UMDK :: Volume #17

#1688: swallow Fushu

Bang......” intense strength hit causes the vault of heaven to collapse, earth-shattering. “轰嗵……”激烈的力量撞击引得苍穹坍塌,天崩地裂。 The hysterical/frenzy incomparable complementary waves throw off eight sides. 狂乱无比的余波掀翻八方。 In that confused terrifying power storm, just like the Fiendgod black empty shadow to block that to record the destructive golden palm potential impressively. 于那乱腾的恐怖力量风暴之中,一尊犹如神魔般的黑色虚影赫然挡住了那记毁灭性的金色掌势。 The inside and outside of entire cinders city are rocking fiercely. 整个烬城的内外都在剧烈晃动。 This is......” Li Wushang, rich/forgive Feiluan the both eyes circle opens the eyes, is panic-stricken. “这是……”离无伤,饶飞銮两人双目圆睁,皆是惊骇不已。 Body of Primal Chaos strength? 混沌之体的力量? And, was imprisoned Chu Hen in abyss gully by the powerful seal technique is also full of the shock, that pair of purple both eyes still has the surprise. 且,就连被强大的封印术所禁锢于深渊沟壑中的楚痕亦是饶有震惊,那双紫色的双瞳内部犹有诧异。 Came chaos bloodlines unexpectedly......” a ghost surface black-clothed person sends out the surprised confusion, at once, mask following vision slightly cold, looks askance to sweep to another side sky. “竟然又来了个混沌血脉……”其中一鬼面黑衣人发出惊疑的困惑,旋即,面具后面的目光微凛,侧目扫向另一侧的上空。 Together with Chu Hen, Li Wushang, rich/forgive Feiluan the line of sight, is seeing only void in that just like had/left several imposing forms. 连同着楚痕,离无伤,饶飞銮的视线,只见在那虚空中,俨然多出了几道气势不凡的身影。 Is the person of head is a semblance surpasses over 30 -year-old about men, that life has an imposing appearance, in the foreheads completely reveals the heroic spirit. 为首之人是个外表超过三十多岁左右的男子,那人生的气宇轩昂,眉宇间尽显英气。 And is surging the black flame glow that outside his body extremely intense strength fluctuation as well as moves restlessly. 且在他的身外涌动着极为强烈的力量波动以及躁动的黑色焰芒。 Obviously, making a move, is he. 很显然,出手者,正是他。 Those who made the person surprise was, man behind also has together the quite familiar form, before it, attack Chu Hen mysterious female when Kun city. 令人诧异的是,那男子的身后却是还有着一道较为熟悉的身影,其正是之前在坤城之时“袭击”楚痕的神秘女子。 ...... Chaos lineage/vein also leave leeway the family of the deceased.” ……“混沌一脉果真还留有遗族。” Li Wushang and rich/forgive Feiluan looks at each other one, is read in the opposite party eyes that wipes the shock. 离无伤和饶飞銮对视一眼,皆是读到对方眼中的那一抹震惊。 But the mysterious black-clothed person who that two bring the ghost mask although cannot see the expressions on their face, but is not difficult to imagine, their mood somewhat meetings have a fluctuation. 而那两个带着鬼面具的神秘黑衣人虽然看不到他们脸上的表情,但不难想象,他们的情绪多少会有着一丝波动。 Future who?” “来者何人?” And a ghost mask mysterious person cold sound shouted. 其中一个鬼面具神秘人凛声喝道。 Is the first male vision lifts lightly, light puts out several characters. 为首男子目光轻抬,淡淡的吐出几个字。 „A chaos clan, swallow Fushu......” a chaos clan! Four characters just like the startled day thunder in Jincheng sky crack. “混沌一族,燕扶书……”混沌一族!四个字犹如惊天雷霆般于烬城的上空炸响。 But swallow holds book these three characters, is imitates, if invisible cold wind sweeps across. 而“燕扶书”这三个字,更是仿若一股无形的凛风席卷开来。 „Does swallow hold the book?” “燕扶书?” The Li Wushang double fist grasps, in the eye still has unbelievable. 离无伤双拳一握,眼中犹有难以置信。 Another side rich/forgive Feiluan also looks the meanings of many shock. 另一侧的饶飞銮亦是面露诸多震惊之意。 „Is he, he actually also living?” “他,他竟然还活着?” ...... swallow Fushu. ……燕扶书。 Regarding this name, the world will not be strange. 对于这个名字,世人并不会陌生。 Continued to move toward these years of decline in a chaos clan, a chaos clan also once presented the too few number shocking outstanding character. 在混沌一族持续走向衰落的这些岁月,混沌一族也曾出现过少数惊艳卓绝的人物。 Although the quantity are extremely small. 虽然数量极少。 But has. 但并非没有。 But in the past, besides the Chu Ran day, in a chaos clan also had a innately gifted evildoer/monstrous talent character. 而当年,除了楚染天之外,混沌一族中还有一位天赋异禀的妖孽人物。 That person is not others, at present this swallow holds the book, initially he with the Chu Ran day two people by the world called it a chaos clan twin stars. 那人不是别人,正是眼前这位燕扶书,当初他与之楚染天二人被世人称之为混沌一族的“双子星”。 Also had swallow Fushu the assistance, the Chu Ran talent can gradually stabilize the situation of dejectedly not being able to withstand in a chaos clan deterioration to the condition of valley under. 也正是有了燕扶书的辅助,楚染天才能够在混沌一族衰败至谷底的境况下而逐渐稳住颓靡不堪的局势。 In the past a war. 当年一战。 A chaos clan met with the extermination of the clan catastrophe. 混沌一族遭逢灭族大祸。 The Chu Ran day, Li Zhixia is both missing. 楚染天,离知夏双双失踪。 And swallow Fushu also disappears without a trace. 且燕扶书也不知去向。 The world only say/way was swallow Fushu perishes dead in that war, who once expected, many years later this time, the opposite party will appear unexpectedly here. 世人只道是燕扶书于那场大战中殒命身亡,谁曾料想到,多年之后的今时今日,对方竟然会出现在这里。 Especially at Burning Heaven Sacred Clan bitter experience not well-known catastrophe, and at present under this complex situation appears, is to make one to be surprised. 尤其还是在焚天圣族遭遇未知名大祸,且眼前这种复杂局面下出现,更是叫人倍感意外。 ...... Bang!” ……“轰隆!” Also unexpectedly, at the same time, the land cuns (2.5 cm) break of Chu Hen whereabouts. 蓦地,也就在同一时间,楚痕所在之处的大地寸寸断裂。 That just like the abyss opening great seam gully to split to explode again, Chu Hen erupts dreadful black light luminary from top to bottom, then, the seal of it breaking through surface forcefully, mysterious ancient incantation rune/symbol Lu of tearing imprisonment beyond its. 那犹如深渊裂口般的巨缝沟壑再次从中绽爆开来,楚痕浑身上下爆发出滔天的黑色光曜,接着,其硬生生的冲破地表的封印,撕裂禁锢在其身外的神秘古老咒文符箓。 „......” Immediately, the endless boundless situation divulges eight sides, Chu Hen the dying out demon holds to grasp to murder the life god halberd spirit again to leap the body. “嗵……”随即,无尽的磅礴大势宣泄八方,楚痕所化的寂灭魔灵再次持握着弑命神戟跃身而起。 Inundates the place the wild complementary waves to swing filling the heavens toward all around by the potential of steamroll. 弥天漫地的狂暴余波以碾压之势朝着四周荡开。 Mysterious black-clothed person who that two bring the ghost mask subconscious flashes to draw back toward the rear area. 那两道带着鬼面具的神秘黑衣人下意识的朝着后方闪退出去。 Li Wushang, rich/forgive Feiluan heart one happy. 离无伤,饶飞銮两人的心头一喜。 A swallow of chaos clan holds the book is also the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards selects lightly, in the eye exudes several points of surprised color. 混沌一族的燕扶书亦是剑眉轻挑,眼中泛起几分惊讶之色。 ...... At the same time, that two mysterious black-clothed person who brings the ghost mask looks at each other one mutually. ……与此同时,那两位带着鬼面具的神秘黑衣人相互对视一眼。 What's wrong?” “如何?” A person of sinking sound asked. 一人沉声问道。 Snort......” another person of Yin severe Sen said with a smile, solved.” “哼……”另一人阴厉森笑道,“都解决掉。” Is having this intent!” “正有此意!” Instance that the words fall, two people within the body all are erupt a cage day to cover the place the terrifying imposing manner. 话落的瞬间,两人的体内皆是爆发出一股笼天盖地的恐怖气势。 The sky of entire cinders city falls into under the gray storm blockade that a piece sank secretly impressively. 整个烬城的上空赫然陷入了一片暗沉的灰色风暴封锁下。 „A losing evil of chaos clan, such as the ants live because of the place bottom are not good......” a black-clothed person holds to grasp the mountain cover heaven startled day situation to charge into swallow Fushu et al . “混沌一族的遗孽,如蝼蚁般活在地底不好么……”其中一黑衣人持握着山岳盖天的惊天大势冲向燕扶书等人。 Latter cold eye one cold, in the foreheads gushes out some cold glow. 后者凛目一寒,眉宇间涌出些许冷芒。 However, faces the opposite party that to press the anger of near storm unceasingly, swallow Fushu the corners of the mouth are actually exude to wipe light light to jeer. 然,面对着对方那不断压近的风暴之怒,燕扶书的嘴角却是泛起一抹淡淡的轻嘲。 Hid so many years, I and others is today......” strives, I then help you.” “藏了这么多年,我等的就是今天……”“既是求死,我便成全你。” Then, the black-clothed person holds the potential to rise steeply, crack of a skyscraping big hand in the gray storm of that highest heaven vault of heaven empties under. 说罢,那黑衣人掌势陡起,一记摩天大手于那九霄天穹的灰色风暴中裂空而下。 Obstructs day of the strength of extinguishing world shades the place causes eight side space rhythm to be all anxious. 遮天蔽地的灭世之力引得八方空间尽数律动不安。 Holds the book besides the swallow, the person of it behind several chaos clans all looks the Yin severe dignified color. 除了燕扶书之外,其身后的几位混沌一族之人皆是面露阴厉凝重之色。 Although does not know why you will appear here, but you can disappear......” mysterious black-clothed person cold Shengchi to say. “虽然不知道你们为什么会出现在这里,但你们可以消失了……”神秘黑衣人冷声斥道。 Another mysterious black-clothed person also curls up the powerful imposing manner suppression to charge into Chu Hen again. 另一个神秘黑衣人也卷起强大的气势压制再次冲向楚痕 ...... Bang!” ……“轰隆!” But, in this moment, sky over cinders city towering is shone by dazzling stars aurora. 而,也就在这一刻,烬城上空突兀的被一片绚丽夺目的星辰极光所照耀。 Star punishes executes the heart blade!” “星罚诛心刃!” The broad aggressive momentum shock and awe expansive sky, presents everyone's pupil is shrinks tightens to the pinnacle. 恢宏霸气的声势震慑长空,在座所有人的瞳孔皆是缩紧到极致。 Under innumerable say/way dazzling silver light chain connection, just like quenching collection myriad stars Shenhua cuts a day of great sword to have no dropping from the clouds of omen, attacks toward that directly to the swallow holds the book mysterious black-clothed person assault. 无数道璀璨夺目的银色光链交汇下,一记宛如淬集着万千星辰神华的斩天巨剑没有任何预兆的从天而降,径直朝着那攻向燕扶书的神秘黑衣人袭去。 power of stars? 星辰之力 The black-clothed person heart is startled. 那黑衣人心头一惊。 When hasty, it turns around hastily to the swallow holds the offensive of book, will wave the arms about to hold the vigor to welcome cuts to fall the stars great sword of vault of heaven to that. 仓促之际,其连忙掉转对燕扶书的攻势,甩手将掌劲迎向那斩落苍穹的星辰巨剑。 „......” Two terrifying strengths, once were connected, just like a day of star to split explodes. “嗵……”两股恐怖的力量一经交汇,犹如天星绽爆。 Contains endless is cutting the silver great blade of strength of killing as if to linger myriad gorgeous shadow wing light marks. 蕴含着无尽斩杀之力的银色巨刃仿佛萦绕着万千绚丽的影翼光纹。 With was twisted the space that shatters broken unceasingly, that stars great blade passed through the mysterious black-clothed person directly obstructs the day of palm potential, subsequently solid expression impact before its sky over. 伴随着不断被绞碎震裂的空间,那道星辰巨刃直接是贯穿了神秘黑衣人的遮天掌势,继而结结实实的宣泄冲击在其身前上空。 Bang......” void hollow shake. “砰……”虚空凹陷震荡。 Momentous strength complementary waves everywhere divulges, the huge impulse shakes to fly one after another that mysterious black-clothed person. 排山倒海的力量余波漫天宣泄,巨大的冲击力将那神秘黑衣人接连震飞出去。 In process that in backs up toward the rear area, the ghost mask on that mysterious black clothes face is actually „”, is split up. 在朝着后方倒退的过程中,那神秘黑衣人脸上的鬼面具却是“啪”的一声,四分五裂。 Immediately, a showing aggressive middle age face exposes in the air. 随即,一张彰显霸气的中年面孔暴露于空气之中。 Is he......” Li Wushang, rich/forgive Feiluan holds breath as if by prior agreement cold air. “是他……”离无伤,饶飞銮不约而同的倒吸一口凉气。 In two people eyes is filling thickly with amazement. 两人的眼中皆是充满着浓浓的骇然。 Although has several points to handle to guard, but on the face of opposite party actually does not see the least bit flurried meaning. 尽管有着几分措不及防,但对方的脸上却不见半点慌乱之意。 Gaze that his ice-cold pupil coldly that star glow collection sky. 其冰冷的瞳孔冷冷的注视着那片星芒汇集的上空。 North Chen......” north Chen! Given name of stars Great Emperor. “辰北……”辰北!星辰大帝的名讳。 Can have powerful power of stars bloodlines, except for ten side Great Emperor stars Great Emperor, no other two people. 能够拥有着般强大星辰之力血脉者,除了十方大帝之一的星辰大帝,别无二人。 In the dazzling stars ray, the attire is together magnificent and expensive, the handsome uncommon middle-aged man also appears. 刺眼的星辰光芒之中,一道衣着华贵,英俊不凡的中年男子随之显现出来。 Why can you so? “你为何要如此? Great antiquity...... Great Emperor? ” 洪荒……大帝?” Great antiquity Great Emperor! In the stars Great Emperor Chen's northern mouth coldly puts out these characters. 洪荒大帝!星辰大帝辰北的口中冷冷的吐出这几个字。 Interrogated, is reprimanding!...... Bang!” 既是质问,又是斥责!……“轰!” In startled day explosive in Jincheng swings, another side, that ghost mask mysterious black-clothed person solid same incarnation dying out demon spirit Chu Hen of resisted directly struck. 的一声惊天爆响于烬城之中荡开,另一边,那个鬼面具神秘黑衣人结结实实的同化身寂灭魔灵的楚痕正面抗了一击。 With flees recklessly the staggered purple light beam and golden light halo, the murdering life god halberd in Chu Hen palm looks like together thunder pillar who holds up the day, splits trillion electric arc who explode. 伴随着肆意窜动交错的紫色光柱和金色光圈,楚痕掌中的弑命神戟就像是一道擎天的雷柱,绽爆的亿万电弧雷芒。 But, at this time, a gray light halo towering howls sky over both's top of the head under. 而,这时,一股灰色的光圈突兀的于两者的头顶上空呼啸而下。 A piece that in the world instantly changes sinks secretly. 天地间即刻变的一片暗沉。 Flowing also presents the pollution sepia in the air of eight sides suddenly. 流动于八方的空气也豁然呈现出浑浊的棕褐色。 The world myriad things, as if lost the original variegated luster instantaneously, gray light halo everywhere one visit, the vegetation withers, the construction tower over a city gate of cinders city, like catching wind and frost was bleak. 世间万物,仿佛瞬间失去了原有的斑斓色泽,灰色光圈所到之处,草木枯萎,烬城的建筑城楼,就像染上了一片风霜萧条。 „The strength of serious famine......” that obviously has the institute to be startled to the ghost surface black-clothed person who Chu Hen is launching the attack. “大荒之力……”那对着楚痕发起攻击的鬼面黑衣人明显有所一惊。 The extremely overbearing wild strength looks like some type plague poisonous source invasion its within the body, the aura that it lends just like weakened. 极为霸道的荒之力就像是某种“瘟疫毒源”般侵入其体内,其散发出来的气息俨然遭到了削弱。 Humming sound......” does not need that black-clothed person to make the following countermeasure, its all around space appears a black turbine wheel wind spin impressively. “嗡嗡……”不待那黑衣人做出接下来的应对之策,其四周的空间赫然惊现出一座黑色的涡轮风旋。 Just likes swirls black storm instantaneously opposite party trapped/sleepy cage. 犹如水涡般的黑色风暴瞬间将对方困笼在内。 Then, the interior that black swirls appears the innumerable fierce monster big mouths, the huge mouth opens, seems tens of thousands of ghost thing to launch to bite toward the opposite party to nip. 接着,那黑色水涡的内部浮现出无数狰狞的怪物大口,巨口张开,好似成千上万的鬼物朝着对方展开噬咬。 „The strength of swallowing......” rich/forgive Feiluan outside war calls out in alarm said. “吞噬之力……”战局之外的饶飞銮惊呼道。 The strength and swallowing strength of so astonishing serious famine, do not need to want also to know, the wild emperor and swallowed the Great Emperor also to come...... 如此惊人的大荒之力和吞噬之力,不用想也知道,荒帝和吞噬大帝也来了……
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