TCOC :: Volume #18

#1761: Undying

Ye Meiyu retrocedes in a panic, she did not have to understand such thorough why one can defeat, is hard to accept this brutal reality. 叶美瑜仓皇后退,她还没明白自己为何会败的如此彻底,难以接受这个残酷的现实。 Tang Zheng Murderous Qi is steaming, clenches jaws: Ye Meiyu, you deliberately plan, method is cruel, I thought what after you currently have , move?” 唐铮杀气腾腾,咬牙切齿:“叶美瑜,你处心积虑,手段残忍,我看你现在还有什么后招?” You...... Is what kind of?” Ye Meiyu asked panic-stricken. “你……要怎样?”叶美瑜惊慌失措地问道。 Tang Zheng said with a smile facetiously: „Don't you think this issue many? You everywhere oppose with me, you also counted on that I do leave a loophole to you?” 唐铮戏谑地笑道:“你不认为这个问题很多余吗?你处处与我作对,你还指望我对你网开一面吗?” „Do you want to kill me really?” Ye Meiyu does not dare to believe. “你真要杀我?”叶美瑜不敢置信。 Tang Zheng shakes the head, said: Do not think that you is a woman, I do not kill you.” 唐铮摇摇头,说:“别以为你是女人,我就不杀你。” The voice falls, sword color break-up, the profound storehouse sword has gone together from out of the blue, pierced her chest directly, her unbelievable looks at chest. 话音一落,一道剑光闪过,玄藏剑破空而去,直接刺穿了她的胸膛,她难以置信地看着胸口。 The blood flowed along the sword blade, strings together to become Xian the bead likely, the straight line fell to falling downwards. 鲜血沿着剑身流了出来,像是串成线的珠子,直线向下坠落。 She almost can feel that the vitality is leaving own body rapidly, the both legs becomes tender gradually, stands steadily, backward but actually does not go directly. 她几乎可以感觉到生机正在飞速离开自己的身体,双腿渐渐发软,站立不稳,径直就向后倒去。 Bang! 砰! She hit maliciously in ground, the eyelid was heavy, could not open again. 她狠狠地撞击在了地面上,眼皮沉重,再也睁不开了。 Ye Meiyu died, has only self to blame. 叶美瑜死了,咎由自取。 Military and Li Xiaotian fear, if not the Tang Zheng strength is formidable enough, they already by the Ye Meiyu violent treachery. 武和栗笑天后怕不已,若非唐铮实力够强大,他们已经遭了叶美瑜的毒手。 Initially, no one has thought that Miss Ye Clan will arrive unexpectedly this step, raised the so giant storm. 当初,谁也不曾想到叶家大小姐竟然会走到这一步,掀起如此巨大的风浪。 „Are you what kind of?” “你们俩怎么样?” The Tang Zheng attention shifted on the beloved woman, was looking at the military and Li Xiaotian kindly, had the difference of heaven and earth with formerly murdering decisively. 唐铮的注意力转移到了心爱的女人身上,关切地望着武和栗笑天,与先前的杀伐果断有天壤之别。 Li Xiaotian smiles charmingly: I could not have died. Many wild aura enter my within the body, making me be miserable beyond description.” 栗笑天妩媚一笑:“我还死不了。只是,不少蛮荒气息进入我的体内,令我苦不堪言。” Wild aura.” “蛮荒气息。” In the Tang Zheng heart moves, looks all around, in this mountain valley was flooded by the wild aura completely . Moreover, now the wild aura is the thing of without owner, the instinct destroys all that oneself contact. 唐铮心中一动,环顾四周,这山谷中完全被蛮荒气息充斥,而且,如今蛮荒气息是无主之物,本能地破坏自己所接触到的一切。 Bang! 轰! A wild aura impact on the rock, the quarry stone flutters about, earth-shaking power, disorders. 一股蛮荒气息冲击在岩石上,乱石纷飞,山摇地动,一片乱象。 Leaves here quickly.” “快离开这里。” odd|surplus silent terrified one startled, protects the military and Li Xiaotian wants the flying apsaras to go, suddenly, his pupil shrank, saw unthinkable one. 余默悚然一惊,护住武和栗笑天就要飞天而去,突然,他瞳孔一缩,看见了匪夷所思的一幕。 Tang Zheng is what kind of person, made his unthinkable matter natural no small matter sufficiently. 唐铮是何许人,足以令他匪夷所思的事当然非同小可。 The military and Li Xiaotian also fix the eyes on to look, calls out in alarm: How can like this?” 武和栗笑天也定睛瞧去,惊呼起来:“怎么会这样?” The wild aura between world, from all directions, rushes the Ye Meiyu remains crazily, has formed tornado. 天地间的蛮荒气息,从四面八方,疯狂地涌向叶美瑜的遗体,形成了一股龙卷风 She lifts off slowly, is in storm center, the innumerable wild aura enter her within the body, her imposing manner also had the tremendous changes. 她冉冉升空,处于风暴最中心,无数蛮荒气息进入她的体内,她身上的气势也发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Tang Zheng, did you have to feel on her also to have a vitality?” Military vision one cold, the doubt asked. 唐铮,你有没有感觉到她身上又有了一点生机?”武目光一凛,狐疑地问道。 Person who original breathed also had the vitality, this is extremely not the normal matter. 一个本来已经咽气的人却又有了生机,这本来就是极不正常的事。 Tang Zheng has also discovered this point, the facial color sudden change, a word has not sent, flushed impatiently, with profound storehouse sword Man and Sword as One, cuts to Ye Meiyu. 唐铮也发现了这一点,面色骤变,一言未发,已经迫不及待地冲了出去,与玄藏剑人剑合一,斩向叶美瑜 Bang! 轰! The barrier that tornado that the wild aura interweaves destroys the hardest defenses likely together, compelled to draw back Tang Zheng, under the profound storehouse sword struck, cannot break through unexpectedly. 蛮荒气息交织起来的龙卷风像是一道无坚不摧的壁垒,将唐铮逼退了,玄藏剑一击之下,竟然也未能攻破。 Important matter is not wonderful.” “大事不妙。” The Tang Zheng forehead blue vein reveals completely, keeps jumping crazily, whiz whiz whiz, he wields the profound storehouse sword, tries to break through tornado. 唐铮额头青筋毕露,不停地狂跳,嗖嗖嗖,他又挥动玄藏剑,试图攻破龙卷风 tornado keeps shivering, actually as before firm such as beginning. 龙卷风不停颤抖,却依旧坚固如初。 Tang Zheng is burning with impatience, is preparing to inspire the day chess, suddenly, laughed wildly to pass from tornado. 唐铮心急如焚,正准备引动天棋,突然,一阵狂笑从龙卷风中传了出来。 Ye Meiyu!” 叶美瑜!” The Tang Zheng pupil shrank fiercely, loses one's voice to call. 唐铮瞳孔猛缩,失声叫了出来。 tornado vanished gradually, Ye Meiyu floats unexpectedly in the midair, is a big live person, the long hair dances in the air, Murderous Qi is staring the Tang Zheng three people steaming. 龙卷风渐渐消失了,叶美瑜竟然漂浮在半空中,又是一个大活人,长发飞舞,杀气腾腾地瞪着唐铮三人。 Ha, I really have not thought that the wild aura also has this function, so long as there is a wild aura, my eternal life Undying, forever do not want to kill me truly.” “哈哈哈,我真是没有想到,蛮荒气息还有这种作用,只要有蛮荒气息在,我就永生不死,你永远也别想真正地杀死我。” Die and be reborn! 死而复生! This is the most awful matter, Tang Zheng presses Lishan to be big, is hearing the Ye Meiyu rampant sound, his takes a deep breath, represses the complex mood, said: Ye Meiyu, I can kill your one time, can kill your second time.” 这是最糟糕的事,唐铮压力山大,听着叶美瑜嚣张的声音,他深吸一口气,按捺住复杂的心情,道:“叶美瑜,我能杀了你一次,也就能杀你第二次。” But I will reactivate, what means do you have?” Ye Meiyu said indifferently. “可我还是会复活,你又有什么办法?”叶美瑜无所谓地说。 Formerly, she has not known one had this divine ability, now has died one time, she then all understood, so long as there is a wild aura, oneself were the body of Undying. 先前,她还不知道自己拥有这种神通,如今死过一次,她便全明白了,只要有蛮荒气息在,自己便是不死之身。 Tang Zheng has remembered Xin Mo (Heart Demon) subconsciously, he initially was also the body of Undying, who has killed him, he can occupy the body of opposite party, died and was reborn. 唐铮下意识地想起了心魔,他当初也是不死之身,谁杀了他,那他就可以占据对方的身体,死而复生。 May die finally. 可最终还是死了。 odd|surplus Mo Cai does not believe that Ye Meiyu cannot die. 余默才不相信叶美瑜死不了。 Even if kills Undying she, suppresses her, looked like initially the emperor collaborated with Chi You, suppressed seal Xin Mo (Heart Demon) to be the same with the bronze great coffin. 况且,即便杀不死她,镇压住她也可以啊,就像是当初皇帝和蚩尤联手,用青铜巨棺镇压封印心魔一样。 Bronze great coffin! 青铜巨棺! In the Tang Zheng heart moved, recalled to mind this goods, wasn't receiving in his Xumi world? 唐铮心中一动,记起了这件物品,不正收在他的须弥天下之中吗? He had still not found bronze great coffin the opportunity, almost forgot it quickly, has not thought that Ye Meiyu made him think. 他一直没有找到青铜巨棺的用武之地,几乎快忘记它了,没想到叶美瑜又让他想到了。 Right, bronze great coffin including Xin Mo (Heart Demon) can the seal suppression, I not believe unable to cope with Ye Meiyu.” “对啊,青铜巨棺连心魔都可以封印镇压,我就不信还对付不了叶美瑜。” Tang Zheng thinks of here, relaxed, provocative Ye Meiyu said intentionally: You have been supercilious, looked that I kill again your second time.” 唐铮想到这里,松了一口气,故意挑衅叶美瑜说:“你太目中无人了,看我再杀你第二次。” sōu! 嗖! Tang Zheng flew to Ye Meiyu, this time has not actually used the profound storehouse sword, unarmed, Ye Meiyu snorted contemptuously, has not paid attention. 唐铮飞向了叶美瑜,这次却没有动用玄藏剑,赤手空拳,叶美瑜嗤之以鼻,根本没放在眼里。 He uses the profound storehouse sword to kill Undying she, has any ability unarmed. 他动用玄藏剑都杀不死她,赤手空拳又有什么能耐。 The military and Li Xiaotian are staring at him steadily, the heart mentioned the throat, is helpless, root local guild he. 武和栗笑天目不转睛地盯着他,心提到了嗓子眼,却无能为力,根本帮不了他。 They then realized that the wild aura the fearful place, can make one bring back to life unexpectedly, this was many person long-awaited Realm, Ye Meiyu achieves unexpectedly. 他们这才意识到蛮荒气息的可怕之处,竟然可以令人起死回生,这是多少人梦寐以求的境界,叶美瑜竟然做到了。 If cannot trig her, she stirs up trouble, will not do many matters to come, perhaps on this day under wanted the chaos. 若真制不住她,那她兴风作浪,又不是会搞出多少事来,这天下恐怕又要大乱了。 Tang Zheng also very clear this point, therefore, he very cautiously, opportunity, only then one time, misses rudes awakening. 唐铮也很清楚这一点,因此,他十分小心翼翼,机会只有一次,错过就后悔莫及。 He saw in the Ye Meiyu eye crazy with disdaining, he wants is this effect. 他看见了叶美瑜眼中的疯狂与不屑,他要的就是这种效果。 Their tentacles may. 两人触手可及了。 Ye Meiyu sees Tang Zheng not to attack, she took the lead, the big hand grasped forward, tornado that a wild aura composed changed to a long whip, has flung maliciously. 叶美瑜唐铮还没攻击,她率先动了,大手向前一抓,一股蛮荒气息组成的龙卷风化作一根长鞭,狠狠地甩了过来。 Was at this time!” “就是这个时候!” Tang Zheng acts according to circumstances, the Xumi world ray dodges, huge monster flew. 唐铮见机行事,须弥天下光芒一闪,一个庞然大物从中飞了出来。 Bronze great coffin! 青铜巨棺! Ye Meiyu does not understand that its significance, naturally not the clear Tang Zheng intention, does not spare a glance. 叶美瑜不明白它的意义,自然也不清楚唐铮的意图,根本不屑一顾。 At present one black, as if dark cloud capping, Ye Meiyu disdain curls the lip: such insignificant ability.” 眼前一黑,仿佛乌云压顶,叶美瑜不屑地撇嘴:“雕虫小技。” tornado hits the bronze great coffin, however, it is entirely still, tornado cannot how the slightest, instead, the bronze great coffin flood black light, tornado had been inhaled in the bronze great coffin, went into hiding. 龙卷风击中青铜巨棺,然而,它纹丝不动,龙卷风根本没能奈何分毫,反而,青铜巨棺泛起了一阵黑光,龙卷风被吸入青铜巨棺中,销声匿迹了。 Ye Meiyu sees that the pupil shrinks, facial color sudden change. 叶美瑜见状,瞳孔一缩,面色骤变。
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