TCOC :: Volume #19

#1861: Infliction from god

The crowd ebullition, discussed chaotically. 人群沸腾,七嘴八舌地议论起来。 Said the Lord to see that refuted hastily: Do not listen to this person to talk nonsense, he is any thing, dares to tarnish the Spiritual God.” 道主见状,连忙反驳道:“你们别听此人胡说八道,他算什么东西,也敢玷污神灵。” However, said that main call not major function, in everybody's eyes were obviously many color of suspicion. 然而,道主的呼声没有多大的作用,大家的眼中明显多了怀疑之色。 Tang Zheng strikes while the iron is hot, said: My words are really false, you cause as the god, doesn't have own discrimination?” 唐铮趁热打铁,说:“我的话是真是假,你们做为神使,难道没有自己的辨别力吗?” He spreads rumors and misleads the people, if you believed that the Spiritual God will fall the crime in you, you thought over clearly.” Said the Lord to have no alternative, the threat threatened. “他是妖言惑众,你们若是信了,神灵会降罪于你们,你们自己掂量清楚。”道主无可奈何,恐吓威胁起来。 Tang Zheng cannot help laughing, said that main exhausts the bag of clumsy tricks. 唐铮哑然失笑,道主是黔驴技穷。 „The Spiritual God that you do not believe in does not bless you, you disseminate to proselytize for them, dissemination the decree of god, this harms the world common people, you are the sincere sincere friendly people, you believe firmly that can continue such to do?” “你们不信奉的神灵并不保佑你们,你们为他们传播传道,传播的神的旨意,这是害天下苍生,你们都是虔诚心善之人,你们确信要继续这么做?” Tang Zheng is incessant, some people vacillated. 唐铮滔滔不绝,有些人动摇了。 odd/surplus knew the day to say ignorant: You are humanity, how the matter of so clear god?” 余知天懵懵懂懂地说:“你是人类,又怎么会如此清楚神的事?” I am humanity, but I have practiced Realm of god clan.” The Tang Zheng words are earth-shaking, the god caused to listen, shock could not speak. “我是人类,但我已修炼到神族的境界。”唐铮的话石破天惊,神使听了,震惊的说不出话来。 Realm of god!” “神的境界!” Ha!” The Lord laughs wildly, taunted: Everybody listens, he said unexpectedly cultivates Realm of god, this is really the huge joke. Now you also think what he said is real? He has been talking nonsense, compares oneself to others for the god unexpectedly. The gods keep aloof, where is you can the tentacle be possible and?” “哈哈哈!”道主狂笑起来,嘲讽道:“大家听一听,他竟然自称修炼到神的境界,这真是天大的笑话。现在你们还认为他说的是真的吗?他一直在胡说八道,竟然自比为神。神高高在上,哪里是你能触手可及的?” The main words had an effect, many gods caused to reveal the suspicion look. 道主的话起了作用,许多神使都露出了怀疑的眼神。 In their cognition, god was humanity does not have the altitude that the means hoped to attain, Tang Zheng said suddenly oneself cultivated Realm of god, was really incredible. 在他们的认知中,神是人类根本没办法企及的高度,唐铮突然说自己修炼到了神的境界,着实太不可信。 odd/surplus knows the day to ask dull: „Can person practice Realm of god really?” 余知天呆呆地问:“人真的可以修炼到神的境界吗?” He has not suspected Tang Zheng, instead looked forward. 他并没有怀疑唐铮,反而憧憬起了。 The Lord flies into a rage: odd/surplus Zhitian does, you know own words how treason and heresy? You also dare to believe his crazy talk unexpectedly, were you also insane?” 道主勃然大怒:“余知天,你知道自己的话多么大逆不道吗?你竟然还敢听信他的疯话,你也疯了吗?” odd/surplus knows the day left to have a look, right takes a look, the look is vacant, as if cannot make up mind. 余知天左看看,右瞧瞧,神色茫然,似乎拿不定主意。 Tang Zheng said with a smile: I not insane, you not insane, the god truly can practice Realm of god, these gods have not kept aloof, we can exceed them, exceeds them, no longer was enslaved to demand by them.” 唐铮笑道:“我没疯,你也没疯,神确实可以修炼到神的境界,那些神不是一直高高在上,我们可以超越他们,胜过他们,不再被他们奴役索取。” Was insane, was really insane. Tang Zheng, I where, no matter you come from, your treason and heresy, has touched my shintoism the bottom line, I was not willing to lower oneself to the same level with you, this is you brings upon oneself. The gods cause to obey orders, this person spreads rumors and misleads the people, tarnishes the Spiritual God, the gentlemen works with concerted efforts, puts to death it!” “疯了,真的疯了。唐铮,我不管你来自何方,你大逆不道,已触及我神道教的底线,我本来不愿与你一般见识,这都是你自找的。神使听令,此人妖言惑众,玷污神灵,诸君同心协力,诛杀之!” Said that Lord Murderous Qi is steaming, has issued the order, enlightens the benighted. 道主杀气腾腾,下达了命令,振聋发聩。 The Lord is the Lord of shintoism, to control nobody who the god causes can, although the Tang Zheng words command vacillates the heart that many gods have caused, the god but who obeys a main order after all causes. 道主乃是神道教之主,对神使的掌控无人能及,虽然唐铮的话令动摇了不少神使的心,但毕竟听从道主命令的神使更多。 Therefore, the war cry rises from all directions, the tide of people surges, the god causes to rush ahead, assorted Magical Treasure is bright with many colors, Murderous Qi is dreadful, surrounds Tang Zheng all round. 于是,喊杀声四起,人潮涌动,神使冲杀上来,各色法宝五光十色,杀气滔天,将唐铮团团包围。 odd/surplus knows the day to have a scare, urged hurriedly: You walk quickly, otherwise, the life is worrying.” 余知天吓了一跳,急忙劝道:“你快走吧,否则,性命堪忧。” Tang Zheng surprise looks at he, said with a smile: You are more intelligent than them, have your discrimination.” 唐铮诧异地看着他,笑道:“你比他们聪明,有自己的辨别力。” odd/surplus knows day anxious straight stamping the feet, urged: You let alone, quick escape.” 余知天急的直跺脚,催促道:“你别说了,快逃命吧。” „Don't you believe me? Since believes me, I why do run away?” Tang Zheng asked back. “你不是相信我吗?既然信我,那我又何必逃呢?”唐铮反问。 odd/surplus knows the day to be startled. 余知天一怔。 Yes, since believe him, he achieved Realm of god, the god has made again many, how can also threaten him. 是啊,既然自己相信他,那他就达到了神的境界,神使再多,又怎么能威胁到他。 But......” “可是……” odd/surplus knows the day to make excuses, does not know how should reply. 余知天支支吾吾,不知该如何回答。 You believe me, I naturally must do right by your this trust, and you favor.” “你相信我,我当然要对得起你这份信任,你且看好吧。” Tang Zheng turns around leisurely, facing attack that comes in all directions, he is calm, as if these attacks not worthy of mentioning are the same. 唐铮慢悠悠转身,面对四面八方来的攻击,他淡定从容,仿佛这些攻击都微不足道一样。 looks at his back, odd/surplus Zhitian has a feeling, he as if no longer is a person, but since has been the god of his continuously reverent belief. 看着他的背影,余知天有一种感觉,他仿佛不再是人,而是他一直以来虔诚信仰的神。 Said that Lord looks at Tang Zheng has not run away, with a sense of relief smiled. 道主看着唐铮没有逃走,不禁如释重负地笑了。 To be honest, Tang Zheng has defeated him, he does not think that Tang Zheng has achieved Realm of god, in his cognition, the person does not have the means to achieve this point. 说实话,唐铮击败了他,他也并不认为唐铮就达到了神的境界,在他的认知中,人是没办法做到这一点的。 Therefore, oneself rally together to attack, Tang Zheng absolutely not being able to flatter place. 所以,自己群起而攻之,唐铮绝对讨不了好处。 As for adverse impact that this matter brings, behind eliminates again little. 至于这件事带来的恶劣影响,后面再一点点消除。 Tang Zheng stretched out the finger, has selected toward sky, his movement was very slow, making everybody muddled, what did he such do to affect? 唐铮伸出了手指,朝天空点了下,他的动作很慢,令大家都糊涂了,他这么做有什么作用? Puts out a hand 0.1 points, can keep off everybody's attack. 难道伸手0.1点,就能挡下大家的攻击。 This is matter that the person cannot achieve. 这是人根本做不到的事。 Magical Treasure overruns to front of Tang Zheng, Murderous Qi is dreadful, suddenly, space static, Magical Treasure as if lost the power, complete float in front of Tang Zheng. 法宝率先攻到唐铮面前,杀气滔天,突然,空间静止,法宝仿佛失去了动力,完全漂浮在唐铮面前。 The gods caused to lose and contact of Magical Treasure as if by prior agreement, facial color big changes, however, they have not made to deal with enough time. 神使不约而同地失去了和法宝的联系,一个个面色大变,然而,他们还没来得及做出应对。 They also discovered oneself cannot move, degenerates into with the Magical Treasure same result unexpectedly. 他们也发现自己动弹不了,竟然沦为和法宝一样的结果。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Panic-stricken stares the big eye, goes all out to stimulate to movement the skill, is helpless, that is the strength that one type is unable to contend with, looks like the difference between fly wasp and big tree. 一个个惊恐的瞪大眼睛,拼命催动功力,却无能为力,那是一种无法抗衡的力量,就像是蚍蜉与大树之间的区别。 Said that main waited for Tang Zheng to dismember a body, actually discovery own person moves cannot move, framed completely in the midair. 道主本来等着唐铮被大卸八块,却发现自己的人都一动不能动,完全定格在了半空中。 Above mountain peak, all static, does not have the slightest sign of trouble, a deathly stillness. 山峰之上,一切都静止了,没有风吹草动,一片死寂。 Said that main terrified one startled, does not realize wonderfully, in a panic the backlash, is only hoping leaves Tang Zheng as far as possible. 道主悚然一惊,意识到不妙,仓皇后退,只盼着离唐铮尽量远一点。 He retrocedes one step, actually discovered that he is the puppet is likely common, is unable to control own body, even, said that the sword also frames at present, lost the gloss. 他才后退一步,却发现动不了了,他像是木偶一般,无法操控自己的身体,甚至,道剑也定格在眼前,失去了光泽。 In world, only remaining two people also active. 天地间,只剩下两个人还能动。 Tang Zheng and odd/surplus Zhitian. 唐铮和余知天。 odd/surplus knew has been shocked naively, felt helpless, all these as if had a dream, he moved the neck, discovered oneself also active, there is rejoicing of being survivor of disaster. 余知天真的惊呆了,不知所措,这一切仿佛是做梦,他活动脖子,发现自己还能动,有一种劫后余生的庆幸。 Then completely believed me?” Tang Zheng turns around, with a smile looks at odd/surplus Zhitian. “这下完全信我了吗?”唐铮转身,笑吟吟地看着余知天。 odd/surplus knew the day to open the mouth, the wooden nod, asked: „Is this Realm of god?” 余知天张大了嘴,木然的点头,问:“这就是神的境界吗?” Yes.” Tang Zheng nods. “是的。”唐铮点头。 He looks all around for one week, the vision one by one following the crowd person passed over gently and swiftly, they look like by the sharp light are swept together, does not have to hide, as if all secrets present in front of Tang Zheng. 他环顾一周,目光一一从众人身上掠过,他们就像是被一道犀利的光扫过,无所遁形,仿佛自己所有的秘密都呈现在唐铮面前。 This is Realm of god, I am a person, but I have achieved Realm of god, I can achieve, your also similar energy, humanity must be in control of own destiny, but does not give the god own all, this is the coward act.” “这就是神的境界,我是人,但我达到了神的境界,我能做到的,你们也同样能,人类要主宰自己的命运,而不是将自己的一切交给神,这是懦夫行径。” The Tang Zheng words enlighten the benighted, deeply stimulates the god to cause the frail nerve. 唐铮的话振聋发聩,深深地刺激神使们脆弱的神经。 Tang Zheng is pointing at a Lord, said: Said the Lord, yourself were well aware, I said had the mistake?” 唐铮指着道主,说:“道主,你自己心知肚明,我说的有错吗?” The Lord discovered oneself can speak, deeply inspires, said: Empathize falls the crime in you, you will encounter the infliction from god.” 道主发现自己又能说话了,深吸口气,说:“神会降罪于你,你会遭到神罚的。” Tang Zheng thinks little, says with a smile: Infliction from god? I want to see but actually.” 唐铮不以为意,笑道:“神罚?我倒想真的见一见。” You are waiting, infliction from god arrives immediately.” The main facial color changes, loudly exclaimed. “那你等着,神罚马上降临。”道主面色一变,大吼道。 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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