UMDK :: Volume #17

#1693: Falls in love to kill

Agreement has not cashed, you have not come back......” and gorgeous sunlight are slanting are sprinkling the pavilion, shines above Bai Qianyu that beautiful facial features, his skin has to plant nearly transparent fairness. “约定没有兑现,你也没有回来……”和绚的阳光斜着洒落凉亭,映照在白浅予那绝美的面容之上,其皮肤有种近乎透明的白皙。 Long eyelash gently flood, fine facial features beautiful some do not only make sense. 长长的眼睫毛轻轻的泛动,精致的五官唯美的有些不太像话。 Nice saying goodbye does not have! If we had known our father and daughter's fate such shallow words, I said initially anything will not make you leave......” Bai Qianyu to close one's eyes to mutter lightly. “连个像样的‘道别’都没有呢!倘若早知道我们父女的缘份这么浅的话,当初我说什么都不会让你离开……”白浅予轻闭着眼睛喃喃自语。 Fifth that year early morning, was in her life the biggest regret. 五岁那年的清晨,是她一生中最大的遗憾。 When she, that regret enlarge to infinitely desolately. 当她独自一人的时候,那份遗憾就会无限的放大为落寞。 The time is an inferior physician, can treat all various illnesses. 都说时间是个庸医,能够医治百病。 May have the regret that whenever recalls, made one to handle to guard. 可有的遗憾,每当回想起来,都叫人措不及防。 ...... Unexpectedly, at this moment, disorderly and rapid sound of footsteps transmitting from far to near. ……蓦地,就在这时,一阵杂乱且略带急促的脚步声由远至近的传来。 The alarmed Bai Qianyu beautiful eye was opened, some surprise looks at the form to pass on the direction that. 受到惊动的白浅予美目睁开,有些诧异的望着身影传过来的方向。 Here is her private residence, usually in besides looks after the clear moon/month elder who since childhood she grows up, hardly knows some people to come. 要知道,这里是她的私人住所,平日里除了从小照顾她长大的清月长老之外,几乎不会有人前来。 Listens to the sound of footsteps, but also incessantly 12 individuals. 听脚步声,还不止一两个人。 From doubts to surprise. 从疑惑到诧异。 Also in surprise to astonished. 又于诧异到惊愕。 Bai Qianyu subconscious sets out, one group of from the bench map her view is hard to imagine absolutely. 白浅予下意识的从长椅上起身,映入她眼帘的一行人绝对是难以想象到的。 The stars Great Emperor, swallows the Great Emperor, the aggressive form that the wild emperor...... these three has an imposing appearance is sending out always the powerful imposing manner of making the person palpitation. 星辰大帝,吞噬大帝,荒帝……这三位气宇轩昂的霸气身影无时无刻都散发着令人心悸的强大气势。 However, the Bai Qianyu vision is actually tight stopping falls on the body of Chu Hen. 不过,白浅予的目光却是紧紧的停落在楚痕的身上。 Her jade handles gently grasps, in the beautiful pupil still has complex. 她玉手轻握,美眸之中犹有复杂。 Two people look connection, on the face of Chu Hen are also have many trains of thought and deepness. 两人的眼神交汇,楚痕的脸上亦是有着诸多思绪和深沉。 Why...... will come so many people suddenly? ……为什么突然会来这么多人? Even big does Imperial Capital of strongest Saint clan appear here? 甚至连最强圣族的大帝都出现在这里? What happened? 发生什么事了? Bai Qianyu even more loses presence of mind at a loss. 白浅予愈发的茫然失措。 Your this is......” does not need Bai Qianyu to speak the inquiry, the peerless grace and talent, the elegant beautiful woman walks up together alone. “你们这是……”不待白浅予出言询问,一道风华绝代,雍容华贵的美丽女人独自走上前去。 Bai Qianyu was startled, reviews faces up to move toward own woman. 白浅予怔了一下,回眸正视走向自己的女人。 This is a very pretty woman. 这是个非常漂亮的女人。 The makings, are the appearance, can be called is peerless unparalleled. 不论是气质,还是容貌,都称得上是绝世无双。 Her approaching Bai Qianyu step by step, the corners of the mouth on select slightly, in happy expression, has several points of light apology and compunction. 她一步一步的走近白浅予,嘴角微微上挑,浅浅的笑意中,又带着几分淡淡的歉意和内疚。 Nearby people have a profound meaning looks at front one. 旁边的众人有所深意的看着前面一幕。 And detected, two people appearances unexpectedly are somewhat similar. 且不禁发觉,两人的样貌竟是有些相似。 Especially their eyes. 尤其是她们的那双眼睛。 Just like peach blossom. 宛若桃花。 If a pair of bright and beautiful moving, clear pupil water. 一双明秀动人,清眸若水。 A pair gently beautiful deep and quiet, overflowing ripple mark. 一双柔美深幽,流溢涟纹。 ...... You are, who?” ……“你是,谁?” Bai Qianyu sound cannot help but has several points to tremble lightly, her innermost feelings do not know that is why anxious. 白浅予的声音不由自主的带着几分轻颤,她的内心不知为何为之不安。 Her inexplicable feeling this strange woman has the type at present not say familiar feeling. 她莫名的感觉眼前这个陌生的女人有种说不出来的“熟悉”感。 I am Nine Nether Great Emperor......” the opposite party replied in a soft voice. “我是九幽大帝……”对方轻声回答。 Nine Nether Great Emperor? 九幽大帝 Bai Qianyu stares. 白浅予一愣。 But, the opposite party continues saying that „, but I want to hear you to shout me mother......” whish!” 而,对方继续说道,“但我更想听到你喊我一声‘娘’……”“哗!” Such remarks, the heart of audience everyone shakes immediately. 此言一出,全场每个人的心头顿时为之一震。 The stars, the serious famine, swallows three big Imperial Capital narrowed the corner of the eye. 星辰,大荒,吞噬三位大帝都不禁的眯起了眼角。 Is Bai Qianyu Emperor white and Nine Nether Great Emperor lives unexpectedly? 白浅予竟是白帝和九幽大帝所生? ...... Gives the elder sister shallowly is my biological elder sister?” ……“浅予姐姐是我亲姐姐?” Luo Mengshang is a face is also unbelievable. 洛梦裳同样是一脸难以置信。 Nearby Chu Hen also feels the shock. 一旁的楚痕亦是倍感震惊。 Although on coming the road in cloud boundary/world Baidicheng, in the heart of people have many guesses, but has not thought, Nine Nether Great Emperor can be the Bai Qianyu birth mother unexpectedly. 尽管在来云界白帝城的路上,众人的心中已经有着诸多猜测,但都没有想到,九幽大帝竟会是白浅予的生母。 Shock! Stunned! Accidental/Surprised! The words, how could it not be is that Luo Mengshang father also Emperor white? 震惊!错愕!意外!如此说来的话,那洛梦裳的父亲亦岂不也是白帝? ...... Chaotic! The heart of everyone somewhat is chaotic. ……乱!每个人的心头都有些混乱。 Especially Bai Qianyu oneself, she handles to guard very much, and at a loss loses presence of mind is seeking for anything in the crowd, when she sees the clear moon/month elder, throws by praying for rescue hastily look. 尤其是白浅予本人,她很是措不及防,且茫然失措的在人群中找寻着什么,当她看到清月长老的时候,连忙投以“求救”的眼神。 But, the clear moon/month elder squeezes out one dry the smile, and loving tenderly. 而,清月长老挤出一丝干涩且怜爱的笑容。 And nods to Bai Qianyu. 并向白浅予点了点头。 ...... Bai Qianyu as if a little cannot come to a stop, she one is hand-held the parapet of pavilion, double pupil faint flood red. ……白浅予似乎有点站不稳,她一手扶着凉亭的栏杆,双眸隐隐泛红。 „Are you my mother?” “你是我娘?” Her facial expression is somewhat absent-minded. 她的神情有些恍惚。 Suddenly got down so many people. 突然一下来了这么多人。 Nine Nether Great Emperor that usually has not met said that is her mother. 素未谋面的九幽大帝自称是她的母亲。 Bai Qianyu has been utterly confused. 白浅予已然是心乱如麻。 She somewhat could not halt eventually, sits on the bench of pavilion directly. 她终究是有些站不住了,直接是又坐在凉亭的长椅上。 Sorry, for a long time asks you......” Nine Nether Great Emperor to fill with guilty saying. “对不起,这么久才来找你……”九幽大帝满怀愧疚的说道。 Bai Qianyu has not spoken. 白浅予没有说话。 Peripheral people also looking pensive. 周边的众人也都若有所思。 Atmosphere quiet half sound. 气氛沉寂了半响。 Can Bai Qianyu raising the head slowly, whybe you? 白浅予缓缓的抬起头,“为什么会是你? Now why tells me? ” 为什么现在才来告诉我?” Once, Bai Qianyu has like the sea words at heart wants to say to her mother. 曾经,白浅予的心里有着如同大海般的话想要对她的母亲说。 But when the opposite party stands in her front truly, she was somewhat confused. 可是当对方真正站在她的面前的时候,她有些迷茫了。 She has thought, oneself mother mostly is only an ordinary woman. 她一直以为,自己的母亲多半只是个普普通通的女人。 Otherwise, how the world can not know her existence. 不然的话,世人怎会不知道她的存在。 However, one is Emperor white, one is Nine Nether Great Emperor. 然,一个是白帝,一个是九幽大帝 Actually has the so unknown secret. 竟然藏有如此不为人知的秘密。 ...... Nine Nether Great Emperor sighed lightly, flashed the faint trace to be sad in her pupil. ……九幽大帝轻叹口气,在她的眸中亦是闪动着丝丝哀伤。 I and his character does not gather, although your father is letting me everywhere, but argues at many matter unavoidably......”, although Nine Nether Great Emperor and Emperor white have supported each other for many years, the position and status that because two people are different, will frequently have the contradiction and conflict. “我和他的性格不合,尽管你父亲处处都让着我,但还是免不了在诸多事情上发生争执……”尽管九幽大帝和白帝早已相守多年,但因为两个人所处在的地位和身份不同,经常会发生了矛盾和冲突。 And, the biggest point of dispute, is Demon Eyes Sacred Clan. 其中,最大的争执点,就是“妖瞳圣族”。 ...... Well-known, Demon Eyes Sacred Clan and Divine Eyes Sacred Clan since the ancient times, are old enemies. ……众所周知,妖瞳圣族神眼圣族自古以来,就是宿敌。 Between two clans the contradiction that has is countless. 两族之间的所发生的矛盾更是不计其数。 Nine Nether Great Emperor and Demon Eyes Sacred Clan Li Zhixia, is the Chu Hen mother, the relations especially are better. 偏偏,九幽大帝妖瞳圣族离知夏,也是楚痕的母亲,关系尤为要好。 On the one hand is the good friend of sentiment with sisters. 一方面是情同姐妹的好友。 On the one hand is the person of loving. 一方面是所爱之人。 Because in two relations converging attack, Nine Nether Great Emperor cannot publicize their relations with Emperor white. 正是因为处于两种关系的“夹击”之下,以致于九幽大帝一直未能够和白帝公开他们的关系。 Although is not the complete reason, but this absolutely is the primary factor. 虽然不是全部的原因,但这绝对是主要因素。 That in character does not gather, Nine Nether Great Emperor and relational uneven performance of Emperor white, even if in giving birth to Bai Qianyu period, two people had once erupted the intense quarrel. 加之性格上的不合,九幽大帝和白帝的关系时好时坏,即便是在生下白浅予的期间,两人都曾爆发过激烈的争吵。 A quarrel, even meets for several months, even is 1-2 years does not relate. 一次争吵,甚至会几个月,甚至是1-2不联系。 I scolded him only to think my millenium hegemony, is not willing to put down for me with the Demon Eyes Sacred Clan gratitude and grudges......, but he also reprimanded me to ignore the dignity choice of Divine Eyes Sacred Clan to make peace with Demon Eyes Sacred Clan, quarrelled each time the intense time, even will also attack brutally......” Nine Nether Great Emperor to recall. “我骂他只想着自己的千秋霸业,不肯为了我而放下和妖瞳圣族的恩怨……而他也斥责我不顾神眼圣族的尊严选择同妖瞳圣族言和,每次吵到激烈的时候,甚至都还会大打出手……”九幽大帝回忆道。 The corners of the mouth actually also reveal several points of dry forced smile unavoidably. 嘴角却也不免露出几分干涩的苦笑。 Before the world, they are the supreme Saint clan Great Emperor. 在世人面前,他们是至高无上的圣族大帝。 But after the person, actually also for the worry person who the sentiment is stranded. 而在人后,却也不过是为情所困的烦恼人。 „After afterward I gave birth to you, is thinking his time should look made concessions one step...... to be possible his silence to make me in your share fly into a rage, I was in a rage, returned to Nine Nether Sacred Clan alone, and said that never wants to see him again......, but he also took away Divine Eyes Sacred Clan you......” naturally, Nine Nether Great Emperor gave birth to Bai Qianyu, the world does not know. “后来我生下你之后,想着他这次该看在你的份上退让一步了……可他的沉默又让我大发雷霆,我一怒之下,就独自回了九幽圣族,且说永远都不想再见到他……而他也把你带去了神眼圣族……”当然了,九幽大帝生下白浅予,世人并不知晓。 At that time, the world only knows that Emperor white had a daughter, but who his birth mother is, has never told the outside world. 那时,世人只知道白帝有了一个女儿,但其生母是谁,从未向外界透露过。 And also no one dares to inquire this matter to Emperor white. 且也没有人敢向白帝询问此事。 As for Nine Nether Great Emperor, the world does not know that she and Emperor white gives birth to the matter of daughter. 至于九幽大帝,世人也根本不知道她和白帝产下女儿之事。 Even if existence of Luo Mengshang, in the past knew this matter also only had ancient quiet/dark. 纵然是洛梦裳的存在,当年知晓此事的也唯有古幽一人而已。 Afterward? “后来呢? Hasn't really met again? ” 真的就没有再见面了吗?” Bai Qianyu silvers tooth is nipping the red lip lightly, said. 白浅予牙轻咬着红唇,道。 Nine Nether Great Emperor a little crabbed smiling. 九幽大帝有点艰涩的笑了笑。 How possibly not to meet, after all knows what said is only the angry words. “怎么可能不见面,毕竟都知道说的只是气话而已。 He will tell me about you in all of Baidicheng, how told me to grow up about you slowly. ” 他会告诉我关于你在白帝城的一切,告诉我关于你是如何慢慢长大的。” „Don't you want to see me?” “那你就不想见我吗?” Bai Qianyu eye socket flood red, annoys the person to take pity on. 白浅予眼眶泛红,惹人怜惜。 Thinks! Thinks very much!” “想!很想!” The eye pupil of Nine Nether Great Emperor is gentle and guilty, „, but I have had the selfishness, I hope through you, making him be able to alleviate and relations of Demon Eyes Sacred Clan. 九幽大帝的眼眸温柔且内疚,“但是我一直都有私心,我希望通过你,让他能够缓解一下和妖瞳圣族的关系。 In fact, this is also only our excuse, in is so together long, quarrelling was so long, I am more, but wants to make every effort to succeed. 事实上,这也只是我们的一个借口罢了,在一起那么久,争吵了那么久,我更多的,只是想争一口气。 Perhaps I only want to know, is the Divine Eyes Sacred Clan dignity to be actually important, our mother and daughter are more important......, therefore I told him, a day did not put down with the Demon Eyes Sacred Clan gratitude and grudges, my one day did not see you...... ” the Nine Nether Great Emperor sound to be very light. 或许我只想知道,究竟是神眼圣族的尊严重要,还是我们母女二人更为重要……所以我告诉他,一天不放下和妖瞳圣族的恩怨,我就一天不去见你……”九幽大帝的声音很轻。 Not only has to the helplessness of past events, and has many regrets. 既有着对往事的无奈,又怀揣着诸多的遗憾。 Keeps aloof obviously, the supreme King who has the power. 明明是高高在上,掌握大权的至尊王者。 May also make this bored and absurd matter. 可也做出了这种无聊且荒谬的事情。 For face. 只是为了面子。 both sides unceasing suffering opposite party. 双方不断的“折磨”着对方。 Women! Sometimes, the vision is very long, long enough to can look to put on all of road ahead. 女人!有的时候,眼界很长,长到可以望穿前路的一切。 Sometimes, is very narrow, narrowly to only to make every effort to succeed. 有的时候,却很狭隘,狭隘到只为了争一口气。 Nine Nether Great Emperor and Emperor white, said that it to fall in love to kill is not also overrated. 九幽大帝和白帝,说其为相爱相杀亦不为过。 ...... Nine Nether Great Emperor and Emperor white, although deeply is loving each other. ……九幽大帝和白帝,尽管相互深爱着对方。 But that uneven performance, the off and on relations, have made a better opportunity not announce all in private outward. 可私下那时好时坏,断断续续的关系,一直令没有更好的机会向外公布一切。 However, matter in Bai Qianyu fifth that year, had the giant turning point. 然,事情在白浅予五岁那年,发生了巨大的转折点。 That year. 那一年。 Emperor white reached agreement with it Demon Eyes Great Emperor in the vault of heaven palace, conducted war in Tennouzan. 白帝与之妖瞳大帝相约于苍穹殿,进行于“天王山之战”。 Also in that year. 也就在那一年。 Demon Eyes Sacred Clan suffers the unprecedented heavy losses. 妖瞳圣族遭遇前所未有的重创。 A chaos clan welcomed the total destruction. 混沌一族更是迎来了灭顶之灾。 But, Emperor white, Demon Eyes Great Emperor both falls from the sky in the vault of heaven palace. 而,白帝,妖瞳大帝更是双双陨落于苍穹殿。 That year. 那一年。 Absolutely is in the person of clan history, one of events most is not willing to mention. 绝对是人族历史上,最为不愿提及的事件之一。 Fell from the sky one time two person clan Great Emperor. 一次性陨落了两位人族大帝。 World entirely tremor!...... Therefore , Demon Eyes Sacred Clan and a chaos clan was extinguished, is really my father behavior?” 世间俱颤!……“所以说,妖瞳圣族和混沌一族被灭,真的是我爹所为吗?” Asking that the Bai Qianyu sound shivers. 白浅予声音颤抖的问道。 In the beloved person and Saint clan dignity front. 在心爱之人和圣族尊严的面前。 Emperor white chose the millenium hegemony eventually! Can't Divine Eyes Sacred Clan, accommodate existence of Demon Eyes Sacred Clan finally? 白帝终究是选择了千秋霸业!神眼圣族,最终还是容不下妖瞳圣族的存在? Incisiveness that...... the Chu Hen look quietly changes, both hands grip tightly the fist. ……楚痕的眼神悄然变的尖锐,双手不禁紧握成拳。 Nearby Luo Mengshang is also fills with anxiously. 一旁的洛梦裳亦是满怀紧张。 However, in the Nine Nether Great Emperor mouth is actually incomparably firm puts out a character. 然,九幽大帝的口中却是无比坚决的吐出一个字。 No!” “不!”
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