USS :: Volume #14

#1350: The situation is urgent

No!” “没有!” The response of System is very simple, is very direct. 系统的回应十分干脆,也十分直接。 Does not contain any mood tone „”, has not been full of the makings of social person! 一句不含任何情绪语气的“没有”,充满社会人的气质! Hē, trash!” Xu Que also very society sneered, maintains the stance of aloof, withdrew from System Interface. 呵,辣鸡!”徐缺也很社会的冷笑了一声,保持高冷的姿态,退出了系统界面 However some innermost feelings early expectations, if System really has the means to avoid this tribulation, in the past many dangerous situations have used. 不过内心还是早有预料,倘若系统真有办法能躲过这一劫,以往很多危险情况早就用了。 After all System of these 10.0 editions, were too weak, cannot keep up with many situations that now needs to face completely! 毕竟这10.0版本的系统,真的太弱了,完全跟不上现在所需要面对的许多情况! Oh, does this matter, really must go out to fish multi- Acting Cool Points with a sense of urgency, in forty days complete the words that System promotes, could increase many odds of success!” In the Xu Que heart talked to oneself. “唉,干完这件事,真得抓紧出去捞多点装逼值了,四十几天内完成系统升级的话,或许能增加不少胜算!”徐缺心中自语。 The present situation, is a bit like to horror film «Final Destination», similarly knows to have the danger ahead of time, but the final result is hard to escape the god of death the rope life. 现在的情况,有点类似于一部恐怖片《死神来了》,同样是提前知道有危险,可最终结局都难以逃过死神的索命。 What is only different, main character in horror film can know ahead of time will soon have any concrete dangerous event, but Xu Que does not have, only he knows is time points, more than 40 days later will die! 唯一不同的是,恐怖片中的主角是能提前知道即将发生什么具体的危险事件,但徐缺没有,他唯一知道的就是一个时间点,四十多天后会死! „, While these days, promoted System, strengthens again the strength, moreover two souls, whom me really do not believe to kill me!” The Xu Que eye pupil narrows the eyes, jet black such as in the pupils of black ink has delimited a wisp of star glow! “啧啧啧,趁这段时间,升级了系统,再加强一下自身实力,而且有两道魂魄在,我就真不信有谁能弄死我!”徐缺眼眸微眯,漆黑如墨的瞳孔间划过一缕星芒! Well, to......” suddenly, Xu Que was not startled, in the mind the miraculous glow flashed, called System Interface again, the vision falls on that wind and fire wheels, is lost in thought. “咦,不对……”突然,徐缺又怔了一下,脑海里灵光一闪,再次唤出系统界面,目光落在那件风火轮上,陷入了沉思。 Looked on present this situation, if can do own, perhaps was these two souls! 就眼下这情况看,如果说能搞死自己的,说不定就是这两道魂魄了吧! After all from the beginning, he from the start is not the heir of these two souls, this is a misunderstanding, a beautiful misunderstanding! 毕竟从一开始,他压根就不是这两道魂魄的子嗣,这是个误会,一个美丽的误会! It seems like guarded against be good.” Xu Que talked to oneself again. “看来得防着点才行了。”徐缺再次自语。 Quick, Er Gou'zi also pondered over the mountain valley hidden entrance clue. 很快,二狗子也琢磨出了山谷隐藏入口的线索。 this God Venerable thought that that hidden entrance in that side, went from an old tree!” The stretch of open area of Er Gou'zi direction not far away, said excitedly: That old tree was poached by this God Venerable, in the entire mountain the region exposed, now definitely also destroys, hahaha!” 本神尊想起来了,那个隐藏入口就在那边,从一棵古树中进去!”二狗子指向不远处的一片空地,激动道:“不过那棵古树被本神尊挖走了,整个山中区域都暴露了,现在肯定也毁了,哈哈哈!” Fuck! 靠! Xu Que has the sleeve on to rub immediately, the strategic place punches it. 徐缺当即就撸起袖子,要冲上去揍它。 The Duan Jiude busy held on Xu Que: Boy, do not impulse do not impulse, hitting it was too cheap it, tonight eats to cook dog meat!” 段九德紧忙拉住了徐缺:“小子,别冲动别冲动,打它太便宜它了,今晚吃炖狗肉吧!” Ok, blade!” Xu Que just extended take action! “可以,刀来!”徐缺刚伸出手 , Duan Jiude hands on a kitchen knife Xu Que immediately, later also wiped the saliva of corners of the mouth, the whole face happy smile. 啪的一下,段九德立马就将一把菜刀递到徐缺手上,随后还抹了抹嘴角的口水,满脸幸福笑容。 Fuck, does Fuck, do? Do not come, this God Venerable has practiced......” 握草,握草,干什么?你别过来,本神尊是练过的……” Er Gou'zi looked Xu Que raises the blade to walk toward it, frightens immediately shouts loudly, turns head to run, enters nearby mountain forest speedily. 二狗子一看徐缺提着刀朝它走去,立马吓得大喊大叫,扭头就跑,一溜烟窜进附近的山林。 Xu Que is also disinclined to chase down again, throws the blade directly gives back to Duan Jiude, patted clapping: Time are not much, can only selective looks to look in this region!” 徐缺也懒得再追杀上去,直接将刀丢还给段九德,拍了拍手:“时间不多了,只能选择性的在这片区域里找找看了!” In fact, now he regarding seeking for the Thousand Golds Revival Rattan power, has been short. 事实上,现在他对于寻找复生千金藤的动力,已经少了很多。 He also planned to depend on that two souls, the system dominates Heaven Continent, acts in a self-serving manner in Heaven Continent! 原本他还打算倚仗那两道魂魄,制霸天洲,在天洲为所欲为! But that prediction, makes him respond suddenly, alerted a matter, side these two souls place, is very likely is also a time bomb, when referring to being uncertain they to discover that oneself is not their heir, gave to write off directly! 可那个预言,陡然让他反应过来,警醒了一件事,这两道魂魄放在身边,极有可能也是一个定时炸弹,指不定什么时候他们发现自己不是他们的子嗣,直接就给抹杀了! This is an extremely dangerous matter, revolving fears extremely! 这是一件极其危险的事,细思极恐! This region is so big, perhaps no month is very difficult to look, entrance that especially hidden!” Duan Jiude shakes the head to sigh. “这片区域这么大,恐怕没一个月都很难找得完呀,特别是一些隐藏起来的入口!”段九德摇头叹了口气。 The Er Gou'zi critical moment falls the chain, making him also feel a pity very much, if could not find Thousand Golds Revival Rattan, that two souls meet soul flies away and spirit dispersed momentarily. 二狗子关键时刻掉链子,让他也觉得很可惜,如果找不到复生千金藤,那两道魂魄随时会魂飞魄散 Perhaps...... we can consider to handle affairs as scheduled, goes to Shennong Clan directly!” Liu Jingning opens the mouth to propose. “或许……我们可以考虑按原计划行事,直接去神农氏族!”柳靖凝开口提议。 Well, this method is good, first goes to Shennong Clan, fishes Thousand Golds Revival Rattan to stand firm these two souls, then comes back here to look slowly, to be quick?” A Duan Jiude eye pupil bright, pleasantly surprised say/way. “咦,这法子好,先去趟神农氏族,捞一笔复生千金藤稳住这两道魂魄,然后再回来这里慢慢找,岂不是快哉?”段九德眼眸一亮,惊喜道。 A Xu Que brow wrinkle, somewhat hesitates slightly, these two souls, must continue to remain, the double-edged sword sometimes is very fatal! 徐缺眉头微微一皱,有些犹豫起来,这两道魂魄,到底还要不要继续留着,双刃剑有时候是很致命的! Whiz!” “嗖!” Suddenly, the thick patch of grass of distant place moves, jumps out a shadow. 突然,远处的草丛一动,窜出一道黑影。 The people look up suddenly, was Er Gou'zi runs unexpectedly. 众人猛然抬头看去,竟是二狗子跑回来了。 These two goods whole faces are stealthy, fast to/clashes, mysterious winks toward Xu Que, shouts: Boy, quickly, this God Venerable has the major discovery!” 这二货满脸鬼鬼祟祟,飞快的冲过来,神秘兮兮的朝徐缺挤眉弄眼,喊道:“小子,快,本神尊有重大发现!” Major discovery? Come, you come, I do not cut you! Right Old Man Duan, the blade borrowed me again!” The Xu Que eyebrow selects, asks for the blade toward Duan Jiude, even if cuts motionless Er Gou'zi, wants these two goods to suffer a hardship. “重大发现是吧?来,你过来,我不砍你!对了段老头,刀再借我一下!”徐缺眉毛一挑,朝段九德伸手要刀,哪怕砍不动二狗子,也想要这二货吃点苦头。 „, Do not be noisy, this really some big discoveries, this God Venerable saw the Shennong Clan person, they arranged hidden leisurely Array, but also arrange imaginary, eliminated the road that oneself passed through, in the middle of this definitely had the trick!” Er Gou'zi lowers the sound to shout, was for fear that heard. “靠,别闹,这回真有大发现,本神尊看见神农氏族的人了,他们一路布置隐逸阵法,还布下幻阵,消除自己走过的路,这当中肯定有猫腻!”二狗子压低着声音喊道,生怕被人听见。 Xu Que and Duan Jiude one line of hearing this, immediately is startled. 徐缺段九德一行人闻言,顿时一惊。 I go, these two goods also really had the big discovery! 我去,这二货还真有大发现了! „Is person, where at?” Duan Jiude asked immediately. “人呢,在哪?”段九德当即问道。 In that direction, inside and outside several thousand!” Er Gou'zi puts out a hand to aim at behind the mountain valley! “在那个方向,几千里外!”二狗子伸手指向山谷后方! Xu Que turned the supercilious look instantaneously: A while, did you special run up to inside and outside several thousand unexpectedly?” 徐缺瞬间翻起了白眼:“就那么一会儿,你特么居然跑到几千里外去了?” this God Venerable other does not dare saying that but the speed absolutely is first-class!” Er Gou'zi cause to arrogantly, but also the correction said: Not is only inside and outside several thousand, the key point was this God Venerable runs one back and forth, brought the clue at high speed, this need praise, this God Venerable thinks tonight the drinking water boiled smelly tofu with red-roast Duan Jiude!” 本神尊别的不敢说,但速度绝对是一流的啊!”二狗子引起为傲,还矫正道:“不仅是几千里外,重点是本神尊跑了一个来回,快马加鞭带来线索,这需要一个嘉奖,本神尊今晚想吃水煮臭豆腐跟红烧段九德!” Go away, eats, day in day out knows to eat, the boy, the old man I thinks the urgent matter, first pursues, otherwise likely could not find that several people!” Duan Jiude received the kitchen knife immediately, seldom said toward Xu Que. “滚,吃吃吃,一天到晚就知道吃,小子,老头我认为当务之急,是先追过去,否则很可能找不到那几人了!”段九德立马收起了菜刀,煞有其事的朝徐缺说道。 The Xu Que corners of the mouth raise: Pouring is not very anxious!” 徐缺嘴角一扬:“倒也不是很急!” Yes, that several people of method is weak one batch, is quite powerful with Supreme Unity Loose Immortal besides several Golden Immortal Realm, several other young men with a young beautiful woman, from the start are not our Brother Que opponents, moreover this God Venerable can understand clearly their Array, can pursue momentarily!” “就是,那几人的手段弱得一批,除了几个金仙境太乙散仙比较强大之外,另外几个年轻小伙跟一个小美女,压根就不是我们缺哥的对手,而且本神尊一眼就能洞悉他们的阵法,随时可以追上去!” Er Gou'zi is staring at Duan Jiude, the expression that the whole face smiles, added: Therefore, first solves the dinner!” 二狗子盯着段九德,满脸笑眯眯的表情,补充道:“所以,还是先解决晚餐吧!” Un? Waits, Er Gou'zi, what did you just say?” Xu Que suddenly stared wide-eyed. “嗯?等一下,二狗子,你刚刚说什么?”徐缺突然瞪大了眼睛 Er Gou'zi is startled: First solves the dinner?” 二狗子一怔:“先解决晚餐?” „It is not right, on!” “不对,上一句!” this God Venerable can understand clearly......” 本神尊能洞悉……” On again!” “再上一句!” Several young men with a young beautiful woman, from the start are not the Brother Que opponents!” “有几个年轻小伙跟一个小美女,压根就不是缺哥的对手!” Walking, the situation is urgent, we leave immediately!” “走,事态紧急,我们立刻动身过去!” ...... …… ...... …… ying chirp, four chapters......】 【嘤嘤嘤,还有四章……】
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