ULVD :: Volume #30

#2934: The monster sovereign arrives

2000 900 16 chapter 两千九百十六 What situation? 什么情况? powerhouse of people clan saw that was killed the sea clan that scurries about by them, suddenly crawls to kneel down, on that fierce yao beast face also reveals color of the respect. 一众人族的强者看到被他们杀得乱窜的海族,忽然间匍匐跪倒,那狰狞的妖兽脸上也露出一副崇敬之色。 In the heart naturally is gives birth to wipe to be surprised. 心中自然是生出一抹惊疑来。 However their hands are not slow, these sea clans stopped escape, even stopped the resistance. 但是他们的手却不慢,这些海族停止了逃亡,甚至停止了反抗。 They do not have the meaning of least bit being forgiving, various powerhouse wielded magic treasure, the terrifying radiant unusual brightness passed through Heaven and Earth, toward knelt the sea clan that bent down to put to death to go everywhere. 他们没有半点留情之意,诸强者挥动法宝,恐怖璀璨的宝光贯穿了天地,朝着满地跪伏的海族诛杀而去。 Void, an indescribable terrifying pressure fills the air. 虚空中,一股无法形容的恐怖威压弥漫来。 Entire Heaven and Earth resembled by that pressure is blown. 整个天地都似被那股威压镇住了。 The space solidifies, principle collapse. 空间凝固,法则崩溃。 Unusual brightness that these everywhere pass through, seemed is imprisoned by an invisible strength, all stopped in the midair, even, people class powerhouse felt terrifying pressure that in the vault of heaven transmitted. 那些漫天贯穿的宝光,好似被一股无形的力量禁锢住了,全都停顿在了半空,甚至,众人类强者感觉到了苍穹上传来的恐怖压力。 Their complexions change suddenly, difficult raising the head, looks to the vault of heaven. 他们的脸色骤变来,艰难的抬头,望向天穹上。 The terrifying monster shadow appears together. 一道恐怖的妖影浮现来。 That is a human form, fearful yao qi that but he sends out, was showing all the status of opposite party, is a big monster of sea clan. 那是一尊人形,但是他散发出的可怕的妖气,无不在证明对方的身份,是一尊海族的大妖。 This big monster, the aura was too fearful, before far exceeding them, these big monsters that meets, this yao qi, seems supreme God, Weiyuan. 只是这尊大妖,气息太可怕了,远远超出了他们之前碰见的那些大妖,这股妖气,仿佛是至高无上的神灵,威远弗界。 Made these person of clan powerhouse divine soul shiver. 令得这些人族强者神魂都颤抖起来。 On the scene is in human the peak character, even if not day of list powerhouse is still the Jindan peak, they are the ceilings of human strength. 要知道,在场皆是人类中最顶尖的人物,就算不是天榜强者也是金丹巅峰,他们是人类战力的天花板。 However, under this terrifying yao qi, they feel itself tiny like the ants. 然而,在这恐怖妖气下,他们感觉到自己渺小如蝼蚁。 Sea clan all over, after that human form big monster appears, sent out mad roar. 漫山遍野的海族,在那尊人形大妖出现后,发出了狂吼 Their sounds gathered the difficult situation, spread over the whole wide world ten places. 他们的声音汇聚成了惊涛骇浪,传遍八荒十地。 On the face of each sea clan yao beast was full of incomparable frantic and respect. 每个海族妖兽的脸上都充满了无比的狂热和敬仰。 ah?” ?” Suddenly the overlord in western Hao empire, sent out shouting of shivering, the look also becomes frightened incomparable. 忽然西昊帝国的太上皇,发出了颤抖的呼喊,眼神也变得恐惧无比。 Other human powerhouse naturally saw the western Hao empire overlord's change, in their hearts shocks, this overlord strength is dreadful, the qualifications are extremely old, the day list third, is almost invincible existence, is anything can make him show the so frightened expression. 其他人类强者自然看到了西昊帝国太上皇的变化,他们心中震惊,这位太上皇实力滔天,资格极老,天榜第三,几乎是无敌的存在,是什么能让他露出如此恐惧的表情。 Cui is Senior, what they shouting?” In the Eastern shade heart was full of the anxious premonition, some sound transpositions. “崔前辈,他们在喊什么?”东方樾心中充满了不安的预感,声音有些变调。 The overlord body of western Hao empire shivers, passed several breath time, he extrusion gap between teeth character by character: They are shouting...... the sea, the sovereign, the flight of steps leading to a palace hall, gets down!” 西昊帝国的太上皇身躯颤动,足足过了好几息时间,他才一个字一个字的挤出牙缝:“它们在喊……海,皇,陛,下!” All human powerhouse bodies swayed fiercely, such as was killed by lightning. 所有的人类强者身躯都猛的摇晃了一下,如遭雷殛般。 On the scene is the experienced generation. 在场皆是见多识广之辈。 Although the sea clan and human many years do not have the battle, but regarding the sea clan, the inheritance record of human are many, these people have contacted, equivalent sorting of nature clear sea clan. 虽然海族和人类已经多年没有交战,但对于海族,人类的传承记载不少,这些人都接触过,自然清楚海族的等阶排序。 In sea clan most supreme naturally is seven big Sovereign Clan. 海族中最至高无上的自然是七大皇族 But can to seal/confer sovereign, only then existence of monster sovereign level. 而能够封皇的,只有妖皇级的存在。 In other words, what now arrives is one...... the monster sovereign! 也就是说,如今到来的是一位……妖皇! The boundless fear fills the air, making these human peak powerhouse hands and feet tingle with numbness, the back sweats, the monster sovereign, that compares favorably with person of clan day Mr.'s existence ah, in the west flame territory, day Monarch has vanished for several thousand years. 无垠的恐惧弥漫上来,让这些人类最顶尖的强者都手脚发麻,脊背冒汗,妖皇,那是媲美人族天君的存在,在西焱域,天君都已经绝迹数千年了。 That is existence in legend. 那是传说中的存在。 In the sky, that said that the yao qi dreadful form descends slowly, the people saw clearly its appearance finally, that is a look cold severe middle-aged person, looks besides the eye pupil indifferent point, as if has nothing special. 天空中,那道妖气滔天的身影缓缓降落下来,众人终于看清了它的面目,那是一个眼神冷厉的中年人,看起来除了眼瞳冷漠一点外,似乎没什么特别。 But everyone clan powerhouse is critical situation. 但所有人族强者都如临大敌。 He has no mood eyes, has swept this crowd of person clan powerhouse, opened the mouth, occupying that said is the criticism/human language: Where kills my child quiet human?” 他没有任何情绪的双眼,扫过了这群人族强者,开口了,说的居是人言:“杀我儿幽的人类在哪里?” Eastern shade and the others naturally could not speak. 东方樾等人自然说不出话来。 They do not know what the sea sovereign said is anything. 他们根本不知道海皇说的是什么。 In the West Sea sovereign double pupil emitted cold light to come, he lifted the hand, terrifying yao qi changes to the sharp claws to back off, people clan powerhouse fainted from fear, including wanting make way, but that monster claw then covered the fort lord in condor fort instantaneously. 西海皇双瞳中冒出了一点寒光来,他一抬手,恐怖妖气化作了利爪倒扣而下,一众人族强者惊觉,连要闪开来,但是那妖爪瞬间便扣住了神鹰堡的堡主。 The condor fort fort lord is bellowing, the body unusual brightness blasts out continually, longblade chops, however under the monster claw, just like mantis trying to stop a chariot, collapse to extinguish, the monster claw will cover the condor fort fort lord shortly fiercely, grips ruthlessly, the sharp claws are extruding the condor fort fort lord, making his whole body skeleton exude the break sound, the pain results in the face to twist. 神鹰堡堡主大吼着,身上宝光连番炸开,长刀直劈,但是在妖爪之下,宛如螳臂当车,顷刻崩灭,妖爪猛的扣住了神鹰堡堡主,狠狠握住,利爪挤压着神鹰堡堡主,让他全身骨骼发出断裂声,痛得脸庞扭曲。 The West Sea sovereigns said lightly: Said, was who killed my child?” 西海皇淡淡道:“说,是谁杀了我儿?” Condor fort fort main hissing mad roar: I do not know, saves me!” 神鹰堡堡主嘶声狂吼:“我不知道,救我!” The people clan powerhouse complexion shivers, at this time naturally cannot sit by and do nothing, what although faces is a monster sovereign, but they do not have to experience the monster sovereign strongly. 众人族强者脸色颤动,此时自然不能坐视不理,虽然面对的是一尊妖皇,但是他们都没有见识过妖皇到底有多强。 Kills!” “杀!” People clan powerhouse erupted strongest Dao Method, the secret skill, the bang approached the West Sea sovereign. 众人族强者爆发出了最强道法,秘技,轰向了西海皇。 The West Sea sovereigns stand there, whatever these attacks fall on the body, hōng lóng lóng! 西海皇站在那里,任凭这些攻击落在身上,轰隆隆 The terrifying ray blasts out unceasingly, when the ray powder removes, the West Sea sovereigns still stand there, the mark silk has not moved, attacking of jointly human peak powerhouse, even his hair has not asked the price with no intention of buying. 恐怖的光芒不断炸开,待光芒散去掉,西海皇依然站在那里,纹丝未动,人类最顶尖强者的联手攻伐,甚至连他的头发都没有打落一根。 The people clan powerhouse complexion changed. 众人族强者的脸色变了。 The West Sea sovereign hand grasps, kā chā, an explosive, the condor fort fort main even called out pitifully has not sent out, was pinched one group of hashes. 西海皇手一握,咔嚓,一声爆响,神鹰堡堡主连惨叫都没有发出,便被捏成了一团肉糜。 The West Sea sovereigns lift the hand, a claw, pinches to succeed in obtaining person of clan day list powerhouse. 西海皇抬手来,一爪,又将一尊人族天榜强者捏到了手中。 „The one who kills my child is who?” “说,杀我儿的是谁?” I do not know, I do not know ah......” “我不知道,我不知道……” pā! 啪! Another explosive! 又一声爆响! Person clan numerous powerhouse looks deathly pale, this at all is not level ah, the monster sovereign, is more fearful , that they imagine is the desperate disparity. 人族众强者脸色惨白,这根本不是一个层级的,妖皇,比他们想象的还要可怕,那是令人绝望的差距。 Run! 跑! Instantaneously, people clan powerhouse flees in panic. 瞬间,众人族强者仓皇逃窜。 The West Sea sovereign optional steps, a hand grasps, another person clan powerhouse falls to his hand, asked that later pinches to explode. 西海皇随意踏步,一只手抓去,又一个人族强者落到他手里,问上一句,随后捏爆。 Which direction whatever these person of clan powerhouse flee, escapes far, cannot escape his claw. 任凭那些人族强者逃往哪个方向,逃出多远,都逃不过他一爪。 In an instant, then six day of list powerhouse were pinched to explode. 转眼间,便有六尊天榜强者被捏爆。 Remaining day list powerhouse returned to eastern summer city, under the West Sea sovereigns then, facing the impediment of eastern summer city great formation, the West Sea sovereigns tread on later, hōng lóng, terrifying yao qi hangs the day , the radiant monster glow, passed through above eastern summer city great formation, pī li pā lā! 剩下的天榜强者逃回了东夏城,西海皇随后便到,面对东夏城大阵的阻隔,西海皇一脚踏下,轰隆,恐怖妖气垂天而下,璀璨的妖芒,贯穿到了东夏城大阵之上,噼里啪啦 great formation exuded the blasting, the light of great formation is ripped open continually. 大阵发出了连番炸裂声,大阵之光被撕开来。 The West Sea sovereigns lift the two/tael only hand, held the great formation ripped open margin, fierce, hōng lóng! 西海皇抬起只手,抓住了大阵被撕开的切口,猛的一拉,轰隆 Entire great formation by thorough demolishing. 整个大阵被彻底的摧垮。 The West Sea sovereigns treadonned in eastern summer city, people clan powerhouse was demented, this was great formation of day of Monarch level, sheltered the empire ten million years, could not shoulder the West Sea sovereigns unexpectedly struck. 西海皇一脚踏进了东夏城中,众人族强者都癫狂了,这可是天君级的大阵,庇护了帝国千万年,竟扛不住西海皇的一击。 Saw that the West Sea sovereigns tread. 看到西海皇踏来。 Eastern shade and the others despaired, loudly exclaimed: Sea sovereign, we do not know that who killed your son ah, absolutely is not we, we can pledge.” 东方樾等人绝望无比,大吼道:“海皇陛下,我们根本不知道谁杀了你儿子,绝对不是我们,我们可以发誓。” The West Sea sovereigns said lightly: Does not need to pledge, kills my child is human, is not you have not related, since you are also human, is buried along with the dead for my child.” 西海皇淡淡道:“不用发誓,杀我儿的就是人类,不是你们也没关系,既然你们也是人类,就为我儿陪葬吧。” terrifying yao qi sweeps across entire east summer city. 恐怖妖气席卷整个东夏城。 Eastern shade and the others had been imprisoned by yao qi, even the entire east summer city was prohibited by yao qi. 东方樾等人已经被妖气禁锢住了,甚至整个东夏城都被妖气封禁。 A West Sea sovereign hand captures downward, entire eastern summer city heavens collapse, earth rends, fearful yao qi passes through the land just like Tienchu, just like the claw of day monster, entire east summer city will eradicate. 西海皇一只手往下抓取,整个东夏城天崩地裂,可怕的妖气宛如天柱般贯穿大地,宛如天妖的爪子,将整个东夏城连根拔起。 yao qi draws , the entire eastern summer city must by the thorough crumb. 妖气收拢,整个东夏城要被彻底的捏碎。
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