USS :: Volume #13

#1257: Now is obvious enough?

what the hell Oh! 我勒个去哦! Xu Que almost screamed, unbelievable. 徐缺差点叫出声来,难以置信。 Closed up practice one year, incessantly was he, nearby Duan Jiude several people of also cultivation base rose suddenly, but the time they have almost not talked in this year, has used during the sensibility of Dao Accumulation. 闭关修炼了一年,不止是他,旁边的段九德几人也修为暴涨,不过这一年时间他们几乎没有交谈,一直倾尽在道蕴的感悟之中。 Xu Que is also so, therefore he does not have extremely many understood how own cultivation base grows, observation own cultivation base that he lags behind until now, actually discovered oneself have not stepped into Earth Immortal Realm. 徐缺也是如此,所以他没有太过多的去了解自己的修为增长如何,直到现在他才后知后觉的观察一下自己的修为,却发现自己没有踏入地仙境 This to him, is a very accidental/surprised matter, because this is unreasonable, according to his aptitude, soaks for a year in Golden Branch Jade Wine Pool, endures compared with practice dozens years, how to have possibly broken through? 这对于他来说,是一件很意外的事情,因为这太不合理了,按照他的资质,在金枝玉液池里泡一年,堪比修炼数十年,怎么可能没有突破? However this is the fact, he still stems from Human Immortal Realm Peak, only misses such Ding points, to be from Earth Immortal Realm such Ding points, has not spanned, all Immortal Essence precipitate to extrude in pill mansion unceasingly, is getting more and more boundless and pure, is exceptionally boundless. 然而这就是事实,他依旧出于人仙境巅峰,距离地仙境只差那么一丁点,可就是这么一丁点,迟迟没有跨越过去,所有的仙元不断在丹府中沉淀挤压着,愈来愈磅礴而纯净,异常磅礴。 Therefore Xu Que thinks subconsciously arrived is own mortal body has problems, cannot, he withdraw from the Dao Accumulation sensibility condition, inspects mortal body. 所以徐缺下意识就想到了是不是自己的肉身出了问题,不得以之下,他才退出了道蕴的感悟状态,检查肉身 But when he lowers the head looked, was scared. 可当他低下头一看,就傻眼了。 This special what situation? 这特么什么情况? Chicken well, turned into the golden color unexpectedly, but also stood and waited for a long time there, radiant golden glow, unexpectedly appeared in Golden Branch Jade Wine Pool especially dazzling, almost Xu Que dodging blindly! 好好的鸡儿,居然变成金色了,还伫立在那里,璀璨的金芒,在金枝玉液池里居然显得格外的耀眼,差点把徐缺给闪瞎了! Gold/Metal...... standing on one leg?” “金……金鸡独立?” Xu Que this little while some want to cry, incomparable wondering, why he really cannot comprehend will have this situation, but obviously can feel, this inside contained a very fearful strength, all condenses in inside. 徐缺这会儿有些想哭,无比的纳闷,他实在搞不懂为什么会出现这种情况,但明显可以感觉得出来,这里面蕴含了一股十分可怕的力量,全都凝聚在里面。 But this special is useful? 可这特么有什么用? How later took off the pants also to see the person? 以后脱了裤子还怎么见人呀? Fights difficultly inadequately, with this treasure, when weapon? 难不成打架的时候,拿这宝贝当武器吗? Although Xu Que is not concerned about face, but did not have that bottom line, he is really hard to accept! 徐缺虽然不要脸,可也还没那种底线呀,他实在难以接受! Wanrong, Wanrong, you look quickly, how was my?” Xu Que looks immediately to that ice coffin, by divine consciousness summon inquiry. 婉蓉,婉蓉,你快看一下,我这是怎么了?”徐缺当即看向那口冰棺,以神识呼唤询问。 His immediately felt, this is Xuanyuan Wanrong is possibly doing the matter. 第一时间就觉得,这可能是轩辕婉蓉在搞事情。 Regardless of but how his divine consciousness summoned, that ice coffin was stirless, empty, obviously Xuanyuan Wanrong is not willing to pay attention to him, or has no way to pay attention to him, after all in the final analysis, that was only a wisp of remnant soul. 可无论他神识如何呼唤,那口冰棺就是毫无动静,空荡荡的,显然轩辕婉蓉不愿理会他,或者是没法理会他,毕竟说到底,那只是一缕残魂而已。 Well, waits, feeling like can control......” “咦,等一下,感觉好像可以控制……” Suddenly, Xu Que detected that own divine consciousness, as if can control that inside strength. 突然,徐缺察觉到自己的神识,似乎能控制那里面的力量。 He attempts to search itself into divine consciousness, later tows that strength, releases from inside. 他尝试将神识探入自身,随后牵引那股力量,从里面释放出来。 Bang! 轰! When divine consciousness moves, Xu Que's body like overturning the dominoes, terrifying power in the standing on one leg, instantaneous such as the dike was shattered, the fierce flood floods into within the body crazily, pours into meridians, poured into the skeleton, even integrates his blood and physical body. 神识一动之间,徐缺的身体就像打翻了的多米诺骨牌,金鸡独立中的恐怖力量,瞬间如堤坝被冲垮,凶猛的洪水疯狂涌入体内,注入经脉,注入了骨骼,甚至融入他的血液与肉体。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Xu Que holds breath at the scene cold air, felt that whole body by innumerable mosquito ant bite, later is a body liberated neatness, was then bitten again, the unceasing circulation is repeating. 徐缺当场倒吸一口凉气,感觉全身上下被无数蚊蚁叮咬,随后又是一种身躯得到解放的清爽,再接着又是被叮咬,不断的循环重复着。 Un?” “嗯?” Almost meanwhile, that should in the quiet ice coffin, a wisp of remnant soul again obviously. 几乎同时,那口本该沉寂的冰棺里,一缕残魂再度显化。 But this time, Xuanyuan Wanrong has not transformed figure, only wisp of light smoke derive in the ice coffin, the biography swings a shocking mood. 只不过这一次,轩辕婉蓉没有幻化出身形,仅有一缕轻烟在冰棺中衍生,传荡出一丝震惊的情绪。 „The Yama Tyrant Physique aura...... is not right, this has exceeded Yama Tyrant Physique, even has exceeded from the beginning, but now is transforming!” The Xuanyuan Wanrong sound twittering is whispering, seems very towering in the quiet palace. 冥王霸体的气息……不对,这已经超越了冥王霸体,甚至一开始就已经超越了,而现在是在蜕变!”轩辕婉蓉的声音呢喃低语着,在沉寂的宫殿里显得很突兀。 But in the palace a that three people of dog, has not heard this sound. 可宫殿里那三人一狗,都没有听见这声音。 Xu Que is only the sober person, but he is suffered by the change of mortal body now quickly miserably, where also has the thoughts to hear the surrounding sound. 徐缺是唯一清醒的人,可现在他快被肉身的变化折磨惨了,哪里还有心思去听周围的声音。 He felt that oneself as if returns to the underground of boundary of arrived Yama, experiences that pain that mortal body remoulds with suffering again, moreover these time obviously previous time is more fearful. 他感觉自己似乎又回到了冥王之境的地下,再一次经历肉身重塑的那种痛苦与折磨,而且这一次明显比上次更可怕。 A day, 一天, Two days, 两天, Three days, 三天, Ten days...... 十天…… Until the 7 x 7 = 49 day passes by finally, Xu Que not, because long time withstands to suffer to be numb, instead thought that mortal body is even more sensitive, these pains clear. 直到最后七七四十九天过去,徐缺并没有因为长时间承受折磨而麻木,反而觉得肉身愈发敏感,那些痛楚更加的清晰。 Is good because of this day, he feels finally, painful suffering, gradually is reducing. 好在这一天,他终于感觉到,痛苦的折磨,正在逐步减少。 He was slowly quiet. 他慢慢平静了下来。 The mood is returning to normal. 心情在平复。 divine soul is returning to normal. 神魂在平复。 Tight mortal body is also returning to normal. 紧绷的肉身也在平复。 Finally, he fell into a very easy and comfortable condition, seems the sprint movement that a person goes all out, but also stays up late not to rest consecutively for several days, finally suddenly had the opportunity to sleep, that calm and steady falling asleep. 最后,他陷入了一种很安逸的状态里,就仿佛是一个人拼命的冲刺运动,还连续好几天熬夜没睡,最后突然有机会可以睡一觉了,就那么安安稳稳的睡着了。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Meanwhile, ices in the coffin to gush out wisp of white smoke, Xuanyuan Wanrong silhouette appears again. 与此同时,冰棺里涌出一缕白烟,轩辕婉蓉身影再次出现。 Her wisp of remnant soul melts figure finally obviously, takes merely one step, then has appeared outside the side hall, the vision is staring at the Xu Que's body stubbornly. 她这缕残魂终于又显化身形,仅仅迈出一步,便已然出现在偏殿之外,目光死死盯着徐缺的身躯。 Existence that Tyrant Physique and Divine Physique once can contend with, can exceed that two physicals only has Saint Physique, but Saint Physique is only a guess with the concept, no one can achieve......” 霸体神体曾是能够抗衡的存在,能超越那两种体质的就唯有圣体,可圣体一直只是个猜测跟概念,从来没有人能够做到……” Xuanyuan Wanrong looks dignified, talked to oneself in a low voice: Actually this child experienced what good fortune, first is arrived exceeds the Yama Tyrant Physique physique, because now this Golden Branch Jade Wine had the transformation, promoted a level Tyrant Physique, is it possible that...... does this only exist in the Saint Physique in suspicion and concept?” 轩辕婉蓉神情凝重,低声自语:“此子究竟是经历了什么造化,先是得到了超越冥王霸体体质,如今又因为这金枝玉液发生了蜕变,将霸体提升了一个层次,莫非……这就是只存在于猜想与概念中的圣体吗?” Silent long time, she stands in same place, looking pensive, figure also diverges finally slowly, returns to the arrived ice coffin again! 沉默了良久,她站在原地,若有所思,最终身形也慢慢散去,再度回到了冰棺里! ...... …… Next day, the Xu Que's eyelid shivers finally slightly, wakes. 第二天,徐缺的眼皮终于微微颤动,醒了过来。 He detected that the body becomes the incomparable neatness, was full of the eruption strength, is more powerful than Tyrant Physique, a casualness jumps, can put out a hand to bump into the day feeling. 他察觉到身体变得无比的清爽,充满了爆发力量,比霸体还要强盛,有一种随便一跳,就能伸手碰到天的感觉。 Well? This is......” “咦?这是……” Xu Que looks again to own mortal body, the standing on one leg does not exist, that proud place had returned to normal, but the body golden fine laces, derive the lower part from the chest. 徐缺再次看向自己的肉身,金鸡独立已经不存在了,那骄傲的地方已经恢复了正常,但身上还是有一条金色的细线,从胸口衍生到下半身。 divine consciousness searches into, Xu Que looks at a arrived golden river, flows following the chest downward, contains the powerful strength, is unceasingly nutritious his body, even banned his blood, bone. 神识探入其中时,徐缺到了一条金河,顺着胸口往下流淌,蕴含着强大的力量,不断滋补着他的身躯,甚至取缔了他的血液,骨头等。 The golden bone, was the golden blood, what species the present to be? 金色的骨,金色的血,现在是属于什么物种了? Xu Que somewhat wonders, he raised the head, looks to Er Gou'zi, lifts the hand to pat toward the forehead of Er Gou'zi on. 徐缺有些纳闷,他抬起头,看向身旁的二狗子,抬手就朝二狗子的脑门上拍去。 Pā! 啪! In a clear thin sound, Xu Que closes the eye immediately, Er Gou'zi also opens eyes suddenly. 一声清脆细响中,徐缺立马闭上眼睛,二狗子也突然睁眼。 „, Does the grass, who hit this God Venerable?” A Er Gou'zi face is annoyed, it is peaceful is grasping principles, unexpectedly was awaked the a slap racket. “嗷,草,谁打本神尊?”二狗子一脸恼火,它安安静静在悟道,居然被人一巴掌拍醒了。 The first response looks to Duan Jiude, but Duan Jiude situated in the breakthrough edge, quick must march into Earth Immortal Realm now, is impossible to have that idle time to sneak attack it. 它第一反应就是看向段九德,可段九德现在处于突破的边缘,很快就要步入地仙境,不可能有那闲功夫来偷袭它。 Xu Que is stern-faced, brow once for a while also light wrinkle, probably in experience what important turning point. 徐缺一脸凝重,眉头时不时还轻皱,像是在经历什么重要的转折点。 Only Mo Junchen, the whole face is indifferent and gentle, is very leisurely and carefree. 唯独莫君臣,满脸淡然与平和,十分悠闲。 Er Gou'zi looked, wants not to think, pats without delay toward the Mo Junchen head on. 二狗子一看,想都不想,二话不说就朝莫君臣脑袋上拍去。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Mo Junchen has a feeling, even if in practice with sensing the Dao Accumulation condition, sneak attacks the sensation to some people, he can also wake up immediately, and avoided Er Gou'zi that palm promptly. 莫君臣似有所感,哪怕在修炼与感悟道蕴的状态,感知到有人偷袭,他也能立刻醒来,并及时躲开了二狗子那一掌。 „, Really is you sneak attacks this God Venerable!” Er Gou'zi cursed angrily immediately, threw toward Mo Junchen. “靠,果然就是你偷袭本神尊!”二狗子当即怒骂,朝莫君臣扑去。 Mo Junchen also is actually very annoyed, oneself are closing up, this dog does the matter unexpectedly, but also the guilty party sues first. 莫君臣其实也很恼火,自己在闭关,这狗子居然搞事情,还恶人先告状。 But prepares take action in him, with Er Gou'zi hits a time, the vision actually suddenly falls on Xu Que, the complexion instantaneously changes. 可就在他准备出手,与二狗子打一顿的时候,目光却突然落在了徐缺身上,脸色瞬间一变。 Waits for, is not right, you looked that Faction Master mortal body......” Mo Junchen blocked Er Gou'zi immediately, puts out a hand to aim at Xu Que. “等一下,不对劲,你看帮主肉身……”莫君臣当即拦住了二狗子,伸手指向徐缺 Er Gou'zi turns head to look, this discovered the Xu Que chest has a tall and slender gold thread, and view picture mortal body one year ago wanted powerful, this type powerful was not the simple great strength, but made people think that was higher than a level very obvious great strength! 二狗子扭头一看,这才发现徐缺胸口有一条细长的金线,并且整幅肉身远比一年前要强大了很多,这种强大不是简简单单的强大,而是让人觉得高出一个层次很明显的强大! Saint Physique, this is Saint Physique, since could not have thought is so long, Saint Physique that countless ancients suspect, appears today unexpectedly!” Mo Junchen is very excited, to witnessing the is very pleasantly surprised. 圣体,这便是圣体,想不到这么久以来,无数古人所猜想的圣体,今天居然出现了!”莫君臣无比激动,对见证到的这一幕很是惊喜。 Fuck, probably is really Saint Physique, golden bone, golden blood, what awfully is in also has a giant golden river, this boy wanted heaven defying!” The Er Gou'zi whole face is also startled to accommodate. 我靠,好像真的是圣体,金色的骨头,金色的血液,更要命的是里面还有一条巨大的金河,这小子要逆天了!”二狗子也满脸惊容。 At this time, the Xu Que's eyelash trembled slightly, the eyelid opened slowly, like being like the first awakening after a dream, the dim eye looked to Er Gou'zi and Mo Junchen, asked: Well, how, how did you stare at me to look?” 这时候,徐缺的眼睫毛才微微一颤,眼皮缓缓睁开,像大梦初醒似的,朦胧的眼睛看向二狗子莫君臣,问道:“咦,怎么了,你们怎么盯着我看呀?” Boy, you...... you looks at your chest quickly!” Er Gou'zi wields the claw, points at the Xu Que chest to shout. “小子,你……你快看你的胸!”二狗子挥起爪子,指着徐缺胸口喊道。 "Oh?Xu Que very calm lowering the head looked at one, serene said: „, This gold thread, this actually does not have nothing greatly, is only the symbol of Saint Physique , there is nothing to boast.” “哦?徐缺很淡定的低头看了一眼,云淡风轻道:“唔,这条金线是吧,这其实没什么了不起的,只是圣体的象征而已,没什么好咋咋呼呼的。” Er Gou'zi and Duan Jiude hearing this, all stares to look blank. 二狗子与段九德闻言,皆瞪直了眼。 Nothing extraordinary? 没什么了不起的? Has nothing to boast? 没什么好咋咋呼呼的? Fuck, this special, but Saint Physique, aren't you unexpectedly excited? 我靠,这特么可是圣体呀,你居然一点都不激动? „, Won't you know Saint Physique?” Xu Que another face curious say/way. “呃,你们不会是不知道圣体吧?”徐缺又一脸好奇道。 Er Gou'zi and Mo Junchen are staring, not being able to speak, really did not understand why Xu Que can be so calm. 二狗子莫君臣还是瞪着眼,说不出话,实在不理解徐缺为什么能这么淡定。 At this time, Xu Que extended take action, the fingertip appears strength of the wisp of divine soul, provoked chest front that gold thread directly, swayed suddenly. 这时候,徐缺出手,指尖浮现一缕神魂之力,直接挑动胸前那条金线,陡然挥洒了起来。 Next quarter, in Er Gou'zi and Mo Junchen dumbfounded, that gold thread was changed the appearance by the Xu Que's finger forcefully, turns into Saint Physique two golden large characters, hung on the chest. 下一刻,在二狗子莫君臣目瞪口呆中,那条金线硬生生被徐缺的手指改变了模样,变成“圣体”两个金色大字,挂在了胸口上。 Immediately Xu Que the eyelid lifted lightly, shot a look at Er Gou'zi and Mo Junchen, said superficially: Now should be obvious enough? I am Saint Physique! Cool King Saint Physique Saint Physique!” 随即徐缺才眼皮轻抬,瞥了二狗子莫君臣一眼,轻描淡写道:“现在应该够明显了吧?我是圣体逼王圣体圣体!” ...... …… ...... ……
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