TT :: Volume #12

#1173: Ends this words expressing feelings

~ ~ ~ finally finished. 呼~~~终于写完了。 The tribulation of hence about 2.7 million characters tomorrow, were longest one that I wrote. 明日之劫至此将近270万字,算是我写的最长的一本了。 Mentioned the termination, recently many readers asked I was terminate too quickly, was too hasty, had any special reason...... 说起完结,最近还有很多读者问我是不是完结得太快了,是不是太仓促了,是不是有什么特殊原因…… But actually six months ago, I had said early the finished time can be probably earliest in April in June, I in words of author will then say matter that at the latest in the half year often soon terminates. 但其实早在半年前,我就说过完结时间大概会是最早四月最晚六月,然后这半年来我经常会在作者的话里说一下快要完结的事情。 Therefore the process of entire plot possibly has the change, but the result is also during the plan. 所以说整个剧情的过程可能有变化,但结局还算是在计划之中吧。 Actually tribulation about tomorrow the result of when writes the program, my hesitation, that has been to write universe. 其实关于明日之劫的结局早在写大纲的时候,我就一直有一个犹豫,那就是要不要写宇宙篇。 But finally synthesizes my experience, the endurance, the technology, lasting wait/etc factors, I have favored do not write. 但最后综合我本人的经验,耐力,技术,持久等等因素,我一直是倾向于不写的。 Because I know the after strength promotion of principal role to universe level, plundering of that tomorrow many strange and funny, plot, friendship wait/etc part, substituting the feeling will be getting more and more bad. Especially these unknown, crazy and desperate elements will be desalinated greatly. 因为我知道主要角色的实力提升到宇宙级以后,那明日之劫本身很多奇诡、搞笑、阴谋、友情等等的部分,代入感就会越来越差了。特别是原本那些未知、疯狂、绝望的克苏鲁元素会被大大淡化。 Because the Zhou Bai strength is powerful, angle of view already of many extraterrestrial civilized and great civilization is not quite good to describe. 而且因为周白的实力过于强大,很多外星文明、伟大文明的视角已经不太好描写。 For example the lead cannot contact the daily life of common people, anything his actually thought solved. If he varies a thought to solve, must pretend the average person to experience the life equally, plays the role of the pig to eat the tiger, in my opinion the entire plot more and more will be unreasonable, is less exciting. 比如主角根本接触不到老百姓的日常生活,什么事情他其实一个念头就解决了。而如果他不一个念头去解决,非要装作普通人一样去体验生活,扮猪吃虎,在我看来整个剧情会越来越不合理,也越来越不刺激。 Therefore puts in order this book not to meet the rusticity either, either is unreasonable, 100,000 character 200,000 characters can also support the brace, the words that supports again definitely collapse more and more. 于是整本书要么不接地气,要么不合理,十万字二十万字还能撑撑,再撑的话肯定越来越崩。 Naturally can also continue to promote, for example on Zhou Bai presents Level 10 two Level 10 again, but such too will not conform to the setting and style of tribulation of tomorrow, will gradually turn type other. 当然也可以继续升级,比如周白头上再出现个十级十级,但那样就太不符合明日之劫的设定和风格了,逐渐变成其他类型的。 Therefore told the facts, before opening the book, I finally actually make two to decide, if the result were not quite successful, when the time comes finished universe on the speed of light, this pit of filling in filled in entirely, the next this book walked the watch the best-selling point path.( Must after all exactly food) 所以实话实说,开书之前,我最终其实做了两手决定,如果成绩不太成功的话,到时候就光速写完宇宙篇,该填的坑统统填了,下本书走更加畅销一点的路子。(毕竟要恰饭嘛) If the tribulation of tomorrow enough makes me keep a family, that places next several this/Ben other stories of civilized, other stars and other force systems, letting Zhou Bai becomes the supporting roles and boss in other chapters, from one side describes his later story. 而如果明日之劫够让我养家糊口的话,那就把其他文明、其他星球、其他力量体系的故事放在下几本里,让周白成为其他篇章里的配角、boss,从侧面描写出他之后的故事。 Finally who can think that I became the big god unexpectedly, although was in the big god most vegetable/dish, but that was also the big god, at least was also True Monarch Yan. 结果谁能想到我竟然成大神了,虽然是大神里最菜的,但那也是大神啊,起码也是一个阎真君吧。 Therefore the universe of tribulation of tomorrow will have the second itself/Ben, should also be my next itself/Ben. 所以明日之劫的宇宙还会有第二本,应该也就是我的下一本。 Next itself/Ben, will happen in the story in tribulation of universe tomorrow, but the time, position and force system wait/etc become completely different, will present this universe story with another lead. 下一本,还是会发生在明日之劫这个宇宙里的故事,只不过时代、位置、力量体系等等会变得完全不同,会用另一个主角来呈现这个宇宙的故事。 Naturally before me writes the experience of demon god trilogy, I will definitely make every effort to lower the threshold, enabling the reader who has not watched the tribulation of tomorrow also the smooth reading next itself/Ben, even can treat as the independent work to read next completely, does not need first to read the tribulation of tomorrow completely. 当然按照我以前写魔神三部曲的经验,我肯定是会尽一切努力降低门槛,让没看过明日之劫的读者也能顺畅的读下一本,甚至可以完全把下一本当作单独的作品来读的,完全不需要先读明日之劫。 As for the next type, has the two possibilities at present temporarily deciding, one type is near future background, one type was the ancient China background, walks the style of black soul + sorcerer. However concrete has not decided that possibly also changes. 至于下一本的类型,目前暂时决定的有两种可能,一种是近未来背景,一种是中国古代背景,都是走黑魂+巫师的风格。不过具体的还没定,可能还会变。 After all over the following liangsan months, I plans to rest well at the same time select material diligently. 毕竟接下来两三个月的时间,我打算好好休息一下的同时努力地取材一番。 The tribulation of biggest regret tomorrow, was opens me before book too poor, the setup time is too short, only used one month of setup time to open the book, then prepared the on the shelf to prepare to make money, causes to put in order the setting and program of this book to do was still not very solid. 明日之劫最大的遗憾,就是开书前的我太穷了、准备时间太短了,只用了一个月的准备时间就要开书,然后准备上架准备赚钱,使得整本书的设定、大纲做的仍旧不够扎实。 The next itself/Ben, I can prepare finally well for 2-3 months, I must change wrote plainly when the tribulation of day many issues, must change many willful places, must understand the feeling of your reader. 下一本,我终于可以好好地准备2-3个月的时间,我要改掉写明日之劫时发生的很多问题,要改掉很多自己任性的地方,要更加理解你们读者的感受。 During the tribulation of renewal tomorrow, I arranged in order the improvements of many documents tens of thousands characters and material must look, now finally can have the time. 更新明日之劫期间我列了好多个文档几万字的改进点和素材要去看,现在终于能有时间了。 Finally said that was sorry, in the past month my renewal not has been stable, on the one hand is because wanted the ending, then at the same time was family's matter. 最后说一下抱歉,最近一个月来我的更新一直不太稳定,一方面是因为要结尾了,一方面则是家里的事情。 The reader who words that possibly the parts have looked at my author knows, because of my father stomach cancer recrudescence and proliferation, therefore I must be busier recently family's matter, here said again the sound was sorry. 可能有一部分看过我作者的话的读者知道,因为我父亲胃癌复发、扩散,所以我最近要多忙些家里的事情,这里再次说声抱歉。 Actually one month I also was very recently anxious, frequently wishes one could the next chapter to terminate directly, then goes to the busy family's matter, but I know that this is not good, the adult must be responsible for own work, I was tried hard to terminate by myself with every effort, concludes to receive diligently attractively. 其实最近一个月我也很急,经常恨不得下一章就直接完结,然后去忙家里的事情,但我知道这样不行,成年人必须对自己的工作负责,我尽力让自己努力去完结,努力去收尾收得漂亮点。 ...... …… Most latter said that recently made the matter of very much ominous new contract. I overturned the heavens recently busily, reads in the article group not to know what high level, therefore this matter I am also actually like everyone, looked in each micro blog and group slightly. 最最后再说下最近闹得很凶的新合同的事情。我最近忙翻天了,阅文集团里也不认识什么高层,所以这件事情我其实也跟大家一样,也就是在各个微博、群里稍微看了看。 Here first said that my own situation, the reading length of text of I am slaughters silent signs make, later is this length extension approximately, the big god who this year newly signs approximately is also this length supplementary provision approximately, will then postpone in 2025, three works. 这里先说下我自己的情况吧,我是寂静杀戮的时候签的阅文长约,之后的一直都是这个长约的延续,今年新签的大神约也是这个长约的补充条款,然后再延期到了2025年,还有三部作品。 Therefore that new contract my registration, is impossible to agree. 所以那个新的合同我没签到,也不可能同意。 If under control, is according to the original contract, I definitely write about the contract expiration. 而如果情况正常,还是按照原来的合同的话,我肯定是写到合同期满的。 How as for the beginning, all by the author who the beginning keeps a family is no one to agree in the future as far as I know at present this type of stupid contract, each author will improve the situation in completely own effort, but the contract can turn into what appearance I not to know finally now. 至于起点未来会怎么样,就我所知目前所有靠起点养家糊口的作者是没有一个人同意这种愚蠢的合同的,每位作者都在尽自己的努力去改善情况,但最后合同会变成什么样子我现在也不知道。 Only can say after everyone each one completely own mental effort, hopes that the beginning can have the meteorology of first net article major stop in the future more and more, each type author can have food depending on own ability here, the future net article can be getting more and more rich, the author and reader who hold more and more types. 只能说大家各自尽自己的一份心力后,希望起点未来能越来越有第一网文大站的气象,每一个类型的作者都能在这里凭自己的才能吃上一口饭,未来的网文能够越来越丰富,容纳越来越多种类的作者和读者。 Under everyone this book saw. 大家下本书见了。
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