TCOC :: Volume #18

#1723: Limitless umbrella

The good fortune of Dragon Clan? 龙族之幸? Dragon King does not approve this point, said indignantly: Dragon Clan also who can have this talent?” 龙王并不认同这一点,愤愤不平地说:“龙族还有谁能有此天赋?” Dragon King knew about the Dragon Clan situation, if there is a talent excellent person, these years already escaped direct, but left. 龙王对龙族的情况十分了解,若是有天赋绝佳之人,这些年早就脱引而出了。 After all, Dragon Clan likely is not the world, will also have certain high-energy recluses. 毕竟,龙族可不像是人类世界,还会有某些高能隐士。 Dragon Clan is longs for strength the race, if competent, absolutely not hidden, but does not reveal, does any returning to native place wooded mountain and so on matter. 龙族是渴望力量的种族,若是有实力,绝对不会隐而不露,去搞什么归隐山林之类的事。 We left Langya naturally to know.” The Tang Zheng comfort said. “等我们离开琅琊自然就会知晓了。”唐铮安慰道。 The air/Qi in Dragon King heart has no way to be suitable as before, has no alternative. 龙王心中的气依旧没法顺,却也无可奈何。 Tang Zheng looked at a stairway, said: Saint of this building no longer, the tenth two-story building definitely, me takes down.” 唐铮望了一眼楼梯口,说:“这层楼的圣器不再了,第十二层楼的肯定在,我去取下来。” In Dragon King heart low-spirited, Tang Zheng can so superficially say these words, he does not have the means. 龙王心中黯然,唐铮可以如此轻描淡写地说出这番话,他却没办法。 He was also counting on ten a yet higher goal, as for ten two-story building, that are the places that he does not dare to expect. 他还指望着十一层楼,至于十二层楼,那是他不敢奢望的地方。 No matter Tang Zheng also complex thoughts of Dragon King, have been directly on the tenth two-story building, the other Dragon King reluctant to part are only looking at his back. 唐铮也不管龙王的复杂心思,径直就登上了第十二层楼,只余下龙王恋恋不舍地望着他的背影。 12, Tang Zheng just ascended, vision by one attracting. 12层,唐铮刚登上来,目光就被一幕给吸引住了。 An umbrella calmly floats in the midair, is sending out the mysterious brilliance. 一把伞静静地漂浮在半空中,散发着神秘的光辉。 What Magical Treasure is this?” “这是什么法宝?” The Tang Zheng surprise stared in a big way the eyeball. 唐铮诧异地瞪大了眼珠。 Any Magical Treasure, took first was saying. 无论是什么法宝,先拿到手在说。 His big hand searches, the huge attraction covered Magical Treasure, Magical Treasure has struggled. 他大手一探,巨大的吸引力笼罩住了法宝,法宝挣扎了起来。 Hū! 呼! The umbrella cover opens, brilliant ray bright with many colors sprinkles to all directions, shining, is especially beautiful. 伞面打开,五光十色的绚烂光芒洒向四面八方,流光溢彩,格外美丽。 An powerful strength surges from umbrella, but the three Saint marks on umbrella cover are especially striking. 一股强悍的力量从伞上激荡开来,而伞面上的三条圣纹格外醒目。 Three Saint marks! 三条圣纹! In Tang Zheng heart imposing, this Saint is really unusual, unexpectedly only then three Saint marks, although is inferior to the Saint mark of profound storehouse sword to be simple, is not complex. 唐铮心中凛然,这件圣器果然非同一般,竟然只有三条圣纹,虽然不及玄藏剑的圣纹简单,却也并不复杂。 The enormous and powerful strength is counter-attacking the Tang Zheng attraction, but cannot anti-, whiz one fly into the palm of Tang Zheng finally. 浩浩荡荡的力量反击着唐铮的吸引力,但最终还是没能抗住,嗖的一下就飞入了唐铮的掌心。 Starting is an energy surges the whole body of Tang Zheng, he lowers the head looks, discovers this also some beautiful beautification traces on the umbrella. 入手是一股能量激荡唐铮的全身,他低头一瞧,发现这把伞上还有许多美丽的修饰纹路。 He He, the limitless umbrella, is so gaudy, this is Magical Treasure that the female uses.” Tang Zheng cannot help laughing, Magical Treasure starts, the Magical Treasure name appears naturally in the mind. “呵呵,无极伞,如此花哨,这是女性用的法宝吧。”唐铮哑然失笑,法宝入手,法宝的名字自然而然地就浮现在脑海中。 The limitless umbrella, is this Magical Treasure name. 无极伞,便是这法宝的名字。 This limitless umbrella background is not definitely small, Dragon King definitely knows.” “这无极伞来头肯定不小,龙王肯定知晓。” He goes downstairs to look for Dragon King, actually discovers Dragon King already not in Langya. 他下楼去找龙王,却发现龙王已经没有在琅琊。 Well, is it possible that did Dragon King walk first? 咦,莫非龙王先走了? Is impossible, Dragon King is harboring intentions Saint, how possibly not to look that does walk? 不可能,龙王心心念念着圣器,怎么可能不看一眼就走呢? And definitely has strange matter. 其中肯定有蹊跷 He withdraws from Langya heart somewhat to be just strange hastily, as if this time come the Langya time not to be short, had not actually come out by Langya, this is actually very strange. 他连忙退出琅琊只不过心中有些古怪,似乎自己这次来琅琊时间不短,却没有被琅琊出来,这点倒是十分奇怪。 pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 He has not tasted this Langya line with enough time carefully, the gate of secret room layer on layer had been sounded, as if very worries. 他还未来得及仔细回味这次琅琊行,密室的门已经被重重地敲响了,似乎十分着急。 His brow twists, thought aloud: Does not know that I am exercising martial arts? How so to worry to knock on a door?” 他眉头一拧,自言自语:“不是知道我在练功吗?怎么如此着急地敲门?” He shook the head, leisurely strolls to walk, after he opened the door, actually saw many people to stand in the entrance, the vision is staring at him fiery. 他摇摇头,信步就走了出去,当他打开门后,却看见不少人站在门口,目光炯炯有神地盯着他。 And has Dragon King and dragon to cause, Jiutian Xuannu impressively, Gold Dragon. 其中赫然有龙王、龙使、九天玄女,还有金龙 Well, Dragon King leaves without saying good-bye in Langya, how now so anxiously to be looking for me?” “咦,龙王在琅琊不辞而别,现在怎么如此急着找我?” In his heart whispered, had not asked with enough time that Dragon King has opened the mouth first, asked: What 12 Saint are?” 他心中嘀咕,还没来得及问,龙王先开口了,问道:“12层的圣器是什么?” Tang Zheng smiles, originally he wants to know this. 唐铮会心一笑,原来他是想知道这个。 His intention moves, brilliance lifts off from his hand together, immediately captured in pairs an attention. 他心念一动,一道光华从他手中升空而起,立即就吸引了一双双目光。 Limitless umbrella!” “无极伞!” Dragon King brilliant is staring at this, loses one's voice to shout. 龙王灼灼地盯着这一幕,失声喊道。 Other dragons cause also excitedly to look at the limitless umbrella, this is Saint in legend, the might is peerless, has not thought that such quickly was born. 其他龙使也兴奋地望着无极伞,这可是传说中的圣器,威力绝伦,没想到这么快就出世了。 A Jiutian Xuannu dark to praise attractiveness, deeply is attracted by the imposing manner that the limitless umbrella sent out. 九天玄女暗赞一声漂亮,更被无极伞所散发的气势给深深地吸引住了。 Saw everybody to recognize this Saint, Tang Zheng asked curiously: „The background of limitless umbrella must not be small, why not Dragon King gives everybody to explain.” 见大家都认出了这件圣器,唐铮好奇地问道:“无极伞的来头应当不小吧,龙王何不给大家讲解一下。” Dragon King be filled with emotion said: Limitless umbrella is hundreds of thousands of years ago a Dragon Clan dragon causes refinement Magical Treasure, at first it is not Saint, but causes the unceasing refinement promotion after the dragon, finally, the limitless umbrella turned into Saint.” 龙王感慨万千地说:“无极伞乃是数十万年前龙族的一位龙使炼制的法宝,起初它并不是一件圣器,但经过龙使不断的炼制升级,最终,无极伞变成了圣器。” „, This dragon causes truly fiercely.” Tang Zheng said. “哦,这龙使确实厉害。”唐铮赞道。 Naturally fierce!” Dragon King echoes saying: This dragon causes is the first female dragon causes through the ages.” “当然厉害!”龙王附和道:“这位龙使是古往今来第一位女龙使。” „Does female dragon cause?” Tang Zheng gawked, vision fell on the limitless umbrella, to his knowledge, Dragon Clan was a male for the focus world, master or hierarch almost uniform male. “女龙使?”唐铮愣了一下,目光落在无极伞上,据他所知,龙族是一个男性为主的世界,无论是高手还是掌权者几乎清一色的男性。 Can sit the throne that the dragon causes in this male power society unexpectedly, this has saying that her strength was too formidable, difficult effort as well as talent that pays absolutely first-class. 在这种男权社会中竟然可以坐上龙使的宝座,这不得不说她的实力太强大了,所付出的艰辛努力以及天赋绝对是一流的。 In Tang Zheng heart some respect. 唐铮心中不禁有些了敬佩之情。 Dragon King sighed: Has not thought that is Magical Treasure that this dragon causes places 12, now, this Saint thinking highly of present daylight, is the luck of Dragon Clan.” 龙王感叹道:“没想到是这位龙使的法宝放在12层,如今,这件圣器重现天日,乃是龙族的幸运。” Tang Zheng looks all around for one week, discovered that Dragon King or the dragon cause, is the uniform male, looking pensive said: This limitless umbrella is feminine Magical Treasure.” 唐铮环顾一周,发现无论是龙王还是龙使,都是清一色的男性,若有所思地说:“这无极伞是女性法宝吧。” This Dragon King and numerous dragons cause to be startled fiercely, they only think that Saint thinking highly of present in society, has not actually thought this Saint has place of the limit. “这”龙王和众龙使猛地一怔,他们只想到圣器重现世间,却没想到这件圣器有一个局限之处。 The limitless umbrella is different from general Magical Treasure, generally the Magical Treasure male and female brand mark is not heavy, on after all a master is a man, the next master also possibly is a woman. 无极伞不同于一般的法宝,一般法宝的男女烙印并不重,毕竟上一个主人是男人,下一个主人也可能是女人。 But the limitless umbrella is different, is born at the beginning of it in the female dragon causes in the hand, moreover gathered the female dragon to cause several hundred over a thousand years of Heart Blood, each refinement promoted to cause own habit according to a more suitable female dragon. 但无极伞不一样,从它诞生之初就在女龙使手中,而且又集合了女龙使数百上千年的心血,每一次炼制升级都是按照更适合女龙使自己的使用习惯。 The grade of limitless umbrella is higher, this brand mark is more profound, finally became the limitless umbrella inalienable part. 无极伞的品级越高,这种烙印就越深刻,最后成为了无极伞不可分割的一部分。 Therefore, after this dragon causes, the limitless umbrella has not passed to next Dragon Clan again, because, not having Dragon Clan can be competent this Saint. 所以,这位龙使死后,无极伞再也没有传给下一位龙族,因为,没有龙族可以胜任这件圣器。 In Dragon Clan has not presented a female powerhouse again, can match the limitless umbrella. 龙族之中再也没有出现过一位女性强者,可以匹配无极伞。 The limitless umbrella pearl flees the capital, did not have the date of blooming ray again. 无极伞明珠蒙尘,再无绽放光芒之日。 Dragon King and dragon cause looked at each other in blank dismay, by at present this aspect perplexing, several signs of the dragon has caused to have Saint, however, looks at limitless umbrella nobody is actually willing to take over. 龙王和龙使面面相觑,被眼前这个局面给难住了,几大龙使都想拥有一件圣器,然而,看着无极伞却没人愿意接手。 Not suitable Saint does not compare Heaven Ranked Treasure fierce many, instead some at crucial moment also meets the misdemeanor. 一件不适合的圣器并不比一件天级法宝厉害多少,反而有些关键时候还会坏事。 Therefore does not have a dragon to cause to receive the meaning in pouch, why can look in each eye almost be the limitless umbrella? 所以没有一个龙使要收入囊中的意思,每一个眼中的神色都差不多为什么会是无极伞呢? If other Magical Treasure, they snatch broken also to give up. 若是其他法宝,他们抢破头也会放弃的。 Limitless umbrella after is Dragon Clan Magical Treasure, receives first, in the future will be after all useful.” Dragon King said resentfully. “无极伞毕竟是龙族法宝,还是先收起来,将来总归会有用。”龙王悻悻地说。 Tang Zheng has not expected is this result, but saw their thoughts, in the heart moved fiercely, had the means. 唐铮没料到是这个结果,但看出了他们的心思,心中猛地一动,有了办法。
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