UD :: Volume #6

#104: Breaking but the unceasing undercurrent is turbulent

Jiang Chenglu identified one carefully, said: According to the Heavenly Pass Four Forms Instrument calculation, within at least one year, sect, when does not have the big change. This Dao Venerable Ying Yuan, actually self-confidence really foot.” 姜成鹿仔细辨认了一阵,道:“依据天关四象仪演算,至少一载之内,本门当无大变。这位应元道尊,倒是自信力甚足。” This moment Jiang Chenglu has distinguished clearly, this is the law of space transmission. After the appearance reverses , quite special Yin-Yang Cave Heaven. 此刻姜成鹿已然辨明,这是一种空间传送之法。形貌扭转后、较为特殊的阴阳洞天 Does not need to think, knows this is the rival arrives at the nine sects channel. 不用多想,也知这是敌手降临九宗的通道。 According to the normal mentality, such important mountain pass, considers before pre-combat along with using along with supposing, is most appropriate. Now distance both sides make war at least also over one year, that Dao Venerable Ying Yuan on impatient sets up the channel, is really unthinkable. 按照正常思路,如此重要的关隘,当是在临战之前随用随设,才最为妥当。如今距离双方开战至少还有一年以上,那应元道尊就迫不及待的将通道设下,委实是匪夷所思。 If nine sects destroys ahead of time, that is then supposed to do? 若是九宗提前加以破坏,那便如何是好? Careful consideration, nothing but three situations. 细细思量,无非三种情形。 Is this method has no alternative, has limit on some dao art, must arrange in this time may not ; 或者是此法门不得已而为之,有着某种道术上的限制,非得在此时布置不可; Is the Origin Land Sect Heavenly Pass Four Forms Instrument calculation is not very accurate ; 或者是原陆宗天关四象仪演算不够准确; If the two all, are not this Dao Venerable Ying Yuan, has enough confidence regarding own method. 若二者皆非,便是这位应元道尊,对于自家手段有着足够的信心。 Three Dao Venerable from the mouth of Dongfang Wanqing it, this is the Dao Venerable Ying Yuan fundamental method, is Saint Cult spans the cornerstones of the world more than 30 ten thousand years. Secret has the method restriction, must the probability by at this moment setting, is extremely small. 三位道尊东方晚晴之口得之,这是应元道尊的根本手段,亦是圣教横亘天下三十余万载的基石。暗暗有法门制约,非得由此时此刻设下的几率,极其微小。 But Heavenly Pass Four Forms Instrument, through deducing four people knows all, in one's power within, is all effective. 天关四象仪,通过推演四人而知全体,力所能及之内,更是无不灵验。 Origin Land Sect has the extraordinary background, in beside nine sects seeks reliably material, this naturally does not need to consider thoroughly. 原陆宗自有非凡底蕴,在九宗之外寻得可靠的“材料”,这一节自然也不必多虑。 That only then a possibility, was Dao Venerable Ying Yuan self-confident to the extreme, the assured this channel decides however is destroyed. 那就只有一种可能,是应元道尊自信到了极点,笃定这一通道定然不会被破坏。 The hesitation moment, Jiang Chenglu acted. 沉吟片刻,姜成鹿出手了。 The backhand casts aside, has pulled the hand to grasp waist that green skin bottle gourd. 反手一撇,已然将腰间那青皮葫芦掣手一握。 The back hangs the clausena lansium bottle gourd also to fall accordingly. 背后所悬黄皮葫芦也应声落下。 Waves to fish, two bottle gourd bottle-gourd mouths relative ; Also sees in the air as if has ding-dong a sound, palm that green skin bottle gourd big clausena lansium bottle gourd will have embezzled. 挥手一捞,两只葫芦葫口相对;又见空中似乎有“叮咚”一声响,掌心那青皮葫芦已将较大的黄皮葫芦吞没进去。 Hands over forward. 向前一递。 The green skin bottle gourd just like the sword hilt, in the mouth sword light transforms. 青皮葫芦宛若剑柄,口内剑光幻化而出。 A sword light two chi (0.33 m) three cuns (2.5 cm) length, seems much shorter. The gloss is pure, is very beautiful, not compels a person of meaning slightly. Absent-minded, seem like the plant rhizome that grows from that bottle-gourd mouth. 剑光二尺三寸长短,似乎短得出乎意料。光泽清醇,十分养眼,并无丝毫迫人之意。恍惚之间,倒像是从那葫口之中生长出来的植物根茎。 The name of Wooden Sword Immortal, with it coinciding. 木剑仙之名,正与之相合。 A sword cuts. 一剑斩下。 Ji Cangsheng, Zhu Yongchen and Dongfang Wanqing wait and see carefully. 季苍生诸永宸东方晚晴仔细观望。 It seems like that this sword moves sharp extremely slowly, the sword rack that as if when is only the senior citizen strong and healthy body displays ; However three Heavenly Venerable view it, are in the heart dark to praise. 看似这剑尖挪动得极慢,仿佛只是老年人强身健体时施展的剑式架子;但是三位天尊观之,都是心中暗赞。 Because of the situation of this sword, is evading not to have being close that may evade and keep off irreversible in in the air fluctuation reptile. 因为这一剑之形势,正避无可避、挡无可挡的接近于空中浮动的“爬虫”。 Jiang Chenglu sword speed, is not only not slow, instead draws near the extreme! 姜成鹿的出剑速度,不仅不慢,反而是快到了极点! No matter what this space tunnel hidden in the most deep place of space and time crevice, if counts by magical power flowing and shed tune, does not know several million li (0.5 km) away ; But Jiang Chenglu the sword, the induction is candid, naturally coincides with it. 任这空间隧道隐藏于时空裂隙的最深处,若以法力流动、舍曲就直而计,不知有几千万里之遥;但姜成鹿的这一剑,却感应本真,与之自然相合。 This feeling...... 这种感觉…… Seem like this reptile the place of birth lodging, originally in the Jiang Chenglu green skin bottle gourd. 倒像这“爬虫”的诞生寄宿之地,本就在姜成鹿的青皮葫芦之中。 At this moment is naturally intimate with, as if the parents look for the child who is lost to go home. 此刻自然亲近,仿佛父母寻找走失的孩童回家。 In Sword Dao divine ability, inquires into the method that the tracing, stamps out the source of trouble there are numerous similar cases, in Chenyang Sword Mountain eight big Sword Dao, then has four hidden similar wondrous uses. 剑道神通之中,寻根溯源、斩草除根的手段不知凡几,辰阳剑山八大剑道之中,便有四种暗藏类似妙用。 However Jiang Chenglu sword technique, clearly also has the originality. 但是姜成鹿剑术,显然又有独到之处。 As if this contest, Jiang Chenglu has won planned. 似乎这一次较量,姜成鹿已胜了一筹。 However, when that sword sharp distance reptile only one inch length, that reptile actually curls up suddenly, then a congealment homing point, already voluntarily collapse. 不过,就在那剑尖距离“爬虫”仅有一寸长短之时,那“爬虫”却忽然蜷曲,然后凝结归位一点,已经自行崩散了。 The Jiang Chenglu bottle-gourd sword receives. 姜成鹿葫剑一收。 Roughly after ten breaths, reptile disappears the left side five cuns (2.5 cm) positions , is been a little small and big, restored the primary form impressively. 约莫十息之后,“爬虫”消失左侧五寸方位,又有一点由小及大,赫然恢复了原形。 At four Heavenly Venerable eyesight, looks, actually fully does not restore, but slightly was weak. 以四位天尊的眼力,都看出来,其实不是完全恢复,而是稍稍弱了一丝。 This kind of situation, as if Jiang Chenglu continues the sword. 此类情形,似乎姜成鹿继续出剑。 After two swords, three swords and hundred swords, can weaken this space channel to not the serviceable situation finally. 二剑、三剑、百剑之后,终能将此空间通道削弱至决不堪用的地步。 However he has not done this. 但是他并未如此做。 Because Jiang Chenglu has induced, 因为姜成鹿已感应到, If uses the second sword again, the resistance of receives then must strengthen one time compared with the first sword. Zhu Yongchen deeply looks at two, said: So that's how it is.” 若是再出第二剑,所受到的阻力便要较之第一剑加强一倍。诸永宸深望两眼,才道:“原来如此。” Jiang Chenglu nods, said: So refuses battle the ingenious method...... some actually fresh ideas.” 姜成鹿一颔首,道:“如此避战之妙法……倒是有些新意。” Dongfang Wanqing counts on the fingers to calculate, also said: 14 months.” 东方晚晴屈指微算,亦道:“十四个月。” Originally, Dao Venerable Ying Yuan sets up this space channel, the law of being defeated and dispersed new student|life, avoided with the possibility that the external force contend. As long as encounters the offensive, then temporary withdraws, then changes magically the reappearance. 原来,应元道尊所立这一空间通道,以溃散新生之法,回避了与外力一较高下的可能。但凡遭遇攻势,便暂行退避,然后点化复现。 Avoidance, has the price. 如此“退避”,不是没有代价的。 The price is the strength of this being defeated and dispersed new student|life, once starts is unable to stop. In some being doomed time, the trend will perish surely. 代价就是这溃散新生之力,一旦发动就无法停止。在到了某一个注定的时刻,必定会走向灭亡。 Popular, looks like one person through the method of suicide, avoids being killed by others. 通俗来说,就像是一人通过自杀的方法,避免被别人杀死。 Seems like somewhat incredible, but actually for is oneself wins some extra time. 看似有些荒诞,但是却为为自己争取一些额外的时间。 So method , if informed nine sects officially, within 14 months, the opponent will kill the near surely. 如此法门,也等若正式告知了九宗,十四个月之内,对手定会杀到近前。 Also observes one, Jiang Chenglu shakes the head slightly. 又观察一阵,姜成鹿微微摇头。 The Dongfang Wanqing fingertip seems the marvelous internal qi drum dawdle to be circuitous, several scolded, finally also said: If not the magical skill is higher than this person of many, this technique is not easy to decode.” 东方晚晴指尖似有奇妙气机鼓宕迂回,数起数落,终于亦说道:“若非道行高出此人甚多,此术不易破解。” The Jiang Chenglu smile said: Has done directly, may all.” 姜成鹿微笑道:“正面做过一场,亦无不可。” When establishes the contract, my four people inventory various sect background method, first makes the preparation.” “待立下契约,我四人盘点诸宗底蕴手段,先做预备。” Such remarks, when does not have in this stays for a long time the meaning. 此言一出,当无在此久留之意。 But the Zhu Yongchen actually slightly one revolution head, looked at sword master Ji Cangsheng one. 诸永宸却微一转首,望了剑主季苍生一眼。 Jiang Chenglu and Dongfang Wanqing are dao heart knows the apex exist, the meaning of Zhu Yongchen this glance, conceals the truth obviously is about two people. Changes mind thinks, achieve the dao of Ji Cangsheng in four people are earliest, the magical skill has the good fortune that mysterious cannot be estimated that seems also reasonable. 姜成鹿东方晚晴都是道心知化的顶尖存在,诸永宸这一瞥之意,显然瞒不过二人。转念一想,季苍生在四人中成道最早,道行有玄妙不可测度的造化,似乎也在情理之中。 Two people of vision, simultaneously looks to sword master Ji Cangsheng. 二人目光,齐齐望向剑主季苍生 Looked how he chooses. 就看他如何抉择。 A silence. 一阵沉默。 Ji Cangsheng smiles suddenly, said: Returns.” 季苍生忽然一笑,道:“归去。” Also did not solicit other three people of suggestions, the form has dissipated since then. 也不征求其余三人的意见,身影已然从此地消散。 In the Jiang Chenglu pupil, a point appears. 姜成鹿眸中,一丝锋芒浮现。 The Dongfang Wanqing vision plunders from afterimage that Ji Cangsheng departs. 东方晚晴目光自季苍生离去的残影一掠而过。 Can break, but unceasingly. 能断而不断。 This indeed is the Chenyang Sword Mountain style. 这的确是辰阳剑山的行事风格。 ...... …… Four high tower, as if the position, stands erect in the sky, regarding side jade stage. 四座高塔,仿佛阵脚,当空矗立,围绕着一方玉台 Center jade stage, is setting up dense one group of people. 玉台正中,立着黑压压一群人。 cultivator is not the soldiers good five, stands so uniform, is really rare. 修道之人又并非兵卒行伍,站立得如此整齐划一,委实罕见。 The number can also easily distinguish clearly- 其数目也得以轻易辨明- Because this array vertical hundred horizontal hundred, is ten thousand people of numbers. 因为这阵列纵百横百,正是万人之数。 As center the day shadow moves, from first line of left hand's first starts, everyone all goes forward in turn, upward goes toward the stage of due north direction, steps the jade stair of nine segment Cengdie, each 300 step. 随着日影移至正中,自第一行左手第一位开始,所有人皆依次上前,往正北方向的高台上行去,迈上九段层叠、每段三百阶的玉石台阶。 Center the stage, a tall hat abundant belt/bring and beard and hair all white old man sit cross-legged to stand, black wooden magical staff of seven chi (0.33 m) length horizontally on knee. 高台正中,一个高冠博带、须发皆白的老者盘膝而立,一根七尺长短的黑木法杖横在膝上。 Dead ahead the old men, is a side triangle copper furnace, the furnace fire vigor is really exuberant, presents the azure, purple, red and white four colors, at times jumps out 56 chi (0.33 m) high. 老者正前方,是一方三角铜炉,炉火活力甚是旺盛,呈现青、紫、红、白四色,时时窜出五六尺高。 Actually sees under the stair on the person around, as if by prior agreement takes out a thing among the sleeves. 却见台阶下之人上前后,不约而同的自袖间取出一物。 Square, is slightly bigger compared with brocade handkerchief. 四四方方,较之锦帕略大些。 Both hands open, has moved from that copper furnace flame in slowly. 双手张开,自那铜炉火焰之中缓缓移过。 The entire process, must 15-16 breath lengths ; However comes person both hands and long gowns, in the hand to hold brocade handkerchief, had not actually been burnt down. 整个过程,须得15-16息长短;但是来人双手、袍服,手中所持锦帕,却并未被焚毁。 Not only had not burnt out, above that brocade handkerchief, appears the dense and numerous handwriting. 不但未被烧坏,那锦帕之上,浮现出密密麻麻的字迹。 After a person is completed, toward a that old man ritual, then the tower toward Northeast corner came up. 一人完成之后,朝那老者一礼,然后便往东北角落的塔上去了。 successor following it. 后来者继之。 Calcining fire, week, toward tower in...... 煅火,礼拜,往塔中去…… The writing of respective flame petition, somewhat some differences. 只是各自火焰呈文的文字,多多少少有些差异。 Positive tower under that high tower, as if carving vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered respectively 800 numbers mural, total 640,000. 高塔之下的正面塔身,似乎雕镂着纵横各八百之数的“壁画”,总数共六十四万之多。 Every time the person enters in the tower, then mural luster transfers brightly, seeming this thing is a light chimney. 每有一人进入塔中,便有一副“壁画”色泽转亮,好似此物正是一件薄薄的灯罩。 The old man behind, beyond more than ten zhang (3.33 m), is setting up 67 people. 那老者身后,十余丈外,立着六七人。 Shentu Longshu. 申屠龙树 Mo Tianqing. 墨天青 Feng Yuan and Ming Zhi. 丰渊明治 Also has two people who do not know the name. 还另有不知姓名的两人。 At this time Shentu Longshu goes near slightly one step, in the writing that as if the mind observation, falls after is passing through calcining fire on brocade handkerchief presents every people ; But Mo Tianqing is actually separated by far, transfers to look that high tower to the Northeast corner. 此时申屠龙树略微靠前一步,似乎心神观察,落在每一人经煅火之后锦帕上呈现的文字上;而墨天青却相隔最远,转首望向东北角落上那高塔 Several other people, are talking low voice. 其余数人,都在小声交谈。 How long did not know. 不知过去了多久。 Ten thousand people of arrays, had experienced most likely. 万人阵列,已然经历了十之八九。 Mo Tianqing looks scatteredly lighten that mural position, said suddenly: How completely in the Saint Cult thirty six heavens range? Monster Race Saint Ancestor is born, moreover incessantly a person. Always when raises some storms is. It seems like the edict of Great Demon Venerable, thinks that nine sects did have the victory without the defeat?” 墨天青看那稀稀落落被点亮的“壁画”方位,忽然道:“怎地尽是在圣教三十六界天的范围之内?妖族圣祖降世,而且不止一人。总当掀起些风浪才是。看来大魔尊之谕,以为九宗是有胜无败了?” Shentu Longshu light say/way: If observes this sacrifice hot petition, known it, why Junior Brother Mo does go round the sun to meet the moon early?” 申屠龙树淡淡的道:“倘观此祭火呈文,早已知之,墨师弟又何必舍近求远?” Mo Tianqing one dull, said: Does not know that what matter the petition narrated, Shentu did senior brother have to teach me?” 墨天青一呆,道:“不知呈文所叙何事,申屠师兄有以教我?” Shentu Longshu is at a moderate pace, repeated several writing at will. 申屠龙树不紧不慢,随意复述了几篇文字。 Mo Tianqing rests one's chin in one's hands the meditation. 墨天青托腮凝思。 Originally, Saint Ancestor informs the petition, is together cultivation technique. It first comes straight to the point, reprimands studying of Divine Dao for false, word law does not borrow the external object to change magically, then the opportunity of unsurpassed entering. Then its secret art writing, actually makes 23 additions and deletions modification in the method of Divine Dao, said that according to this law studies, so long as read honestly consecrates, was not false in thing, can the genuine achievement wonderful say/way. 原来,圣祖示谕呈文,乃是一道功法。其先开宗明义,斥神道之学为伪,言此法不借外物点化,便无上进之机。然后其法诀文字,却在神道之法中做出二三增删改动,言道按照此法修习,只要诚念供奉,不假于物,亦能真正成就妙道。 Even if has stepped onto cultivator of road of Divine Dao, if the prompt revolutions cultivates this field of endeavor, can harvest the similar effectiveness. 哪怕是已然走上神道之路的修者,倘若及时转修此道,亦能收获相似之效用。 cultivation technique internal qi shows presently outside, had nothing any difference from former Divine Dao cultivator. 功法气机示现于外,与从前的神道修者无有任何差别。 Does not pass through to bestow can also achieve the dao ; 不经上赐亦能成道; Extant Divine Dao cultivator can also transfer cultivates ; 现存的神道修者亦能转修; This is as good opens Grand Dao, has to make one acclaim, immeasurably deep of Great Demon Venerable magical power. 这不亚于重新开辟一门大道,不得不令人赞叹,大魔尊法力之深不可测。 Once appears, is earth-shaking. 一旦横空出世,便是天翻地覆。 It can be imagined, this law disseminates, will certainly to exert a baneful influence the infinite potential, corrodes the foundation of Divine Dao. 可想而知,此法传布,必将以流毒无穷之势,侵蚀神道之根基。 When the last person passes through from the flame. 待最后一人自火光之中经过。 The old man sets out suddenly, said: Several higher boundary mighty figure are born, really has really deep magical power, cannot regard it careless and indiscreet. Great Demon Venerable no doubt saw clearly the Saint Cult destiny, is the opportunity of my Demon Dao rise. But that nine sects is not necessarily able perfectly.” 那老者蓦然起身,言道:“数位上境大能降世,实有甚深法力,不可轻忽视之。大魔尊固然是洞鉴了圣教气数之微,正是我魔道崛起之机。但那九宗未必就能完好无损。” Is only nine sects dao art closes door to practice moderation, is in lineage passes on. This and other methods from bottom to top, had no need.” “只是九宗道术闭门自持,皆是一脉内传。这等自下而上的法子,原也用不着。” If our generation if acts to nine sects, Great Demon Venerable decides the arrangement that however has agrees with.” “倘我辈若要对九宗出手,大魔尊定然另有更加契合的布置。” I know you to that person from some thoughts of being eager to try. However expands itself, the side is the correct path.” “我知你对那人自有些跃跃欲试的心思。但是壮大自身,方为正道。” Mo Tianqing rare color one positive, said: Yes.” 墨天青难得的颜色一正,道:“是。”
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