TT :: Volume #12

#1169: A year

During the time of Zhou Bai fight tribulation cloud, on the crater of Moon surface, the Demon Saint looks at distant place universe is void that scarlet red, the corners of the mouth shows a smile slightly. 就在周白恶斗劫云的时刻,月球地表的一处环形山上,妖圣看着远方宇宙虚空之中那赤红色的雷海,嘴角微微露出一丝笑容。 He opens the mouth, invisible twittering the sound then resounds from his heart. 他张开嘴巴,无形的呢喃声便自他的心底响起。 Foolish person, the crazy soul, the generation of knowing nothing prayed to Heavenly Way here, signs making of darkness by immortal nascent spirit.” “愚痴之人,疯狂之魂,一无所知之辈在这里向天道祈祷,以不朽之元神签下黑暗之约。” With the Demon Saint words, an invisible fluctuation is centered on his body, spreads toward the endless universe vacuum. 伴随着妖圣的话语,一股无形的波动以他的身体为中心,朝着无尽的宇宙真空扩散出去。 Wrath World and Sword World...... in the void countless domain, as if have the infinite thought to revive in this moment. 怒界剑界……虚空中数之不尽的界域内,似乎有无限的意念在这一刻苏醒了过来。 Although has elapsed, but has not forgotten, the deep sleep of soul of rebel in the abyss, I was praying to it, pleaded it to respond to my pray.” “虽已逝去但并未遗忘,叛逆之魂在深渊中沉睡着,我向它祈祷,也恳求着它回应我的祈祷。” With Demon Saint twittering, Zhou Bai of distant place felt instantaneously the red heavenly thunder the scale grows again, tribulations cloud Feisu to expand, almost can cover the entire Moon. 伴随着妖圣的呢喃,远处的周白瞬间感觉到赤色天雷的规模再次增长起来,劫云飞速扩张,几乎能将整个月球笼罩起来。 But along with the change of tribulation cloud, the void end, the gate of Heavenly Way shakes slightly, as if has some wild strength to rap the front door, spreads panic-stricken bangs. 而伴随着劫云的变化,虚空的尽头,天道之门微微一震,似乎有某种狂暴的力量敲击着大门,传出一声声令人惊恐的巨响。 It calmly keeps watch in the door place, it is ready to make trouble in the darkness, he is the supreme soul.” “它在门扉处静静守望,它在黑暗中蠢蠢欲动,他就是至上之魂。” In shouting of Demon Saint, gate of cuns (2.5 cm) opening Heavenly Way, Supreme Heavenly Venerable almost jumped out the door immediately, wants to escape from inside. 妖圣的呼喊之中,天道之门一寸寸开启,太上天尊几乎是在第一时间就窜出了门扉,想要从里面逃出去。 However chains already fled from the gate of Heavenly Way, fettered his body instantaneously, keeping him from taking off/escaping the gate completely, instead by card in middle. 但是一道道锁链已经天道之门中窜了出来,瞬间束缚住了他的身体,让他无法完全脱门而出,反而被卡在了当中。 By the card in the gate of Heavenly Way entrance remote antiquity looks at gradually closes, in the mouth is exuded one to angrily roar, both hands supported near the doorframe gate directly. 被卡在门口的太上看着逐渐又关上的天道之门,嘴中发出一声怒吼,双手直接撑住了门框门边。 But how regardless of the remote antiquity erupts own all strengths, is unable to prevent the gate of Heavenly Way gradually to close. 但无论太上如何爆发出自己的所有力量,都无法阻止天道之门逐渐闭合。 The eye looks at front door is gradually closed, seeming to the time that he interrupts around the middle, the Demon Saint sound penetrate the infinite space and time, fell into the gate of Heavenly Way directly. 看着大门逐渐关闭,好似要将他拦腰截断的时刻,妖圣的声音穿透了无穷时空,直接落入了天道之门内。 In the time of starting, in the time of summon, the great blood regains consciousness in Yueliangshan, made the commitment of death to everyone.” “在启程的时刻,在召唤的时刻,伟大之血在月亮山苏醒,向所有人许下死亡的承诺。” Sees only Demon Saint to put out a hand the flesh that pulls out one group to fluctuate unceasingly, the aberration flesh that before that is Xuan Nu is reincarnated, discharges. 只见妖圣伸手掏出一团不断起伏的血肉,那是玄女转世之前所排出的畸变血肉。 As the intermittent flame burns on that flesh, still stopped in the gate of closed Heavenly Way unceasingly slowly, as if with supporting Supreme Heavenly Venerable of front door reached some balance. 随着阵阵火焰在那血肉上燃烧起来,原本还在不断闭合的天道之门缓缓停下,似乎和撑住大门的太上天尊达成了某种平衡。 looks at opens the gates of 1/4 Heavenly Way at present, in the Supreme Heavenly Venerable eye flashed through a clear(ly) to become aware. 看着眼前开启了四分之一的天道之门,太上天尊眼中闪过了一丝明悟。 Opens the front door...... you to want forever opening front door...... this is your goal?!” “开启大门……你们想要永远的开启大门……这才是你们的目的?!” A trembling feeling surges from the Supreme Heavenly Venerable heart, understanding clearly of picture faint trace flashes through in his eyes unceasingly, he smiled suddenly: Ha hahahaha...... laughable...... is really laughable...... my life......” 一股颤栗感从太上天尊的心头涌起,一幕幕的画面一丝丝的了然在他的眼中不断闪过,他突然笑了起来:“哈哈哈哈哈……可笑啊……真是可笑……我的一生……” Ka scratches in the resounding sound that ka scratches, the Supreme Heavenly Venerable body bit by bit was gradually changing into the metal. 咔擦咔擦的脆响声中,太上天尊的身躯正一点一点逐渐化为了金属。 Purple light from the spot lasing of metal, this is Supreme Heavenly Venerable is resisting own change diligently, but actually delays reluctantly. 道道紫光从金属的部位激射而出,这是太上天尊在努力对抗着自己的变化,但却只是勉强拖延。 According to this trend gets down, about a year later, he will change into a metal statue finally thoroughly, calmly supported this to open 1/4 front doors. 按照这个趋势下去,大约一年以后,他最终就会彻底化为一座金属雕像,静静地支撑着这打开了四分之一的大门。 But in material world, on crater of Moon. 而在物质界内,月球的环形山上。 Demon Saint looks at changes into the flying ash, dissipates in his front aberration flesh, said in the heart slowly: Prevented front door already to be opened, the first step finally success of plan.” 妖圣看着化为飞灰,消散在他面前的畸变血肉,在心中缓缓说道:“阻挡了道的大门已经被打开,计划的第一步终于成功了。” Looked at Zhou Bai one from afar, Demon Saint smiled the dissipation not to see slowly. 远远地看了周白一眼,妖圣微笑着缓缓消散不见。 Enjoys well, Zhou Bai.” “好好享受吧,周白。” This is you earns.” “这是你应得的。” ...... …… Since Zhou Bai led all human to defeat Supreme Heavenly Venerable together, after suppressing many Immortal God, all human welcomed the liberation finally. 自从周白带领全体人类一同击败了太上天尊,镇压了诸多仙神之后,全体人类终于迎来了解放。 Although Earth disintegrates, causing the entire human race has to board the immigration spaceship, temporarily lives in Moon, sparks/Mars, Europa and in the Titan superior immigration base respectively, but is relying on Zhou Bai and the others Immortal Way cultivation base, the science and technology that in addition devil knows, satisfies the human the basic condition for existence is not difficult. 虽然地球解体,导致全人类不得不登上移民飞船,暂时分别居住在月球、火星、木卫二、土卫六上等移民基地内,但凭借着周白等人的仙道修为,再加上天魔所掌握的科技,满足人类的基本生存条件并不难。 However although the threat of Supreme Heavenly Venerable disappears, risk that but Sun explodes actually continuously. 不过太上天尊的威胁虽然不见了,但是太阳爆炸的风险却一直都在。 Headed by Zhou Bai, Qian Wangsun and the others human cultivator, have to make the best use of the time, completes the new setting sail plan with all might and main, after all leaves their time is not many. 周白钱王孙等人为首的人类修士们,不得不抓紧时间,竭尽全力地去完成新的起航计划,毕竟留给他们的时间并不多了。 So the time passes in a hurry, in an instant already to one year later. 如此时光匆匆流逝,转眼间已经到了一年之后。 In the laboratory, Xia Li said through the microphone: Divine Emperor, can you also continue to widen the range?” 实验室内,夏丽通过话筒说道:“神帝,你还能继续扩大范围吗?” Vast Sky Divine Emperor continues to open own Overarching Heaven Realm world gate, expanded 50 meters in diameter distance, this said: world gate was biggest arrived here.” 昊天神帝继续张开自己的罗天界界门,一路扩张到了直径50米的距离,这才说道:“界门最大就到这里了。” Xia Li said: Good good, you insist, we record the data.” 夏丽说道:“好的好的,你坚持一下,我们记录一下数据。” Jing Xiu said toward another side Zhou Bai: Big Brother Zhou, troubles you also to expand to a big way tries.” 景秀朝着另一边的周白说道:“周大哥,麻烦你也扩张到最大试试。” The Zhou Bai back, already is opened world gate by Unsurpassed Heaven that he grasps thoroughly, in an instant already expanded 300 meters diameter: „It is not good, expanded this base to not have again.” 周白的背后,已经被他彻底掌握的无上天打开界门,转眼间已经扩张到了三百米直径:“不行啊,再扩大下去这基地就要没了。” Replica Zhou Bai and other cultivator of research start the data recording. 复制体周白们和其他研究的修士纷纷开始记录数据。 This is human is unifying the devil technical research and development newest curvature engine through the Immortal Way technology. 这是人类在通过仙道技术结合天魔技术研发最新的曲率引擎。 Attempts to apply the spaceship Immortal God Overarching Heaven Way Spell all sorts of abilities. 企图将仙神们的罗天道术的种种能力应用到飞船上来。 Qian Wangsun nods in one side looks at: „ Transplants Immortal God Overarching Heaven Way Spell to be unlikely perfectly in a short time. 钱王孙在一旁看着点了点头:“完美移植仙神罗天道术在短时间内不太可能。 However borrows this ability, strengthens through the aberration weapon and devil technology, causes one or several Immortal God is the bombardier-navigator, bringing the entire spaceship to conduct the curvature navigation the words, was easier. ” 但是借用这种能力,通过畸变武器和天魔技术来进行增强,使得一名或者几名仙神来当领航员,带着整艘飞船进行曲率航行的话,就容易多了。” Doctor Zhuang looks at latest data satisfaction said: „The latest analog result completely succeeded, then re-equips all spaceships, then assigns Immortal God......” 庄博士看着最新的数据满意道:“最新的模拟结果全部成功了,接下来就是改装所有的飞船,然后分配仙神……” At this point, Doctor Zhuang suddenly: But will Sun really explode?” 说到这里,庄博士突然顿了顿:“但是太阳真的会爆炸吗?” In his tone has a question: According to us in this year the observation, the situation of Sun has been stable, even if starts to lose control now, is impossible to move toward the helium to flash in just one year.” 他的语气之中带着一丝疑问:“根据我们这一年来的观测,太阳的情况一直非常稳定,就算现在开始失控,也不可能在短短一年内就走向氦闪。” Qian Wangsun naturally also knows Sun, even if must explode, that transforms the time of supernova should not be in the short 1-2 years happened, how regardless of this said is an unlikely matter. 钱王孙自然也知道太阳就算要爆炸,那转变成超新星的时间也不应该是短短1-2内发生的,这无论怎么讲都是一种不可能发生的事情。 But the result of foreknowledge indeed is so, but in this year his foreknowledge result had not had the mistake, therefore in line with rather letter/believes the attitude of its having not credibly its does not have, at present human decides to continue the relocation plan. 但预知的结果的确就是如此,而这一年来他的预知结果也一直没发生错误,所以本着宁可信其有不可信其无的态度,目前人类还是决定继续移民计划。 Zhou Bai decided when the time comes we first remove, he stays behind comes to see what's the matter, has the opportunity to prevent Sun to explode.” 周白决定到时候我们先撤,他留下来看看到底是怎么回事,有没有机会阻止太阳爆炸。”
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