TCOC :: Volume #19

#1822: Extraordinary

This cries aloud to surmount the hills, has flown the sea, spreads over across the country. 这一声啼哭翻越群山,飞过海洋,传遍大江南北。 Countless people gain ground, raise up the ear, looks at that Heavenly Stairs and heavenly palace above nine days, while calmly listens respectfully to this crying aloud sound. 无数人抬起头,竖起耳朵,一边看着那九天之上的天梯与天宫,一边静静聆听这啼哭声。 The crying aloud sound transmits from the heavenly palace. 啼哭声是从天宫中传来。 Countless people have discovered this point, look becomes complex. 无数人发现了这一点,神色变得复杂起来。 Although clearly what happened, but guessed correctly in the palace the birth to get down a baby indistinctly on that day unexpectedly. 虽然不清楚发生了什么事,但隐隐约约猜到那天宫之中竟然诞下了一个婴儿。 The heavenly palace is the miracle, this hears something never heard of before, shocks the minds of all people. 天宫已是神迹,这真的是闻所未闻,震撼所有人的心灵。 Is this child of which family|home? 这是谁家的孩子? Whose child can enjoy this great honor, whose child can be so mysterious. 谁的孩子能享此殊荣,谁的孩子能如此神奇。 That all colors Xiangyun above nine days explained all, the day falls the phenomenon, this child decides however not with the mortal, or was not the mortal. 那九天之上的五彩祥云已说明一切,天降异象,这孩子定然非同凡人,或者说就不是凡人了。 Tang Zheng! 唐铮 A name braves from everyone mind, these people have almost not seen Tang Zheng, but since the mind actually reappeared his form. 一个名字从每个人脑海中冒出来,这些人几乎都没见过唐铮,但脑海中却浮现起了他的身影。 Only has Tang Zheng to construct the heavenly palace, only has his child to achieve this point. 唯有唐铮才能建天宫,也唯有他的孩子才能做到这一点。 Tang Zheng is the Savior under this day. 唐铮是这天下的救世主。 Also some people envied this child, at this moment, actually only the remaining heartfelt blessings, many people raise both hands, prayed silently. 原本还有人嫉妒这孩子,此刻,却只剩下衷心的祝福,许多人举起双手,默默祈祷。 On Heavenly Stairs, the people hear crying aloud sound, talked at once the person of discussion worry to fall into immediately died the general silence. 天梯上,众人听到啼哭声,原本七嘴八舌议论担心的人立刻陷入了死一般的寂静。 All people are dumbfounded, the complexion had the change gradually, immediately been filled with fills up delightedly. 所有人大眼瞪小眼,脸色渐渐发生了变化,随即被满心的欢喜所填满。 Lived, Shishi lived.” Ye Dingdang happy jumps three zhang (3.33 m) high, almost falls from Heavenly Stairs, in the mouth keeps cheering. “生了,诗诗生了。”叶叮当高兴的一蹦三丈高,差点从天梯上摔下去,口中不停地欢呼。 Other person also one after another cheer: Good, lived finally.” 其他人也纷纷欢呼:“太好了,终于生了。” Wu Junshan and Lan Yu look at each other one, shows the gratified expression, muttered said: „After our sons have, we must become grandparent.” 武君山蓝语对视一眼,露出欣慰的表情,喃喃自语地说:“我们儿子有后了,我们要当爷爷奶奶了。” They grip each other hand, is filled with emotion. 两人握住彼此的手,感慨万千。 Is the boy, is the girl?” Ye Dingdang tilts the head, guessed worriedly. “是男孩儿,还是女孩儿呢?”叶叮当歪着头,苦恼地猜测。 „I hope a girl, that can accompany me to play.” Nannan said in a baby voice. “我希望是女孩儿,那就可以陪我玩了。”囡囡奶声奶气地说。 „If the boy.” Ye Dingdang sang an opposing tune. “万一是男孩儿呢。”叶叮当唱起了反调。 Nannan mouth one flat, depressed. 囡囡嘴巴一扁,闷闷不乐。 Mu Hongyan feels daughter's hair, taught with skill and patience, said: Nannan, the boy can also accompany you to play together, when you have grown up, but can also protect you.” 沐红颜摸着女儿的头发,循循善诱,说:“囡囡,男孩儿也能陪你一起玩啊,等你长大了,还能保护你呢。” Nannan snort|hum, has wielded own fresh-faced fist, said: I am so fierce, does not need him to protect . Moreover, he is younger than me, I protect him also almost.” 囡囡哼了一声,挥动自己的粉嫩拳头,说:“我这么厉害,不用他保护,况且,他比我还小,我保护他还差不多。” Nannan has grown up, knows that protected others, after that must protect mother.” Mu Hongyan said with a smile. 囡囡长大了,知道保护别人了,那以后也要保护妈妈哦。”沐红颜笑道。 Naturally.” Nannan pretends to be serious the nod. “当然。”囡囡煞有介事点头。 The people are laughing, the vision actually cannot help but looks to the heavenly palace. 众人嘻嘻哈哈,目光却不由自主地望向天宫。 Heavenly Emperor stands before the heavenly palace, wants to go to look, but could not stop finally, he asked loudly: „Does Tang Zheng, have the place that need I do help?” 天帝站在天宫前,想进去看一看,但最终又止不住了,他大声问道:“唐铮,有不有需要我帮忙的地方?” Does not use.” The Tang Zheng sound passes on, is passing the happy expression. “不用。”唐铮的声音传出来,透着喜气。 Their sounds spread to the people ear, relaxes as if by prior agreement, only some raises the head to hope that is looking at the heavenly palace steadily. 两人的声音传入众人耳中,不约而同地松口气,唯有翘首以盼,目不转睛地望着天宫。 In the heavenly palace, in the Tang Zheng hand is hugging a baby, extraordinary adorable. 天宫之中,唐铮手中抱着一个婴儿,出奇的可爱。 Tang Zheng looked up one, cannot help but recalled just now the child born that was not only all colors Xiangyun above nine days falls, like surging tides falls in torrents including the strength of belief in the heavenly palace circled, poured into the body of baby. 唐铮抬头望了一眼,不由自主地回忆起方才孩子出生那一幕,不但是九天之上的五彩祥云落下来,连天宫中盘旋的信仰之力也如潮水般倾泻下来,注入婴儿的身体之中。 Has saying that Tang Zheng was also shocked by this. 不得不说,唐铮也被这一幕震惊了。 The babies were just born, then has this grade of phenomenon, means anything, he is very clear. 婴儿刚出生,便有这等异象,意味着什么,他很清楚。 Formerly the baby in the Fang Shishi abdomen, then had resisted the pressure on Heavenly Stairs, this fully explained the extraordinariness of baby. 先前婴儿尚在方诗诗腹中,便已抵挡住了天梯上的压力,这已足以说明婴儿的非凡。 Now sees this, Tang Zheng deeply realizes, baby perhaps mysterious surpasses his expectation. 如今见到这一幕,唐铮才深深地体会到,婴儿的神奇恐怕超过他的预料。 The babies open eyes slowly, in a limpid big eye the none remaining dodges to pass, has shown the bright smiling face toward Tang Zheng unexpectedly. 婴儿徐徐地睁开眼,一双清澈的大眼睛中精光一闪而逝,竟然朝唐铮露出了灿烂的笑容。 Looked at the smiling face of baby, the heart of Tang Zheng as if must melt. 望着婴儿的笑容,唐铮的心仿佛要融化了。 Shishi, you looked that our children are smiling.” Tang Zheng hugs Fang Shishi the baby at present, although Fang Shishi is very tired, but on the face is brimming with the maternal brilliance. 诗诗,你看我们的孩子在笑。”唐铮将婴儿抱到方诗诗眼前,方诗诗虽然很累,但脸上洋溢着母性的光辉。 Is the boy or the girl?” Fang Shishi puts out a hand to hug the baby in bosom, asked. “是男孩儿还是女孩儿?”方诗诗伸手将婴儿抱在怀里,问道。 Boy.” Tang Zheng replied. “男孩儿。”唐铮回答。 Fang Shishi lowered the head the baby in looks at swaddling clothes, the gentle voice said: Our sons.” 方诗诗低头看着襁褓中的婴儿,柔声说:“我们的儿子。” Tang Zheng will be holding the shoulder of Fang Shishi, has kissed in her forehead, said: Shishi, was laborious you.” 唐铮将抱着方诗诗的肩膀,在她额头亲吻了一下,说:“诗诗,辛苦你了。” Fang Shishi by, in he cherishes, said: Sees the son, all these were laborious the value.” 方诗诗靠在他怀中,说:“看到儿子,这一切都辛苦都值了。” You said that whom the son does look like?” Tang Zheng asked. “你说儿子像谁?”唐铮问。 Fang Shishi looked at carefully one carefully, said: Mouth and nose look like you.” 方诗诗仔细端详了一阵,说:“嘴巴和鼻子像你。” Tang Zheng smiles, said: Eye looks like you, is big and attractive, is the both eyes skin, Ha Ha.” 唐铮会心一笑,说:“眼睛像你,又大又漂亮,还是双眼皮,哈哈。” , Tang Zheng said slightly: This Little Brat unified our merit, leads compared with his father.” 微微一顿,唐铮说道:“这小子结合了我们俩的优点,比他老子还帅。” „Shouldn't this be?” Fang Shishi charmingly angry [say / way]. “这不是应该的吗?”方诗诗娇嗔道。 Tang Zheng Hehe said with a smile: Should, the pupil surpasses the teacher win in Lan, at least the phenomenon that was born from him explains compared with his father qiang.” 唐铮嘿嘿笑道:“应该,青出于蓝而胜于蓝,至少从他出生的异象就说明比他老子强。” Fang Shishi corners of the mouth floating off smiling face, she also had a scare by just now phenomenon, asked disturbedly: What issue does there child have?” 方诗诗嘴角浮起笑容,她也被方才的异象吓了一跳,忐忑地问:“那儿子有不有什么问题?” Does not have the issue well, the son.” “没问题,儿子好的很。” Fang Shishi feels relieved, looks strength of thin the belief to the heavenly palace, asked: Son attracted that many strength of belief, but he is so young, won't have the issue really?” 方诗诗如释重负,望向天宫中稀薄许多的信仰之力,问道:“儿子吸引了那么多信仰之力,而他这么小,真的不会有问题吗?” Tang Zheng shakes the head firmly, said: Son fused the digestion the strength of these beliefs completely, he is my son, is the god child, truly has not disappointed the name of god child, as soon as he birth were Enlightenment Ninth Grade cultivation level.” 唐铮坚定地摇头,说:“儿子已将那些信仰之力完全融合消化,他是我的儿子,就是神子,确实没辜负神子之名,他一出生便是大乘九品修为。” What?” “什么?” Fang Shishi have not achieved Enlightenment Ninth Grade cultivation level, but her son just a birth had this cultivation level, exceeds countless people to practice for a lifetime. 方诗诗自己都没达到大乘九品修为,而她儿子刚一出生就有此修为,胜过无数人修炼一辈子。 Fang Shishi looks at son, half believing and half doubting, but said these words from the Tang Zheng mouth, was beyond control she not to believe. 方诗诗怔怔地看着儿子,将信将疑,但从唐铮口中说出这番话,又由不得她不相信。 She muttered: Son...... Quite fierce.” 她喃喃自语:“儿子……好厉害。” Ha, is fierce, is our sons.” Tang Zheng gives birth for the first time says with a smile, stretches out the finger, small hand who teases the son. “哈哈哈,再厉害,也是我们的儿子。”唐铮开怀笑道,伸出手指,逗弄儿子的小手。 Son chuckle smiles. 儿子咯咯直笑。 However, next second, son mouth one flat, howls, the small hand aims at the hand of Tang Zheng to push, as to shove open him. 然而,下一秒,儿子嘴巴一扁,又嚎啕大哭起来,小手指向唐铮的手推去,似乎想推开他。 Bang! 砰! The Tang Zheng personal appearance sways several, facial color changes suddenly, exclaims: Worthily is my son.” 唐铮身形摇晃几下,面色骤变,惊叹道:“不愧是我儿子。” How?” Fang Shishi asked. “怎么了?”方诗诗问道。 Shishi, later may probably watch him, his beginning is too high, cultivation level is too strong, graces, all seem like the instinct actions, has the greatest might, does not pay attention slightly, then can injure others.” Tang Zheng said sincerely. 诗诗,以后可要看住他,他的起点太高,修为太强,举手投足,一切看似本能的举动,却有莫大的威力,稍不注意,便会伤了别人。”唐铮语重心长地说。 Fang Shishi understands everything right off, does not know whether to laugh or cry the looks at son, said: What to do can that?” 方诗诗一点即透,哭笑不得地看着儿子,说:“那可怎么办?” I will try to find the solution, temporarily the seal lives in his skill, otherwise, person was dangerous.” Tang Zheng said. “我会想办法,暂时封印住他的功力,否则,身边的人就危险了。”唐铮笑着说。 That is good.” Fang Shishi relaxed. “那就好。”方诗诗松了口气。 We exit, other people were long, definitely is worried about your mother and child.” Tang Zheng is holding Fang Shishi, Fang Shishi is hugging the son, walks outward. “我们出去吧,其他人等久了,肯定很担心你们母子。”唐铮扶着方诗诗,方诗诗抱着儿子,向外走去。 Bang, the heavenly palace front door opens slowly. 轰隆一声,天宫大门徐徐打开。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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