TOTM :: Volume #10

#970: Teaching( is a god. Alliance Lord celebrates!)

stretch/open Yexin carefully is observing six teachers. 张烨心仔细观察着六位导师。 Li Yingyun the original look is valiantly and handsome, has the big native of Vietnam characteristics. 李英云英姿飒爽、方原相貌英俊,都带着大越人特征。 But Farrell and Bill are the person of mixed blood, the look are quite young. 而法雷尔与比尔则是混血儿,相貌都较为年轻。 Final Harry and Edward, then appears is older. 最后的哈里与爱德华,则显得更老一些。 Many martial arts, witchcraft and gu technique, alchemy and magic medicine. Which should the final esoteric buddhism choose?” “好多啊武术、巫术、蛊术、炼金魔药.还有最后的密教该选哪个呢?” He is biting the lip, finally does to decide: „ In any case one month later elects, first listens to the public class to be good. " 他咬着嘴唇,最终做下决定:“反正一个月后再选,先听听公开课好了." What stretch/open Yexin does not know, in these divisions/disciplines, was mixed some smuggled goods by Aaron. 张烨心并不知道的是,在这些学科当中,也被亚伦掺了一些私货。 The esoteric buddhism was needless saying that the gu technique also came from him most probably. 密教不用说,蛊术也是大半来自于他。 But sword technique that in the middle of the martial arts heads list of successful candidates, then synthesized Omei, South Sea and true inheritance of various Luofu extremely sword techniques! 而武术当中独领风骚的剑术,则是综合了峨眉、南海、罗浮各家绝顶剑术的真传 This is also commemorating of Aaron. 这也算是亚伦对古法的纪念。 Just. In the new times, the propelling forces of these sword techniques, from magic power, had turned into another unusual source. 只不过.在新时代,这些剑术的推动力,已经从法力,变成了另外一种超凡之源。 This does not have the matter of means. 这也是没有办法的事情。 8 : 00 am, first passes publicly knows the class to hold in the lecture amphitheater by this chief teaches personally, everyone should not be late.” “早上 8 点,第一节公开通识课在阶梯教室举行由本院长亲自授课,大家不要迟到哦。” Aaron smilingly opens the mouth: „The position of lecture amphitheater on the map of student handbook. The attention, the place of labelling forbidden area should better not, naturally. You must go to me not to block, you died in any case even if, no one can look to come to here to sue for damages, not?” 亚伦笑眯眯地开口:“阶梯教室的位置在学生手册的地图上.注意,标注禁区的地方最好不要去,当然.你们非要去我也不拦着,反正纵然你们死了,也没人能找来这里索赔,不是么?” ! 啪啪! Nearby director nine makes an effort to applaud quiet, six big teachers and even clay demon statue also followed to make the movement of applause. 旁边的教导主任九幽使劲鼓掌,六大导师乃至黏土魔像也跟着做出了鼓掌的动作。 stretch/open Ye the heart face is somewhat stiff, but felt good that own little darling follows to applaud. 张烨心脸庞有些僵硬,但感觉自己还是乖乖跟着鼓掌的好。 Suddenly, applause like tide! 一时间,掌声如潮! „Very good and be very good.” “很好、很好.” Aaron puts out a white handkerchief, scratched the corner of the eye, seems very affected: Saw the school that I conduct is so popular, I felt relieved 亚伦拿出一条白色的手帕,擦了擦眼角,似乎十分感动:“看到鄙人举办的学院如此受欢迎,鄙人就放心了” The time arrives quickly at exactly 8 : 00. In big lecture amphitheater. 时间很快来到八点整。大阶梯教室内。 Aaron swept one: „ Good, should to 375 people, as solid as 375 people. " 亚伦扫了一眼:“不错,应到三百七十五人,实到三百七十五人." stretch/open Ye the heart gauge rule moment sits in the position, side is own roommate reckless Yue, not far away, he also saw the ancient Chinese compass, as well as that local tyrant Yuan Shiyan. 张烨心规规矩矩地坐在位置上,旁边就是自己的舍友胡跃,不远处,他还看到了司南、以及那个土豪袁世研。 In him behind, sits that to seem like very astute supernatural force fan, afterward he knows the opposite party is called white Qiudao. 在他身后,坐着那个看起来很精明的超自然力量痴迷者,后来他才知道对方叫做白求道。 At this time, reckless Yuezheng said in a low voice: How doesn't a teaching material have? Paper with pen?” 这时候,胡跃正低声说:“怎么连个教材都没有的?纸跟笔呢?” Does not have probably.” “大概是没有的.” stretch/open Yexin lowers the sound: On the school map has a sales store. Inside has the written records, to have the living materials probably, and small between-meal snack by the individuality that this school dies to ask for money, without the net worth do not think.” 张烨心压低声音:“不过学校地图上有个小卖部.里面大概有纸笔、还有生活物资、以及小零食不过以这学院死要钱的个性,没点身家就不要想了。” At this time, everyone heard Aaron to take the chalk to knock the blackboard. 这时候,所有人都听到亚伦拿着粉笔敲了敲黑板。 The intense sense of fear just like big hand, held the heart of everyone immediately. 强烈的恐惧感顿时宛若一只大手,抓住了每一个人的心脏。 stretch/open Yexin even felt unable to breathe. 张烨心甚至感到无法呼吸。 Like him facing smiling nine quiet director such. 正如同他面对笑眯眯的九幽教导主任那样。 That is one type just like unarmed, facing a wild fierce tiger, even compared with the fierce tiger must the feeling of roguer prehistoric giant beast! 那是一种宛若赤手空拳,面对一只野生猛虎,甚至比猛虎还要更加凶恶的史前巨兽的感觉! Does not dare to move, does not dare to speak 不敢动、更不敢说话 A piece silent middle, only has the Aaron sound to resound slowly: Possibly before yesterday, schoolmates present also to supernatural force whether exists to hold the question, but at this time, you should see this are unusual!” 一片寂静当中,唯有亚伦的声音徐徐响起:“可能在昨天之前,在座的同学们还对超自然力量是否存在抱有疑问,但此时,你们应该已经看到了这就是超凡!” Is looking the vision that below several hundred pairs or firm, or are at a loss, Aaron writes down two large characters with the chalk on the blackboard- quiet energy! 望着下方数百双或坚定、或迷惘的目光,亚伦用粉笔在黑板上写下两个大字—幽能! „The today's first class, I must explain to you, what Weiyou can?” “今天的第一堂课,我要向你们讲解,何为幽能?” Can be the world unusual source quiet, is the propelling forces of all new techniques. Regardless of sword technique and gu technique, and even magic medicine and alchemy. Needs to be able quiet participation.” “幽能是世界超凡的源泉,是一切新术的推动力.不论剑术、蛊术、乃至魔药炼金.都需要幽能的参与。” Therefore. The first class that you must study, iscan refine technique quiet, feels void quiet to be able the granule, and attracts integrates within the body, refines, thus obtains the unusual source. ” “因此.你们要学的第一堂课,就是“幽能提炼术”,感受虚空中的幽能粒子,并且吸纳入体内,进行提炼,从而获得超凡之源.” „To completecan refine technique quiet, you need first to study these prerequisite division/discipline —— «To contemplate Study», «Can Quiet Granule Outline», «Mysterious Anatomy». I need you to complete the studies of these divisions/disciplines in one month, and can refine technique to cross the threshold quiet. If one month cannot achieve the goal, leaves school directly! ” “想要完成“幽能提炼术”,你们需要先学这几个前置学科——《冥想学》、《幽能粒子概述》、《神秘解剖学》.我需要你们在一个月之内完成这些学科的学习,并且将“幽能提炼术”入门.若一个月达不到目标的,直接退学!” Aaron smilingly supplements one: Hopes for a month later, present can have half of people to stay behind 亚伦笑眯眯地补充一句:“希望一个月之后,在座的能有一半人留下” 50% elimination rates, made stretch/open Yexin the fine hair but actually vertical instantaneously. 百分之五十的淘汰率,瞬间令张烨心汗毛倒竖。 Had contacted the new world, lifted him of unusual mysterious veil, is not willing vexed to leave school absolutely! 已经接触了新世界,掀开了超凡神秘面纱的他,绝对不愿意被窝囊地退学! That 10 million white borrows! 那一千万岂不是白借了! And, nine quiet directors have suggested that cannot return money, must, even the soul repay a debt with own flesh bone! 并且,九幽教导主任可是暗示过,还不上钱的,要用自己的血肉骨、甚至灵魂来还债! Under. I first explained can quiet the granule outline.” “下面.我先来讲解幽能粒子概述.” How Aaron has not managed the following student, starts to teach directly. 亚伦没有管下面的学生如何,直接开始讲课。 He does not care to have many people in any case to remain finally. 反正他也不在乎最后能有多少人留下来。 To him, so long as ensure disseminates unusually, almost can deceive. 对于他而言,只要保证超凡传播开来,也差不多就能糊弄过去了。 On seat. 座位上。 Do the ancient Chinese compass eyes wink, is listening to Aaron teaching attentively, obviously in mechanical memorizing. 司南眼睛一眨不眨,全神贯注地听着亚伦讲课,显然在死记硬背。 The content that this chief teaches are too many, many places are extremely profound obscurely, and does not give the opportunity that the student inquired, obviously has not answered what question patiently. 这位院长讲课的内容太多,许多地方都太过高深晦涩,并且丝毫不给学生提问的机会,显然也没有耐心解答什么问题。 Therefore wants smoothly through the inspection, must first carry blindly, after the class, understood. 因此想要顺利通过考核,就必须先囫囵吞枣地背下来,课后再去理解。 Hateful. Why doesn't have the belt/bring written records?” “可恶.为什么没有带纸笔?” Yuan Shiyan scolded one bitterly. 袁世研恨恨地骂了一句。 Although he is a local tyrant, but also worked as a pleasure before, really without thinking to be transmitted, went to school directly. 他虽然是土豪,但之前也不过当个乐子,真没想到会被传送过来,直接就上学了啊。 Originally, present he should enter the privately established aristocrat university by the stops up money, one group of servants take care. 本来,现在的他应该已经被塞钱进入了私立贵族大学,有一堆仆人服侍的啊。 Finally now even/including Genbi do not have. 结果现在却连根笔都没有。 Schoolmate, wants the written records? I brought “同学,要纸笔么?我带了” white request said that the stopper comes several papers with a pen: Remembers that owes me one.” 白求道塞过来几张纸跟一支笔:“记得欠我一个人情.” Good brothers!” “好兄弟!” Yuan Shiyan is moved does not immediately want, does not have the time to express gratitude, fast note. 袁世研顿时感动得不要不要的,却没有功夫道谢,飞快记着笔记。 Although he is the wealthy family juniors, but is not silly. 他虽然是富家子弟,但并不傻。 On the contrary 相反 The position that in order to maintain to be a cut above others, does not drop from the original class, must accept compared with the common student since childhood trains severely. 为了维持高人一等的地位,不从原本的阶层跌落,从小就要接受比寻常学生更加严苛的培训。 Mixes the brothers who eat to wait for death to have, but was deprived the right of inheritance, in the future can only get wage from the clan fund 混吃等死的兄弟不是没有,但都被剥夺了继承权,日后只能从家族基金中领一份薪水而已 The wealthy family juniors are not fearful, what is fearful is the opposite party also compared with the average person diligently. 富家子弟不可怕,可怕的是对方还比普通人更加努力。 This indeed is one makes one feel the desperate fact! 这的确是一个令人感到绝望的事实! Ok, today's curriculum arrived here. 2 : 00 pm has the martial arts class, other time are the free controls.” “好了,今天的课程就到这里.下午 2 点有武术课,其余时间都是自由支配.” After Aaron lecture, turns around to walk directly, does not have the loathsome idea. 亚伦讲完之后直接转身就走,丝毫没有拖泥带水的想法。 Only stays behind moe the new rookies, a piece wails: 只留下萌新菜鸟们,一片哀嚎: Who remembered a moment ago?” “刚才谁记下来了?” Chief said quickly, my front forgot most “院长讲得太快了,我前面忘记大半” Was finished. The note, who took the note, the rivers and lakes helped in an emergency “完蛋.笔记,谁记了笔记,江湖救急啊”
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