TCOC :: Volume #18

#1734: Scoring

The Dragon Slayer leader floats in the midair, the bird's eye view Dragon Clan, was saying: Dares the resister, executes summarily! Dragon Clan may not kill the shame, kills Ah! Dragon Clan to roar, fires into the leader dutifully, however, they do not have the means to approach the leader. Because, other Dragon Slayer the diving posture, has blocked Dragon Clan. pēng pēng pēng! Dragon Clan fall on the ground, in an extremely difficult situation, casualty one piece, facing the Dragon Slayer army, they at is not a match. When this looks like in ancient Dragon Yu Dragon Slayer facing Dragon Clan, simply did not have many opportunities of revolt, the victory and defeat to divide. Dragon Clan falls down, is looking at the corpse of clansman, they low noble head, instead once more has not crawled, tries to fight the final one breath with Dragon Slayer, last drop of blood. The Dragon Slayer leader has not paid attention to this, but his thoughts actually become grim get up, because, this ambusher means at present Dragon Clan is guarding against him. Dragon Clan knows that they will invade Langya that also to mean perhaps before long, their whereabouts will be discovered by Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan army definitely crazily will prevent them. Therefore, Dragon Slayer must race against time, found Dragon Hun and dragon god fragment, after fusing these, the Dragon Slayer strength will increase, suppresses Dragon Clan completely, achieves the final success. About dragon soul and dragon god fragment, this is the Dragon Slayer leader through a mystique knew that initially that Dragon Slayer died in the dragon seal world, [soul destroyed / terror-stricken], but has left behind a clue as before, making the Dragon Slayer leader inquire into the tracing, has discovered the truth. Since discovering the truth, the leader completely had been shocked by this news, then gathers all strengths, tried to break through layer on layer Seal in the shortest time. At first, he is helpless, does not know how to break through this Seal. Perhaps is the divine intervention, afterward he suddenly discovered the means unexpectedly under his nose. Dragon palace! This is the Dragon Clan construction first dragon palace, is until now, most ancient dragon palace. The leaders grow up in this dragon palace, thinks that is familiar with the dragon palace, therefore has neglected the dragon palace. Originally, the dragon palace unexpectedly is the dragon seal world link, through dragon palace not only can arrive at the dragon seal world, but can also the mortal body arrive at the dragon seal world. The leader was really has been shocked by this discovery, it may be said that was you wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come not to be all time-consuming. But, this channel by the Seal seal , he was ruined the most dragon palace to relieve the seal not at any cost, has made a connection with this channel. Once this seal destroys, provoked the chain-reaction, the dragon seal world had the tremendous changes, they can the free-flight motion in the dragon seal world, the battle efficiency increased. Front, standing upside down Langya present outline. The leaders are overjoyed, the eye has shone, performing is the greedy color. Dragon soul and dragon god fragment, I finally found you. The Dragon Clan generation, initially you these conceal here, I looked for these many years, finally was given to find by me, ha!” The leaders laugh wildly, the strong winds writings, have blown off the dense fog. Standing upside down Langya clear obvious, Dragon Slayer bloom the frantic vision, after seeing the leader big hand wields, they impatiently overran. Dragon soul, I want Dragon Hun! I want the dragon god fragment! Go away, where you have the qualifications to obtain the dragon god fragment, that is the it's in the bag of leader.” Dragon Slayer shouts and wrangles, before arrived in Langya, instantaneously. An intermittent excited roaring sound resounds through the world to Ah!, they fired into the Langya leaders sharply not to flush, but stood outside the building, raised head to size up Langya only to listen to him saying that its said: Miracle.” The voice falls, Dragon Slayer flies from the entrance ball, almost hits on the leader. What's the matter?” The leaders holds Dragon Slayer, the sinking sound asks. Seal, this Langya Seal.” Dragon Slayer shouted loudly. Initially, the dragon seal world has not encountered wantonly the destruction time, Dragon Slayer can be on certain floor, however, at this moment, Dragon Slayer actually linked Langya unable to go. Because, after the dragon seal world was destroyed, self-starting protection mechanism, preventing all races outside Dragon Clan to enter. Dragon Slayer were defeated, one after another was shot to fly, fell place in an extremely difficult situation. Waste!” The leaders see that the sinking sound anger shouted to clear the way. Dragon Slayer one after another dangling head, some people are not willingly, spell to try, has tried one time, may be shot to fly. The strength that they put forth is bigger, the strength of rebound is also bigger. The leader facial color sinks, brilliant is staring at the Langya gate, said: Trivial leafed door, but also wants to block me.” He walks with long hurried strides, place visited, ground cuns (2.5cm) chap, the fissure spreads to the entrance directly stops, the invisible strength has blocked the fissure. The Dragon Slayer footsteps keep, the big hand pats forward, silver Dragon Claw lays out maliciously, bang, hits in the gate. His body has swayed, actually steady, has not retroceded, keeping ringing that but the front door actually creaks. Other Dragon Slayer see that reveals the pleasantly surprised color, clamored: Leader military might, where this leafed door can block you.” Only has litigant to be clear, this leafed door is not the surface so is simple, that huge counter- tension made him almost unable to endure. He has not been discouraged, instead the confidence multiplies, because tried the actual situation of this leafed door, he had the confidence to break through it. His takes a deep breath, the whole body imposing manner had the tremendous changes, silver Dragon Claw is getting bigger and bigger, a boundless strength gathers in the palm. Silver photosphere appears in Dragon Claw, the photosphere is getting bigger and bigger, especially dazzling, other Dragon Slayer have closed the eye subconsciously. Bang! The photosphere flew, pounds above the front door, worked as one, the front door powder has put up, turned into stretch of ruins, Seal vanished. The leader corners of the mouth floated off finally the smiling face, said: Langya I came back, in the past you pursued Dragon Clan me, won my dragon soul, making me not have the means to enter Langya this time, I did not need Dragon Hun, can step into this place as before.” He thought aloud that stride one cross, the threshold of front door changes disintegrates, changes to the powder powder, but he has placed oneself in Langya. Other Dragon Slayer have opened the eye, looks at this secretly, in the eye erupts the wild with joy color, one after another cheers to cry out. Leader military might! Leader unmatched in the world! Dragon Hun, looks quickly, has Dragon Hun.” Dragon Slayer pointed at Langya that the front door was opening wide to see clearly inside picture, shouted and wrangled to keep. Saw only the golden dragon souls to fly from the tombstone, circled in Langya. This looks like in the world the delicacies of most delicacy, attracted the eye of Dragon Slayer. 屠龙士首领漂浮在半空中,俯瞰着龙族,说:“敢反抗者,格杀勿论!龙族可杀不可辱,杀啊!龙族咆哮起来,一个个义无反顾地冲向首领,然而,他们根本没办法靠近首领。因为,其他屠龙士已经飞身而起,挡住了龙族砰砰砰!一个个龙族落在地上,狼狈不堪,死伤一片,面对屠龙士大军,他们根本不是对手。这就像是古老龙域中的屠龙士面对龙族时,根本没有多少反抗的机会,胜负就分了出来。龙族倒在地上,望着族人的尸体,他们并没有低下高贵的头颅,反而再次爬起来,试图与屠龙士战斗到最后一口气,最后一滴血。屠龙士首领根本没理会这一幕,但他心思却变得凝重起来,因为,眼前这一支伏兵意味着龙族在提防着他。龙族知道他们会入侵琅琊那也就意味着没准过不了多久,他们的行踪就会被龙族发现。龙族大军肯定会疯狂地阻止他们。所以,屠龙士必须争分夺秒,找到龙魂和龙神碎片,融合了这些后,屠龙士的实力将会大增,完全压制住龙族,获得最后的胜利。关于龙魂和龙神碎片,这是屠龙士首领通过一种秘法得知的,当初那个屠龙士死在龙印世界中,魂飞魄散了,但依旧留下了一点线索,让屠龙士首领寻根溯源,发现了真相。自从发现真相后,首领就完全被这个消息震惊了,然后集合所有力量,试图在最短的时间内突破了重重禁制。起初,他无能为力,根本不知如何突破这种禁制。或许是天意,后来他竟然发现办法竟然就在自己眼皮底下。龙宫!这是龙族建造的第一个龙宫,也是迄今为止,最古老的龙宫。首领就是在这龙宫中长大的,自以为对龙宫了如指掌,所以忽略了龙宫。原来,龙宫竟然是和龙印世界联通的,通过龙宫不但可以到达龙印世界,还可以肉身到达龙印世界。首领真是被这个发现惊呆了,可谓是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。但,这个通道被禁制封印了,他不惜代价,毁掉了大半龙宫才解除封印,打通了这个通道。这道封印一旦破坏,引起了连锁反应,龙印世界发生了翻天覆地的变化,他们可以在龙印世界中自由飞行了,战斗力大增。前方,倒立的琅琊现了轮廓。首领大喜过望,眼睛亮了起来,尽是贪婪之色。“龙魂、龙神碎片,我终于找到你们了。龙族的列祖列宗,当初你们把这些藏于此处,我找了这么多年,终于还是被我给找到了,哈哈哈!”首领狂笑起来,狂风大作,吹散了迷雾。倒立的琅琊晰可见了,一个个屠龙士绽放狂热的目光,见首领大手一挥后,他们就迫不及待地冲了过去。“龙魂,我要龙魂!我要龙神碎片!滚开,你哪里有资格得到龙神碎片,那是首领的囊中之物。”屠龙士大呼小叫,瞬间就到了琅琊前。“冲啊!”一阵阵兴奋的咆哮声响彻天地,他们就冲向了琅琊首领并没有急着冲进去,而是站在楼外,仰头打量着琅琊只听他啧啧称其地说:“奇迹啊。”话音一落,一个屠龙士就从门口弹飞出来,差点撞在首领身上。“怎么回事?”首领一把抓住屠龙士,沉声问道。“禁制,这琅琊禁制。”屠龙士大喊大叫道。当初,龙印世界还没有遭到大肆破坏的时候,屠龙士可以登上一定的楼层,然而,此刻,屠龙士却连琅琊进不去了。因为,龙印世界遭到破坏后,自行启动了保护机制,阻止龙族外的一切种族进入其中。一个个屠龙士都失败了,纷纷被弹飞回来,狼狈不堪地落了一地。“废物!”首领见状,沉声怒喝道。屠龙士纷纷垂下头,有人不甘心,拼尽全力,又试了一次,可还是被弹飞了。他们使出的力道越大,反弹的力道也越大。首领面色一沉,灼灼地盯着琅琊门,道:“区区一扇门,还想挡住我。”他大步流星地走过去,所过之处,地面寸寸皲裂,裂痕直接蔓延到门口才停下,无形的力量挡住了裂痕。屠龙士脚步不停,大手向前拍去,一个银色龙爪狠狠地拍出,轰隆一声,打在门上。他身体摇晃了一下,却稳了下来,没有后退,但大门却嘎吱嘎吱的响个不停。其他屠龙士见状,露出惊喜之色,叫嚣道:“首领威武,这扇门哪里挡得住你。”唯有当事人自己才清楚,这扇门并不是表面那么简单,那巨大的反弹力令他也差点吃不消。他没有气馁,反而信心倍增,因为试出了这扇门的虚实,他有信心攻破它。他深吸一口气,浑身气势发生了翻天覆地的变化,银色的龙爪越来越大,一股磅礴的力量在掌心汇聚。一个银色的光球出现在龙爪之中,光球越来越大,格外刺目,其他屠龙士下意识地闭上了眼睛。轰!光球飞了出去,砸在大门之上,哐当一声,大门散架了,变成了一片废墟,禁制消失了。首领嘴角终于浮起了笑容,道:“琅琊我又回来了,当年你们把我驱逐出龙族,夺走我的龙魂,让我没办法进入琅琊今时今日,我无需龙魂,依旧可以踏入这个地方。”他自言自语,大步一跨,大门的门槛化作土崩瓦解,化作齑粉,而他已经置身于琅琊了。其他屠龙士都睁开了眼睛,看着这一幕后,眼中爆发出狂喜之色,纷纷欢呼呐喊起来。“首领威武!首领天下无敌!龙魂,快看,有龙魂。”屠龙士指着大门洞开的琅琊看清楚了里面的景象,大呼小叫个不停。只见一个个金色的龙魂从墓碑中飞了起来,在琅琊盘旋。这就像是世界上最美味的佳肴,吸引住了屠龙士的眼睛。
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