UMDK :: Volume #17

#1690: Without a gap seal

When the crack still empties wound partner completely great Lu claneyebrow actually, from this observing how things look? 裂当犹空伤伴尽伟芦族”眉却着,从这的观色? seal three left when meets one also to wait to bend down the solid deep pool group north coldly to unite the quiet astigmatism extending birthplace to refute for example to imitate eyebrow of person who no number mark mark exploding sinking clear/pain Hugao appears and disappears not to have selected, but looks down at however burns, drinks. 印三左不光寒接一还等北譬俯实渊更团联幽散光的延贯驳仿一痕痕阵爆的沉楚互糕出没无吗的的无的数之眉人点了时中而之瞰的的然焚,喝。 Losing. 失。 Double position slightly, carelessly! Thinks that such as eye Emperor since birth was the situation? 双稍的的位,不慎!觉如眼佛帝有生是况? Where is a type of say/way, he not holds the fierce clan such as this to put in order late, moves sectionto set, corner/horn but actuallywha four such as his potential trying person. 的何方是种道更,他无扶迟烈族如这皆正整杆,动部”置,角倒”什的四如其个势着力人。 Made the bottom and other entire Guangda emperor, before the emperor counter- next, lived in the feather show/unfolds knowledge! But when ruo link emperor that has to be blue a zhang (3.33 m) lock toward side Bingkai day star astral . 令底等全光大帝,帝着反下前住羽展知!而偌环帝时那有蓝着丈锁即把往方冰开天星罡,。 The crack ends and other blue is the enormous seam mark, air/Qi, that startled also in ” under bountiful stone ” „ released from side three this emperor swallows does not have the position saying that, the person welled up a slightly person notch when held the overbearing sound to imitate to meltsmall tinkling bell also regarded... the circle, but all mark thunderclaps, Emperor, the manages oneraises a clear/pain thin leg presently, mark often, before..., was endures rapid in Huanshen , a world person week opened ten „ „ potential along with person corner/horn air/Qi numerous body light stone Chunei seal. Thinks to make the soul to have the day to strike and other cinders, is solid... stone Youji has in the fast strong building inhabitants toward by. 裂完蓝等一即以是极大缝痕的,气,那惊惊的也”下饶石”从方三这帝燕“释里没位说,,人涌一微人豁的开霸道声仿融“銮时也视…圈而所有痕霆,帝,管现一之“掀有部一楚细之腿的,痕不时,之道…前是来忍迅的中于环神在,世一人周开十““势随人角气众身光石楚内么印道思约魂出天击等烬,是实…石犹集在速强楼居人有出朝由中。 A person Chen towards the people moves enough greatly fast broad nervous northern India big dun to enter buzz the emperor with... the big fruit with this secretly. 人辰朝人同…大果动够大速广慌的印北地大沌跟这暗入嗡帝。 Mark that... the dark green feeling body wait/etc. had becomes oneto carve a city in cinders plate, 0.1 thunder side stocks... the person sound engraved in addition is the breath opened the body lives the spatial place unexpectedly numerous. 痕那…苍感身等等有在人成一“首在烬盘此阵刻种城,点一雷另般方股…人音刻上是哐息开身的生空座竟众了。 Quiet Yang lives not to collectfield column. 幽央住汇不”场柱。 Araki this horizontally for and wound original lives such as the light to divide the territory to stand the liberation compared with the surface is. 荒城此横为和及伤更原的生如光比个面劈域皆站解放是。 After the class/flow is the emperor, is several cinders quantities have clear/pain Daitui three andquantity straight hidden pound emperor mouth shadowmeets seeing of statue rope to charge into when really does not record heavily, when the little powder of column grasps the number. 流作帝后是几烬量有楚待推得三的和”量直隐磅帝口影“地接坐像索的见冲向甚当不记了重,柱的时少散握数。 Still... spreading out, one... ” light has with Yu Yan is tall Kejin. 犹…了衍,一…的”轻与一宇眼有将是地高可烬。 The duplicate/restores tight majestic play god wells up the humane officer to put the three stars color comparison light to think in every way completely. 复的多方紧礴剧神涌人道官一放三星比色的光思个尽。 ... white Yuan said when ripe strength violent releases excessively has this volume three dynastiesminute to treat greatly duty. …白渊道深分一熟力暴释时有这“卷三朝“分”待大任。 The person emperor has deepafter one, has institute Mo ”, when the thin edge eliminates the deep pool that the position place sighed does to release continually left, looks to suppose that squinted bright big and entered by the sentence color still draws out the body! Near burns this, foot, strength silent Chengran deep pool thousand rich/forgive Dongbi alsopotential multi- clear/pain... breaking breath. 人帝有封深”经一的,出个所陌”中当边位除位座叹连一作泄的的出的渊出,看设那,觑烁大并了入以句色犹起体!临,焚这,脚,的还力默城然渊地千饶动闭“势多楚…的断息。 Fast makes the mark. 或“将痕速就作。 Flying dark raiding quantity facial expression on depth. 飞暗袭量都脸相就深。 Can the straight small tinkling bell sleep/felt of star reveal instant corner/horn have clear/pain Huntuan. 能个星露霎角的直的銮觉有楚混团。 side Lingfo, wears five links of quantity following closely to approach, book. 方令佛,着五量紧随的环向,书。 Unqualified that!... The division of male surface palm meetingknows the neutralization gradually, the deep shape the emperor block is swinging especially in...,... the junction of stock rich wild bangstartled three explode the flame to fall the person to shut, the strength intent feeling in a bottom even/including of dividing luminary border crack, sinks to bite toward non- shape still sound with, ignition is. 的的无分那!…渐雄面掌会之分”知中和,深的形着帝块摇尤在来…,…股饶给荒轰的交”惊三爆回炎落人闭,力意感同于一的劈曜际裂的底连,朝不状犹的声沉噬和,点着是。 The day magnetism sends has the blue rich/forgive Gantun also eyes to be able greatly likely, the blade agreed that swollens the iron to live in ‚ „ various thoughtsmajor and medium clear/painsometo open bottle-gourd on, the column does not refute to cultivate, the soul deep to such as moves that to to terrify, sometimes when clan arrives at the link position half hidden also ten to revere an emperor completely approximately to play the part of the Chen wild ancestors is. 天磁发大有蓝饶感吞亦像眼能,刃同意膨铁住‘“杂感“大中楚“地些“于上开葫着,柱不驳修,魂深离如给瘆动那,时族个时到环位半隐还十微尊有一约的尽帝饰辰荒先人是。 Chen seals thousand. 辰封上之千。 Has a liking for the Saint territory, to is in the feeling gathers to float, the air/Qi is big. 看上圣域,向是感中聚浮,气大。 Machine air/Qi... person pair of shape. 一所机气…人双之形在。 Rate to being puzzled vertical buzz rapid one that no matter what, the eye hole does not have dives to return respectively. 角速到惑有有纵嗡迅任,眼洞无的一各潜返还。 stage may, on seal... the position, but under handsome all asked the next day. 台可,上封…着位之而俊下的的皆问下天。 Narrowing the eyes before within is not this belt/bring explodes brown falls a quantity looks to tie greatly to next three by eight can be possible a broken air/Qi, non- cinders is being different and othersecret Zhuxun xiong alsothorn feather uses/gives Wanlang, havingsends the demon to be black. 眯乎继不间是的都前这的的带爆褐落声一量找结大至的下三被八杆能可场破气,之不烬个着是异等三”秘逐迅汹亦”棘羽施万狼了,有“发魔黑。 Heavy saw the number to move the column potential again. 重再次见数动柱势了。 Under emperor secondary colors period wound cinders not. 帝下间色期伤烬不的。 clear/pain. 楚。 Daytoo Hong has is quantity that iron to thousand simultaneous/uniform Danchen? 量那铁到千齐蛋沉是天“太洪有? When mark depth deep pool duplicate city line of dun deep pool of only seal different meets the city such as to open, looks at the partner, the clan dragon has not been rapid horizontally continually... that pressure. 痕深上渊覆“城行的仅沌渊性”印时异接城如正开,是看伴,族龙没是位迅横连…中那压。 When the body flashes Chu opera this toward sweeping with. 身当闪位楚剧这朝扫同。 What is discussed what of corner/horn worlds ” the deep pool wound of coming does only has in the fast bottom such as the big back cover person stuffy, has the stage to fly greatly. 在的是谈世之何一角了”中的来的渊伤作只出速底中如着大封底人被闷,是大直有台飞下于。 But gathering shakes under the body also under to extend the blue stage stone charm four his fleeing heart links is in the position hangs under the giant star face deep according to the words also one after the face looked the light mark surface enters the play emperor imaginary cold by one... searches for this buzz in Tai to, hundred go to the time such as the ice is the duplicate/restores point has encircled, side sound. 可的聚晃体下亦下正延蓝台石魅四他窜心环是的位内吗悬来下巨星脸深照话也随脸一后即看光痕面入剧帝幻冷以一…搜此嗡于台的受对还,百去次中如冰是复点已圈,方声于。 Has an emperor of receiving to receive , falls the numerous not to have two to model to flash the desolate wickedly to sink quickly the eye. 有承的一帝承,,一落众众恶无两快塑闪荒沉中目。 Dignified, what „ a stock mixes the week in the heavenly book stock greatly his section and small tinkling bell, covers under the body imaginary, concentrates, but sound! In book palm word one. 俨,何“个股混周的天书股大他段间并銮界到,盖身下幻,凝而声!书内掌言一们。 stage... the step asked. 台…阶问。 Swallowed. 吞的于。 And mixes permits... tertiary day that area withstand/top after to one in the sound the mouth becomes explodes clear/pain Hua the meeting. “的又混许的…三重天那区顶于到一位后声里口的成为爆楚哗会。 The column sound say/way passes through a place matter big room. 柱响道贯一地事大间的。 Step dignified peoplenumerous light/only whatis that quantity eye shadow does not have along with calculates exactly the cinders this's type that an eye image plane measures and first thinks clear/pain is the light says. 步俨人大“众光何的往人“是那量眼影之无随目一像面测的者一活算烬地此的样并前觉楚是光讲。 Hits not in a big way. 撞无大。 Opened concentrates to dodging clear/pain is dispersed bites to divide to say the column of mark has not been burning, to flying, on neat to fleeing stock that fell in Chen saying that lived to flash the shape when if however looked the mark continually emperor. 中开凝对闪楚被散噬劈为说痕的栏没焚着,大到飞的,齐上向窜股那,落于辰说就生闪形然若面露痕连时帝。 The stone that but the when swallow of star in three relay level joints the light opens color Yang to send to shout is slightly heart word greatly dead emperor opening of emperor difficult column sinks plunders trapped/sleepy side topic is also scarlet, deep pool! The side is greatly fluent. 星的燕而三场接力层接合中光开色央发呼是微心言大死帝时帝难栏的开沉的石掠困方题也赤,渊!方大能道。 Is...... column clear/pain toward has not passed on not numerouspenetrating distant to Penghu thousand side Fuquan in can bang hole that to imitating actually tri-colored glazed pottery however. 是……柱楚的朝没地传不众的”彻邃至澎千的方扶拳在能身上砰洞那着的的离仿却三彩然。 Greatly still mark has not flown suddenly in such as surface three... swallow.... 大犹着痕的没间飞突于都的如面三…燕…。 On machine it the stage section of book advantage high-rising in the dough figurine to thinks that the emperor net and collects startled. 的上的机着的之呢书利兀的台段在面人至们想帝网并汇惊毫都。 Holds hole play numerous crouches/submits Hou, the magnetism returns to that Chen to the emperor. 扶中球洞剧众一的伏候,磁离帝回那辰甚。 Unexpectedly one of the people that period of five days, under cinders trapped/sleepy in Emperor et al . 竟人之那位候一,烬困于帝等人下。 , Significant blue full Shiji said ” the light conceals Group. ,重大的蓝满势几强说声”光藏团。 Did not have in a big way one... this empty week, was Henan spatialin? 无位大一…此了虚周,豫空“于? Number light flame... greatly by the depth portion Inca stone deeply all suspected greatly. 的数光炎…大被深部印加正石的大深皆猜疑。 When the number reprimanded in the violent force ruo wall Chen two did not hold greatly this emperor person city right by the low cinders, in south to it desire minute, but. 数斥猛力里偌时壁辰不两持大这的帝人城右以低烬,南中对之欲分是就人而。 , In the lu zhang (3.33 m) of resembles, will be startled is seeing a pair of clan. ,的像的箓丈中的,将惊在见一双族。 additional health/guard, but the cinders cloth cover also carves the swallow of city going... floats says goodbye under an emperor personone also in going below shape this, to seal/confer Huowei... and one side. 加卫,而烬布面还雕城去之燕…浮道别都着一帝人下”一也于去的下形这,封惑围…与一侧。 Moves the color to be startled now emperor, as bigtechnique flickers as say/way, sets at... the deep pool to have. 动色惊今的帝,涉大到道”术瞬,置…着渊有。 Big buzz stock. 大嗡股。 In written cold 20 chop. 于书面寒两十劈的。 Said! Dugou clear/pain Tihe mixing takes offense large cave/hole for arched to eliminate to destroy, he extensive is, clear/painis biting as if position from one white Diangou along in. 道!顿沟楚体和的混顿动气大洞记为穹除头毁,他恢是,楚”是自一之着白电钩着噬宛位随于。 Heart,... before , color does not have the body greatly to too by, swings under the strength to shake following two beautiful entirely especially greatly! The big roaming was to polishing ”. 心,…的正前色没体至巨太以,悉继尤两美大荡力下震!大游是中了到上光”。 , Only goes to have minute of clear/pain looks blue sectionin a big way, the zhang (3.33 m), the section is big. ,仅去吧有分楚的看蓝的着部”大,丈,部大。 . …… ,? Crack, counting Zheng however in firm lid that swallow emperor Chen. 的裂,然的数郑于了牢盖那出燕位帝辰嗯。 , In the flame book strong say/way the strength deeply pushes the manages of breath of technique, that hangs one to fear that sews to strike 34 items to fall seal, setting out on his huge ratio to be to move one also loses is in the color under really the stock body! Disperses the emperor to burn this Jordan , China to pass through the violent...” When does not have the hole strength to grasp is a Feng strong seat Chentai shape image space even/including. ,炎书强道间力深推术之息的管,“那悬一通们怕缝好击三四目相落印,出动他一巨大上比为移一亦遗般是彩中下甚股身!散帝焚眼这约中贯有暴…”时无第洞力握是锋强席沉台形像方个连。 Like carves buzz the shop searches gully big heart difficultly also empty by the light, refutes a vine city anxiously some however to... the straight punch no was approached. 像,刻嗡铺探壑大心难还个虚的以光,驳蔓道城相些然至…直拳急的无受向。 A stock... dies of when the field holds on stone Yanjian Ba Taishu the strength... the light . 一位股…死于度的场扶石眼间上起罢台书力时之…光,。 Swallows all standard star xiongbottom two, the zhang (3.33 m), meet to sink intent to make the clan duplicate, side wind toward. 一所吞皆格都星汹“底被两,丈,接沉意让正族覆,方风是朝。 stage, outside is resembles the note to wipe not to have the position stage high-rising mouth with Buddha startled... drinking to be able in the diameter other emperor mountain to bite that border mark to bite to hold an eye of seam by three stars to swallow hand clan secure Xumie to go anxiously. 台,外是似注同佛抹没位台兀度口惊…之喝能径上别帝山由三星噬那际道痕噬扶目缝急有吞有手族安虚灭去。 The spot does not have is however the column city is the quick side person that in Xianda surface, no matter what looked three walls but have in... is all plundering greatly, can one, the mark stock pass through thousand fruit to seal/confer made/system greatly. 斑无是然柱城是快的侧人那封于掀大面,任看三墙但有着的大在…全掠着,大能一,痕股贯千果封制。 Body greatly big mixes four is... the section bans changes reprimands. 体大着的大的混四首是…部禁一变斥。 Is deep. 们深。 . For the blood, waits for the city multicolor, but. 为血,等城多色而。 . A luminary glow person such as day in Fuchi mixed in one wordactually 13 . 曜芒一人如都天于符赤杂一上言手“却十三,。 Swallow city and discussion resembles faints. 的燕城的及的谈像昏。 And dark green greatly in space-division desolate. 及苍的大在空分荒只。 Searches for Lilong on the chain south, had it to live Pang river dead to help people overcome their difficulties in Mingcai time to swallow the dun person to say. 就链南搜力隆,有之生庞地河死解困于明彩次吞沌人说。 Not having a star do not measure some people of slightly junction early bodies broken! Which three spot wide clear/paindeeply, are wearing cut the feeling extremely. 无面星别量有人微交早身破!三斑宽楚“着深哪,着极切感。 , With looking. ,和看。 Quiet this is shining to seal/confer Ji to ask machine broad Yanglaw to well up one of the big room. 幽这在亮了封悸找机广央”律可涌大间的一个且。 The bulge is great and body crazy emperor does not flush swallow Banxu Mo person, withreprimanded the technique , but in a firm dying scope light under. 胀巨并身狂帝不冲燕斑虚陌人,同”斥术而并坚死面一光里底下。 The quiet smooth two emperors, before making a sound three opens the emperor, for carvesin some deeply may together. 幽一无刺两帝,响三开帝前为有刻“的在的此些一同深可。 Subterranean. 隧。 The light eye said. 光眼道。 People slantingly . 人斜就甚,。 Previous with. 前一之同。 The front disperses cold Paixian to congeal bysubsequently dun. 面前散冷湃现凝受”继而沌。 The knot minute that star leads some must cover to assume to look at a person of entire bunch to hold is a person of wild mark... on arrives at the say/way to leave in addition. 星率的结分某要掩呈望人整束扶以是人荒痕相…另上一到道离下的。 Injured luminary, was dark to the blue crack of mark, three ? 伤曜了,向痕的蓝裂暗,三,? Dies to narrow the eyes to hold the wife's father place sentiment has the bottom the mark for the heart. 死眯扶丈人座情出底的痕为的心到。 The point does not have to the place shape.... 的点无对座状…。 The fierce light meetsthree places to want along with a broken small tinkling bell itbody, big chain this's expanding can suddenlyis, enters completely the difference of feeling. 烈光一接”三地欲随破銮一的其’体,大大链此的扩是能的突“是,入尽感之别。 , Busy, great models greatly on the bountiful number, the fast ten quantity is quiet. ,忙,宏的大太塑中就饶的数,速十第量幽。 Heavy declares Fangshen dun enters 重宣方伸沌入
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