UD :: Volume #6

#101: Closes up deeply seeks the promising youth

Nine Fusions Sect is the place of sitting in meditation Gui Wujiu seeks, pours also uniquely. The most deep place of mountain valley crevice. 九合宗归无咎寻到的入定之地,倒也别致。正是山谷裂隙的最深处。 However this place not tiny bit gloomy hidden in the shade, on the contrary was above the vault of heaven clear day Lang Lang, the skylight is beautiful, takes a broad view to look at school of hawk flying grass long aura. Unexpectedly is one that the manpower builds good. What in sun and moon as for the day seems like to plan, Gui Wujiu is also unknown. 不过此地却无一丝一毫的晦暗阴翳,反倒是天穹之上晴日郎朗,天光明媚,放眼望去一派莺飞草长之气息。竟是人力所营造的一处佳地。至于天中日月之象是何物所拟,归无咎也不得而知。 Gui Wujiu spiritual will hovers, is pressing for payment the vague clue. 归无咎神意游动,追索着若有若无的线索。 If others, even if the aptitude magical skill is high, was very easy to accept the worthy people of former times to say old regarding three lost foreword explanation. 如果是旁人,哪怕资质道行再高,也很容易接受先贤旧说对于“三失序”的解释。 Because of native dao art, in Monster Race even Demon Dao, before Origin Infant later, near dao/shortcut, have several the heavy slow promotion small boundary, to extremely be easy to make one produce a thinking, that is the achievement method that this gets it done in one action, is nine sects dao art is in sole possession. 因为本土道术,妖族甚至魔道之中,在元婴之后、近道之前,都有数重缓慢提升的小境界,是以极容易令人产生一种思维定势,那就是这一蹴而就的成就法门,乃是九宗道术所独有。 But the Gui Wujiu knowledge is actually not true. 归无咎却知并非如此。 Beside abatement Daoism, Monster Race, Demon Dao and nine sects, he also browsed Martial Dao and Yin-Yang Dao. 除却道门妖族魔道九宗之外,他还涉猎了武道阴阳道 And the military dao technique gate, the so-called star moon/month six boundaries, and other big class/flow are like native dao art, similarly has several small boundary. 其中武道法门,所谓星月六境,与本土道术等大流者相同,同样有数个小境界 But Yin-Yang Dao is unusual. 阴阳道却与众不同。 After the Origin Infant accomplishment, enters into near dao/shortcut, is an achievement. Renewal most quickly novel https:// 元婴大成之后,迈入近道,乃是一步成就。更新最快奇奇小说https:// Yin-Yang Dao has secret technique heart seal, causes the Qin Menglin sympathize ; But Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin have the reason of false pill coinciding, similarly resulted in that single layer broken boundary experience. Although this feeling not, if Martial Dao personally informed and experienced profound, but also calculates the view really deeply. 阴阳道自有秘法心印,使秦梦霖感同身受;而归无咎秦梦霖虚丹相合之缘,同样得了那一重破境体验。此感受虽不若武道亲身历练深刻,但是也算观之甚深。 At the Gui Wujiu angle of view, the law of Yin-Yang Dao broken boundary, the perfection integral whole, high and low seamless, may be called one is broken to the world excellent dao art that but labor. If said that nine sects dao art ends, but has not ended, this Gui Wujiu had decided is unable to accept. 归无咎的视角来看,阴阳道破境之法,圆满浑成,上下无漏,堪称一门穷极而工的上乘道术。所以若说九宗道术似完而未完,这归无咎是决计无法接受的。 Had lacking to say as for heaven's will, by the Gui Wujiu dao heart truth, but observed it, similarly had the flaw greatly. 至于天意有缺之说,以归无咎道心道理而观之,同样大有破绽。 heavenly fate feels awkward, does not make one person alone enjoy renown. Only feared that should in person of body true reaching the pinnacle, is more appropriate. 天数作难,不使一人专美。只怕应在真正登峰造极之人身上,更为妥当。 For example nine sects form the pill process, boundary that if melted completely the magical skill to perfect and flawless and pill seed, its strength of promotion was on the decline the extreme, had to seek perfection , then destroyed and sinks to drop the deserted risk. Only the natural talent chance really goes against heaven's will, with the inconceivable means recovery, can cause the profound seed phase, does not save. 譬如九宗结丹过程,若是道行到了圆满无暇丹种完全化去的境界,其推动之力衰微到了极点,就有求全则毁、沉堕空寂的风险。只有天资机缘实在逆天,用不可思议的办法补救,方能使得玄种物相,一丝不存。 Now this so-called heaven's will lacks, is truly powerful regarding the aptitude to the extreme character is completely of no concern, but constituted the barrier to the person of being not as good, this as if not gather the principle of Heavenly Dao. 如今这所谓的“天意有缺”,对于资质真正强大到极点的人物完全无涉,但是却对略逊一筹之人构成了障碍,这似乎并不合天道之理。 During Gui Wujiu closes up, as if felt an once personal history, actually was if clear(ly) if dark clue ; However thinks carefully, actually cannot recall completely. 归无咎闭关之中,似乎感受到曾经的一处履历,其实便是若明若暗的线索;但是仔细思索,却完全不能记起。 The state of mind hovers, unknowingly is a half year passes...... 神思游动,不知不觉已是半年过去…… At the same time. 同一时间。 In cave residence that demonstration mold hides, Lu Bingwen not only has not departed, instead the body bank are also many two people. 那演示模具所藏的洞府之中,鲁兵文不但没有离去,反而身畔又多出两人。 These two, are higher than cultivation base above Star Monarch ; However compared with Lu Bingwen, actually resembles is obviously less, approximately two people add together, can with its suitable appearance. 这两人,同样是高出星君之上的修为;但是较鲁兵文而言,却似明显不及,大约两人相加,才能与其相当的样子。 And one, is a complexion wax yellow, the old man of aspect round nose. 其中一位,是个面色蜡黄、方面圆鼻的老者。 Another middle-aged age, wears a turban, partly favors the right arm, above the forehead and cheek, appear four bright yellow spots. 另一位中年年纪,身披一巾,半袒右臂,前额与面颊之上,现出四个明黄色的斑点。 Does not know that for a long time, the complexion wax yellow old man said silent: One of Gloomy Domain Sect nine water, melt internal qi obviously, no doubt is effective incomparable. However this statue and True Person, have a difference. Here can achieve, not necessarily changes magically the living person not to have the mistake.” 不知沉默了许久,面色蜡黄的老者言道:“幽寰宗九水之一,显化气机,固然是灵验无比。但是此塑像与真人,到底是有所差别的。此处能够做到,未必点化活人也全无差池。” Partly favors right arm True Person, hearing this continuously the nod, agrees. 半袒右臂真人,闻言不住点头,表示同意。 And biggest difference, in spirit wisdom intention. 其中最大的差别,就在灵智心意上。 The chaotic air/Qi good path of resembles of this person simulation, is to promote by array strength. Only need starts the mechanism/organization above wall, internal qi then revolution unobstructive. But if in truly broken boundary process, the person of breakthrough receives the external force interference, is actually not necessarily able unable to guarantee accidentally/surprisingly. 这具人身模拟之像的混乱气行轨迹,乃是以阵力推动。只消启动墙壁之上的机关,气机便运转无碍。但若是真正破境过程中,突破之人受到外力干扰,却未必能够保证不出意外。 A Lu Bingwen sigh, said: „ You have not seen him to use the method with own eyes. Reveals, void intent moves. Although Lu cultivation has not been yet arrived really deep boundary, actually can also feel faintly, this interfering strength, whether there is between, is not common divine ability dao art may compare. Successful assurance, at least over 80%. 鲁兵文一声叹息,道:“你们并未亲眼见到他施展手段。名相一显,虚空意动。虽然鲁某功行未臻甚深境界,却也隐隐能够感到,这一种干涉之力,介乎于有无之间,并非寻常神通道术可比。成功的把握,至少在八成以上。 Renewal novel https:// middle age age that no longer spoke most quickly, put out a hand to receive a thing from Lu Bingwen hand. ”更新最快奇奇小说https://中年年纪那位,不再出言,伸手自鲁兵文手中接过一物。 Old that shakes the head sighs, similarly received another thing from Lu Bingwen hand. 年长那位,摇头一叹,同样自鲁兵文手中接过另外一物。 Two thing inscriptions are the same, seem like invitation correspondence one kind. 二物款识相同,似乎是请柬书信一类。 Lu soldier/weapon train of thought quantity long time, establishes two written agreements, sends out two to gather, three to gather two. 鲁兵文思量良久,立下两封书契,发往二合、三合两宗。 Stated clearly that Gui Wujiu visits the matter of Nine Fusions Sect, and said that in complete dao industry, Gui Wujiu as if made the decisive breakthrough. 言明归无咎造访九合宗之事,并言道于完道之业,归无咎似乎有了决定性的突破。 Hundreds of thousands of years operate under great difficulties, as if a dynasty may become. 数十万载惨淡经营,似乎一朝可成。 Invited two to gather, three to gather two next generation most outstanding characters, came to gather, view its cultivation rank. 更邀请二合、三合两宗下一代最杰出的人物,前来一聚,观其功行品阶 If the magical skill is still permissible, Lu Bingwen proposed that discussed. 若道行尚可,鲁兵文提出一议。 Makes a verification on three disciple of by present age three richest great reputations. 就以当代三宗最富重望的三弟子作一鉴证。 After Gui Wujiu achieve the dao, if it really can help Feng Zhixi and other be in direct line achieve the dao, then three might as well flow together, presents Gui Wujiu is sovereign. 归无咎成道之后,若其果然能够助风止息等三宗嫡传成道,那么三宗不如就此合流,共奉归无咎为宗主。 ...... …… An all various grassy plants rich botanical garden. 一处百草丰沛的园林。 Said is a botanical garden, actually somewhat reluctantly. Because only then thing two to having two wall, north and south, is actually two small soil banks spreads, confuses a body with boundless mountains and plains. 说是园林,其实有些勉强。因为只有东西两向有两条浅浅的墙壁,南北方向,却是两道小土坡蔓延出去,与一片茫茫山野混同一体。 The person of body partly squats, interest abundant. 有一人身躯半蹲,兴致盎然。 In cultivate the dao the person, wears white robe really numerous. However the white robe of this person, is actually purely, wants the luminous three points compared with the codonopsis lanceolatas. 修道中人,身着白袍者甚众。但是此人的一袭白袍,却是纯粹之极,较之羊乳还要光亮三分。 The facial features are thin, both eyes are deep, but the double eyelashes are especially long, is more different than the numerous. 面容瘦削白皙,双目湛然有神,而双睫尤长,比众不同。 As for his interest onlooker, is actually a leopard cat. 至于他兴致观望者,却是一只狸猫。 Said accurately, is two. 准确的说,是两只。 Because build big, is neither friendly nor aloof, beyond several feet is bending down to perch, both eyes opens the eyes to resemble to shut. 因为有一只体型较大者,若即若离,正在数丈之外俯身栖息,双目似睁似闭。 This person carefully watches, is actually a pure white leopard cat of palm of the hand size, at most in January/one month the size, seems like that is only big cat to live the flesh and blood. 这人仔细观看的,却是一只巴掌大小的纯白狸猫,至多不过一月大小,看似正是那只大猫所生骨血。 At this time this kitten seems to be sleepy already extremely, both eyes narrow the frontline, the body is crooked ; However actually does not drop down, but four decide fully, seems dozing off. 此时这小猫似乎困倦已极,双目眯成一线,身躯歪歪斜斜;但是却并不倒下,只是四足立定,似乎在打瞌睡。 This person sees to be popular the thick place, puts out a hand suddenly in a flash, that leopard cat then appears in his palm naturally, and had not been alarmed. 这人看到兴浓处,忽地伸手一晃,那狸猫自然而然便出现在他掌心之中,且并未受到丝毫惊动。 In this time, front phantom in a flash. 正在此时,面前虚影一晃。 Has a person to come. 多出一个人来。 A yellow robe, decides the surrounding area. Originally integral whole meteorology immediately one austere, and inverts the weight, being primarily. 一身黄袍,立定方圆。原本浑成气象立刻一肃,并颠倒轻重,以之为主。 Gloomy Domain Sect Sect Leader, Xue Jianchi. 幽寰宗掌门,薛见迟 Xue Jianchi concentrates to set up the long time, said: „The say/way of cultivation, cannot neglect. Only more than 200 years, you whether to catch up, is two may the number. Cannot be capricious, spreading duck outside.” 薛见迟凝立半晌,道:“修行之道,不可怠慢。区区二百余年时间,你能否赶得上,还是两可之数。不可心猿意马,驰骛于外。” This person as if thinks little, shakes the head saying: Gui Wujiu eighth grade spirit root, 500 old become, as if also accomplishes a task with ease. Although I in non- Lygon good person, but compared with Gui Wujiu, always. Still 200 years, Origin Infant perfection, there is what difficulty?” 这人似乎不以为意,摇头道:“归无咎八品灵根,五百年长成,似乎也游刃有余。我虽非利根上善之人,但是和归无咎相比,总也强了许多。尚有二百余载,元婴圆满,又有何难?” Speaking of Gui Wujiu, in his pupil flashes through an appearance, has the meaning of longing unclearly. 说到归无咎,他眸中闪过一丝神采,隐然有怀念之意。 This personal name for Shen Xiangqin, sounding seem like the name of female. 此人名为沈湘琴,听起来倒像是个女子的名字。 In the past after red cloud little meeting, Gui Wujiu and Du Niansha rushed to Nine Circuits Half Mountain, in numerous disciple that at that time under the pavilion surrounded, had this Shen Xiangqin. 当年红云小会之后,归无咎杜念莎一闯九周半山,当时亭台之下围观的众弟子中,就有这位沈湘琴。 This person of aptitude actually no small matter, however when enter the dao, has the shortcoming of pearl fleeing the capital, calculates a strange special physique. Therefore hidden in Gloomy Domain Sect, pours does not have the awl to puncture in the pouch the shape. On that day to the Gui Wujiu glance, actually resembled to make a connection with Shen Xiangqin profound pass gateway, from now on will blossom in radiant splendor, soars. 此人资质其实非同小可,但是在入道之时,却有明珠蒙尘之弊,也算一种诡异的特殊体质。因此隐藏在幽寰宗之内,倒也无锥刺囊中之象。那一日对归无咎的惊鸿一瞥,却似打通了沈湘琴的玄关门户,自此才大放异彩,一飞冲天。 Gloomy Domain Sect six True Monarch mighty figure, are all delighted. 幽寰宗六位真君大能,无不欢喜。 Only dozens years later, Shen Xiangqin then replaced Xiao Tianshi and Zhang Hongbian position, becomes Gloomy Domain Sect unshakeable first is in direct line. At this time has not proclaimed the edict outside. 只数十年后,沈湘琴便取代了萧天石张宏辩的地位,成为幽寰宗不可动摇的第一嫡传。只是此时尚未宣谕于外而已。 This Gloomy Domain Sect wants to bury an ambusher actually not. The reality is Shen Xiangqin cultivation speed really slow. If cannot catch up with the next 500 years of meeting, that became the joke. 这倒不是幽寰宗想要埋一个伏兵。实是沈湘琴的修行速度甚缓。若是万一赶不上下一次五百年之会,那就成了笑话了。 Properly speaking from past Gui Wujiu which red cloud little meeting, close to 400 years, a top talent, if grows into, how regardless of were also enough. 按理说从当年归无咎哪一届的红云小会算起,接近四百年时间,一位顶尖天才若要长成,无论如何也是够了。 However Shen Xiangqin so-called soaring, manifests, in its dao art comprehension strives profoundly on- 但是沈湘琴所谓的“一飞冲天”,体现在其道术领悟的深湛精进上- «Above Profound Origin Root Great Commandment Scripture» reaches to nine change extreme change at one fell swoop boundary, establishes the biggest energy that Shen Xiangqin Gloomy Domain Sect first is in direct line. 玄元根本大戒经》一举臻至九变之上的“极变境界,是奠定沈湘琴幽寰宗第一嫡传的最大底气。 As for the cultivation speed, actually as before is the past aptitude fled the capital that not slow not anxious appearance. 至于修行速度,却依旧是当年资质蒙尘时那不缓不急的模样。 Xue Jianchi said: If first went fearlessly ahead, making the magical skill leap. After obtaining the full assurance, is conservative, how could it not be good?” 薛见迟道:“若先勇猛精进,使得道行飞跃。取得十足把握之后,再留有余地,岂不甚好?” Shen Xiangqin sets out suddenly, said: Actually can catch up, is decided by the day early. From may by deducing the method of profound principles it, does not lie in I studies hard or not.” 沈湘琴忽地起身,道:“其实能否赶上,早由天定。自可由推演玄机之法得之,并不在于我用功与否。” Xue Jianchi hesitates saying: what intent?” 薛见迟沉吟道:“何意?” Shen Xiangqin naturally and unrestrainedly said: As it is said Yueheng and Indistinct two step in great realm to be deeper, Chenyang Sword Mountain, Origin Land Sect and Hidden Form Sect have deduced vague news- hero who as if gives rise, all in together list. May I ask Sect Leader True Monarch, has this matter otherwise?” 沈湘琴洒然道:“据说随着越衡缥缈二宗涉足大界愈深,辰阳剑山原陆宗藏象宗已然推演出若有若无的讯息-似乎应时而出的英杰,皆在一道榜单之中。敢问掌门真君,有此事否?” Xue Jianchi looked at Shen Xiangqin one eyes, said lightly: Really has this matter.” 薛见迟望了沈湘琴一眼,淡淡道:“确有此事。” Shen Xiangqin said with a smile: Why not Sect Leader does True Monarch search a positive news? Looks above this so-called list, may have my Shen Xiangqin name graph.” 沈湘琴笑道:“掌门真君何不去探一个确切消息?看一看这所谓的榜单之上,可有我沈湘琴的姓名图形。” Xue Jianchi slow sound said: According to rumor list has dozens people ; You reach the boundary of extreme change, decides qualifies. Ranking priority.” 薛见迟缓声道:“据传言此榜有数十人之多;你既臻极变之境,定是榜上有名的。只是排名先后而已。” Shen Xiangqin said: If above the list, that then should tribulation on the world, can catch up with 500 years of meeting inevitably ; If cannot catch up, even the aptitude is stronger, is still not necessarily able to be on the list.” 沈湘琴道:“若果在榜单之上,那便是应世应劫而出,必然赶得上五百年之会;若是赶不上,就算资质再强一些,也未必能够上榜。” Xue Jianchi hearing this is astonished however. 薛见迟闻言讶然。 This said that has the new idea actually. 此说倒是颇有新意。 In this time, the in the air sonorous sound is falling suddenly together: This word is rational. However why inquiring news? Ranks 22 below. I thought that this fellow daoist and some are not far. Position high, thus it can be seen.” 正在此时,空中忽地一道宏亮声音落下:“此言有理。不过何必去探询消息?在下排名二十二位。我看这位道友与某相去不远。名次高下,由此可见。” Xue Jianchi and Shen Xiangqin, is very amazed. 薛见迟、沈湘琴,都是十分惊诧。 Xue Jianchi remembers the incident immediately. 薛见迟立刻想起一事。 This Shen Xiangqin the place of cultivation, has mysteriously, may shield the investigations of other sect profound methods fully. 这沈湘琴的修行之地,别有玄奥,足可屏蔽了其余诸宗高深手段的探查。 However so arrangement, if not want to create danger land that” spiritual qi does not pass completely, then must keep a back door on own initiative. 但是如此布置,若不欲将之完全造成灵气不通的“绝地”,便要主动留一个后门。 This place stays behind back door, takes it as the head-family and channel of native world relation. 此地所留下的“后门”,正是将其作为本宗与本土世界联系的通道。 Really. 果然。 After three breaths, in the air cloud Bo treacherous changes, the gateway is suddenly unimpeded, the step a person comes, very curious massive Shen Xiangqin two eyes, said: In the next Yuan side, fellow daoist was courteous.” 三息之后,空中一阵云波诡谲之变,忽而门户畅通,步出一个人来,十分好奇的大量了沈湘琴两眼,道:“在下元方,道友有礼了。”
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