USS :: Volume #18

#1778: Originally also has 1 section

As Immortal Cloud Continent that powerhouse converges, has gone through the innumerable stormy times. 作为强者云集的仙云洲,经历过无数的风风雨雨。 But Immortal Monarch on the scene, Immortal Venerate, each one cultivation base extremely, have a unique skill, what great storms haven't experienced? 而在场的仙王,仙尊们,个个修为绝顶,身怀绝技,什么大风大浪没见识过? Murong Yunhai thinks, at least when facing only 50 zhang (3.33 m) high mountain range giant, definitely will not have any heart of fear. 慕容云亥以为,至少在面对区区五十丈高的山脉巨人时,绝对不会有任何的畏惧之心。 „To attain the Immortal Emperor heritage, this pass/test is to need the process.” He looks to the people, encourages saying that 50 zhang (3.33 m) mountain range guardian, we aren't able to defeat? How possibly, we are Immortal Venerate!” “想要拿到仙帝遗产,这一关是必须要经过的。”他看向众人,鼓励道,“五十丈的山脉守卫者,难道我们无法战胜吗?怎么可能,我们可是仙尊!” Murong Yunhai except the Heavenly Sect Four Childs slogan that beyond his two lack, itself is actually one has the leader of speech ability, this point makes Xu Que find it very strange on the contrary. 慕容云亥除去他那个非常二缺的天门四子口号以外,就本身而言其实是一个非常有演讲能力的领袖,这一点反倒让徐缺觉得很奇怪。 Properly speaking, is such character, being insufficient in the Immortal Emperor disciple the level of crane tail? 按理来说,这样的人物,不至于在仙帝门徒之中是吊车尾的水平吧? After inquiring one, knows, originally the Immortal Emperor disciple does not look at what leader Charm, but looks at the strength purely, the strength enough can crawl. 打探了一番之后才知道,原来仙帝门徒并不看什么领袖魅力,只是单纯地看实力,实力足够就能够爬上去。 To come is also, this is a cultivate to immortality world, the Charm leader puts here might as well move of leading that kills 1 million people to come. 想来也是,这是一个修仙的世界,魅力领袖放到这里还不如一招杀死百万人来的统率力强。 However although Murong Yunhai said that but the people do not have the too big confidence as before. 不过虽然慕容云亥这么说了,但众人依旧没有太大的信心。 The Immortal Cloud Continent environment and Heaven Continent Earth Continent is different, although average per person cultivation base enhanced, because is nearer from Heavenly Dao, therefore various rules are also more reliable. 仙云洲的环境与天洲地洲不同,虽然人均修为提高了,但因为距离天道更近,所以各项规则也更加牢固。 No matter the degree of hardness of stone, or is the space intensity, compared with Heaven Continent Earth Continent incessantly a section. 不管是石头的硬度,亦或者是空间的强度,比起天洲地洲强了不止一截。 In Heaven Continent, Xu Que can hold the racket to destroy the hundred zhang (333 m) the mountain, but comes Immortal Cloud Continent is not good. 天洲,徐缺可以一掌拍毁百丈的高山,但来了仙云洲就不行了。 He tried on the surrounding rock, the degree of hardness at least is Heaven Continent over ten times. 他在周围的山石上试了一下,硬度至少是天洲十倍以上。 Has such environment, in addition so rich world Spirit Qi......” Xu Que obtained a conclusion that makes one be filled with emotion, Immortal Cloud Continent cultivator(s) is really one crowd of good-for-nothing.” “有这样的环境,加上如此浓郁的天地灵气……”徐缺得出了一个让人感慨万千的结论,“仙云洲修士真是一群废柴啊。” Such good in fine weather and favorable geographical position, because actually has the Four Great Immortal Emperors rule, year to year the peace does not cause too strong competitive spirit, the overall fight level is lower than Heaven Continent. 这么好的天时地利,却因为有四大仙帝统治,常年和平导致没有太强的竞争意识,整体的战斗水平都低于天洲 Looked at one still to shout that perhaps the slogan Heavenly Sect people, un...... also had IQ. 看了一眼还在喊口号的天门众人,嗯……或许还有智商 Initially when invaded Heaven Continent, if not because the overall cultivation base level was far higher than Heaven Continent, who won who lost/carrying also cannot know. 当初入侵天洲时,如果不是因为整体的修为水平远高于天洲,谁胜谁负还未可知。 Thanks to this Cool Saint of peerless grace and talent, otherwise Heaven Continent affirms the difficult escaping destruction the destiny.” Xu Que wants to say naturally. “不过还是得多亏风华绝代的本逼圣在,不然天洲肯定难逃覆灭的命运。”徐缺理所当然地想道。 After Cloud Patterned Stone was absorbed, in all person mind resounds a sound, will tell them this mountain giant in some people will enter in a double-hour after this place to start. 云纹石被吸收以后,所有人脑海里都响起一个声音,告诉他们这座高山巨人将会在有人进入此地之后的一个时辰内启动。 This double-hour, to the setup time of people. 这一个时辰,是给众人的准备时间。 No, we should not have a double-hour.” The Qing Ziwen complexion said strangely, actually...... before you come, they have come to be very long.” “不,我们应该没有一个时辰了。”青子文脸色古怪地说道,“其实……在你们进来之前,他们已经进来很久了。” Saying, referred to the Four Great Heavenly Sects person. 说着,指了指四大天门的人。 Xu Que gawked: We now also how much time?” 徐缺愣了愣:“那我们现在还有多少时间?” Probably...... quarter of an hour.” “大概……一刻钟吧。” My goodness! 好家伙! Xu Que was startled at that time, Heavenly Sect this fellows are really if it is unable to accomplish anything it will at least be able to spoil everything. 徐缺当时就惊了,天门这帮家伙真的是成事不足败事有余。 Was the your mother quick double-hour here, patronizes was shouting that the slogan? 在这儿待了尼玛快一个时辰,光顾着喊口号去了? At this time, Long Aotian by a looking disdainfully look, was saying arrogant: Does not need to prepare, the trivial protector, a main body fist then breaks it sufficiently!” 此时,龙熬天正以一副睥睨的眼神,傲气十足地说道:“不需要准备,区区守护者,本尊一拳便足以破之!” Murong Yunhai somewhat worried on the contrary: This place is the Immortal Emperor heritage, this protector is not definitely simple, is not our anybody can pass at own strength absolutely.” 慕容云亥反倒是有些担忧:“此地乃是仙帝遗产,这守护者肯定不简单,绝对不是我们任何人以自己的力量就可以通过的。” That was because of your too waste.” The Long Aotian thumb toughs it out raises up, main body is the Immortal Emperor first disciple, what having is I cannot achieve?” “那是因为你太废物了。”龙熬天大拇指硬挺地竖起,“本尊乃是仙帝首徒,有什么是我做不到的?” Murong Yunhai immediately was speechless. 慕容云亥顿时无语了。 Xu Que said curiously: „Really is this fellow the first disciple?” 徐缺好奇道:“这家伙真是首徒?” Do not listen to his boasting, he calculates first five at most.” Murong Yunhai disdains saying that „the true Immortal Emperor first disciple only has four, usually in calmly cultivates in Heavenly Sect, will not easily come out.” “别听他吹牛逼了,他顶多算前五。”慕容云亥不屑道,“真正的仙帝首徒只有四位,平日里都在天门之中静修,轻易不会出来。” Oh...... understood, sentimental Long Aotian is also good-for-nothing. 噢……明白了,感情这龙熬天也是个废柴 One side Xu Que immediately understands clearly, turns around to arrive, sits cross-legged to sit, how starts to ponder to be able through this pass/test. 徐缺顿时了然,转身走到一边,盘膝而坐,开始思考要如何才能通过这一关。 When he reflects on, Chen Mo comes to the arrived Desire Demon Sect agglomeration, gathered with the person of Sect(s) in one. 在他静思的时候,陈魔到了欲魔宗的聚集地,和宗门之人汇聚在了一起。 The people look at their Eldest Senior Brother dirty appearance, has a big shock. 众人看着自家的大师兄一副灰头土脸的模样,大惊失色。 Senior Brother you how?” 师兄你怎么了?” Senior Brother you because finally does all kinds of evil, therefore was humiliated the retaliation miserably?” 师兄你终于因为作恶多端所以惨被人凌辱报复了吗?” Senior Brother, this day is sooner or later matter, you face earlier are also the good deed.” 师兄,这一天是迟早的事,你早点面对也是好事。” Chen Mo hears a confusion, the backhand is several palms of the hand, the fan results in the speech disciple to be completely muddled. 陈魔听得一阵心烦意乱,反手就是几巴掌,扇得说话的弟子晕头转向。 Shuts up to me!” Chen Mo is cloudy a face, said coldly, „the Immortal Emperor heritage my Desire Demon Sect exerts its utmost, in addition mission, that found the way to butcher that bald to me.” “都给我闭嘴!”陈魔阴着一张脸,冷声道,“仙帝遗产我欲魔宗势在必得,除此之外还有一个任务,那就是给我想办法宰了那个光头。” Desire Demon Sect disciple hearing this, looks only two two bald neatly to the field. 欲魔宗弟子闻言,齐刷刷地看向场内唯二的两个光头。 First stayed the moment on Xu Que, later the vision carried over Fahui. 先是在徐缺身上停留了片刻,随后目光又移向了法慧 After hesitation moment, the people show the expression that is suddenly enlighted. 沉吟片刻后,众人露出恍然大悟的表情。 Therefore humiliates Senior Brother your person is that big monk?” “所以凌辱师兄你的人是那个大和尚吗?” Senior Brother you had a liking for that Little Monk, can therefore butcher that big monk horizontal blade to seize the love?” 师兄你看上了那个小和尚,所以要宰了那个大和尚横刀夺爱吗?” Senior Brother, although this does not forbid promiscuously, but happened with Buddha Sect disciple may not the description matter first time, worthily is my gate eminent!” 师兄,虽然本门不禁止淫乱,但是和佛门弟子发生不可描述的事情还是第一次,不愧是我门翘楚!” Chen Mo: „......” 陈魔:“……” your mother, the father did the brain shatter in the past joined Desire Demon Sect? 尼玛的,老子当年脑子坏掉了才加入欲魔宗 Time quick arrived of double-hour, the people set out shortly in abundance, are ready in full battle array. 眼看着一个时辰的时间快到了,众人纷纷起身,严阵以待。 Even if Long Aotian just now displayed the self-confidence of being at variance with the average man, but big fellow has not been serious his words-- after all only then the fool will think the protector in Immortal Emperor heritage quite to cope. 纵然龙熬天方才表现出了异于常人的自信,但大家伙都没有把他的话当回事——毕竟只有傻逼才会认为仙帝遗产里的守护者好对付。 Must know that is Immortal Emperor yeah! 要知道那可是仙帝哎! The lid presses the world, does powerhouse of unmanned energy enemy, which want to attain his heritage is that easy matter? 盖压天下,无人能敌的强者,想要拿到他的遗产哪是那么容易的事情? Also only then this brain not too easy-to-use idiot, will feel oneself can resist the protector. 也只有这个脑子不太好使的蠢货,才会觉得自己就能够对抗守护者吧。 The dignified atmosphere starts to spread, everyone vision is gazing at that mountain range dignifiedly. 凝重的氛围开始蔓延,所有人都目光凝重地注视着那座山脉。 Rumble-- 轰隆隆—— The land starts to tremble, the crushed stone splashes down from the mountain, the entire mountain naked eye stood obviously. 大地开始震颤,碎石从山上溅落,整座大山肉眼可见地站立了起来。 50 zhang (3.33 m)...... 80 zhang (3.33 m)...... a hundred zhang (333 m)...... 五十丈……八十丈……一百丈…… Everyone looks the giant who dumbfoundedly is rising straight from the ground at present, thorough stupidly fell, is only left over an idea at heart. 所有人都目瞪口呆地看着在眼前拔地而起的巨人,彻底傻掉了,心里只剩下一个想法。 This special what? 这特么啥啊? Sees only that originally, only then 50 zhang (3.33 m) high mountain range, after standing, changed directly mountain range giant who reaches as high as two hundreds of zhang (333 m)! 只见那座原本只有五十丈高的山脉,站立起来之后,直接化作了高达两百丈的山脉巨人! Long time, finally some people muttered make noise: „Did this gadget...... have more than 100 zhang (3.33 m) conceals in underground?” 良久,终于有人喃喃出声:“这玩意儿……原来还有一百多丈藏在地下的?” Xu Que was also scared at this time, but also brings to play like this? 徐缺此时也傻眼了,还带这样玩儿的? The sentiment reveals from the beginning outside, radically is only a head! 感情一开始露在外面的,根本就只是一个头吧! Has not waited for the people to respond, the giant seemed to have discovered their existence, the giant palm pressed toward them fiercely! 还没等众人反应过来,巨人似乎已经发现了他们的存在,巨大的手掌猛地朝他们压了下来! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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