TCOC :: Volume #19

#1852: Underground world

Bai Luozhan in same place, in a dilemma, she rushed to Nascent Soul Avatar to come, but now Tang Zheng and Nascent Soul Avatar disagreement, she does not know how should do. 白落站在原地,左右为难,她本来是奔着元婴分身而来,但如今唐铮元婴分身不和,她不知道该怎么做了。 Sun Dazhuang the thoughts on the white falling body, see her awkward appearance, asked: Bai doesn't Luo, you walk?” 孙大壮的心思在白落身上,看到她为难的样子,问道:“白落,你不走吗?” Bai Luo starts to speak but hesitates: I do not know.” 白落欲言又止:“我不知道。” Tang Zheng also stops the footsteps, turns head to look, happen to welcomed Bai Luo the vision. 唐铮也停下脚步,扭头望来,正好迎上了白落的目光。 In Bai Luoyan flashes through flurriedly, feels helpless. 白落眼中闪过慌乱,不知所措。 Tang Zheng smiled, said: Gives you to recommend several people, they worship you, therefore goes for shelter your.” 唐铮笑了笑,说:“给你推荐几个人,他们都是崇拜你,所以来投奔你的。” Nascent Soul Avatar has gawked, laughs: Haha, good! You could rest assured that here definitely has your opportunities.” 元婴分身愣了下,大笑起来:“哈哈,好!你们放心,我这里肯定有你们的用武之地。” Several people are choked up with emotions, under this manpower is becomes famous for a long time person of high skill senior, can fight with them shoulder to shoulder, this is only thinks one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 几人心潮澎湃,这人手下都是成名已久的高人前辈,能够与他们并肩战斗,这只是想一想都热血沸腾。 Therefore, besides white falling, other person excited straight nods. 于是,除了白落之外,其他人都激动的直点头。 Nascent Soul Avatar satisfied has smiled. 元婴分身满意的笑了起来。 These people of strengths were sloppy, cannot enter his discernment, but he readily agreed. 这几人实力稀松平常,入不了他的法眼,但他还是一口答应下来。 Because, the Tang Zheng words had an effect. 因为,唐铮的话起了作用。 This group of people and Tang Zheng together, they actually to go to him finally come, this does not mean that Nascent Soul Avatar has pressed a Tang Zheng head, therefore, he naturally happy complying. 这群人和唐铮一起,最终他们却是为了投奔他而来,这不就意味着元婴分身压了唐铮一头,所以,他自然高高兴兴的答应。 Where Tang Zheng can not the clear Nascent Soul Avatar small thoughts, actually think little, smiled, turns around to walk. 唐铮哪会不清楚元婴分身的小心思,却不以为意,笑了笑,转身就走。 And other!” “等一下!” Suddenly, Bai Luo called out. 突然,白落叫道。 The stopping footsteps of Tang Zheng surprise, Nascent Soul Avatar is no exception, to frown slightly. 唐铮诧异的停下脚步,元婴分身也不例外,微微蹙眉。 Isn't she goes for shelter my? 她不是来投奔我的吗? Stopped by calling out Tang Zheng to do? 叫住唐铮干什么? Tang Zheng is perplexed looks at Bai Luo, asked: What matter also has?” 唐铮不明所以地看着白落,问:“还有什么事吗?” „Can I follow you?” Bai Luo hesitant, as if has had the enormous courage, says this saying. “我可以跟你走吗?”白落犹豫了下,仿佛鼓起了极大的勇气,才把这话说出口。 Tang Zheng is stunned , to continue he, other person also shocking looks at Bai Luo. 唐铮愕然,不止他一人,其他人也震惊地看着白落。 Nascent Soul Avatar deeps frown, his where has not understood that had anything. 元婴分身眉头紧锁,他哪里还不明白发生了什么。 This went to his person, finally actually has chosen Tang Zheng, doesn't this hit his face flagrantly? 这个本来投奔他的人,最终却选择了唐铮,这不是明目张胆的打他的脸吗? In his heart happy nothing left. 他心中刚才的高兴荡然无存。 Bai Luo the companion thinks inconceivable, urged hastily: Bai was Luo, what you saying? At this time, do not speak at a venture.” 白落的同伴觉得不可思议,连忙劝道:“白落,你在说什么?这个时候,别乱说话。” Right, this is not your long-awaited? Now comes true, do not make!” “对啊,这不是你梦寐以求的吗?如今梦想成真,你别闹了!” Several people urged chaotically, are very afraid Nascent Soul Avatar to blame her. 几人七嘴八舌地叮嘱,深怕元婴分身怪罪她。 Bai Luo is also the person of bright affair, knows that they are good for her. 白落也是明事理的人,知道他们是为了她好。 But she does not have the means the ridge, said resentfully: Sorry, I want to follow Tang Zheng now, perhaps, my beforehand idea simply was too one-sided.” 但她没办法过自己心里的坎儿,悻悻地说:“对不起,我现在想跟唐铮走,或许,我以前的想法太简单片面了。” Bai Luo do not know why changes the mind temporarily. 白落自己也不知道为何会临时改变主意。 But this is she most real idea, her truth said. 但这就是她最真实的想法,她实话说了出来而已。 She is a very simple person, oneself think anything, directly said. 她是一个很简单的人,自己想什么,就直接说出来。 Several people stare dumbfounded, does not know how should urge, said disappointedly: You will regret.” 几人瞠目结舌,不知道该怎么劝了,失望地说:“你会后悔的。” In their mind, Tang Zheng, although displayed some out of the ordinary places, but where can place on a par with Nascent Soul Avatar. 在他们心目中,唐铮虽然表现出了一些与众不同之处,但哪能和元婴分身相提并论。 Therefore, Bai Luo decision nature wrong oddness. 因此,白落的决定自然错的离谱。 Tang Zheng has not expected this, but since Bai Luo has made the decision, he will not keep them out her. 唐铮也没料到这一出,但既然白落做出了决定,他也不会将她拒之门外。 Good, you follow me.” “好,那你就跟我走吧。” Tang Zheng looked at Nascent Soul Avatar one, the opposite party complexion is bad, Tang Zheng also turns a blind eye, walks directly outward. 唐铮看了元婴分身一眼,对方脸色不善,唐铮也视若无睹,直接向外走去。 Bai Luo has the courage, fast follows the Tang Zheng step. 白落鼓起勇气,飞快地跟上唐铮的步伐。 Sun Dazhuang recovers, the looks at Bai Luo back, both eyes shines, said: Worthily is woman who I like, aggressive, suffices the taste!” 孙大壮回过神来,看着白落的背影,双眼放光,赞道:“不愧是我喜欢的女人,霸气,够味!” Then, he looked at Nascent Soul Avatar one secretly, discovered that he looks like the volcano that must erupt, the sole rubs the oil hastily, pursued with the companion. 说罢,他偷偷地看了元婴分身一眼,发现他就像是一座要爆发的火山,连忙脚底抹油,和同伴一起追了出去。 Several people went out of the city, under gazing after of these masters, walks toward the mountain. 几人走出了城池,在那些高手的目送之下,向山下走去。 Bai Luochan Bai Luo is keeping saying, chirp, Bai Luo is been crimson by the cheeks that he praised, does not know how to reply. 白落缠着白落说个不停,叽叽喳喳,白落被他夸奖的脸颊绯红,不知道如何回答了。 She looked in front of the eye the Tang Zheng back, steps out hastily, travels together with him shoulder to shoulder, asked disturbedly: Then, do I do?” 她看了眼前面唐铮的背影,连忙加快脚步,与他并肩同行,忐忑地问道:“接下来,我干什么?” Tang Zheng said: Looked again, always has the matter that you do.” 唐铮笑着说:“再看吧,总有你做的事。” Bai Luo, said: „Did we offend that person?” 白落哦了一声,说:“我们是不是得罪了那人?” Tang Zheng hesitant, said: Preparation said that they and he are the competitive relations. You still remember that I and he do have an agreement?” 唐铮犹豫了下,说:“准备地说,他们和他是竞争关系。你还记得我和他有个约定吗?” Falls the vacant nod white, does not know that this also has any relations. 白落茫然的点头,不知道这又有什么关系。 looks at Tang Zheng of Sun Da doubt, asked strongly: What did you and he agree?” 孙大壮则狐疑的看着唐铮,问:“你和他约定了什么?” They do mystically, other people are confused, does not know content that two people agree on. 两人搞得神神秘秘,其他人一头雾水,都不知道二人约定的内容。 Tang Zheng smiles, kept guessing, said mischievously: You want to know that leads me to see your father.” 唐铮神秘一笑,卖起了关子,促狭地说:“你想知道,那带我去见你父亲。” Sun Da is startled strongly obviously, the brain has not made a turn, asked at a loss: What do you ask him to make?” 孙大壮明显一怔,脑筋没有转过弯来,茫然地问:“你找他做什么?” Talked openly with him.” Tang Zheng said with a smile mystically. “和他谈谈心。”唐铮神秘地笑道。 Sun Da strong doubt looks at he, said: With his old man, has something to talk openly?” 孙大壮狐疑地看着他,道:“和他一个老头子,有什么可谈心的?” However, how aggressive looks at Tang Zheng regardless of he, does not help matters. 然而,无论他怎么咄咄逼人的看着唐铮,都无济于事。 The mouth of Tang Zheng is too solid, Sun Da cannot draw out the useful information strongly, he has no alternative, said: Good, I lead you to see him. Do I want to take a look at you to have something but actually to discuss?” 唐铮的嘴巴太严实,孙大壮根本套不出有用的信息,他无可奈何,说:“好吧,我带你去见他。我倒要看看你们有什么可谈的?” Meanwhile, Sun Dazhuang interest to the Tang Zheng increases, breaks the earthen pot to ask the bottom, actually also wants to clarify him to do. 与此同时,孙大壮对唐铮的兴趣大增,打破沙锅问到底,也想弄清楚他究竟要干什么。 Bai Luo, I lead you to look at the world of our earth good clan, definitely makes you broaden the outlook.” Sun Dazhuang a thread of conversation revolution, distracted the attention, the firepower full, has locked Bai Luo. “白落,我带你去看我们土行族的天下,肯定让你大开眼界。”孙大壮话锋一转,转移了目标,火力全开,锁定了了白落。 Bai Luo looks forward to say: Yes? I must appreciate well.” 白落憧憬道:“是么?那我一定要好好欣赏。” One line of several people have gotten down prominent peak, did not encounter any danger again. 一行几人下了主峰,再没遇到任何危险。 Under the guidance of earth good clan, several people go to a secluded place. 在土行族的引导下,几人来到一处僻静的地方。 The ground is snow gleams white, does not know that has covered many. 地面白雪皑皑,不知覆盖了多少。 Sun Da Divine Ability infiltrates strongly together underground. 孙大壮一道神通打入地下。 Kacha! 咔嚓 As if has any thing to start, the earth trembles, a leaf of front door opened in the ground slowly, has revealed the stair under ground. 仿佛有什么东西启动,大地震颤,一扇大门在地面徐徐打开,露出了地面下的台阶。 The stair is too long, does not know that extends where. 台阶太长,不知道延伸到何处。 Sun Dazhuang and companion walk up the stair, walks along the steps step by step downward. 孙大壮和同伴率先走上台阶,沿着阶梯一步步向下走去。 Walks!” “走啊!” Sun Dazhuang urged. 孙大壮催促道。 The Tang Zheng dialog fell said: Walks, sees the earth good clan, is not everyone has this lucky opportunity.” 唐铮对白落说:“走吧,下去见见土行族,可不是每个人都有这种幸运的机会。” Falls look complex smiling in white, follows the Tang Zheng footsteps, one after the other, ascends the step under. 白落神色复杂的笑了笑,跟上唐铮的脚步,一前一后,拾阶而下。 Creak! 嘎吱! Front door closure, at present one black, shines fiercely. 身后,大门关闭,眼前一黑,又猛地亮起来。 Bai Luo stares the big eyeball, looks around in all directions, sees only on the wall to mount gems, sends out the gentle ray, path that has illuminated leading the way. 白落瞪大眼珠,四处张望,只见墙壁上都镶嵌着一颗颗宝石,发出柔和的光芒,照亮了前行的道路。 After the moment, the stair comes to the end, at present suddenly sees the light. 片刻后,台阶走到尽头,眼前豁然开朗。 Tang Zheng is unalarmed by strange sights, but looking at steadily looks to the front. 唐铮见怪不怪,只是目不转睛的看向前方。 Falls white is difficult to cover the shock on face, looks all around, the eye insufficiently looked. 白落则难掩脸上的震惊,环顾四周,眼睛都不够看了。 Entirely different that this underground world and they imagine. 这地下世界和他们想象的截然不同。 This world is bright with many colors, on the wall and top of the head is mounting the gem. 这个世界五光十色,墙壁上和头顶上都镶嵌着宝石。 Does not know where really they had found such Duobao. 真不知他们是从哪里找到了这么多宝石。 This is a big wealth! 这得是多大的一笔财富啊! After Sun Dazhuang and his party come, captured the innumerable attention. 孙大壮一行现身后,就吸引了无数的目光。 Their one after another salutes to the grandson greatly strongly, returning salute that Sun Dazhuang also follows a prescribed pattern. 他们纷纷向孙大壮行礼,孙大壮也一板一眼的还礼。 This and he was formerly entirely different, is other side of him. 这和他先前截然不同,乃是他另外一面。 Bai Luo looks with great interest, look also cannot help but became must shine. 白落看的津津有味,眼神也不由自主的变得亮了起来。 Sun Dazhuang has vowed solemnly she does not marry, she was very repugnant. 孙大壮一直信誓旦旦的非她不娶,她本来很反感。 But she understood gradually Sun Dazhuang, discovered he is loyal, fine within its crudy, she thought that he is not repugnant. 但她渐渐的了解孙大壮,发现他十分讲义气,粗中有细,她觉得他并没那么讨厌了。 Sun Dazhuang image in her mind becomes is brightly vivid. 孙大壮在她心目中的形象变得鲜活生动起来。 Tang Zheng and Bai Luo have harvested the innumerable vision, because, there are many years not to have the bystander to come this. 唐铮和白落收获了无数的目光,因为,有许多年不曾有外人来此。 Tang Zheng was welcoming everybody's vision, his look looked like the spring sunlight, made the person, if washed the spring breeze, as if can forget outside world of ice and snow temporarily. 唐铮迎着大家的目光,他的眼神就像是春天的阳光,令人如沐春风,仿佛能暂时忘了外面的冰天雪地。 Some people have notified, therefore, they have not walked far, one crowd of person front surfaces walk. 有人已经去通报了,所以,他们还没走多远,一群人迎面走来。
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