USS :: Volume #19

#1896: Takes her to go home

您可以在百度里搜索“最强反套路系统搜小说()”查找最新章节! The ominous reactionary forces in the ascendant, the powerful strength wells up one after another, should fall into Feng Yuehua their hands, actually rushed to Xu Que without exception. 黑云压城,强悍的力量接连涌来,本该落入风月华他们手中,却无一例外奔向了徐缺 Feels within the body to rush promotion cultivation base, Xu Que first time sensed eats the feeling of supporting. 感受着体内澎湃提升的修为,徐缺头一次感受到了吃撑的感觉。 These strengths are extremely huge, almost gathered the trim Immortal Emperor Chengyuan powerful cultivator(s) lifetime essence , to promote an average person to Immortal Venerate Peak sufficiently directly! 这些力量太过庞大,几乎汇聚了整片成元仙帝强大修士一生的精华,足以将一个普通人直接提升到仙尊巅峰 System! Hurries to give me to balance, Acting Cool Point(s) direct buckle!” Xu Que loudly exclaimed in the heart. 系统!赶紧给我平衡,装逼值直接扣!”徐缺在心头大吼道。 In the strength mixed with massive Demon Qi, if not depend upon System, depending on his present cultivation base, how long could not only want to estimate that will directly be transformed Outer Territory Evil Demon, when the time comes wants to transform, perhaps is not easy. 力量之中夹杂了大量的魔气,如果不依靠系统,仅凭他现在的修为,要不了多久估计就会直接被转化成域外邪魔,到时候想转化回来,恐怕就没那么容易了。 ...... …… At this time, the Feng Yuehua whole person thorough has stupidly fallen. 此时,风月华整个人已经彻底傻掉了。 She is laborious, cultivation base that the conscientious layout, absorbs with great difficulty, unexpectedly all by this fellow taking away! 她辛辛苦苦,兢兢业业布局,好不容易吸收过来的修为,居然全都被这个家伙给拿走了! Raised was Bai Cabbage arched by the pig? 养大的白菜被猪拱了? This special who can bear! 这特么谁受得了! Scoundrel! Gives back to me my cultivation base!” “混账!把我的修为还给我!” Feng Yuehua eye socket wants to crack, figure flashes, changes to together ghosts and demons silhouette directly, charges into Xu Que. 风月华目眦欲裂,身形一闪,直接化作一道鬼魅般的身影,冲向徐缺 Aii yeah! You first calm points, I, if take action, may kill your!” Xu Que sees that advises to say hastily. “哎哎哎!你先冷静点,我要是出手,可能会打死你的!”徐缺见状,连忙劝阻道。 Feng Yuehua sneers: Joke! Absorbs Demon Qi time is not possible to begin, light, then the Immortal Essence disorder, heavy dies a violent death to perish, you died!” 风月华冷笑一声:“笑话!吸收魔气的时候是不可能动手的,轻则仙元紊乱,重则暴毙而亡,你死定了!” Surrounding cultivator(s) immediately looks the relative sorrowfully color. 周围的修士顿时面露戚戚然之色。 Ended...... this Fellow Daoist, if were defeated, we also escape difficultly die.” “完了……这位道友若是被击败,咱们也难逃一死。” „It is not good, cannot sit waiting for death absolutely!” “不行,绝对不能坐以待毙!” Even if we do not have cultivation base, must keep off to keep off for Fellow Daoist!” “就算我们没有修为,也要替道友挡上一挡!” For not without a fight, on the scene also living cultivator(s) crawl difficultly, struggles to help Xu Que keep off Feng Yuehua. 为了不束手就擒,在场还活着的修士们艰难地爬起来,挣扎着想要帮徐缺挡下风月华 Although their cultivation base were absorbed completely, but in meridians also remains some Immortal Essence, can use reluctantly. 虽然他们的修为全部都被吸收了,但经脉之中还残留着一些仙元,勉强还能够动用。 Ants!” “蝼蚁!” Feng Yuehua eye divine ice is cold, even the tiny bit vision has not apportioned them. 风月华神冰冷,甚至连一丝一毫的目光都没有分给他们。 Aura shakes, these cultivator(s) were then rumbled to fly directly, even does not have the means to resist 1-2. 只是身上的气息一震,这些修士便直接被轰飞了出去,甚至都没有办法抵挡一二 Murong Tuo is also one of them, but he after all was once talent cultivator(s), resisted breath time reluctantly. 慕容拓也在其中,但他毕竟是曾经的天才修士,勉强还抵挡了一息时间。 The next second, was shaken to fly as before. 下一秒,依旧被震飞了出去。 In the people heart full is desperate, they now are really common on such as the ants, are basic any function. 众人心中满是绝望,他们现在真就如蝼蚁一般,根本起不了任何作用。 Murong Tuo is red both eyes, looks to the Xu Que's direction: Fellow Daoist! Avoids quickly! You hope now finally!” 慕容拓赤红着双眼,看向徐缺的方向:“道友!快躲开!你现在是最后的希望了!” However Xu Que shoulders both hands, the vision looks tranquilly to the front, said indifferently: Why oh...... doesn't listen to my urging?” 然而徐缺只是背负双手,目光平静地看向前方,淡然道:“唉……为什么不听我的劝呢?” Dead ahead him, Feng Yuehua around the body Black Qi racing wells up, almost changes to a fierce fearsome demon. 在他正前方,风月华身周黑气奔涌,几乎化作一头狰狞可怖邪魔。 Suffers to death!” “受死吧!” Huge Demon Qi gathers to become a giant palm instantaneously, depending on binding the incomparable power and influence, is depressing fiercely! 庞大的魔气瞬间汇聚成为一只巨掌,挟裹着无匹的威势,猛地压下! Xu Que tranquil is built on same place, lifts the right hand slowly, gently a ball. 徐缺平静的立于原地,缓缓抬起右手,轻轻一弹。 Bang! 轰! Chakra erupts loudly, the giant palm washed out instantaneously, on dark clouds were cleansed day after day cleanly. 查卡拉轰然爆发,巨掌瞬间被冲散,就连天上的黑云都被荡涤得一干二净。 The horizon, a wisp of sunlight falls from the cloud layer, Xu Que stands erect in the light, is peerless and independent. 天际,一缕阳光从云层中落下,徐缺矗立在光中,绝世而独立。 The Feng Yuehua whole person was startled. 风月华整个人惊了。 cultivator(s) all around also startled. 周遭的修士也惊了。 Unexpectedly is only one snaps fingers, that terrifying to the extreme offensive destroying? 居然只是一个弹指,就把那恐怖到极点的攻势给摧毁了? Is this person? 这还是人吗? After shock, Feng Yuehua recovers, facial features distortion: No,...... this is not my strength, gives back to me......” 震惊过后,风月华回过神来,面容扭曲:“不,不……这都是我的力量,还给我……” Bang! 砰! The words have not said, Xu Que lifts hand one move, cloud Qi tumbles, changes to a giant palm directly, cranked up the fragment powder Feng Yuehua several people. 话还没说完,徐缺抬手一招,云气翻滚,直接化作一只巨掌,将风月华几人拍成了齑粉。 Completes all these, he pulled out the ear, disdains saying: Really is boisterous.” 做完这一切,他掏了掏耳朵,不屑道:“真是聒噪。” At this time, almost all strengths have melted his within the body completely, Xu Que only felt own present unprecedentedly powerful, cultivation base realm was pushed arrived Immortal Venerate Realm Peak directly. 此时,几乎所有的力量已经全部融进了他的体内,徐缺只感觉自己现在前所未有地强大,修为境界更是直接被推到了仙尊境巅峰 If not because he has not completely grasped Great Dao, only feared that now realm will break through Immortal Emperor directly, moreover is most powerful that Immortal Emperor! 如果不是因为他还没有完全掌握大道,只怕现在境界会直接突破到仙帝,而且还是最强大的那种仙帝 After all his within the body gathered the trim Chengyuan Immortal Domain powerful cultivator(s) strength at this time, even Immortal Emperor arrive in person, not possible and these people contend. 毕竟他体内此时汇聚了整片成元仙域强大修士的力量,就算是仙帝亲至,也不可能和这些人抗衡。 Was the time looks for Xiao Rou.” Xu Que said lightly, one step steps forward, directly entered in Eternal Night Temple. “是时候去找小柔了。”徐缺淡淡地说道,一步跨出,直接进入了永夜殿中。 He could feel, in the main hall, the place is lending the unusual space aura, that then enters the Central Heavenly Sect entrance. 他感觉得到,在大殿之中,有一处地方正散发着异常的空间气息,那便是进入中央天门的入口。 On Fine Jade Pavilion ruins, cultivator(s) look at each other in dismay, in heart especially vacant. 琼玉阁废墟上,修士面面相觑,心中格外地茫然。 A life and death crisis, like this by others superficially reducing and solving. 一场生死危机,就这样被别人轻描淡写地给化解了。 Behind Eternal Night Temple, a spacious main hall. 永夜殿后方,一处空旷的大殿。 In the main hall midpoint, the space was twisted the swirl, all around full is the shatter void fissure, can feel the powerful aura that transmits indistinctly. 在大殿正中央,空间被扭曲成旋涡状,四周满是破碎的虚空裂痕,隐约能够感受到从中传来的强大气息。 This is the entrance to Central Heavenly Sect, is channel that four Immortal Emperor set up in the past jointly. 这是通往中央天门的入口,乃是四位仙帝当年联手设下的通道。 Only if cultivation base surpasses them, otherwise only then grasps their faith tokens to enter. 除非修为超过他们,不然只有手持他们的信物才可以进入。 However Xu Que stands before the vortex, does not see what movement, the trim vortex then shakes directly, sends out the gentle ray suddenly. 然而徐缺站在漩涡前,也不见有什么动作,整片漩涡便直接一震,陡然散发出柔和的光芒。 His strength has reached arrived a situation that is inconceivable, this limit has no way to stop him. 他的力量已经达到了一个难以想象的地步,这种限制根本没法阻拦他。 Xu Que thinks, first sent out dozens voice transmission, told Jiang Hongyan and the others to be going to enter Central Heavenly Sect, immediately lifted hand one move, directly Er Gou'zi grasping. 徐缺想了想,先发出了数十道传音,告诉姜红颜等人自己将要进入中央天门,随即抬手一招,直接将二狗子给抓了过来。 Walks, meets Xiao Rou to come back with me together.” Xu Que sinking sound said. “走吧,跟我一起去接小柔回来。”徐缺沉声道。 Er Gou'zi said full of enthusiasm: Clash/To to! Brother Que Mighty, our goes to the loot all Immortal Emperor treasure house!” 二狗子兴致勃勃道:“冲冲冲!缺哥威武,咱们这就去抢光仙帝的宝库!” Xu Que: „......” 徐缺:“……” He deeply inspires, strides in the middle of the vortex. 他深吸了一口气,跨入漩涡当中。 After short dizziness, luxurious Heavenly Palace appears at present. 短暂的晕眩过后,一座豪华的天宫出现在眼前。 Entire Heavenly Palace altogether has Layer 5, unified whole, builds just like white jade, is sending out the long fluorescence. 整座天宫一共有五层,浑然一体,宛如白玉堆砌而成,散发着悠悠的荧光。 Xu Que has not thought, Central Heavenly Sect only has Heavenly Palace unexpectedly! 徐缺怎么也没想到,中央天门居然只有一座天宫 Brother Que, this God Venerable sensed very powerful aura, or we first remove.” Er Gou'zi routinely prepares to travel, here fellow is very probably fierce......” 缺哥,本神尊感受到了很强大的气息,要不咱们还是先撤吧。”二狗子习惯性地准备跑路,“这里的家伙好像很厉害……” Xu Que smiles self-confidently: Other does not dare saying that now these Immortal Emperor come, I punch one!” 徐缺自信一笑:“别的不敢说,现在这些仙帝来,有一个我揍一个!” Absorbed does not know that many powerhouse cultivation base, Xu Que the self-confidence has inflated arrived top points! at this time 吸收了不知道多少强者修为,徐缺此时自信心已经膨胀到了一个顶点! Whiz! 嗖! Finishes speaking, a person silhouette appeared in front of Xu Que. 话音刚落,一道身影出现在了徐缺面前。 Coming the person is a middle-aged man, wears a brocade clothes magnificent dress, the top of the head purple gold crown, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, seemingly just likes gods. 来人是一个中年男子,身穿一袭锦衣华服,头顶紫金冠,剑眉星目,一眼看上去恍若神明。 Who are you?” The middle-aged man brow tight wrinkle, why the channel that does set up from this emperor will enter this place?” “你是谁?”中年男子眉头紧皱,“为何会从本帝设下的通道进入此地?” This emperor? 本帝? Immortal Emperor Chengyuan? 成元仙帝 Xu Que grins to smile, said submissively: Your excellency is Immortal Emperor Chengyuan, I am Fairy Maiden Yu Rou husband, takes her to go home specially.” 徐缺咧嘴笑了笑,拱手道:“阁下就是成元仙帝吧,我乃羽柔仙子的夫君,特意来接她回家。” ...... …… 最强反套路系统最新章节地址:https:// 最强反套路系统全文阅读地址:https:// 最强反套路系统txt下载地址:https:// 最强反套路系统手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 1896 takes her to go home) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1896章接她回家)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! Likes «Ultimate Scheming System» please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book to your friend, support thank you!!() 喜欢《最强反套路系统》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!()
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