TT :: Volume #12

#1167: Explosion

Also calculates the good social construction.’ ‘还算不错的社会架构。’ At least this online Zhou Bai has not acted arbitrarily, is extreme, becomes emperor Zhou Bai.’ ‘至少这条线上的周白没有那么独断专行,走向极端,成为帝王周白。’ Demon Saint flutters, arrived at a food body to produce online, looks at rows of artificial meat is produced, in his heart thinks: This generation of White Marsh are more credible than the previous generation, at least knows that promoted the entire civilized with the foreknowledge ability the technical standards.’ 妖圣飘荡之间,来到了一处食品身产线上,看着一排排的人造肉被生产出来,他心中想到:‘这一代的白泽还是比上一代靠谱点,至少知道用预知能力来提升整个文明的技术水平了。’ These days Demon Saint mingles among the human society, observes the situation that the entire society is revolving unceasingly. 这段时间妖圣混迹在人类社会之中,就这么不断观察着整个社会运转的情况。 ...... …… The Qian Wangsun vision outside thousand li (500 km) is fierce concentrates, rows of information already in his present flashing through. 千里之外的钱王孙目光猛得一凝,一排排的信息已经在他的眼前闪过。 Since Supreme Heavenly Venerable vanishes, Qian Wangsun will then restore itself to know in advance the future ability. 自从太上天尊消失之后,钱王孙便恢复了自己预知未来的能力。 But at this moment during the foreknowledge of Qian Wangsun, an unprecedented catastrophe will soon arrive. 而此刻在钱王孙的预知之中,一场前所未有的浩劫即将到来。 In most two years...... can our Sun...... explode?” “最多两年内……我们的太阳……要爆炸了?” During the foreknowledge of Qian Wangsun, Sun will soon explode, the dazzling helium flashed covered all stars, the entire Solar System no longer will suit the mankind exist. 钱王孙的预知之中,太阳即将爆炸,刺目的氦闪笼罩了所有的星球,整个太阳系都将不再适合人类生存。 But facing this situation, Qian Wangsun starts to ponder that the means prevent. 而面对这个情况,钱王孙开始思考有没有办法阻止。 way spell, science and technology, aberration and Zhou Bai...... sides of various impediment ** flashes through his mind. 道术、科技、畸变周白……各种各样阻止的方**番闪过他的脑海。 However knew in advance the result of is actually one by one. 但是预知出来的结果却是一个比一个更遭。 Actually did not have the means to prevent...... even present Zhou Bai unable to prevent.’ ‘竟然没有办法阻止……甚至连现在的周白也阻止不了。’ Because of the Heavenly Way limits of our sector? Therefore Zhou Bai is unable to prevent Sun to explode.’ ‘难道是因为我们这个扇区的天道限制吗?所以周白无法阻止太阳爆炸。’ Regardless how Qian Wangsun knew in advance, is unable to find the method that prevents Sun to explode. 不论钱王孙如何预知,都无法找到阻止太阳爆炸的方法。 If could not prevent, that can only escape.’ ‘如果阻止不了的话,那就只能逃了。’ Therefore Qian Wangsun in the unceasing foreknowledge, a complete escape plan gradually appears. 于是钱王孙在不断的预知中,一个完整的逃亡计划逐渐浮现出来。 Including the curvature spaceship research and development, the arrangement of people, the step of evacuation also has...... the final destination. 包括曲率飞船的研发,民众的安排,撤离的步骤还有……最终的目的地。 ...... …… What? Can Sun explode?” Zhou Bai unbelievable say/way: You determined that you haven't known in advance wrong? Our Sun should have very long life span to be right.” “什么?太阳要爆炸了?”周白难以置信道:“你确定你没预知错?我们的太阳应该还有很长的寿命才对。” Qian Wangsun said: My already has confirmed many times. Moreover this matter rather letter/believes its has not credibly its does not have, we should prepare early, cannot take the life adventure of entire human race.” 钱王孙说道:“我已经验证过很多次了。而且这种事情宁可信其有不可信其无,我们应该早作准备,不能拿全人类的生命冒险。” Zhou Bai nods: I understood, that does.” 周白点了点头:“我明白了,那就干吧。” Therefore the new relocation plan starts to revolve, the team headed by Qian Wangsun starts to design to make the newest curvature spaceship. 于是新的移民计划开始运转,以钱王孙为首的团队开始设计建造最新的曲率飞船。 Zhou Bai continues the sacrifice to refine the dancing treasure tree, grasps the Unsurpassed Heaven three spaces, and planned that transports the commodities of a lot of Solar System to fill in Unsurpassed Heaven, in the future may be for the 1 billion human uses in fleet. 周白则继续祭炼婆娑宝树,掌握无上天的三层空间,并打算搬运大量太阳系的物资填充到无上天之中,未来可供舰队中的十亿人类使用。 But unites regarding Nine Calamities that Supreme Heavenly Venerable gives, Zhou Bai also comprehended some mysteries gradually. 而对于太上天尊给予的九灾合一,周白也渐渐参悟到了其中的一些奥妙。 So-called Nine Calamities unites, should summon void something through the Nine Celestial Calamities strength.” “所谓的九灾合一,应该是通过天人九灾的力量来呼唤虚空中的某个东西。” But concrete is anything...... above has not said. Perhaps Supreme Heavenly Venerable do not know, he wants to test with me.” “但具体是什么……上面并没有讲。恐怕太上天尊自己也不知道,他只是想拿我来实验而已。” Thinks of here, regarding whether uses this so-called Nine Calamities to unite, in the Zhou Bai heart does not want under to decide lightly, planned makes Qian Wangsun first know in advance the result said again. 想到这里,对于是否使用这个所谓的九灾合一,周白心中不愿意轻下决定,打算让钱王孙先预知一下结果再说。 Also is not only the foreknowledge of Qian Wangsun, Zhou Bai also planned that and other cooling of past invariable stone ended, considered again tries Nine Calamities to unite, the words that after all has problems, can the time flow backwards when the time comes. 也不但是钱王孙的预知,周白还打算等过去不变石的冷却结束了,再考虑尝试九灾合一,毕竟出了什么问题的话,到时候都能够时光倒流。 Then Zhou Bai will focus on at another matter, he made devil from be taken back in void Flipped Heaven Sea to grasp several Aberration casually, nascent spirit strength shelled, then saw the Aberration figure twinkle, difference gradually received, the aberration phenomenon started to back up impressively. 接着周白又将心思放到了另一件事情上,他随便让天魔从被收回虚空的天畸之海里抓来了几头畸变体,元神力轰击了上去,便看到畸变体们身形闪烁,身上的异样逐渐收了回去,畸变现象赫然开始倒退。 But backs up to the general sudden pitiful yell, changes into place blood froth directly. 但倒退到一般突然一声惨叫,直接化为一地血沫。 Christina looks at Zhou Bai in sea of consciousness with Aberration of Flipped Heaven Sea does the experiment, immediately understands Zhou Bai wants to make anything. 识海之中的克莉斯缇娜看着周白天畸之海畸变体来做实验,立刻就明白了周白想做什么。 ‚Does Zhou Bai want to recover Aberration...... even wants also to recover Xuan Nu?’ 周白是想将畸变体复原……甚至是想将玄女也复原?’ At this moment, Christina cannot think how even Zhou Bai regarding handling of Xuan Nu is an idea, such looks at Zhou Bai continuously conducts to cure the experiment of aberration. 此时此刻,就算是克莉斯缇娜也想不出来周白对于玄女的处置是怎么个想法,就这么看着周白不断进行治愈畸变的实验。 Method Supreme Heavenly Venerable that this retrogradation twists had displayed, Zhou Bai is close to Supreme Heavenly Venerable realm now, naturally can also display similarly. 这种逆反扭曲的手段太上天尊曾经施展过,周白现在接近了太上天尊境界,自然也同样可以施展。 But he experiments to feel limit continually. 只不过他连番实验下来才越加感受到其中的极限。 aberration too long Aberration, is already is unable to return to original state.’ 畸变太久的畸变体,是已经无法还原的。’ Only then after aberration, Aberration within a half hour, has the possibility to return to original state truly, otherwise writes off.’ ‘只有畸变后半小时内的畸变体,才有可能真正还原,否则就是抹杀。’ Was clear about this, Zhou Bai shook the head slightly, then their goals were to transform the entire human race into his family member, can extract their corruption rate at any time, was not worried about the later human again by aberration. 明确了这点,周白微微摇头,接下来他们的目标是将全人类都转变为他的眷属,可以随时抽取他们的污染度,也就不担心以后的人类再被畸变 However these Aberration of past, did not have the means. 但是过去的那些畸变体,却是毫无办法了。 Thinks of here, Zhou Bai put out a hand a stroke, the devil terminal puts in his front an image directly. 想到这里,周白伸手一划,天魔终端直接将一片影像投放到了他的面前。 In the picture, Xuan Nu sits well on the chair of own room motionless, seems like seems like an attractive person to be occasionally same. 画面中,玄女端坐在自己房间的椅子上一动不动,看上去就好像是一个漂亮的人偶一样。 Zhou Bai asked: How long did she sit here?” 周白问道:“她坐在这里多久了?” Zhou Bai that 101 has been responsible for monitoring said: 79 hours 34 minutes 21 seconds, words saying this woman does not need to defecate? Wants me to remind her.” 一直负责监控的周白101说道:“79小时34分21秒,话说这个女人不需要拉屎的吗?要不要我提醒她一下。” Zhou Bai said: Shut up.” 周白说道:“闭嘴。” Finally defeated Supreme Heavenly Venerable, demon and Immortal God of Xiang Tiandi department is suppressed entirely, belongs to Aberration Xuan Nu, although also had certain freedom, will also naturally be monitored by the strictness. 终于击败了太上天尊,项天敌一系的妖魔仙神被统统镇压,属于畸变体玄女虽然还有一定的自由,但自然也会被严加监控了起来。 Xuan Nu in looks at picture, the Zhou Bai complexion is complex, finally sighed, switched off the monitoring video silently. 看着画面中的玄女,周白面色复杂,最后叹息一声,默默关掉了监控视频。 Zhou Bai 101 said: According to my these two months watches the experiences of human beings more than 2000 soap operas, you rushed to give directly her, 90% possibly made her turn a new leaf......” 周白101说道:“根据我这两个月来观看智人们两千多部电视剧的经验来看,你直接冲上去把她给上了,有90%的可能让她改邪归正……” Zhou Bai rolled the eyes, towed pass/test little black Room Zhou Bai 101 directly. 周白翻了个白眼,直接把周白101拖去关小黑屋了。 Zhou Bai 102 very much happily at your service.” Then Zhou Bai 102 jumped, work that starts to continue to be responsible for monitoring. 周白102很高兴为您服务。”接着周白102跳了出来,开始继续负责监控的工作。 ...... …… In the Xuan Nu room, her pair of eyes vacant, in the mind was still recalling the words that Demon Saint is speaking. 玄女的房间内,她的双眼一片茫然,脑海中仍旧在回忆着妖圣所说的话。 Xuan Nu: What issue?” 玄女:“什么问题?” Demon Saint: Zhou Bai asked me, had the means to change human you.” 妖圣:“周白问我,有没有办法将你变回人类。” Xuan Nu: How did you reply?” 玄女:“你怎么回答的?” Demon Saint: „The only means that then let your again reincarnation rebirth. Because of you from Aberration reincarnation adult. The words in that case, all strengths of your present will vanish thoroughly do not see, all your memories, emotions, idea and character...... will turn into a white paper, you perhaps are not you.” 妖圣:“唯一的办法,便是让你重新转世重生。但因为你是从畸变体转世成人。那样一来的话,你现在的所有力量都会彻底消失不见,你的所有记忆、情感、理念、性格……都会变成一张白纸,你也许再也不是你。” Xuan Nu: How did Zhou Bai reply?” 玄女:“周白是怎么回答的?” Demon Saint: How he listened not to ask my reincarnation rebirth. That do you want to know now?” 妖圣:“他听了就没问我怎么转世重生了。那现在你要知道吗?” Xuan Nu: „...... Told me the method.” 玄女:“……告诉我方法。” Demon Saint said: If you used this method, represents you to give up the god position, gives up the aberration ability, gives up passing on the great civilization the opportunity, gives up all from starting newly, is this really worth?” 妖圣说道:“如果你使用了这个方法,就代表你要放弃神位,放弃畸变能力,放弃传承伟大文明的机会,放弃一切从新开始,这真的值得吗?” Xuan Nu coldly said: Who said that I do want to be reincarnated? I want to know this means.” 玄女冷冷道:“谁说我要转世了?我只是想知道这个办法而已。”
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