USS :: Volume #12

#1138: 2nd Miss, looked at Mountain God to manifest a spirit quickly 【Eighth】

My Fuck! “我靠! Xu Que just spoke the words, Lan Hetu called out at the scene, put out a hand to point at the front to call out in alarm: Brother Que you look quickly, damn, the front discovered dead head!” 徐缺刚把话说完,蓝河图当场就叫出声,伸手指着前方惊呼:“缺哥你快看,见鬼了,前方发现一个死人头!” Xu Que looks immediately, immediately stared wide-eyed. 徐缺当即看去,顿时瞪大了眼睛 The front void jet black place, truly presented dead head, key that head also looked familiar unexpectedly very much, was Sky Alliance Alliance Lord Li Tianxun! 前面虚空漆黑之处,确实出现了一个死人头,关键那个人头居然还很面熟,是天盟盟主厉天洵 Lost blessing of Breaking Space Symbol, in addition that head had died, scurries about in void crazily back and forth, like meteor, more rapid and impulse is bigger! 只是失去了破空符的庇佑,加上那颗人头已经死去,正疯狂在虚空中来回乱窜,如同流星似的,越飞速度与冲击力就越大! I go, the important matter is not wonderful, this dead head must hit!” “我去,大事不妙,这个死人头要撞过来了!” Suddenly, Lan Hetu called out again, was very panic-stricken. 突然,蓝河图再次叫出声,无比惊恐。 The Xu Que also complexion changes, almost opens the mouth broken to scold. 徐缺也脸色一变,差点开口破骂。 Li Tianxun that dead head flew everywhere randomly also even, now unexpectedly really flies toward their void tunnels, according to its speed, ran upon here time, the impulse is not absolutely simple, had the possibility really to put in order a void tunnel destroying very much! 厉天洵那个死人头到处乱飞也就算了,现在居然真的朝他们的虚空隧道飞来,按照它那速度,撞上这里的时候,冲击力绝对不简单,很有可能真将整条虚空隧道给摧毁了! motherfucker, this Strength of Void stirred to break to pieces his mortal body, how not to give to make!” Xu Que shouts greatly, actually anything did not do! 妈卖批,这虚空之力搅碎了他的肉身,怎么不把头也给弄掉啊!”徐缺大喊道,却什么都做不了! Now the void tunnel is very unstable, even if there is the strength of Breaking Space Symbol to shelter, they also can only protect oneself cautiously, is impossible to branch out the ample force to go to drive out Li Tianxun that dead head! 现在虚空隧道本身就很不稳定,哪怕有破空符之力庇护着,他们也只能小心翼翼的自保,根本不可能分出余力去把厉天洵那个死人头轰开! Brother Que, now what to do?” Lan Hetu asked anxiously. 缺哥,现在怎么办?”蓝河图焦急问道。 The Xu Que complexion concentrates: Did not have the means that must throw a person to go out, hits to fly that dead head, then drew him to return......” 徐缺面色一凝:“没办法了,必须得扔一个人出去,撞飞那个死人头,然后再拉他回……” Bang--! 轰隆—— The words have not said, Li Tianxun that head, has hit ruthlessly on the void tunnel! 话没说完,厉天洵那颗人头,已然狠狠撞在了虚空隧道上! The entire void tunnel will collapse shortly, wants to be frailer than the Xu Que imagination , an opportunity of response does not give, then like one frail sheet glass, was hit torn to pieces, section of section of powder fragment in void! 整条虚空隧道顷刻间崩溃,远比徐缺想象中要脆弱很多,一点反应的机会都不给,便如同一片脆弱的玻璃片,被撞得支离破碎,在虚空中一截一截的散成碎片! The explosion of this huge terrifying, making Xu Que one group of be caught off guard completely, the naked eye just saw that at present this happened, outside the void tunnel of next quarter disintegration, then wells up a strong involving strength, entrains their several people to throw out forcefully. 这场巨大恐怖的爆炸,让徐缺一行人完全措手不及,肉眼刚看到眼前这一幕发生,下一刻崩碎的虚空隧道外,便涌来一股强大的牵扯力,强行拽着他们几个人往外扔去。 This feeling, was similar to the flying aircraft cabin to be cut off suddenly a section, flowing of air, threw sufficiently all in engine room. 这种感觉,就如同正在飞行的飞机舱里突然断掉了一截,空气的流动,足以将机舱内的一切都扔出去。 But now, the void strength obviously wants terrifying innumerable times compared with the air. 而现在,虚空的力量明显比空气要恐怖无数倍。 Xu Que one group of simply do not have the means to prevent all these occurrences, even if there is a Breaking Space Symbol asylum, was separated by the strong involving strength instantaneously! 徐缺一行人根本没办法阻止这一切的发生,哪怕有破空符庇护,也瞬间被强大的牵扯力分开! Afterward, group widely scattered flung in the different directions. 随后,一行人被五零四散的朝不同方向甩了出去。 In a hurry, Xu Que sees itself actually happen to with Lan Hetu and Lan Xinyue sister and brother with the direction, but three people were separated a big section distance! 匆忙间,徐缺倒是看见自己正好与蓝河图以及蓝芯玥姐弟俩同个方向,只不过三人之间隔了一大段距离! Bang! 轰! The next quarter, only listens to the ear to hear a giant bellow, later the eardrum as if bursts, only listens to buzz a squeal resounds, the Xu Que whole body raids to be similar to the torn pain, is following close on at present one black, direct unconscious! 下一刻,只听耳边传来一阵巨大的轰鸣声,随后耳膜似乎破裂,只听“嗡”的一道尖锐声响起,徐缺浑身袭来如同被撕裂的痛楚,紧跟着眼前一黑,直接不省人事! ...... …… After several days . 数日后。 When Xu Que opens eyes, what seen is blue skies, the dazzling sunlight is painful according to his eye! 徐缺重新睁开眼时,看到的是一片蓝天白云,刺眼的阳光照得他眼睛生疼! However, the strength that he is implicated did not have, can only tranquil lying down in same place, is also very calm! 但是,他连坐起来的力气都没了,只能平静的躺在原地,心情也很平静! Lived!” “又活下来了!” In his heart light smiles, actually somewhat fails. 他心中淡淡一笑,却又有些落空。 Oneself were lives, but Lan Xinyue and Lan Hetu they, how actually did not know! 自己算是活下来了,可蓝芯玥蓝河图他们,却不知道怎么样了! However by his current condition , is unable to defend oneself, he can perceive, oneself injury possibly innovated to record, absolutely any time was more serious than the past, even was bombed by six color Fire Lotus is more frigid than! 不过以他目前的状况,也算是自身难保,他能觉察得到,自己的伤势可能又创新记录了,绝对比以往任何一次还要严重,甚至比被六色火莲轰炸过都要惨烈! The eye is also all right luckily, although is also very sore, but can also rotate at least slightly several. 幸好眼睛还没事,虽然也很疼,但起码还能稍微转动几下。 Quick, Xu Que also sizes up all around environment, is almost a bare rock, oneself lie down on rock mountain probably, what made his surprised was, surrounding Spirit Qi was very rich, since he woke up, these Spirit Qi then crazy filled to well up toward oneself within the body like the rivers. 很快,徐缺也打量到四周的环境,几乎是一片光秃秃的岩石,自己好像躺在一座岩石山上,但令他惊讶的是,周围的灵气十分浓郁,从他醒来之后,那些灵气便如河流般疯狂往自己体内灌涌。 Such rich was Spirit Qi, is it possible that...... arrives in Profound Yellow Continent smoothly?” In Xu Que heart immediately one happy. “这么浓郁的灵气,莫非是……顺利抵达玄黄洲了?”徐缺心中当即一喜。 Actually although he is unable to determine now in, but so rich Spirit Qi, means that now the world, wants High Level compared with past any cultivation world absolutely. 虽然他也无法确定现在究竟在哪,但如此浓郁的灵气,就意味着现在所处的世界,绝对比以往任何一个修仙界都要高级 „It is not right, here is not Profound Yellow Continent!” “不对,这里不是玄黄洲!” Suddenly, Xu Que remembered anything, the happy expression in the eye pupils just revealing, cannot help but desolate. 突然,徐缺想起了什么,眼眸间刚露出的喜色,不由得落寞了下去。 If Fu Shangchuan said, in the Profound Yellow Continent world, lacked Life And Death Regulation! 符山川所说,玄黄洲的天地间,是缺乏了生死规则的! But Xu Que from flooding into within the body Spirit Qi, can distinguish, this Heaven and Earth Regulation(s) is very complete, not like Fu Shangchuan description. 徐缺从涌入体内灵气,可以分辨得出来,这一界的天地规则十分完整,并不像符山川描述的一样。 Therefore he basically can determine, oneself not in Profound Yellow Continent! 所以他基本可以确定,自己并不在玄黄洲 Made so many, drift off?” Xu Que cannot help but is startled at heart bitterly and astringently, this why so difficult! “难道做了这么多,又跑偏了吗?”徐缺心里不由得一怔苦涩,为什么这一路就这么难呢! However turns over to uncomfortable uncomfortable, at present is most important saves the poor life! 然而不爽归不爽,眼下最要紧还是保住小命! He had opened the System self-recovery function, but this chapter of injury is very pitifully serious, can only slowly restore as before, anxiously also anxiously. 他已经开启了系统自动恢复功能,但可惜这回伤势十分惨重,依旧只能缓慢的恢复,急也急不来。 Xu Que also closed the eye simply directly, the broad daylight deep sleep above rock. 徐缺干脆也直接闭上了眼,光天化日的趟在岩石上方沉睡了起来。 This rests, as if rested fully for three days and three nights! 这一睡,似乎就整整睡了三天三夜! Until this day, surroundings finally no longer peaceful, heard several sounds of footsteps from afar, buzz of conversation. 直到这一日,周围终于不再安静,远远传来了几道脚步声,还有谈话声。 Oh, goes out several years, cannot think that has achieved nothing eventually!” “唉,出门数年,想不到终究一无所获!” 2nd Miss, like this, our several days of time, do not give up!” 二小姐,你不要这样,我们还有几天时间呢,千万别放弃!” So many years seek less than Refining Great Master, now only remain several days, but also discussed that what do not give up!” “这么多年都寻不到一位炼器大师,如今只剩数日,还谈何别放弃呢!” Snort, blames the little young master, said that what expert in folk, is deceives people, true Refining Great Master, how possibly could not find casually!” “哼,都怪小少爷,说什么高手在民间,全是骗人的,真正的炼器大师,怎么可能随随便便找得到呢!” „, This does not blame him, in the past we also only remained this means that perhaps is the divine intervention so!” “罢了,这也不怪他,当年我们也只剩这个办法了,或许是天意如此吧!” 2nd Miss, I do not believe that we go all over so many places, could not find a hidden world Refining Great Master, can some people be up to mischief?” 二小姐,我就不信了,我们走遍那么多地方,就偏偏找不到一位隐世的炼器大师,会不会是有人在搞鬼?” Perhaps...... is our chance is insufficient!” “也许……是我们机缘不够吧!” Well, 2nd Miss, front was secure Heshan, I heard that this mountain very worked, had Mountain God to bless, perhaps did obeisance, we can increase the chance!” “咦,二小姐,前面就是安和山了,我听说这座山很灵的,有山神庇佑,也许拜一拜,我们就可以增加机缘了!” Little Ru, your practice so many years, how also believed folk that set!” 小茹,你都修炼这么多年了,怎么还听信民间那一套呢!” Hee hee, the so-called rumor, not necessarily does not have, because, does obeisance not suffer a loss in any case, perhaps really has Mountain God to arrive at our Earth Continent, making us find Refining Great Master?” “嘻嘻,所谓空穴来风,未必无因,反正拜一拜又不吃亏,说不定真的就有山神降临我们地洲,让我们找到炼器大师了呢?” ...... …… The dialogues of two female voices just discussed this, the Xu Que whole person sobered suddenly! 两道女声的对话刚谈论到此,徐缺整个人猛然清醒了过来! Earth Continent?” 地洲?” Xu Que whiz, stood from the ground instantaneously, the whole face startled and is pleasantly surprised mixed! 徐缺嗖的一下,瞬间从地上站了起来,满脸愕然与惊喜交杂着! They just said that is Earth Continent? 她们刚刚说的,是地洲 Haven't I misunderstood? 我没听错吧? After various tribulations, has not thought that inadequate Profound Yellow Continent, did arrive at Earth Continent on the contrary directly? 历经各种磨难,没想到去不成玄黄洲,反倒直接来到地洲了? hahahaha!” 哈哈哈哈!” Thinks of this, Xu Que immediately being unable to bear stands on rock mountain laughs loudly. 想到这,徐缺顿时忍不住站在岩石山上放声大笑起来。 However, his smooth body, under shining of sunlight, shelterless presents before two young women. 然而,他那光溜溜的身子,也在阳光的照耀下,毫无遮掩的呈现在两名年轻女子面前。 Two women's whole faces stare dull, is looking up at Xu Que...... the white and tender body. 两名女子满脸呆愣,仰视着徐缺……的白嫩嫩身躯。 Next quarter, together grating scream sound! 下一刻,一道刺耳的尖叫声响了起来! Ah…… 啊…… 2nd Miss, you looked quickly, Mountain God manifested a spirit, and has not worn the clothes!” 二小姐,你快看呐,山神显灵了,而且还没穿衣服!” ...... …… ...... …… Eighth delivers!! Good to owe, these eight chapters of numbers of words can actually be divided into ten chapters, for everyone looks carefree, I did not have to disrupt the rhythm specially, everyone looked in any case happily good! 【第八更送到!呀!好亏哟,这八章的字数其实可以分成十章了,不过为了各位看得畅快,我就没特意去打乱节奏了,反正大家看得开心就好! You think that erupted finished to here?, I first do not eat meal, in the afternoon we also has with the evening! 你们以为爆发到这里就结束了?不不不,我先去吃个饭,下午跟晚上咱们还有! Finally, asking the wave monthly ticket with hitting to enjoy, thank you! 】 最后,求波月票与打赏,谢谢大家!】
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