TCOC :: Volume #18

#1741: The corner/horn of dragon god

Jiutian Xuannu fires into the 18 th building directly, this frightened other people to jump. 九天玄女径直冲向第18层楼,这一幕吓了其他人一跳。 The Dragon Slayer leader roared: Bold, stops!” 屠龙士首领咆哮一声:“大胆,停下!” sōu! 嗖! The Jiutian Xuannu speed is faster, suddenly vanished in the corridor. 九天玄女的速度更快,眨眼就消失在了楼道里。 The Tang Zheng corners of the mouth floated off the smiling face, before the leader, has not given the opportunity that he pursues horizontally. 唐铮嘴角浮起了笑容,横在了首领面前,根本不给他追击的机会。 In Dragon King eye flashes through a difference, he and Jiutian Xuannu do not have many friendship after all, now acts swiftly to get there first by her unexpectedly. 龙王眼中闪过一丝异样,他和九天玄女毕竟没多少交情,如今竟然被她捷足先登了。 But he does not have the means that enemy is too formidable, he and Tang Zheng only have the cooperation, can block the footsteps that the enemy goes forward. 可他也没办法,敌人着实太强大,他和唐铮唯有合作,才能挡住敌人前进的脚步。 Boils to me!” “给我滚开!” The leader hysteria roared, compelled to draw back Tang Zheng and Dragon King. 首领歇斯底里地咆哮起来,逼退了唐铮和龙王。 But they do not have to stand still slightly, rushes crazily. 但两人没有丝毫停歇,又疯狂地冲上去。 The leaders did not meet to incur, unexpectedly empty with winding, was evasive, but the vision solidly locked to the 18 th staircase. 首领并不接招了,竟然虚与委蛇,躲躲闪闪,但目光牢牢地锁定通往第18层的楼梯。 Tang Zheng where has not understood the thoughts of leader, 唐铮哪里还不明白首领的心思, Said facetiously: You want to ascend, first passes our pass/test.” 戏谑地说道:“你想登上去,先过我们这一关。” In Dragon King heart worries about Jiutian Xuannu to act swiftly to get there first, but he clearer cannot make the leader go to 18 buildings. 龙王心中担忧九天玄女捷足先登,但他更清楚不能让首领去18层楼。 Therefore, compares, he is willing to maintain now this aspect. 所以,相较而言,他更愿意保持如今这个局面。 He will steel one's heart simply, is staring at the leader aggressively, said: „The thing that rebel, Dragon Shenda the god left behind in the past, how allows you to bribe.” 他索性将心一横,咄咄逼人地盯着首领,说:“叛徒,当年龙神大神留下的东西,岂容你染指。” The leaders disdain snort|hum, said: I fused many dragon god fragment, so long as fuses the last dragon god fragment, under that this day was my.” 首领不屑地哼了一声,道:“我已经融合了不少龙神碎片,只要融合最后一个龙神碎片,那这天下就是我的了。” Wishful thinking!” Tang Zheng and Dragon King shouted at one with one voice, rushed ahead boldly. “痴心妄想!”唐铮和龙王异口同声地断喝一声,奋不顾身地冲杀上去。 Tripartite battle is very intense, frightening, the fight complementary waves are damaging Langya unceasingly 三方的厮杀很激烈,令人心惊胆寒,战斗的余波在不断地伤害琅琊 Langya swings wants to fall. 琅琊摇欲坠。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, a bang transmits from the 18 th building, attracted them instantaneously. 突然,一声巨响从第18层楼传来,瞬间就吸引住了他们。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Three both eyes eyeballs look as if by prior agreement toward 18 th. 双眼睛不约而同地朝第18层望去。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Also is several bangs transmits, Langya shook was fiercer, as if momentarily possibly collapsed. 又是几声巨响传来,琅琊晃更剧烈了,似乎随时都可能坍塌。 To! 冲! In three people of hearts simultaneously sprouts this thought that gave up battle, just likes to the arrow of string, has fired into the 18 th building. 三人心中同时萌生这个念头,放弃了厮杀,犹如离弦之箭,冲向了第18层楼。 Tang Zheng kept off in the stairway, he turns around suddenly, clashes insistently in the forefront. 唐铮本来就挡在楼梯口,他霍然转身,一马当先地冲在最前面。 The leaders fall behind a half step, follows, Dragon King follows in the leader behind, martial arts of three form almost a blink passed the corridor. 首领只是落后一小步,也紧随其后,龙王跟在首领身后,三个身影几乎一眨眼的功夫就通过了楼道。 Whish! 哗! Tang Zheng rushes to the 18 th building, the eye-catching ray shoots together. 唐铮冲到第18层楼,一道夺目的光芒射来。 He instead stared in a big way the eyeball, was not willing to miss any detail. 他反而瞪大了眼珠,不愿错过任何一个细节。 „” “啊” When he saw clearly in brilliant ray that secretly, the sentiment has not called out in alarm from Restricted Area. 当他看清楚了绚烂的光芒中那一幕后,情不自禁地惊呼了起来。 Dragon corner/horn!” “龙角!” Sees only a giant dragon corner/horn float in the midair, not other dragon god fragments. 只见一枚巨大的龙角漂浮在半空中,并没有其他龙神碎片。 How is Dragon Corner/Horn, but isn't the dragon god fragment?” Tang Zheng is confused. “怎么是龙角,而不是龙神碎片?”唐铮一头雾水。 But he immediately by another attracting, has seen only Jiutian Xuannu to throw down distressedly on the ground, nearly is looking at Dragon Corner/Horn desperately. 但他马上又被另外一幕给吸引住了,只见九天玄女狼狈地摔倒在地上,近乎绝望地望着龙角。 What's the matter?” Tang Zheng asked hurriedly. “怎么回事?”唐铮急忙问道。 This Dragon Corner/Horn has the issue, I do not have the means to approach.” Jiutian Xuannu said depressed. “这龙角有问题,我根本没办法靠近。”九天玄女沮丧地说。 Dragon corner/horn is my.” The leaders rushed to the 18 th building, fires into the dragon corner in midair directly. “龙角是我的。”首领冲到了第18层楼,直接就冲向半空中的龙角。 How could Tang Zheng makes him prevail, jumps to leap, loudly shouted to clear the way: Has a dream!” 唐铮岂能让他得逞,纵身一跃,大喝道:“做梦!” Both sides have simultaneously found out Dragon Claw, 双方同时探出了龙爪, [Gold/Metal] silver, grasps as if by prior agreement to the dragon corner/horn. 一金一银,不约而同地抓向龙角。 Saw with own eyes when two Dragon Claw must bump into the dragon corner/horn, an invisible energy rushes from the dragon corner/horn. 眼见两个龙爪就要碰到龙角时,一股无形的能量从龙角上澎湃而出。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Two bangs, Tang Zheng and leader simultaneously were shaken by a formidable strength fly. 两声巨响,唐铮和首领同时被一股强大的力量震飞。 pēng pēng! 砰砰 They hit maliciously on the wall, stops. 他们狠狠地撞在墙壁上,才停止下来。 But the next second, they turning over|stand up, has changed colors with amazement is staring at Dragon Corner/Horn. 但下一秒,他们已经翻身而起,骇然失色地盯着龙角。 At this time, Dragon King also arrived at 18 buildings, was extremely staring at Dragon Corner/Horn pleasantly surprised, lost one's voice to call out in alarm: „The corner/horn of dragon god.” 这时,龙王也来到了18层楼,惊喜万分地盯着龙角,失声惊呼:“龙神之角。” His both eyes shines, is not willing to put aside from the dragon corner/horn. 双眼放光,一刻也不愿从龙角上移开。 The leaders said wickedly: That damn Dragon Shen dragon corner/horn, has anything to make a fuss about nothing.” 首领恶狠狠地说:“那个该死龙神的龙角而已,有什么值得大惊小怪。” Tang Zheng rebutted with sarcasm: Since you so look down upon, that do not snatch.” 唐铮反唇相讥:“既然你如此看不起,那就别抢啊。” Why doesn't snatch? Once I fused the supernatural power of corner/horn of this dragon god, you at all are not I, as soon as the enemy of gathering.” The leaders said complacently. “为什么不抢?一旦我融合了这龙神之角的神力,那你就根本不是我一合之敌了。”首领洋洋得意地说。 Although this 18 th does not have the dragon god fragment, the supernatural power that but the corner/horn of this dragon god has is fiercer. 虽然这第18层并没有龙神碎片,但这龙神之角拥有的神力更厉害。 Several people naturally want to appropriate to oneself. 几人自然都更想据为己有。 Tang Zheng curled the lip, said: Do not be early, this Dragon Corner/Horn who the boast said was not easy to fuse.” 唐铮撇了撇嘴,道:“别把大话说的那么早,这龙角不是那么容易融合的。” The leaders do not have the means to refute, just now they have attempted, that formidable instead shakes the strength to make them shrink back at the sight. 首领没办法反驳,方才他们已经尝试过了,那股强大的反震力量令他们望而却步。 Tang Zheng has not been robbing simply anxiously, but helps up Jiutian Xuannu, asked kindly: You how?” 唐铮索性不急着抢夺了,而是扶起九天玄女,关切地问道:“你怎么样了?” Jiutian Xuannu is biting the lip, shook the head saying: I do not have to obstruct greatly, just now the vitality shakes, now was much better.” 九天玄女咬着嘴唇,摇摇头说:“我没有大碍,方才气血震荡,现在好多了。” Tang Zheng relaxed, urges: You draw back first, we deal with the enemy first.” 唐铮松了口气,叮嘱道:“你先退下,我们先来应付敌人。” sōu! 嗖! The leaders are not willingly, although had been defeated one time, but he resolutely fires into Dragon Corner/Horn. 首领并不甘心,虽然已经失败过一次,可他还是毅然决然地冲向龙角。 Dragon King looks the intense color, Tang Zheng actually stands one's ground steadfastly, curled the lip facetiously. 龙王面露紧张之色,唐铮却岿然不动,戏谑地撇了撇嘴。 Tang Zheng has attempted one time, has been well aware, this dragon corner/horn where is so easy to obtain. 唐铮已经尝试过一次,心知肚明了,这龙角哪里是那么容易得到的。 Bang! 嘭! Sure enough, a dull thumping sound, leader was shot to fly, falls on the ground distressedly. 果不其然,一声闷响,首领被弹飞回来,狼狈地落在地上。 Ha!” Tang Zheng laughs heartily: You think really Dragon Corner/Horn so is easy to obtain?” “哈哈哈!”唐铮纵声大笑:“你真以为龙角是那么容易得到的吗?” Dragon King rejoice relaxed. 龙王庆幸似地松了口气。 The leaders crawl breathless, stared Tang Zheng one maliciously, the unwilling heart is looking at Dragon Corner/Horn. 首领气急败坏地爬起来,狠狠地瞪了唐铮一眼,不甘心地望着龙角。 What Seal did this damn dragon corner/horn suppose?” The leaders also saw the clue, said indignantly. “这该死的龙角又设下了什么禁制?”首领也看出了端倪,愤愤不平地说道。 Tang Zheng smiled, said: In any case is Seal that you cannot break.” 唐铮笑了笑,说:“反正是你破不掉的禁制。” Snort, I cannot break, can you break this Seal?” The leaders rebutted with sarcasm. “哼,我破不掉,难道你就能破掉这禁制吗?”首领反唇相讥。 Tang Zheng shrugs indifferently, said: Has not related, I cannot break am also all right, so long as does not fall into your hand, this is the victory.” 唐铮无所谓地耸耸肩,说:“没关系啊,我破不掉也没事儿,只要不落入你的手中,这便是胜利。” You leader had nothing to say in reply, he won to the dragon corner/horn, if not for obtained Dragon Corner/Horn, he is unable to be complete. “你”首领无言以对,他对龙角是志在必得,若不是得到龙角,他就无法圆满。 Tang Zheng is different, so long as preserves Dragon Corner/Horn, he was equal to gaining the victory. 唐铮却不一样,只要保住龙角,他就相当于取得了胜利。 Was inferior that I try.” Dragon King anticipates saying that he is Dragon King, actually cannot melt the closure god fragment, if can obtain Dragon Corner/Horn, that is also greatly makes up to his one. “不如我来试一下。”龙王期待地说道,他身为龙王,却没能融合龙神碎片,若是能够得到龙角,那也算是对他的一个巨大弥补。 You can try.” Tang Zheng said gracefully. “你可以试一下。”唐铮落落大方地说。 The leaders want to refute very much, but he does not have the qualifications and means refutes, can only stare Dragon King one wickedly. 首领很想反驳,可他根本没资格和办法反驳,只能恶狠狠地瞪了龙王一眼。 Dragon King ignores, soars directly, flies to the dragon corner/horn. 龙王熟视无睹,径直腾空而起,飞向龙角。 Bang! 嘭! It is not accidental, Dragon King was also shot to fly, is more distressed than the leader. 毫无意外,龙王也被弹飞回来,比首领更加狼狈。 Ha Ha Ha leader laughs wildly, links me not to have the means that you think your crude person the level, but can also appropriate to oneself this Dragon Corner/Horn?” “哈哈哈”首领狂笑起来,“连我都没办法,你以为你那点半吊子的水平,还能把这龙角据为己有吗?” Dragon King lowered the head disappointedly, then, this turned into the deadlock, no one has the means to appropriate to oneself the dragon corner/horn. 龙王失望地垂下了头,如此一来,这就变成了僵局,谁都没办法把龙角据为己有。 Wish everybody fifth day of the fifth lunar month joyful. 祝大家端午快乐。
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