TCOC :: Volume #18

#1718: The dragon multi- strengths are big

Attacks four characters to make other Dragon King and dragons on own initiative causes to be surprised, the bonus was the Dragon Clan strength had the qualitative leap, they have not thought attacked to Dragon Slayer on own initiative. 主动进攻四个字令龙王和其他龙使大吃一惊,饶是龙族的实力有了质的飞跃,他们也没想过对屠龙士主动出击。 After all, the Dragon Slayer invincible image was ingrained, the Dragon Clan innermost feelings are also at once hard to vacillate. 毕竟,屠龙士不可战胜的形象已经根深蒂固,一时之间,龙族的内心也难以动摇。 The Tang Zheng vision observes the situation for one week, frowns to ask: What opinion has?” 唐铮的目光环视一周,蹙眉问道:“有什么意见吗?” Dragon King hesitates does not speak, a dragon caused erratically to say surprisedly: Divine Dragon causes, the great strength of Dragon Slayer is obvious to all, attack is not necessarily able on own initiative some good effects . Moreover, our Dragon Clan strength was getting stronger and stronger, may attempt it greatly slowly, waits to save to enough strength, attacks again on own initiative, this is better.” 龙王沉吟不语,一个龙使惊疑不定地说:“神龙使,屠龙士的强大有目共睹,主动出击未必会有多好的效果,况且,我们龙族的实力已经越来越强,大可徐徐图之,等积蓄到足够实力,再主动出击,这岂不是更好。” Other person of Dragon Clan heard that said one after another to nod, approves this opinion. 其他人龙族闻言纷纷点头,认同这番言论。 Dragon King does not have anxiously the speech, looks at Tang Zheng, as to look at his response meaningfully, he will definitely have the words to say. 龙王却没有急着发言,意味深长地看着唐铮,似乎想看他的反应,他肯定会有话说。 Sure enough, the Tang Zheng clear and resonant voice said: Attempts it slowly, he he, you think that Dragon Slayer will give us this opportunity and time?” 果不其然,唐铮朗声说道:“徐徐图之,呵呵,你认为屠龙士会给我们这个机会和时间吗?” Um? 嗯? People look one cold, is looking at Tang Zheng neatly, only listened to him to say forcefully: Dragon Slayer will definitely discover that enters the Langya means that how once Dragon Slayer will arrive in Langya you to say the serious results?” 众人神色一凛,齐刷刷地望着唐铮,只听他铿锵有力地说:“屠龙士肯定会发现进入琅琊办法,一旦屠龙士到达了琅琊你们说将会是怎样的严重后果?” This “这” The numerous dragons cause looked at each other in blank dismay, looks neatly to Dragon King, Dragon King eyelid jumps, he understands certainly the gravity of this matter, but wasn't he and Tang Zheng has gotten down the trap in Langya? 众龙使面面相觑,齐刷刷地望向龙王,龙王眼皮一跳,他当然明白这件事的严重性,只是他不是和唐铮在琅琊下了陷阱吗? Tang Zheng had guessed correctly the thoughts of Dragon King, said: „Can the Langya trap surround Dragon Slayer really completely?” 唐铮猜到了龙王的心思,说:“琅琊陷阱真的可以完全困住屠龙士吗?” This Dragon King hesitates, he is unable truly definite this point. “这”龙王犹豫起来,他也无法真正地确定这一点。 Tang Zheng smiles, said: To avoid future passive, we choose attack on own initiative, changes passively for initiative, this is the effective method.” 唐铮会心一笑,道:“为了避免将来的被动,我们选择主动出击,变被动为主动,这才是有效的手段。” Dragon Slayer actually where, we, even to attack on own initiative, could not find their dens.” A dragon makes the rebuttal say. 屠龙士究竟在哪里,我们即便想主动出击,也找不到他们的老巢。”一个龙使反驳道。 „The Dragon Slayer whereabouts is mystical, before we did not have the means to find, perhaps but is not true now. We had induced Dragon Slayer divine ability, Dragon Slayer can lock us in the boundless world, we can also do exactly the opposite, locks Dragon Slayer in the infinite universe.” Tang Zheng was as deep as a well said. 屠龙士的行踪神秘,以前我们是没办法找到,但如今恐怕并非如此。我们已经有了感应屠龙士神通,屠龙士可以在茫茫世界中锁定我们,我们也可以反其道而行之,在大千世界中锁定屠龙士。”唐铮高深莫测地说。 Really?” The numerous dragons enable to be skeptical. “真的可以吗?”众龙使持怀疑态度。 Naturally.” Tang Zheng is confident. “当然可以。”唐铮信心十足。 Why can't we induce the Dragon Slayer den?” “为何我们感应不到屠龙士的老巢?” That is too weak because of sole strength, after the strengths of set all people, this strength twists the rope, will have a more formidable strength.” Tang Zheng vowed solemnly that said. “那是因为单一的力量太弱,当集合所有人的力量后,这股力量拧成绳,将会拥有更强大的力量。”唐铮信誓旦旦地说。 If so?” “果真如此?” Tang Zheng layer on layer nods, this is not his Heart Blood incoming tide, but after the result of thinking, initially the Dragon Clan ancestor taught him to induce Dragon Slayer divine ability, that can only use in the same world. 唐铮重重点头,这可不是他心血来潮,而是经过深思熟虑的结果,当初龙族先祖传授他感应屠龙士神通,那只能在同一个世界中使用。 Now, Tang Zheng cultivation level has achieved Enlightenment Ninth Grade, many divine ability had the qualitative change, the law of this induction is one of them. 如今,唐铮修为达到了大乘九品,许多神通都有了质的变化,这感应之法就是其中之一。 I am not the Heart Blood incoming tide, before I come to the dragon territory, had experimented, during is dark, I caught clues, I believe that the set everybody's strength will certainly have the recent discovery. Otherwise, I do not dare so to vow solemnly.” “我并非是心血来潮,我来龙域之前就曾经试验过,冥冥之中,我已经捕捉到了一点蛛丝马迹,我相信集合大家的力量一定会有新发现。否则,我也不敢如此信誓旦旦。” Dragon King and dragon make facial color Qi Bian, looked at each other in blank dismay, Dragon King have doubts asked: Why I cannot induce, without any discovery?” 龙王与龙使面色齐变,面面相觑,龙王疑惑地问:“为什么我感应不到,没有任何发现呢?” The Tang Zheng doubts said: Dragon King, you are king of the clan, the divine ability understanding to Dragon Clan should above me, discover the clues including me, you certainly will discover how that doesn't have?” 唐铮疑惑地说:“龙王,你是一族之王,对龙族神通理解应该在我之上,连我都发现了蛛丝马迹,你怎么会一定发现都没有呢?” Dragon King complexion is resentful, does not know how to answer. 龙王脸色悻悻,不知如何作答。 Tang Zheng lowers the head to ponder that suddenly, in his heart one bright, is suddenly open, did he guess correctly a clue to be is it possible that concerned with the dragon god fragment finally? 唐铮低头思考起来,忽然,他心中一亮,霍然开朗,他终于猜出了一点端倪莫非与龙神碎片有关? He fused the dragon god fragment, other Dragon King and Dragon Clan do not have this chance, the both sides biggest difference perhaps was this point. 他融合了龙神碎片,龙王和其他龙族却没有这种机缘,双方最大的区别或许就是这一点了。 The understanding of dragon god fragment to Dragon Clan divine ability is willing Dingyuan to surpass other Dragon Clan, this is not difficult to explain that Tang Zheng will be why slightly better. 龙神碎片对龙族神通的理解肯定远超其他龙族,这就不难解释为何唐铮会略胜一筹。 Tang Zheng has not explained that said firmly: This time asked you to believe me, I have not talked irresponsibly absolutely, we will certainly induce to the Dragon Slayer den, looked like they traces us to be the same, does exactly the opposite, we traced Dragon Slayer.” 唐铮没有多做解释,坚定地说:“这次请你们相信我,我绝对没有信口雌黄,我们一定会感应到屠龙士的老巢,就像是他们追踪我们一样,反其道而行之,我们追踪屠龙士。” In many Dragon Clan eyes brimmed with the excited color, was really Dragon Clan experienced the innumerable humiliation years, now finally can feel proud and elated, this mood was self-evident. 不少龙族眼中洋溢起了激动之色,实在是龙族经历了无数的屈辱岁月,如今终于可以扬眉吐气了,这种心情不言而喻。 The dragon makes one after another look to Dragon King, this type of important matter nature is decided by him. 龙使纷纷望向龙王,这种大事自然由他定夺。 Dragon King silent a while, the look fluctuated, heart complex thoughts are encountering, finally, his look strengthens, in the heart had the decision. 龙王沉默了一会儿,眼神变幻,心头各种复杂的念头在交锋,最终,他眼神坚定下来,心中有了决定。 He observes the situation for one week, the clear and resonant voice said: Tang Zheng provides for a rainy day, this is feasible means that we gather everybody's strength, pulls together to do something, induces the Dragon Slayer den, attacks on own initiative.” 他环视一周,朗声说道:“唐铮未雨绸缪,这是一个可行的办法,那咱们就集合大家的力量,拧成一股绳,感应屠龙士的老巢,主动出击。” Such remarks, the duckweed that other Dragon Clan mind Dading, as if drifted had the goal finally, had the root. 此言一出,其他龙族心神大定,仿佛漂泊的浮萍终于有了目标,有了根。 Gold Dragon hear speech/words first stands excitedly, praise of dancing with joy: Dragon King is wise, the master is wise.” 金龙闻言第一个兴奋地站起来,手舞足蹈的赞扬:“龙王英明,主人英明。” Other Dragon Clan one after another wave the flag and shout general, raised a hue and cried: Dragon King is wise.” 其他龙族纷纷摇旗呐喊一般,大声疾呼道:“龙王英明。” Tang Zheng and Dragon King look at each other one, the dignity really unmanned energy enemy of Dragon King, a few words then have set gently the main key, could be as good as Tang Zheng to say the dry saliva. 唐铮和龙王对视一眼,龙王的威严果然无人能敌,轻轻一句话便定下了基调,抵得上唐铮说干口水。 Matter is not suitable late, we now starts.” Tang Zheng said impatiently. “事不宜迟,那我们现在就开始。”唐铮迫不及待地说。 Such worries?” Other Dragon Clan were startled, is perplexed. “这么着急?”其他龙族吃了一惊,不明所以。 Tang Zheng is races with the god of death and time, where dares to delay, said firmly: Truly very much worries, posthaste. Early exterminated Dragon Slayer on the 1st, everybody early one day relieved the danger.” 唐铮是在与死神和时间赛跑,哪里敢耽搁,坚定地说:“确实很着急,十万火急。早一日剿灭屠龙士,大家就早一日解除危险。” Dragon Clan not clear Tang Zheng was stranded by Pure Yang Energy, shortly after life, therefore so races against time. 龙族并不清楚唐铮纯阳之力所困,命不久矣,所以才如此争分夺秒。 Dragon King deeply looked at Tang Zheng one, has not rejected, said straightforwardly: We start now, how you come the director to do, we comply are.” 龙王深深地看了唐铮一眼,没有拒绝,直接了当地说:“那咱们现在就开始,你来指挥怎么做,我们照做就是。” Dragon King treats worthies and scholars with courtesy, Tang Zheng has not declined, after all in all people except for him, the second person has not had him such to understand that this induces divine ability. 龙王礼贤下士,唐铮也没有推辞,毕竟所有人中除了他,没有第二个人有他这么了解这感应神通 Jiutian Xuannu stared in a big way the eyeball, curiously looks at these rapidly downward development. 九天玄女瞪大了眼珠,好奇地看着这一幕幕迅速地向下发展。 Tang Zheng is neither arrogant nor servile, when facing Dragon King, maintains own demeanor, dares to argue strongly based on reason, breaks off the wrist with Dragon King, this boldness and courage are commendable. 唐铮不卑不亢,即便面对龙王时,也保持自己的风度,更敢据理力争,与龙王掰腕子,这份魄力与勇气难能可贵。 Asked that Jiutian Xuannu are does not have means to accomplish absolutely, is also not necessarily able to accomplish including Heavenly Emperor. 试问九天玄女自己是绝对没办法办到的,连天帝也未必可以办到。 Sees in a few words, everybody reached the consensus of opinion, actually wants to induce Dragon Slayer, Jiutian Xuannu is pleasantly surprised extremely, the vision pasts on the people, is not willing to let off any detail. 见三言两语,大家已经达成了一致意见,竟然要施法感应屠龙士,九天玄女惊喜万分,目光在众人身上流转,不愿放过任何一个细节。 Tang Zheng, you are good at creating the miracle, including can also be resourceful in a dishonest way in the dragon territory, and I wait, looked how you trace to induce Dragon Slayer.” Jiutian Xuannu thinks silently. 唐铮,你真是善于创造奇迹,连在龙域之中也可以长袖善舞,我且拭目以待,看你怎样追踪感应屠龙士。”九天玄女默默地想到。 Today has one chapter. 今天只有一章。
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