USS :: Volume #19

#1894: Was my

您可以在百度里搜索“最强反套路系统搜小说()”查找最新章节! In a twinkling, entire Fine Jade Pavilion becomes chaotic. 霎时间,整座琼玉阁变得混乱起来。 Innumerable Immortal Technique rays glitters, powerful strength flowing, hits Fine Jade Pavilion to start to tremble. 无数的仙法光芒在其中闪烁,强悍的力量流动,打得琼玉阁开始震颤。 Although Fine Jade Pavilion has powerful Array to protect the pavilion, but now take action is not a person, but is over a hundred people simultaneously take action, even if Fine Jade Pavilion Array cannot withstand! 琼玉阁虽然有强大的法阵护阁,但现在出手的可不是一个人,而是上百号人同时出手,就算是琼玉阁法阵都顶不住! The Old Sun complexion is pale, has not thought that the aspect developed this unexpectedly! 孙老面色惨白,万万没想到局面居然发展成了这样! So many Immortal Venerate Realm cultivator(s) take action, oneself this half emperor flees together rashly, only feared that must make into one pile of mud. 这么多仙尊境修士一起出手,自己这个半帝贸然窜进去,只怕也要被打成一堆烂泥。 Half emperor level powerhouse just go a step further compared with Immortal Venerate Realm in the control of Great Dao, but the strength has not in fact spanned the promotion of nature. 要知道,半帝级强者只不过是在大道的掌控上要比仙尊境更进一步,但实际上力量并没有多么跨越性质的提升。 Because he has not controlled Great Dao completely, even uses the Great Dao strength, does not have the means to suppress so many cultivator(s). 而且因为他并没有完整地掌控一条大道,所即便是动用大道的力量,也没办法压制住这么多修士 „, Must hit not again!” He thinks, since is unable to suppress forcefully, has to use the attempt to persuade orally. “诸位,莫要再打了!”他想了想,既然无法强行镇压,只好动用尝试口头劝说。 Sees only Murong Tuo to hold their palms together, the mysterious great seal congeals together, float in midair, suppresses ruthlessly toward Xu Que. 只见慕容拓双手合十,一道玄妙大印凝结而出,悬浮在半空中,朝着徐缺狠狠地镇压下去。 The vigorous strength is flooding the trim space, powerful Immortal Venerate Realm Peak cultivation base reveals without doubt. 雄浑的力量充斥着整片空间,强大的仙尊境巅峰修为显露无疑。 Soft and weak soft and weak!” “软弱无力啊软弱无力!” Xu Que is laughing, the right fist grips tightly, Acting Cool Point(s) crazy combustion. 徐缺大笑着,右拳紧握,装逼值疯狂燃烧。 Cool King's Fist! 逼王拳 His fist rumbles fiercely, the trim world as if trembled flickered. 他猛地一拳轰出,整片天地都仿佛震颤了一瞬。 Since promoting to Immortal Venerate Realm middle stage, he will display the Cool King's Fist strength to grow doubled and re-doubled, compared with displayed initially for the first time does not know that will strive to excel many times! 自从晋升到仙尊境中期以后,他施展逼王拳的力量都会成倍增长,比起当初第一次施展不知道要强多少倍! Vigorous Chakra gushes out from Xu Que within the body, changes to radiant Golden Dragon, circles regarding his around the body. 雄浑的查卡拉徐缺体内涌出,化作一条璀璨的金龙,围绕着他身周盘旋而起。 In the entire great hall, as if the space starts to twist, can see the innumerable say/way fissures to reappear in void indistinctly. 整个大堂之中,仿佛空间都开始扭曲,隐约能看见无数道裂痕在虚空中浮现。 When this strength constrains the limit, suddenly eruption! 当这股力量压抑到极限时,陡然爆发! Bang! 轰! Golden Dragon sends out deafening roaring, directly soars Murong Tuo to go, the silk threads black fissure appears along the way. 金龙发出震耳欲聋的咆哮,直奔慕容拓而去,沿途丝丝缕缕的黑色裂痕浮现。 That Mighty great seal, has almost not played any effect, was rumbled directly the smashing. 威武的大印,几乎没有起到任何效果,直接被轰成了粉碎。 Murong Tuo has a big shock: This, how is this possible?” 慕容拓大惊失色:“这,这怎么可能?” His transformation, wants to have the defense mark hastily. 他连忙变换手型,想要结出防御印记。 However Golden Dragon roared, the big mouth swallows Murong Tuo directly. 然而金龙却咆哮了一声,血盆大口直接将慕容拓吞下。 Bang! 轰! One group of mushroom clouds blasted out suddenly, camouflaged the trim sky. 一团蘑菇云陡然炸开,遮蔽了整片天空。 When the mist and dust diverges, the roof of Fine Jade Pavilion has broken open a large cave/hole, the most piece building changed to the ruins. 当烟尘散去,琼玉阁的楼顶已然破开了一个大洞,大半片楼都化作了废墟。 At this moment, half emperor level powerhouse Old Sun, sensed wipes profoundly no use. 这一刻,半帝级强者孙老,深刻地感受到了一抹无助。 In the ruins, Xuanyuan Wanrong and Xu Que sit well, the clothing piece dust do not dye, seems confident. 废墟之中,轩辕婉蓉徐缺端坐其中,衣衫片尘不染,显得成竹在胸。 Surroundings, massive cultivator(s) drill from the ruins, the whole face is jet black, with refugee of roadside. 周围,大量的修士从废墟中钻出来,满脸漆黑,就跟路边的难民似的。 The people look at ruins all around, in the heart vacant. 众人看着周遭的废墟,心中一片茫然。 Who am I? I where? In what? 我是谁?我在哪儿?发生了什么? „, Everyone should be able to realize my strength now clearly.” Xu Que said lightly, „, therefore works as this chancellor disciple by me, should not have the issue.” “诸位,现在各位应该可以清晰地认识到我的实力了吧。”徐缺淡淡地说道,“所以由我来当这个主事门徒,应该没有问题吧。” cultivator(s) on the scene has a mind to oppose, but thinks just now that fist, then has the chill in the air. 在场的修士有心想要反对,但是一想到方才那一拳,便心生寒意。 Old Sun was also done in an extremely difficult situation by this fist, the hair is scattered in disorder. 孙老也被这一拳搞得狼狈不堪,头发散乱。 He is staring at Xu Que ruthlessly, said sternly: Little animal...... you dares to destroy the this Seat side to be bad unexpectedly, this Seat wants you dead!” 他狠狠地盯着徐缺,厉声道:“小畜生……你居然敢破坏本座的极坏,本座要你死!” Old ghost can you touch the porcelain?” Xu Que does not fear, setting out is prepares to display Righteousness Sealing Demon Scripture. “老鬼你要碰瓷是吧?”徐缺丝毫不惧,起身便是准备施展出正气封魔经 In the meantime, Black Qi died the body of cultivator(s) to gush out from these continuously suddenly, gathered the past toward Old Sun on. 就在此时,一缕缕黑气忽然从那些死去修士的身上涌出,朝着孙老身上汇聚过去。 A Xu Que brow wrinkle, suddenly stared wide-eyed: This is Demon Qi! How on these cultivator(s) to have Demon Qi?” 徐缺眉头一皱,忽然瞪大了眼睛:“这是魔气!这些修士身上怎么会有魔气?” Sees only Old Sun to be built on arrogantly in the air, Black Qi just like the big snake, gather in his within the body, the connecting the Heavens and penetrating the Earth specters are reappearing in him together behind. 只见孙老傲立于空中,一条条黑气宛如大蛇,汇聚在他的体内,一道通天彻地的魔影正在他身后浮现。 Outer Territory Evil Demon! 域外邪魔 Boy, this Seat wants according to planning to take your time, “小子,本来本座想按照计划慢慢来, Never expected that you are so unappreciative unexpectedly, spoil the plan of this Seat, that do not blame me! ” His eye of reveal ominous light, the right hand lifts up high before the body, changes to fierce evil clutches, terrifying aura beyond description, from the sky fills the air suddenly. 没想到你居然如此不识抬举,破坏本座的计划,那就不要怪我了!”他目露凶光,右手高举在身前,化作一只狰狞的魔爪,一股难以形容的恐怖气息,忽然在空中弥漫开来。 Also living cultivator(s), call out in alarm suddenly. 还活着的修士们,忽然惊叫起来。 What situation? My cultivation base was being absorbed!” “什么情况?我的修为在被吸收!” Heavens, what thing these are Black Qi?” 天啊,这些黑气是什么东西?” Damn! I could not prevent!” “该死的!我阻止不了!” Sees only these cultivator(s) Black Qi to gush out, can feel in these Black Qi clearly, contains these cultivator(s) cultivation base. 只见这些修士身上一股股黑气涌出,能够清晰地感受到这些黑气之中,蕴藏着这些修士修为 Their self-torture several hundred years of strength, all with this Black Qi, sent in Old Sun within the body. 他们苦修数百年的力量,全都随着这股黑气,被送入了孙老体内 Xu Que feels, own within the body has Black Qi together to tumble, tries carrying off own strength. 就连徐缺都感受到,自己的体内有一道黑气正在翻滚,试图将自己的力量给带走。 What gadget?” “什么玩意儿?” The Xu Que intention moves, Chakra revolves, directly absorbed to the decomposition that Black Qi. 徐缺心念一动,查克拉运转,直接将那股黑气给分解吸收掉了。 But Chakra Buddha demon immortal three types of the marriages of strengths, only Demon Qi, cannot turn any storm. 查克拉可是佛魔仙三种力量的结合体,区区一股魔气,根本翻不起任何风浪。 Old Sun seems like sensed is not right, swept Xu Que, the doubts said: Strange, you seem like some skills, can this Seat Demon Qi suppressing?” 孙老似乎感受到了不对劲,扫了一眼徐缺,疑惑道:“奇怪,你似乎有些本事,能够将本座魔气给镇压住?” He cannot feel Xu Que within the body Demon Qi, only thinks that the opposite party suppressed that Demon Qi. 他感受不到徐缺体内魔气,只以为对方是将那股魔气镇压了。 Originally you are Outer Territory Evil Demon.” Xu Que is staring at the opposite party, the brow tight wrinkle, „, therefore that so-called realm test, the primary purpose is to pour into your Demon Qi toward our within the body?” “原来你是域外邪魔。”徐缺盯着对方,眉头紧皱,“所以那所谓的境界测试,根本目的就是往我们体内注入你的魔气?” You are very actually intelligent.” A Old Sun move, that piece of jade then departs from the ruins conveniently loudly, is situated in the body side. “你倒是挺聪明的。”孙老随手一招,那片玉璧便从废墟中轰然飞出,立于身侧。 His both hands have an seal secret art, the complicated demon mark appears in in the air, seal on jade. 他双手结出一个印诀,繁复的魔纹出现在空中,印在玉璧上。 The jade trembles fiercely, immediately changed into the fragment powder, phantom of old man appears in together in the air. 玉璧猛地一颤,随即化为了齑粉,一道老者的虚影出现在空中。 Hou, was your boy old man looked at Xu Que, as if recognized him to come, showing the whites of the eyes, „ was this young bastard blackmailed this Seat Immortal Tool.” “嚯,原来是你小子老者看了一眼徐缺,似乎认出他来了,翻了个白眼,“就是这小王八蛋敲诈了本座仙器。” Old Sun shakes the head saying: All right, then, his all things can be us in any case.” 孙老摇头道:“没事,反正接下来,他所有的东西都会属于我们。” Saying, he stretches out the arms, the facial expression said excitedly: wait for me fused cultivation base of these talents, enters Central Heavenly Sect again at one fell swoop, ambush Immortal Emperor strikes to kill it, when the time comes was my demon clan Commander this Immortal Cloud Continent!” 说着,他张开双臂,神情激动道:“等我们融合了这些天才的修为,再一举杀入中央天门,埋伏仙帝将其击杀,到时候就是我魔族统领仙云洲了!” Also keeps one breath cultivator(s) to hear these words all around, all looks startled to accommodate. 周遭还留着一口气的修士听到这番话,个个面露惊容。 These Outer Territory Evil Demon, are taking advantage such unexpectedly! 这些域外邪魔,竟然是打着这样的算盘! What a pity, they do not have the opportunity to prevent. 可惜,他们已经没有机会去阻止了。 Boy, contributes your cultivation base.” The Old Sun single-handed move, a rushing suction is used. “小子,把你的修为也贡献出来吧。”孙老单手一招,一股澎湃的吸力用来。 After the moment, he looks at Xu Que that remains unmoved, some for a moment dumbfounded. 片刻后,他看着不为所动的徐缺,一时间有些愣神 How to have the response? 怎么没反应? Xu Que smiles to him, extends the right hand: Your move is very easy-to-use, but turns over to me now.” 徐缺冲他笑了笑,伸出右手:“你的招数很好用,不过现在归我了。” The voice falls, the powerful suction erupts suddenly! 话音落下,强悍的吸力陡然爆发! Winds around in Old Sun around the body Demon Qi, upwells instantaneously toward the Xu Que body! 缭绕在孙老身周魔气,瞬间朝徐缺身上涌去! Old Sun has a big shock! 孙老大惊失色! Damn! How can you absorb this Seat Demon Qi?” “该死!你怎么能吸收本座魔气?” ...... …… 最强反套路系统最新章节地址:https:// 最强反套路系统全文阅读地址:https:// 最强反套路系统txt下载地址:https:// 最强反套路系统手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 1894 was I) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1894章是我的了)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! Likes «Ultimate Scheming System» please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book to your friend, support thank you!!() 喜欢《最强反套路系统》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!()
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