪初玄辰阳剑山二组所留下的一道大底蕴,都相继动用。 Following fights, takes several small background as supplies, finally by Ji Cangsheng the law of real and unreal change, thorough broken goes to two laws. 后续交手,以数道较小的底蕴为资粮,最终凭借季苍生虚实变化之法,将二法彻底破去。 Above culmination. 中天之上。 Four Monster Ancestor, actually resemble not the meaning of suffering setbacks. 四位妖祖,却似并无受挫之意。 The forest thunder smiles lightly, said: Fellow Daoist Wu, please.” 林雷淡淡一笑,道:“武道友,请。” Then backhands pushes, will be filled with confuses pure running water the bronze tripod, pushes to one side of Wuming this. 然后反手一推,将盛满“混同清流”的铜鼎,推向武鸣这一侧。 Wuming nods indifferently, said: Carries the law only with its contest, really cannot break through. Other generation of background, is really really thick.” 武鸣淡然颔首,道:“单凭所携之法与其较量,果然不能攻破。彼辈之底蕴,着实甚厚。” When spoke, the palm has gripped bright light. 出言之时,掌心已握住一道精光 Four basic secret technique. 四道根本秘法 The big minor limit, the position limits, five phases limits. The three therapeutic methods have all lost. Only was left over the last law. 大小限,方位限,五行限。三法皆已折戟。只剩下最后一法了。 At first sight, forest thunder, Wu Ming two, hide the secret technique actual combat responsibly. Four most secret technique, always a person use two to suitably. But first three are the forest uses thunderously, he does not have the opinion, as if not think that oneself suffered a loss. 乍一看,林雷、武鸣二位,负责所藏秘法的实战。四道最秘法,总是一人动用两件为宜。但偏偏前三件都是林雷动用,他也全无意见,似乎并不以为自己吃亏了。 And meant, is obvious. 其中意味,已经不言自明了。 The menses wash, divine ability falls ; In Wuming Monster Ancestor palm, is completely empty! 经水一洗,神通一落;武鸣妖祖掌心之中,已是空空如也! Rises on cloud stage, four Heavenly Venerable looks concentrate, waits and sees earnestly. 云台上,四位天尊神色一凝,一齐认真观望。 After a little while, Dongfang Wanqing said: Good such as to dye black white/in vain. Really is wonderful. Skilled artists! It seems like the fate fights, cannot avoid finally.” 少顷,东方晚晴道:“好一个如白染皂。确是奇着。妙手!看来下场交手,终是不能回避。” Zhu Yongchen nods slightly. 诸永宸微微颔首。 Jiang Chenglu twists his beard smiles. 姜成鹿捻须一笑。 The method that the person of ascend higher boundary tempers, really has may not the place of light insulting. 飞升上境之人锤炼的手段,确有不可轻侮之处。 For example you write on the white paper. If made a mistake in writing a character, naturally can smudge it with the ink. 譬如你在白纸上书写。若是写错了一个字,自然可以用墨汁将其涂抹。 How even if you smudge again cleanly, on the paper will still leave behind a black ink Group. Initially when the pure busy white paper, cannot regain. 但是就算你再如何涂抹干净,纸上也会留下一个墨团。初时纯净无暇的白纸,已然不可复得了。 The divine ability that Wuming uses, once diverges, the might is not at that big minor limit under child. 武鸣所动用的这一门神通,一旦发散,威力不在那“大小限”的孩童之下。 However the deep meaning of this law, is actually number of times limits. 但是此法之奥义,却是“次数限”。 The rivals use the divine ability number of times to achieve certain limit within certain amount of time, will inspire the other single layer wondrous use of this technique- within 12 double-hour, all taking advantage of seal class/flow method, all cannot use, regardless of each other. 敌手在一定时间内动用神通的次数达到一定的限制,就会引动此术的另外一重妙用-十二时辰之内,一切“借物封印”流的手段,皆不能动用,无论彼此。 Does not resist, is destroying heaven and extinguishing earth might. 不抵挡,是毁天灭地威能 If resists, the nine sects background must by the seal 12 double-hour, Monster Ancestor, be out at the appointed time inevitably, challenges four Heavenly Venerable. 若抵挡,九宗底蕴皆要被封印十二个时辰,届时诸位妖祖,势必会亲身下场,挑战四位天尊
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