USS :: Volume #19

#1891: Killed insanely

Zhang Erhe was silly. 张二和傻了。 Murong Tuo was also silly. 慕容拓也傻了。 Xu Ye and Yue Hua two people mouths cannot close up. 徐叶月华两人嘴都合不拢。 In the great hall other cultivator(s), were shocked disorderly directly. 大堂内其他修士,直接被震惊得一阵凌乱。 Who can think, this seemingly charming extraordinary, mild-mannered and cultivated youngster, the next second becomes a hoodlum on the incarnation. 谁能想到,这个看起来帅气非凡,温文尔雅的少年,下一秒就化身成为一名暴徒。 This striking contrast, seems you to pursue goddess many years of unsuccessful, stemming from depressed, therefore goes to big Treasure Sword to relax, selected 810 late technician, walks is just your goddess. 这种强烈的反差,就好像你追求女神多年未果,出于沮丧所以去大宝剑放松,点了个八百一晚的技师,走进来的刚好就是你女神。 The people cannot help but awaken, sentimental fellow previously has been installing purely! 众人不由得醒悟过来,感情这家伙先前一直在装纯! Too is not concerned about face! 太不要脸了! Zhang Erhe was trampled falls after the ground, the whole person was silly. 张二和被踹倒在地以后,整个人都傻掉了。 Own solemn guard Western Heavenly Sect City Commander, Immortal Venerate Peak certainly generation of powerhouse, Eternal Night Temple cultivator(s) existence that wants the politeness to treat, was trampled unexpectedly directly upside-down? 自己堂堂西天门城护卫统领,仙尊巅峰的绝代强者,就连永夜殿修士都要礼貌对待的存在,竟然被直接一脚踹倒了? In a twinkling, a turbulent anger surges in the heart! 霎时间,一股汹涌的怒火在心头涌起! Gives on me! Killed this boy!” The Zhang Erhe violent anger, gets angry loudly exclaims. “都给我上!杀了这小子!”张二和暴怒不已,大声地怒吼道。 He must be cut to pieces this boy today, even if frustrates the bone to raise the ash unable to disappear hate of his heart. 他今天一定要将这小子千刀万剐,就算是挫骨扬灰都无法消他心头之恨。 Xu Ye and the others also recover, in the eye is burning with anger, in heart completely deceived shame. 徐叶等人也回过神来,眼中怒火中烧,心中满是被欺骗的耻辱。 Scoundrel, dares to deceive in us unexpectedly!” “混账,居然敢欺骗于我们!” Not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, who no matter today you are, must be difficult to escape dies!” “不知天高地厚,今天不管你是谁,都要难逃一死!” Dares to offend Brother Murong, today is your time of death!” “敢得罪慕容兄,今天就是你的死期!” Several people of look gloomy and cold, in the eye the murderous intention reveals completely. 几人神色阴冷,眼中杀机毕露。 Ahem, one group of nonsense monstrous talent/evildoer talents, do your group of trash also want to become Fairy Maiden Yu Rou Dao Companion?” The Xu Que single-handed fork waist, the whole face is wildly arrogant, with all due respect, I do not refer to your someone only, but everyone present is trash!” “哼哼,一帮狗屁妖孽天才,就你们这帮垃圾还想要成为羽柔仙子道侣?”徐缺单手叉腰,满脸骄狂,“恕我直言,我不是单指你们某一个人,而是在座的各位都是乐色!” This, entire Fine Jade Pavilion immediately blasted out the pot, other monstrous talent/evildoer talents no doubt do not have the enmity with Xu Que, but also the first time is saw the so rampant person. 这一下,整个琼玉阁顿时炸开了锅,其余的妖孽天才固然与徐缺没有仇怨,但也是第一次见到如此嚣张之人。 for a moment, the people will all focus in Xu Que. 一时间,众人全都将注意力放在了徐缺身上。 A little meaning, this fellow Immortal Venerate Realm does middle stage, dare is so rampant unexpectedly?” “有点意思啊,这家伙仙尊境中期,居然敢这么嚣张?” disciple of what rich and powerful family old family is difficult to be inadequate is?” “难不成是什么豪门世族的弟子?” In Fine Jade Pavilion restriction fights, this boy estimated that puts the aggressive statement.” “不过琼玉阁禁制斗殴,这小子估计只是放放狠话罢了。” I also feel, you have not seen him a moment ago that foot, is the bearing tramples outside the building.” “我也觉得是,你没看见他连刚才那一脚,都是站姿在楼外面踹得。” Talents discuss spiritedly, was anticipating will then have anything. 天才们议论纷纷,期待着接下来会发生什么。 Brother Murong, this place gives us to be then good.” Xu Ye cups the fist and says, I must make this boy understand that surely what is the pain that lives to might as well die!” 慕容兄,此地交给我们便好。”徐叶抱拳道,“我定要让这小子明白什么叫生不如死的痛苦!” But......” “可是……” Yue Hua also said: Brother Murong, I do not know why you will propose becomes the opposite sex brothers with the opposite party, but this child so impolite, simply does not have the qualifications to associate with you.” 月华也道:“慕容兄,我不知道你为何会提出与对方结为异性兄弟,但此子如此无礼,根本没资格与你交往。” The Murong Tuo look dodges, in heart weak. 慕容拓眼神闪躲,心中犹豫不定。 He also suspected very much, this matter really in that senior with own family is whether related. 他也很是怀疑,此事是否真的与自己家族中的那位前辈有关。 Although destiny Immortal Technique has almost not made the mistake, but grasps after all is not very skilled, occasionally will have the mistake, sees destiny fragment that some will not have. 虽然命运仙术几乎没有出过差错,但毕竟自己掌握还不够熟练,偶尔也会有失误,看见一些根本不会发生的命运碎片。 Perhaps, oneself these also did have the mistake time? 说不定,自己这一次也出现差错了呢? He thinks, puts out together the communication jade stone, with own father voice transmission, wants to inquire in the clear family the whereabouts of that senior. 他想了想,拿出一块通讯玉石,与自己的父亲传音,想要询问清楚家族中那位前辈的去向。 Before long, jade that broadcasts a dignified sound: Absurd! How my Murong Family first wife's eldest son possibly has...... that relations with a country countryman! Killed him, if when the time comes the senior blames, my strength undertakes!” 不一会儿,玉石那头传来一个威严的声音:“荒谬!我慕容家的嫡长子怎么可能与一个乡野村夫有……那种关系!杀了他,到时候前辈若是怪罪下来,我一力承担!” Murong Tuo obtains the guarantee of father, the facial expression relaxes suddenly, long exhales, looked that becomes to the Xu Que look faint. 慕容拓得到父亲的保证,神情骤然放松,长出了一口气,看向方凌的眼神变得淡漠起来。 That had work Brother Xu and Brother Yue, this child cannot remain!” “那就有劳徐兄月兄了,此子不可留!” Then, then walks toward the Fine Jade Pavilion upper layer, the footsteps became lively. 说罢,便朝着琼玉阁的上层走去,脚步都变得轻快了起来。 If not because must face the senior, does he possibly regard with a special fondness about Xu Que? 如果不是因为要面对前辈,他怎么可能对徐缺另眼相看? Now does not have the final layer worry, the Xu Que's life and death did not have the relations with him. 现在连最后一层顾虑都没了,徐缺的生死也与他没了关系。 Murong Tuo along the staircase, comes the arrived topmost level. 慕容拓沿着楼梯,一路来到了最高层。 Compares head of great hall to sway, cultivator(s) of this place actually only then few several people, these people are the Chengyuan Immortal Domain elites, has the prominent family background and powerful strength, is leaders in young one generation of Supreme Talent(s). 相比较大堂的人头攒动,此地的修士却只有寥寥数人,这些人都是成元仙域的精英,拥有着显赫的家世与强悍的实力,是年青一代天骄之中的领军人物。 Brother Murong, following is the seems like sound big?” A young cultivator(s) faint smile is sizing up Murong Tuo. 慕容兄,看来下面动静不小啊?”一名年轻修士似笑非笑地打量着慕容拓 Murong Tuo swept his one eyes, coldly said: Ji Hua, does a bit less to provoke me, only if you want to fight with me.” 慕容拓扫了他一眼,冷冷地说道:“季华,少来招惹我,除非你想与我一战。” Ji Hua complexion gloomy gets down suddenly: Murong Tuo, you also think that you are that keeping aloof Murong Family first wife's eldest son? As far as I know, couldn't your Murong Family background soon support?” 季华脸色陡然阴沉下来:“慕容拓,你还以为你是那个高高在上的慕容家嫡长子?据我所知,你们慕容家的底蕴都快要撑不住了吧?” These rich and powerful family aristocratic families, reason that can stand in Chengyuan Immortal Domain arrogantly for many years, is because these hidden world old monster, hide in in the family, changes into the town/subdues clan background. 这些豪门世家,之所以能够在成元仙域傲立多年,便是因为这些隐世老怪,藏匿于家族之中,化为镇族底蕴。 If the life and death crisis approaches, these background are then born immediately, the domineering suppresses all invading enemies. 若是生死危机来临,这些底蕴便会立刻出世,强势镇压一切来犯之敌。 You can try.” Murong Tuo said coldly, does not need the family background born, the light is I can suppress you.” “那你可以试试。”慕容拓冷声道,“根本不需要家族底蕴出世,光是我都可以将你镇压。” Right? You come!” Ji Hua pounds on the table, stood. “是吗?那你来啊!”季华一拍桌子,站了起来。 Two people are in sharp opposition, in the for a moment field the fierce combat, Immortal Essence tumbles. 两人针锋相对,一时间场内刀光剑影,仙元翻滚。 „, Everyone is a God's favored one, does not need to dispute because of several quarrels/corners of the mouth.” “诸位,大家都是天之骄子,没必要因为几句口角而争执。” At this time, the Feng Yuehua stand, the gentle smile, advised against several people wear a look. 这时候,风月华站出来了,面带柔和的微笑,劝阻几人。 As the Eternal Night Temple present first disciple, her words weight/quantity is quite weighty, enters the stage, two people then stopped the quarrel. 身为永夜殿如今的首徒,她的话分量颇重,一出场,两人便停止了争吵。 Only country countryman, is unnecessary makes several take offense, killing is.” Feng Yuehua swept downstairs one lightly, then put aside the vision. “区区一个乡野村夫罢了,不必要让几位为之动气,杀了便是。”风月华淡淡地扫了一眼楼下,便移开了目光。 After Xu Dingcheng dies, present she grasped entire Eternal Night Temple, does not need to consider too many things. 徐丁成死后,如今的她掌握了整个永夜殿,根本不需要考虑太多的东西。 Rather kills does not let off mistakenly, for the following opportunity, she does not allow anybody to affect the selection of this chancellor disciple. 宁杀错不放过,为了接下来的机会,她不允许任何人影响到这一场主事门徒的选拔。 Let alone, her back is standing, is not only Eternal Night Temple, is entire Ji Family! 更何况,她背后站着的,不仅仅是永夜殿,更是整个季家 „, The selection of this chancellor disciple, selects the Western Heavenly Sect City chancellor disciple in name, but in fact everyone should probably the arrived news.” The Feng Yuehua sinking sound said, becomes chancellor disciple, will have the opportunity to become Fairy Maiden Yu Rou Dao Companion.” “诸位,这一次主事门徒的选拔,名义上是选出西天门城的主事门徒,但实际上大家应该都得到了消息。”风月华沉声道,“成为主事门徒者,将有机会成为羽柔仙子道侣。” Only hears this name, the breath of people then stagnates. 光是听见这个名字,众人的呼吸便是为之一滞。 That is the entire Immortal Cloud Continent Saint by supreme existences of four Immortal Emperor personally training. 那可是整个仙云洲的圣被四位仙帝亲自培养的至高无上存在。 Moreover, if can become Saintess Dao Companion, will obtain the Immortal Emperor instruction becomes Immortal Emperor Technique. 而且,若是能够成为圣女道侣,更将会获得仙帝传授的成仙帝之法 In other words, perhaps presents some, will become Immortal Cloud Continent fifth Immortal Emperor! 也就是说,说不定在座中的某一位,将会成为仙云洲的第五位仙帝 Even if these drank to the dregs world luxurious Supreme Talent(s) juniors, still unavoidably for it heart movement. 即便是这些享尽了世间奢华的天骄子弟,也不免为之心动。 Bang! 轰! While she prepared to say anything time, suddenly heard downstairs to transmit the astonishing loud sound. 正当她准备说点什么的时候,忽然听见楼下传来惊人巨响。 Several people of facial colors change suddenly, near the simultaneously arrived flat roof, looks downward, immediately has a big shock. 几人面色陡变,齐齐到了露台边上,往下看去,顿时大惊失色。 That youngster has killed insanely! 那个少年已经杀疯了! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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