USS :: Volume #15

#1438: You said enough

An audience dreariness, everyone complexion is all startled changes, unbelievable. 全场一片沉寂,所有人皆面色惊变,难以置信。 In Heaven Exploding Faction's this group of people, has Immortal Monarch unexpectedly! 炸天帮的这群人之中,居然有一位仙王 Everyone is looking at Zixia Fairy, is very panic-stricken, previously unexpectedly never detected this points, even her origin, compared with these Immortal Monarch ancestors of influence, but must have in 3000 early. 所有人在看着紫霞仙子,无比惊骇,此前居然从未察觉到这一点,甚至她的来历,比这些势力的仙王先祖,还要早出三千年。 But what is more terrifying, Shennong Clan that Immortal Monarch later words, making the people have a scare! 但更恐怖的是,神农氏族那位仙王之后的话语,让众人都吓了一跳! Behind Heaven Exploding Faction's, if really still has Immortal Venerate Realm powerhouse. 炸天帮的背后,果真还存在着一位仙尊境强者 Immortal Monarch had with Immortal Venerate, no wonder Heaven Exploding Faction dares so to handle affairs, sporty! 仙王仙尊都有了,难怪炸天帮敢如此行事,底气十足啊! Chang Family Patriarch often/common Duangeng, in this moment heart a lingering fear. 常家家主常段更,此刻心中一阵后怕。 Previously interrogated the Xu Que's time, he has not detected that surface wore the fine gauze, the makings has the dust, stood in Xu Que woman, unexpectedly can be Immortal Monarch. 先前质问徐缺的时候,他也没察觉出来,那个面戴轻纱,气质出尘,站在徐缺身旁的女人,居然会是一位仙王 As for Heaven Exploding Faction behind whether is hiding Immortal Venerate, this point their Shadow Buddha sects have guessed, but cannot determine. 至于炸天帮背后是否藏着一位仙尊,这一点他们暗影浮屠宗都猜测过,可是不敢确定。 But now a Shennong Clan the Immortal Monarch opens the mouth, is equal, therefore turned into the affirmation this guess. 但现在神农氏族的这位仙王一开口,等同于是将这个猜测变成了肯定。 Ji Qinghan and Ji Wuyun, are the whole face are also stunned. 姬轻寒姬无云,亦是满脸错愕。 No wonder medicine empathize silent came out from the Chang Family backyard belt/bring, if is really Immortal Venerate Realm can greatly take action, that all these were also logical! 难怪药神会无声无息的被人从常家后院带出来,如果真是仙尊境的大能出手,那这一切也都顺理成章了! However, making the people be interested, is in that Immortal Monarch mouth twice has mentioned continuously treaty! 不过,让众人更感兴趣的,是那位仙王口中连续两次都提到过的条约! Immortal Emperor treaty! 仙帝条约! Among these great people, has what to agree? 那些大人物之间,难道有过什么约定? „Is the Immortal Emperor treaty, is it possible that Immortal Emperor restricts other Immortal Venerate Immortal Monarch some rules?” 仙帝条约,莫非是仙帝制约其他仙尊仙王的一些规则?” „Very likely so, even is the agreement may not to respective later generation take action, therefore after Heaven Exploding Faction killed the medicine god, will bring in so many Immortal Monarch!” “极有可能如此,甚至是约定不可对各自的后辈出手,所以炸天帮杀了药神之后,才会引来如此多位仙王!” But does this treaty, need of existence?” “但这种条约,有存在的必要吗?” Right, if Immortal Monarch Immortal Venerate cannot kill the realm low later generation, how they...... also do establish the dignity?” “对呀,倘若仙王仙尊不能杀境界低的后辈,那他们……还如何确立威严?” Do not guess randomly, I look at this Immortal Emperor treaty, perhaps is not simple!” “你们还是别乱猜了,我看这仙帝条约,恐怕是没那么简单!” Many people talked to discuss in a low voice, but could not say a reason why. 许多人低声交谈议论,但也说不出个所以然。 Reviews Xu Que and the others, is stunned. 反观徐缺等人这边,也是一阵错愕。 Shennong Clan that Immortal Monarch, stands there was shouting makes the Heaven Exploding Faction's Immortal Venerate senior come out, making Xu Que several people almost think that was Xuanyuan Wanrong comes. 神农氏族的那位仙王,站在那里大喊着让炸天帮的仙尊前辈出来,让徐缺几人都差点以为是轩辕婉蓉来了。 However Xu Que could not feel that the Xuanyuan Wanrong aura, Zixia Fairy also does not have the discovery, this really made people somewhat bewildered. 然而徐缺丝毫感觉不到轩辕婉蓉的气息,紫霞仙子亦是毫无发现,这就实在令人有些莫名其妙了。 Fuck me, when do we have Immortal Venerate powerhouse?” Er Gou'zi looks to Xu Que. 卧槽,我们什么时候有仙尊强者的?”二狗子看向徐缺 Xu Que shrugs the arm, a strange appearance said: No, the ghost knows that this silly- is saying anything compared with Immortal Monarch!” 徐缺耸了耸肩膀,一副奇怪的模样道:“没有呀,鬼知道这傻-比仙王在说什么!” Feared that is the head by the donkey kicking!” Duan Jiude also show off said. “怕是脑袋被驴给踢咯!”段九德嘚瑟道。 The dialogue of two people and one dog, without the meaning of slightly covering, said like this frankly and uprightly. 两人一狗的对话,没有丝毫掩盖的意思,就这样光明正大的说了出来。 The audience everyone stare the looking blank eyeball of instantaneously, looks to Xu Que, holds breath cold air. 全场所有人瞬间又瞪直了眼睛,看向徐缺,倒吸一口凉气。 Was this fellow insane? 这家伙是疯了吗? Unexpectedly scolded Shennong Clan Immortal Monarch is silly- ratio? 居然骂神农氏族仙王是傻-比? Fuck, the key point was they also denied Heaven Exploding Faction had Immortal Venerate powerhouse! 我靠,重点是他们还自己否认了炸天帮仙尊强者 This is must be more exposed, is a slap in the face that Immortal Monarch? 这是要欲盖弥彰,还是打脸那位仙王 „Can't Hē, dog mouth put out the ivory the thing, your family elder educates like this your?” At this time, Shennong Clan that Immortal Monarch sneered, both hands shoulders as before behind. 呵,狗嘴吐不出象牙的东西,你家长辈就是这样教育你的么?”这时,神农氏族的那位仙王冷笑一声,双手依旧背负在身后。 Whiz! 嗖! The next quarter, the empty space exudes ripples unexpectedly, an invisible palm emerges out of thin air in front of Xu Que, by speed that the electric light illness/quick flashes, scrapes off toward his face on ruthlessly. 下一刻,虚空间竟泛起一阵涟漪,一只无形的手掌凭空出现在徐缺面前,以电光疾闪的速度,狠狠朝他脸上刮去。 Bang!” “砰!” However, that palm has not touched Xu Que, was scattered by the splendor glow together at the scene, was Zixia Fairy take action, broke this palm for Xu Que. 然而,那手掌还未触及徐缺,便被一道辉芒当场打散,正是紫霞仙子出手了,替徐缺打断了这一掌。 Following close on, Zixia Fairy is lifting the hand again, condenses piece of blazing lustrous glow, evolves a cold glow long sword, must cut directly to that Immortal Monarch, is very strong! 紧跟着,紫霞仙子再次抬手,凝聚一片炽盛辉芒,演化出一柄寒芒长剑,径直要斩向那位仙王,无比强势! Xuan'er, stop!” 璇儿,住手!” The Xu Que busy opened the mouth to shout, prevented Zixia Fairy. 徐缺紧忙开口喊道,阻止了紫霞仙子 Now is not starting time, by the Zixia Fairy strength, although can win Shennong Clan that Immortal Monarch steadily, but once hits, other nine Immortal Monarch also take action, that Zixia Fairy must suffer a loss! 现在可不是开打的时候,以紫霞仙子的实力,虽然可以稳赢神农氏族的那个仙王,可一旦打起来,其他九位仙王出手的话,那紫霞仙子就得吃亏了! The key point is he with restriction that Er Gou'zi as well as Duan Jiude arrange, all outside the Heavenly Fiend city, if makes war here, is very difficult to guarantee that can smoothly launch the plan! 重点是他跟二狗子以及段九德所布置的禁制,全在天煞城外,如果在这里开战,就很难保证可以顺利展开计划了! Un? Can you also violate the Immortal Emperor treaty?” Shennong Clan Immortal Monarch frowns, coldly sweeps to Zixia Fairy asks. “恩?你也要违反仙帝条约?”神农氏族仙王皱起眉头,冷冷扫向紫霞仙子问道。 Other nine Immortal Monarch are also startled, not seem to think that Zixia Fairy so will be strong, after blocking one move, unexpectedly must counter-attack! 其余九位仙王也一怔,似乎没想到紫霞仙子会这么强势,挡住一招后,居然还要反击! He, is my man!” “他,是我的男人!” A Zixia Fairy face is faint, puts out a hand to aim at Xu Que, saying of incomparable domineering. 紫霞仙子一脸淡漠,伸手指向徐缺,无比霸气的说道。 Shuā! 唰! The audience are instantaneously completely silent, ten Immortal Monarch are dull in same place, unbelievable. 全场瞬间鸦雀无声,十位仙王更是呆愣在原地,难以置信。 You...... your man?” That appearance is young, pure pure Immortal Monarch female, incomparably stunned looks at Zixia Fairy. “你……你的男人?”那位样貌年轻,清白纯洁的仙王女子,无比错愕的看着紫霞仙子 The next quarter, ten Immortal Monarch smiled. 下一刻,十位仙王都笑了。 That ridicule with the ridicule, complete writing on the face, had not covered. 那种讥讽跟嘲弄,完完全全的写在了脸上,没有丝毫掩盖。 Laughable, laughable!” “可笑,可笑啊!” Solemn Immortal Monarch, is so unexpectedly shameless, dares to say such absurd words in the presence of everyone!” “堂堂一位仙王,竟如此厚颜,竟敢当众说出此等荒唐之话!” „The skeletal age 200 years old this boy, can step into Human Immortal Realm, pouring are also the aptitude excellent, but you let him unexpectedly, when your Dao Companion? old ox eats the tender grass, does not eat like this!” “这小子的骨龄连两百岁都不到,能踏入人仙境,倒也是资质上乘,可你竟让他当你的道侣?老牛吃嫩草,也不是这样吃的!” And several Immortal Monarch, taunting, as if thinks that this is one as absurd as the extreme joke. 其中几位仙王,冷嘲热讽,似乎认为这是一件荒唐到极点的笑话。 However the Zixia Fairy facial expression is still faint, is very tranquil, slightly shook the head: He is not my Dao Companion, is my man!” 然而紫霞仙子依旧神情淡漠,无比平静,微微摇了摇头:“他不是我的道侣,是我的男人!” Her Dao Companion with her man, these two words sounds and does not have any difference. 她的道侣跟她的男人,这两个词听上去并没有什么区别。 Because is the same meaning! 因为都是同一个意思! But Zixia Fairy is very stubborn this points, as if to declare a sovereignty, her man, compared with her Dao Companion, has the affirmation and firmness. 紫霞仙子很固执这一点,似乎在宣示一种主权,她的男人,远比她的道侣,更具肯定与坚定。 Elder Sister Hē, can be so shameless, the younger sister admires actually very much!” That appearance young Immortal Monarch female, smiled. 呵,姐姐能如此厚颜,妹妹倒是很敬佩呀!”那名样貌年轻的仙王女子,笑了起来。 She seems like as before pure pure, but this taunting spoken language, actually the clear two characters losing, only had another two characters. 她看上去依旧清白纯洁,但这番冷嘲热讽的言语,却把清纯两个字给丢了,只剩下另外两个字。 Well?” “咦?” At this time, the people on the scene were actually startled. 这时,在场众人却一怔。 Ten Immortal Monarch also in abundance one startled! 十位仙王也纷纷一惊! Everyone's vision, gathers side on Zixia Fairy that man instantaneously-- Xu Que! 所有人的目光,都瞬间聚集到紫霞仙子身边的那个男人身上——徐缺 Xu Que at this moment, already complexion gloomy, jet black such as in double pupils of black ink, murderous aura is boundless. 此刻的徐缺,早已面色阴沉,漆黑如墨的双眸间,杀气磅礴。 He stands in same place, terrifying baleful aura, gushes out from his within the body unceasingly, surrounds the whole body, the lower hem corner is moving calmly, the whole person seems like, just like a demon who exposed the true colors. 他站在原地,一股恐怖的煞气,从他体内不断涌出,环绕着全身,衣角无风而动,整个人看上去,宛若一个暴露了真面目的魔头。 Good rich baleful aura!” “好浓郁的煞气!” This child practice what demon art?” “此子修炼了什么魔功?” Snort, no wonder the skeletal age has not arrived 200 years old, then can step into Human Immortal Realm, if is really an demon cultivates!” “哼,难怪骨龄还未到两百岁,便能踏入人仙境,果真是个魔修!” This also luckily in Heaven Continent, if places for ten thousand years ago, this person should be cut to kill early!” “这也幸亏是在天洲,若放在万年前,这种人早该被斩杀了!” Several Immortal Monarch frown immediately, makes remarks, was full of the dislike. 几位仙王当即皱起眉头,评头论足,充满了厌恶。 „Did you say enough?” Xu Que light raising the head, sweeps to ten Immortal Monarch! “你们说够了吗?”徐缺淡淡的抬起头,扫向十位仙王 Immortal Monarch immediately is startled, follows close on the corners of the mouth to raise, shook the head, disdains in radically pays attention to him. 仙王顿时一怔,紧跟着嘴角一扬,摇了摇头,根本不屑于去理会他。 Fuck me, ended, you must end, dares to annoy Brother Que, feared that has not died!” The Er Gou'zi busy rebounds to flash one side, points at ten Immortal Monarch to say again and again. 卧槽,完了,你们都要完了,敢惹缺哥,怕是没死过!”二狗子紧忙跳开闪到一旁,连连指着十个仙王道。 Hiss, these ten country bumpkins, the courage is really clever chicken big!” Appearance that Duan Jiude also startled accommodates, even cannot help but will be drawing back in the future. “嘶,这十个傻帽,胆子真是贼鸡儿的大呀!”段九德也一副惊容的模样,甚至不由自主的在往后退。 But Xu Que as before seems very tranquil! 徐缺依旧显得很平静! That tranquility before storm gather, making one feel that constraining extremely and suffocated. 暴风雨来临前的那种平静,令人感到极其的压抑与窒息。 Said enough, came with me!” “说够了,就跟我过来!” His words, the eye pupil has swept that ten Immortal Monarch lightly , to continue saying: I, must hit ten!” 他话语一顿,眼眸淡淡扫过那十位仙王,继续道:“我,要打十个!” ...... …… ...... ……
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