USS :: Volume #19

#1901: Outside god territory ( 1 )

That is a Death Qi heavy silencing, just like an invisible great hand, caught the trim vast starry sky. 那是一片死气沉沉的静寂,宛若一只无形的巨手,拽住了整片浩瀚星空。 Everywhere stars are sending out the weak gloomy afterglow reluctantly, as if will extinguish momentarily. 漫天星辰勉强散发着微弱暗淡的余辉,仿佛随时都会熄灭。 That huge boat, goes lonely under this jet black starry skies, is passing vicissitudes. 那一艘巨大的“舟”,孤独行驶在这片漆黑的星空下,透着一种沧桑。 A white hair old man sits alone in boredom in boat the forefront, stares at this vast broad starry skies, in the look passes is despairing and sad. 一位白发老者枯坐在“舟”的最前端,凝望这片一望无际的广阔星空,眼神中透着绝望与哀伤。 „The hundred thousand year, when I and others can......” 十万年了,我等何时才能……” The sound of hoarse distortion sends out from his throats, but this words completely have not had to say. 沙哑变形的声音从他喉咙间发出,只是这未尽的话语却迟迟没在说下去。 „” A dull thumping sound, old man figure such as the illusory image is shattered, turns into continuously the dust, dissipates in the darkness. “啪”的一声闷响,老者身形如幻影破灭,化成缕缕尘埃,消散在黑暗中。 ...... …… Hou, dies!” “嚯,又死一个!” old Li cannot shoulder eventually!” “老李终究还是没能扛住啊!” The big boat center, in a room, two old old person sits facing each other to play chess, resembles a feeling, sighed. 大舟中央,一间屋子里,两个年迈老人对坐下棋,似有所感,叹了口气。 „, Did old Li die especially? The grass, he also owes this God Venerable ten thousand hundred million Spirit Stone(s)......” “特么的,老李死了?草,他还欠本神尊万亿灵石……” A thinness, the hair actually gloss shiny dog, catches up in a hurry, a shock and anger of face. 一条骨瘦如柴,毛发却油光锃亮的狗,匆匆赶来,一脸的震惊与愤怒。 World is unkind, this God Venerable......” it face upwards the long and loud cry, the grief and indignation wails: Blood owes!” “天地不仁,本神尊……”它仰天长啸,悲愤哀嚎:“血亏啊!” Er Gou'zi, other ghost called, hurries the help, Array also broken.” 二狗子,别鬼叫了,赶紧过来帮忙,阵法又破了。” The distant place, hears one to bellow, the sound is very young, is of pleasant to hear. 远处,传来一声大吼,声音很年轻,也好听。 The body on Er Gou'zi face actually pulls out ruthlessly, in the look boils up a ruthless color: Mother, endless? These nonsense do Spiritual God, want irreconcilable until death?” 二狗子脸上的皮肉却狠狠一抽,眼神中迸出一丝狠色:“妈的,没完没了是吧?那些狗屁神灵,非要不死不休吗?” Also is not you with that the stupid idea of boy leaving, dug the Fire God god sign even, other Spiritual God did not let off, stirs up the gods to be angry......” nearby white beard old person to buckle the foot seam, was foul-mouthed. “还不是你跟那小子出的馊主意,挖了火神的神牌就算了,其他神灵的也不放过,惹得众神大怒……”旁边一位白胡子老人扣了扣脚缝,骂骂咧咧道。 Er Gou'zi holds together to jump: Duan Jiude your bastard, but also had a face to speak this saying?” 二狗子直接气得跳起来:“段九德你个王八蛋,还有脸说这话?” Oh Fuck me, the old man didn't I have the face to say? You ask Protector Mo, is you with the good deed that boy does?” Duan Jiude is also angry, the foaming with rage eyeball scolded. “哎哟卧槽,老头我怎么就没脸说了?你问问莫护法,是不是你跟那小子干的好事?”段九德也大怒,吹胡子瞪眼睛骂道。 fart, since we rush to being enthralled territory, that crowd of Spiritual God have stared at us, mother, buried alive our so many people, what does this God Venerable dig their god signs is? Xu Que that boy said that sooner or later, gave to dig their god position.” Er Gou'zi cursed angrily. 放屁,从我们闯入神域,那群神灵就已经盯上我们,妈的,坑杀了我们那么多人,本神尊挖他们神牌算什么?徐缺那小子都说了,早晚有一天,把他们神位都给挖了。”二狗子怒骂道。 Oh!” “唉!” Side, another silent old person deeply sighed, trembling sound said: Big Heaven Continent, number by the life lives of 1 trillion ideas, they...... being able to get down hand? Do they also match to call the god?” 旁边,另一位沉默的老人深深叹了口气,颤声道:“诺大的天洲,数以万亿计的生灵性命,他们……怎么下得去手的?他们也配叫神吗?” On nod of Yeah! Er Gou'zi approves very much: Protector Mo, you said to look, they killed our so many people, we dig their god signs, has the mistake?” “就是啊!二狗子很是认可的点了点头:“莫护法,你说说看,他们杀了我们那么多人,我们挖他们那点神牌,有错吗?” Mo Junchen shot a look at Er Gou'zi one, deeply sighed: As far as I know, buries alive our is Fire God that batch of Spiritual God, but the God of Wealth they have not participated with the Queen of night, you also dug their god signs......” 莫君臣瞥了二狗子一眼,又深深叹了口气:“据我所知,坑杀我们的是火神那批神灵,但是财神跟月神他们并没参与,你们把他们的神牌也挖了……” „, The situation was so at that time urgent, where this God Venerable can attend to is whose god sign, had digs digs Ah…… Er Gou'zi somewhat to put aside the vision afraid. “靠,当时情况那么紧急,本神尊哪里顾得上是谁的神牌,有得挖就挖啊……二狗子有些心虚的移开了目光。 Mother, Er Gou'zi can't you come?” “妈的,二狗子你来不来?” At this time, outside the room heard one to bellow. 这时候,屋外又传来一声大吼。 Came!” Er Gou'zi frightened quickly grasping the meaning of something, turned into a shadow directly to clash, has not forgotten to argue: Boy, is not this God Venerable does not come, is Duan Jiude with Mo Junchen that two old bastard, must frame by planting stolen goods on the matter of your Wa God, excessively, this God Venerable is unbearably angry simply......” “来了来了!”二狗子吓了一激灵,化成一道黑影直接冲了出去,还不忘辩解道:“小子,不是本神尊不来,是段九德莫君臣那两个老混蛋,非要栽赃你挖神牌的事,简直过分,本神尊气不过……” ...... …… Although compared with the trim great starry sky, boat seems very tiny. 虽然比起整片广阔无垠的星空,“舟”显得很渺小。 But in fact, boat many years ago, named Heaven Continent, was regarded a mainland. 但实际上,“舟”在很多年前,名为天洲,被人们当成一片大陆。 The hundred thousand year years pass, everyone gradually shouted it for boat, but cannot change once as a fact of mainland. 十万年岁月流逝,大家逐渐喊它为“舟”,但也改变不了曾被作为一片大陆的事实。 Er Gou'zi flies, passed over gently and swiftly just like stream of light. 二狗子一路飞行,宛若一道流光掠过。 Under the disorderly houses of innumerable shatter collapse, Zhan Xianzhe here once was very everywhere lively, some countless people occupy has lived the trace. 底下无数破碎倒塌的凌乱房屋,处处都詹显着这里曾经很繁华,有无数人居住生活过的痕迹。 However now takes a broad view to look, only remains a piece by piece ruins vestige. 不过如今放眼望去,仅剩一片片废墟遗迹。 Bang!” “砰!” Quick, Er Gou'zi from falling of midair heavily, smashes the ground shakes, raises the innumerable dust. 很快,二狗子从半空重重的落下,将地面砸得一震,扬起无数灰尘。 It looks around everywhere, brow immediately wrinkled. 它四处张望,眉头顿时皱了起来。 Boy, you? Where ran?” “小子,你人呢?跑哪去了?” Where did you manage me to run? Hurries to restore Array.” That say/way young sound conveys from the distant place. “你管我跑哪去了?赶紧把阵法修复。”那道年轻的声音又是从远处传来。 „Does Fuck me, your deceive this God Venerable with doppelgänger? This Array is you breaks!” Er Gou'zi the discovery is not right immediately, shouts abuse: „It is not right, you special does to break array run? Now that batch of Spiritual God are still chasing down us, do you also dare to go out unexpectedly?” 卧槽,你丫的又用分身本神尊?这阵法就是你打破的!”二狗子当即发现不对劲,破口大骂:“不对,你特么又破阵跑出去?现在那批神灵还在追杀我们,你居然还敢往外跑?” Do not bark, the situation is urgent, I had harvested recently , I can find the ally if as expected!” The young sound conveys from afar. “别吠了,事态紧急,我最近有所收获,不出意外的话,我能找到盟友!”年轻的声音远远传来。 Ally?” Er Gou'zi gawked, immediately two shine: Real false? Various day of Spiritual God, all want to kill our, can you also find to be willing with us to ally?” “盟友?”二狗子愣了一下,随即两眼放光:“真的假的?诸天神灵,无一不是想杀我们的,你还能从中找到愿意跟我们结盟的?” Hehe, but also remembers five Yuan country...... Five Elements Mountain?” That sound said with a smile. “嘿嘿,还记得五元国……五行山吗?”那声音笑道。 Five Elements Mountain......” Er Gou'zi as if fell into the recollection, immediately looked like remembered anything, with astonishment said: You were say......” 五行山……”二狗子似乎陷入了回忆,随即又像想起了什么,惊愕道:“你是说……” Right, under Five Elements Mountain suppressed that...... must leave if as expected accidentally/surprisingly, the grass, the Queen of night discovered me with profound goddess these two small mother skins, rubbish with you, wait for me then contacted with you again!” “没错,五行山下被镇压的那位,不出意外的话……就要出意外了,草,月神跟玄女神这两个小娘皮发现我了,不跟你废话了,等我回头再联系你们!” That sound was foul-mouthed, went far away gradually. 那声音骂骂咧咧起来,渐渐远去。 ...... …… Great mountain of a float in vast starry sky. 一座漂浮在浩瀚星空中的巨山。 Looks from afar, this mountain also wants big several tens of thousands of times compared with Heaven Continent unexpectedly, can be called is really the great mountain! 远远望去,此山竟比天洲还要大数万倍,着实称得上是巨山! At this moment, a look results in the youth who does not make sense handsome, whole face flustered speeding away fast, the forehead full is the sweat, in the hand actually also grabs several colorful clothes...... to look at probably women's tightly! 此刻,一名相貌俊朗得不像话的青年,正满脸慌张的飞快疾驰,额头满是汗水,手中却还紧抓着几件五彩斑斓的衣裳……看着像是女款! Xu Que, you court death.” Almost meanwhile, together just like coming from the female voice of vault of heaven deep place, the biography swings. 徐缺,你找死。”几乎同时,一道宛若来自天穹深处的女子声音,传荡而来。 She is angrily rebuking. 她在怒斥。 Queen of night, profound goddess, this is a misunderstanding, I come also your god signs, previous time digs your god signs secretly is not I, is Er Gou'zi!” Xu Que speeds along, runs while explained. “月神,玄女神,这是个误会,我是来还你们神牌的,上次偷挖你们神牌的不是我,是二狗子啊!”徐缺一路飞驰,边跑边解释。 thing, dares to peep at Spiritual God......” the voice of another female from resound in all directions, in the tone was also full of the anger, as if a shyness. “混账东西,胆敢窥视神灵……”又一名女子的声音从四面八方响起,语气中亦是充满了愤怒,似乎还有一丝羞涩。 Also our god clothes!” The first angrily rebuking female shouted, sound deafening sound four directions. “还我们神衣!”第一次怒斥的女子喝道,声音震响四方。 You do not pursue me, my naturally also you, who rare this broken clothes...... hiss, is really fragrant. cough cough, listening to me saying that this was really a misunderstanding, I do not want to peep you to take a bath, asked that who can want to obtain, can Spiritual God special also take a bath? Also plays with water......” “你们不追我,我自然就还你们啊,谁稀罕这破衣……嘶,真香。咳咳,听我说,这真是个误会,我没想偷看你们洗澡,试问谁又能想得到,神灵特么也要洗澡的?还戏水……” Xu Que runs while explained that the words that but said actually under punched very much, is always challenging the Spiritual God temperament. 徐缺边跑边解释,但说出来的话却很欠揍,无时无刻在挑战神灵的脾气。 Bang! 轰! Two spoken parts light pass through instantaneously void, goes toward the Xu Que bang directly. UU reads 两道白光瞬间贯穿虚空,直接朝徐缺轰去。UU看书 Xu Que searches the hand to proceed to rip immediately, tears a darkness from the empty space unexpectedly directly, one step steps into, actually jumped from another end of mountain, avoided two spoken parts light. 徐缺当即探手往前一撕,竟直接从虚空间扯开一片黑暗,一步踏入,却从山的另一端跳了出来,避开了两道白光。 „...... Hiss!” “啧……嘶!” At the foot of the hill, an old man looks at this dull, gave to pull own beard incautiously, hurt him to hold breath cold air. 山脚下,一位老者呆呆的看着这一幕,一不小心把自己胡子都给扯了下来,疼得他倒吸一口凉气。 Shakes Mountain God, this what situation? Is that person the recent tens of thousands years of god territory passes on noisy Xu Que?” Side, a child Daoist novice passed by, sees the old man, cannot help but inquired. “震山神,这什么情况?那人就是最近几万年神域传得沸沸扬扬的徐缺?”旁边,一名道童路过,看见老者,不由得询问道。 Un?” “恩?” Old man the spirit slowly recover, shows a faint smile: Originally is the good wealth senior, was obsolete courteous!” 老者缓过神来,微微一笑:“原来是善财前辈,老朽有礼了!” Then, the old man arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to the child Daoist novice. 说完,老者向道童拱了拱手。 Is overly courteous.” The children Daoist novice actually beckon with the hand, said: Empress sends me to leave the mountain, said that has the honored guest to visit, has not once thought that can be this person!” “无需多礼。”道童却摆了摆手,说道:“娘娘派我出山,说有贵客到访,没曾想会是这个人!” Honored guest?” The old men stare, immediately a face is astonished, direction also in running away Xu Que, unbelievable say/way: He?” “贵客?”老者一愣,随即一脸惊愕,指向还在逃窜的徐缺,难以置信道:“就他?” The children Daoist novice nod, looks the doubts saying: Empress said, this person perhaps with fighting to fight Divine King to be predestined friends, but I actually never hear have fought to fight Divine King this given name......” 道童点了点头,也面露疑惑道:“娘娘说,此人或许与斗战神王有缘,但我却从未听闻过斗战神王这个名号……” Fights to fight Divine King? 斗战神王 Shakes Mountain God hearing this, the complexion drastic change, simultaneously calls out in alarm makes noise: Friendly wealth senior, cautious word!” 山神闻言,脸色剧变,同时惊呼出声:“善财前辈,慎言!” ...... ……
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