USS :: Volume #15

#1492: Different functions?

Chapter 1492 第1492章 Different functions? 异能? Fuck, the boy, you definitely came under a spell!” Duan Jiude stares the big eye to look at Xu Que. 我靠,小子,你肯定是中邪了!”段九德瞪大眼睛看着徐缺 Evil, this God Venerable makes the guarantee with, he absolutely was the illusion!” Er Gou'zi vowed solemnly, very sure. “中个屁邪,本神尊拿头作担保,他绝对是中了幻象!”二狗子信誓旦旦,十分肯定。 Just now their came across illusion, only Xu Que is all right, now was one's turn in Xu Que to fantasize, was actually not strange! 方才他们两个就遇到了幻象,唯独徐缺没事,现在轮到徐缺中幻想了,倒是不奇怪! The point is that Xu Que has the System defense mechanism condition, can immunity some time illusion! 可问题是,徐缺系统的防御机制状态,可以免疫一段时间的幻象! Therefore at this moment, he determined very, the immunity time had not ended, the not possible illusion, the System words, he can believe absolutely unconditionally! 所以此刻,他十分确定,免疫时间还未结束,自己绝对不可能中幻象,系统的话,他还是能够无条件相信的! What situation then...... this special is? 那么……这特么是什么情况? Xu Que frowns, calls System directly, the intention moves: System, checking this black cloth is what background!” 徐缺皱起了眉头,直接唤出系统,心念一动:“系统,查一下这张黑布是什么来头!” “Ding, after the examination, this/should item is the shroud, before absorbing several Immortal Venerate powerhouse to play dead the last wisp of aura, derived a spirit knowledge! ” System responds immediately. “叮,经过检测,该物品为裹尸布,吸收了数名仙尊强者假死前的最后一缕气息,衍生出了一丝灵识!”系统立刻回应。 Derives the spirit knowledge, wasn't that Tool Spirit? Why only then do I alone hear her to speak?” Xu Que somewhat wonders instantaneously. “衍生出灵识,那不就是器灵了么?为什么只有我一个人听到她在说话?”徐缺瞬间有些纳闷。 Because “Ding, shroud level is insufficient, is unable to withstand this/should spirit to know the growth is Tool Spirit, but in various environment urge, the spirit knowledge in this/should shroud had the variation, turns into existence of similar Tool Spirit, but is far less than Tool Spirit, even is close to the ghost that the mortal described, some talent energy sensations to her sound! ” System came a detailed explanation directly. “叮,由于裹尸布级别不足,无法承受该灵识成长为器灵,但在各种环境促使中,该裹尸布中的灵识产生了变异,变成类似器灵的存在,但又远不如器灵,甚至更接近于凡人所形容的鬼魂,只有少部分人才能感知到她的声音!”系统直接来了一段详细的解释。 Xu Que gawked slightly: Then, I am a small number? Because of the chastity and semblance of innermost feelings charming?” 徐缺微微愣了一下:“这么说来,我是属于少部分人?是因为内心的纯洁与外表的帅气吗?” The “Ding, intelligence is higher than average person, then sensation to this type sound! ” System should say lightly. “叮,智力偏高于普通人者,即可感知到这种种类的声音!”系统淡淡应道。 hahaha!” “噗哈哈哈!” Xu Que smiles to make noise instantaneously. 徐缺瞬间笑出了声。 Is the intelligence higher than the average person? 智力高于普通人? Haha, that could convince actually, depending on Er Gou'zi with Duan Jiude IQ, cannot hear this black cloth the sound , is truly normal! 哈哈,那倒是说得通了,凭二狗子段九德智商,听不到这张黑布的声音,确实也很正常呀! „Did boy, how you smile suddenly?” Er Gou'zi put in order ignorant/veiled by the Xu Que's laughter. “小子,你怎么又突然笑起来了?”二狗子徐缺的笑声整蒙了。 Ended, this illusion is a little fierce!” Duan Jiude seriously. “完了,这幻象有点厉害!”段九德面色凝重了起来。 „, This is not the illusion, but test on IQ, only then the intelligence outstanding person, can hear this black cloth the sound!” Xu Que smiles looks to Er Gou'zi and Duan Jiude, the corners of the mouth holds to wipe to tease. “不不不,这不是幻象,而是对智商的考验,只有智力超群的人,才能听到这张黑布的声音!”徐缺笑眯眯的看向二狗子与段九德,嘴角噙起一抹戏谑。 Er Gou'zi also squeezes out to sneer immediately, the whole face disdains looks to Duan Jiude, fills to despise. 二狗子当即也挤出冷笑,满脸不屑的看向段九德,充满鄙夷。 Duan Jiude was immediately ignorant, Xu Que thinks so him, he can understand. 段九德立马就懵了,徐缺这么看着他,他能理解。 But Er Gou'zi why? 二狗子凭什么呀? „, Er Gou'zi, your attire what attire, can you hear the black cloth the sound?” Duan Jiude broken scolded immediately. “靠,二狗子,你丫的装什么装,你能听到黑布的声音?”段九德当即破骂。 fart, how you know that this God Venerable hasn't heard? this God Venerable does not want to say!” A Er Gou'zi face proudly. 放屁,你怎么就知道本神尊没听到?本神尊只是不想说而已!”二狗子一脸傲然。 My Fuck, you want bluish green lotus......” “我擦,你要点碧莲……” Good was good, no joking, first solved this black cloth, then goes to do the proper matter!” The Xu Que two goods must make shortly, the busy interrupted the Duan Jiude words. “行了行了,别闹了,先解决了这张黑布,再进去干正经事!”徐缺眼看着两个货又要闹起来,紧忙打断了段九德的话。 His palm also jumped out wisp of fireworks, the vision locked that black cloth, said with a smile pale: Gives you three breath time, hurries to make way, otherwise a fire gave the fever you!” 他掌心也同时窜出一缕焰火,目光锁定了那张黑布,淡笑道:“给你三息时间,赶紧让开,否则一把火将你给烧了!” No, your deceitful people, I will not make you harm my masters absolutely!” The female sound in black cloth shouts loudly. “不,你们这些狡诈的人,我绝对不会让你们伤害我的主人们!”黑布中的女音大声喊道。 The Xu Que eyebrow selected, shakes the head to smile: Do not install, your plans prostitute, was cloudy a moment ago my time, has not seen you is so pure! You take advantage of a broken shroud, can grow to this situation, but also dares saying that the essence of these two people aren't you absorb?” 徐缺眉毛一挑,摇头笑了:“别装了,你这个心机婊,刚才阴我的时候,可没见你这么单纯!你依仗一张破裹尸布,也能成长到这种地步,还敢说这两个人的精气不是你吸收的?” „......” Black cloth fell into instantaneously quietly, seemed like seen through the true colors by Xu Que, some do not know how must continue. “……”黑布瞬间陷入了沉静,似乎是被徐缺拆穿了真面目,有些不知道要怎么继续了。 Hurries to get out of the way, in fact you kill these people, has no relations with me, I want awakening inside powerhouse, walked immediately, you do not need to block me in this!” Xu Que said with a smile. “赶紧走开吧,事实上你杀这些人,跟我也没啥关系,我只要唤醒里面的强者,立马就走了,你没必要在这拦我!”徐缺笑吟吟道。 To be honest, he also is really disinclined take action to cope with this black cloth, only wants to pass to wake several Immortal Monarch, then attains the System reward, slips away immediately. 说实话,他还真懒得出手对付这张黑布,只想过去弄醒几个仙王,然后拿到系统奖励,立马溜之大吉。 However, he finishes speaking, that black shroud sends out murderous aura suddenly, whiz, fled instantaneously. 然而,他话音刚落,那张黑色裹尸布陡然散发出一股杀气,“嗖”的一下,瞬间又窜走了。 Well?” Xu Que frowns, this black cloth really walked actually, but that murderous aura, is not obviously right! “咦?”徐缺皱起眉头,这黑布倒是真走了,可那丝杀气,明显就不对劲呀! Áo! 嗷! Almost meanwhile, the Er Gou'zi startled sound called out one, from flew suddenly same place. 几乎同时,二狗子惊声嚎叫了一声,陡然从原地飞了起来。 „, This black cloth began, mother, she is attracting the blood of this God Venerable!” Er Gou'zi strains the hoarse voice to exclaim lowly. “靠,这黑布动手了,妈的,她在吸本神尊的血!”二狗子扯着沙哑的嗓门低吼道。 The Xu Que eye pupil sweeps off, the neck of Er Gou'zi by that black shroud to the cling, was hung completely directly in the midair! 徐缺眼眸扫去,二狗子的脖子完全被那条黑色裹尸布给卷住,直接吊在了半空! It seems like you really want to court death!” Xu Que immediately complexion one black, the sinking sound shouted. “看来你是真的想找死!”徐缺顿时脸色一黑,沉声喝道。 Hē, your strengths, insufficiently looked in front of this Seat, you think this Seat only does meet the illusion? Since the illusion is useless to you, proposes a toast not to drink to be made to drink as a forfeit, that do not blame this Seat to have the ruthless move!” The female voice squawk in black cloth smiled, filled sinister and ruthless. 呵,你们这点实力,在本座面前还不够看,你以为本座就只会幻象吗?既然幻象对你没用,敬酒不喝喝罚酒,那就别怪本座出狠招了!”黑布中的女声尖声笑了起来,充满了阴毒。 Xu Que cannot help but shrugs the arm, the spirit knowledge in this black cloth, the source came from that several Immortal Venerate powerhouse one breath, many inherited these Immortal Venerate sneaky guy innermost feelings dark sides. 徐缺不由得耸了耸肩膀,这黑布中的灵识,本源还是来自于那几个仙尊强者的一口气,多少还是继承了这些仙尊老阴比的内心阴暗面。 But a Xu Que shovel has not eliminated the wicked heart deceitfully, he is also disinclined to respond this black cloth, but this black cloth must make them now in turn, that had no way to endure! 徐缺并没有一颗铲奸除恶的心,他也懒得搭理这张黑布,可现在这黑布反过来要弄他们,那就没法忍了! System, opens the revenge mechanism to me, this broken shroud cancelling!” The Xu Que intention moves, calls System to say. 系统,给我开启复仇机制,把这破裹尸布给勾过来!”徐缺心念一动,唤出系统道。 This black cloth most troublesome mysteriously appears and disappears, the speed was too fast, moreover is unable to catch its trail with divine soul. 这黑布最麻烦的就是神出鬼没,速度太快了,而且无法用神魂去捕捉其踪迹。 But under the System revenge mechanism, these metals has the tracing ability, previously can cancel Li Xuanqi Immortal Tool, now wants to cancel this broken shroud, the nature is easy! 但在系统的复仇机制下,那些金属是拥有追踪能力的,此前能勾走李玄棋仙器,如今想勾这破裹尸布,自然轻而易举! Because “Ding, this/should goal level is too low, did not suggest to adopt the revenge mechanism, Host may use to force to plunder the function, according to this/should goal level, only need consume 100 Acting Cool Points! ” “叮,由于该目标级别过低,不建议采取复仇机制,宿主可使用强制掠夺功能,根据该目标级别,只需消耗100点装逼值!” The System Prompt sound gets up. 系统提示音响起。 Xu Que is startled, asks: If adopts the revenge mechanism, the entire process estimated how much time requires?” 徐缺一怔,问道:“那如果采取复仇机制,整个过程预计需要多少时间?” “Ding, at least 11 seconds! ” “叮,至少11秒!” That considers as finished, forces to plunder directly!” Xu Que shook the head said. “那算了,就直接强制掠夺吧!”徐缺摇了摇头道。 The revenge mechanism every second 10 Acting Cool Points, 11 seconds must consume 110 Acting Cool Points, compared with forcing to plunder also wants many 10 Acting Cool Points, cannot waste! 复仇机制每秒十点装逼值,11秒就得消耗110点装逼值,比强制掠夺还要多十点装逼值呢,不能浪费! Bang!” “轰!” Almost meanwhile, the Xu Que body gushes out strength of the invisible involving, plunders instantaneously to the front. 几乎同时,徐缺身上涌出一股无形的牵扯之力,瞬间掠向前方。 Forces to plunder the function, is System in the function that had long before, is only the function of this function is not big, can only plunder some low ranked things, for example past Life Spirit Holy Water, then forced to receive with this function! 强制掠夺功能,是系统在很早以前就存在的功能,只是这功能的作用不大,只能掠夺一些低级别的东西,比如当年的生灵圣水,便是用这种功能强制收回来的! Now meets this black shroud, although troubled points, because also its level was too low, is to make this function play the arrived role on the contrary. 如今遇到这张黑色裹尸布,虽然麻烦了点,但也因为它的级别太低了,反倒是让这功能起到了作用。 What is "Ah! this? Stop, this Seat did not meddle this matter, stopped quickly! ” After the System strength appears, the black cloth sends out a scream instantaneously. “啊!这是什么?住手,本座不插手此事了,快住手!”系统的力量出现后,黑布瞬间发出一声尖叫。 Xu Que both hands surround in the chest front, a face is faint, this Cool Saint not take action, take action also thinks either I do receive the hand? Does not exist! 徐缺双手环抱在胸前,一脸淡漠,本逼圣要么不出手,一出手还想我收手?不存在的! Hiss!” “嘶啦!” Airborne transmits the clear sound, the System strength pulls that black cloth together forcefully, instantaneously its tearing. 空中传来一道清脆的声响,系统的力量强行扯动那张黑布,瞬间将其撕裂。 Ah…… the female voice in black cloth sends out the grating scream. 啊……”黑布中的女声发出刺耳的尖叫。 The next quarter, only listens to whiz, the whole piece black cloth was swept across to come instantaneously, Xu Que lifts the hand to wield, black cloth immediately was received in System storage space, direct suppression. 下一刻,只听“嗖”的一声,整张黑布瞬间被席卷而来,徐缺抬手一挥,黑布顿时被收入系统储物空间中,直接镇压了。 Er Gou'zi has also been extricated finally, from declined spatially, the whole face is furious: „, Making that rags come out, this God Venerable kills her!” 二狗子也终于得到解脱,从空中落了下来,满脸震怒:“嗷,让那张破布出来,本神尊弄死她!” Makes, if you just points, wielded the dog's paw casually, she has broken to pieces!” Xu Que throws the look that despises toward Er Gou'zi. “弄个屁,你要是刚一点,随便挥一下狗爪子,她早就碎了!”徐缺二狗子投去鄙视的眼神。 mortal body of these two goods are so obviously powerful, was actually frightened by a broken shroud does not dare to hit back, otherwise also had no need to waste oneself hundred Acting Cool Points! 这二货的肉身明明那么强盛,却被一张破裹尸布吓得都不敢还手,否则也用不着浪费自己一百点装逼值了! “Ding, examines in this/should shroud to have the spirit knowledge, after recycling to System, Host will gain different functions, whether recycles? ” “叮,检测到该裹尸布中存在灵识,回收给系统后,宿主将获取一种异能,是否进行回收?” Suddenly, the System Prompt sound resounds in the Xu Que mind. 突然,系统提示音在徐缺脑海中响起。 Xu Que immediately is startled. 徐缺顿时一怔。 Different functions? 异能? ...... …… ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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