TOTM :: Volume #10

#968: Beginning school( is a god. Alliance Lord celebrates!)

stretch/open Yexin family/home. 张烨心家。 stretch/open Yexin has left the hospital, now in the home recreation. 张烨心已经出了院,如今正在家里休养。 Is thinking is a big medical service expenditure, his face turned into a bitter melon. 想着又是一大笔医疗费开支,他的脸就变成了一个苦瓜。 Now, is lying on the bed, writes to draw to one pile of newspaper: 如今,正躺在床上,对着一堆报纸杂志写写画画: Oh the present home situation has one misfortune after another, some good points vocational and technological colleges cannot go, does the blue sky vocational and technological college that must guarantee a minimum, study the excavator?” “唉现在家里的情况雪上加霜,一些好点的职业技术学院都不能去了,难道要去保底的蓝天职业技术学院,学开挖掘机?” stretch/open Yexin is nipping the pencil, suddenly under the enrollment guidelines of some vocational and technological colleges, saw a collection report book. 张烨心正咬着铅笔,忽然又在一些职业技术学院的招生简章之下,看到了一本集报册。 In the book, is the news that about supernatural force he cuts. 在册子上,都是他剪下来的关于超自然力量的新闻。 ‚The Donglin mountainous area appears flood dragon! Has the chart to have the truth!’ ‘东林山区惊现蛟龙!有图有真相!’ Bai He dojo successor exposes the Bai He fist, flies three zhang (3.33 m)!’ 白鹤武馆传人展露白鹤拳,一飞三丈!’ Ghost mother present world, world ghost legendary creature!’ ‘鬼母现世,人间鬼蜮!’ This inside news is actual and fictitious, before placing, stretch/open Yexin inevitably snorts contemptuously. 这里面的新闻有真有假,放在之前,张烨心必然是嗤之以鼻的。 But since sees the ghost mother with own eyes, he becomes firm supernatural force worshipper. 但自从亲眼见到鬼母之后,他就成为了一个坚定的超自然力量崇拜者 Doing to 奈何 The ideal often defeated by the reality. 理想往往被现实打败。 Operating the excavator is very easy to look for the work, the wages also ratio in work site moves bricks is high “开挖掘机很容易找工作,工地上的工资也比搬砖要高” While stretch/open Yexin convinced own, he hit to tremble suddenly. 就在张烨心说服自己的同时,他忽然打了个寒颤。 The surrounding temperature one plummets, the environment inexplicably becomes dark, just like arriving in black and white old picture. 周围的温度一下骤降,环境莫名变得幽暗,宛若来到了黑白老照片之中。 This feeling! This feeling!’ ‘这种感觉!这种感觉!’ stretch/open Ye shouted heart to heart crazily, the body to has not actually been able to act stiffly. 张烨心心中疯狂大喊,身体却已经僵硬至无法行动。 Is that woman —— ghost female she is not willing to let off me?’ ‘是那個女人——鬼母她还是不肯放过我么?’ But the next quarter, this gloomy and cold feeling vanished. 但下一刻,这种阴冷的感觉就消失了。 Whistling whistling “呼呼呼呼” Zheng Ming permits as if to be saved from death specially, the big mouth is breathing heavily. 郑明允仿佛死里逃生特别,大口喘着粗气。 Meanwhile, he also saw light letter paper, falls gently from the midair 与此同时,他也看到了一封轻飘飘的信笺,从半空中飘落 This is “这是” What the letter paper uses is the cardboard, above has a light black ink fragrance and book fragrance, Zheng Ming yun heard that the admission notice of public university seems like this, it is said also enjoys praises of many Old Qian, thinks that has the scholar writing aura. 信笺用的是硬纸,上面有一种淡淡的墨香与书香味,郑明允听说公立大学的录取通知书看起来就是这样,据说也受到很多老钱的追捧,认为有书香文墨气息。 Even if a nouveau riche, loathes with the traditional writing-set, comes to keep up the appearance to oneself. 纵然是暴发户,也厌恶用传统的文房四宝,来给自己装点门面。 Enrollment notice Luofu Vocational and Technological College?” “录取通知罗浮职业技术学院?” Zheng Ming permits a character character to read the content on notice, that character written with a writing brush, made him feel that simply saw a calligraphy everyone's art show. 郑明允一字字念出通知书上的内容,那一手毛笔字,简直令他感觉看到了一位书法大家的艺术展。 Schoolmate Zheng Ming yun, you through the inspection, we have invited you to become the big new student/life in Luofu Vocational and Technological College “郑明允同学,你已经通过考察,我方邀请你成为罗浮职业技术学院的大一新生” If you refuse to enter a school, please on September 1, exactly 8 : 00 pm, the belt/bring good goods, to include own bedding, wash bowl, the toilet articles and clothing to wait for peacefully.” “如果你拒绝入学,请于九月 1 日,夜间 8 点整,带好随身物品,包括自己的被褥、脸盆、洗漱用品、衣物安静等待。” Zheng Ming permitted to look at the letter paper repeatedly, the feeling was very irritable. 郑明允将信笺翻来覆去地看了看,感觉十分别扭。 Un, is an irritable feeling. 恩,就是一种别扭感。 Because of other admission notice writing, may be called flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, magnificent everyone, but begins own name 因为录取通知书其它的文字,堪称龙飞凤舞,蔚然大家,但开头自己的名字 How can I say? 怎么说呢? Even if a dog bites the writing brush to write, as if compares these three characters attractively! 哪怕是一条狗咬着毛笔写,似乎都比这三个字好看一点! Does not understand child doodle that writes simply probably ‘简直就好像根本不懂写字的小孩涂鸦’ Zheng Ming permits in the heart to complain one, then gets hold of the fist silently: „Can Luofu Vocational and Technological College go?” 郑明允心中吐槽一句,然后默默握紧拳头:“罗浮职业技术学院要去么?” Luofu Vocational and Technological College?” “罗浮职业技术学院?” Imperial city Si within/inner. 皇城司内。 As jumped over the emperor initial spy organization greatly, the present imperial city division had been reduced many functions, turned subordinated the privilege mechanism/organization that Congress had jurisdiction over. 作为大越皇帝当初的特务机构,如今的皇城司已经被削减了许多职能,变成了直属国会管辖的特权机关。 In two Si Director stretch/open Yexin hands is holding appreciatively a same admission notice, frowns: Recently the more varvel frequency sent greatly, how that side the academy of science to say?” 二司司长张烨心手上把玩着同样的一份录取通知书,皱起眉头:“最近大越奇异之事频发,科学院那边怎么说?” King Professor said that although recently the lifeform degeneration speed has been raised, but also needs to take for ten years, even hundred years as the unit, can see the obvious change anything flood dragon ghost, more similar gene mutation “王教授说,虽然最近一段时间生物退化速度有所提升,但也需要以十年、甚至百年为单位,才能看到明显的变化什么蛟龙鬼怪,更加类似基因突变” Nearby subordinate replied. 旁边一个手下回答。 First looks for one as for demons and monsters his suggestion to him the observational study, can draw the conclusion.” “至于妖魔鬼怪他的建议是先找一只给他观察研究,才能得出结论。” Said to has not said is the same” “说了跟没说一样” stretch/open Yexin shouted: „! These admission notices, should be the nationwide scale, must trace each student officer to have a look as far as possible but actually, this Luofu Vocational and Technological College, is anything.” 张烨心喝道:“查!这些录取通知书,应该是全国范围的,要尽量追查到每一个学生本官倒要看看,这罗浮职业技术学院,到底是什么东西。” As for this ancient Chinese compass, lets him according to the notice in does, then we send people to defend other establishment control experiment group in side, for example the person separates with the admission notice, or detains, my more other do not have greatly, is the person many must develop my imperial city division secret agent in these students, manages his anything monsters and freaks, must give oneself away!” “至于这个‘司南’,让他按照通知书上的去做,然后我们派人在旁边守着另外设置对照实验组,比如人跟录取通知书分开,或者关押起来,我大越其它没有,就是人多还要在这些学生中发展我皇城司密探,管他什么牛鬼蛇神,总得露出马脚!” Yes!” “是!” Soon receives an order to go hand/subordinate. 手下很快领命而去。 Strength of the more such as mountain Ruhai, in addition is the scientific world, the camera and network is found in the nation now. 大越之力如山如海,再加上如今是科学世界,摄像头与网络遍布全国。 Wanted to find these people, was not awkward. 想要找到这些人,并不为难。 After all some enrollments live even the admission notice photograph to send online, but also thinks that is practical joke! 毕竟有的录取生甚至将录取通知书拍照发到网上,还以为是恶作剧呢! Time quickly by September 1. 时间很快到了九月 1 日。 Zheng Ming yun spent many saliva, cannot convince the parents, was pressed to report the blue sky vocational and technological college. 郑明允花费了许多口水,却根本说服不了父母,被按着头报了蓝天职业技术学院。 At this time, he in the dormitory of blue sky vocational and technological college, in the hand is taking the admission notice of Luofu Vocational and Technological College. 此时,他正在蓝天职业技术学院的宿舍中,手上却拿着罗浮职业技术学院的录取通知书。 „Haven't brothers you made a bed? Tomorrow must attend class!” “兄弟你怎么还不铺床?明天还要上课呢!” The roommates asked one curiously. 舍友好奇地问了一句。 Zheng Ming permits this time, is grabbing itself to report that the baggage of belt/bring, several big suitcase have not disassembled. 郑明允此时,正抓着自己报道带的行李,几个大大的旅行箱一个都没有拆开。 I wait/etc “我等等” Shen Chunliang looked at the watch, replied. 沈纯梁看了看手表,如此回答。 Once crossed eight points, he also lost heart thoroughly, goes to the excavator honestly. 一旦过了八点,他也就彻底死心了,老老实实去开挖掘机。 Mental illness!’ ‘神经病!’ The roommates scolded one, the preparation washed sleep. 舍友心里骂了一句,准备洗漱睡觉。 Next quarter, the referring to needlework of clock and watch to at exactly 8 : 00. 下一刻,钟表的指针指到了八点整。 Zheng Ming permits to feel suddenly a suction emerges, the whole person is special just like the weightlessness, brings own suitcase instantaneously, vanishes in the dormitory. 郑明允蓦然感觉一股吸力涌现,整个人宛若失重特别,瞬间就带着自己的行李箱,消失于宿舍中。 Several roommates look at each other one, has the sad and shrill sound to spread from the dormitory in: Ghost!” 几个舍友对视一眼,有凄厉的声音自宿舍中传出:“鬼啊啊啊!” Imperial city division. 皇城司。 „Under Director Zheng the ancient Chinese compass monitors with our people in the camera, disappears directly directly!” “郑司长司南在摄像头跟我们的人监视之下,直接直接不见了!” A subordinate runs in the office totteringly, is sweating profusely reports. 一个手下跌跌撞撞地跑进办公室,满头大汗地汇报。 I know that this situation was slight, must report the prime minister immediately!” “我知道这情况轻微了,必须立即上报首相!” stretch/open Yexin is looking at front monitoring device, has the belt/bring the enrollment book to vanish suddenly, there is, because separates with the enrollment book, but also treats in the prison, but enrollment book automatic combustion control completely. 张烨心正望着面前的监视器,其中既有带着录取书突然消失的,也有因为跟录取书分开,还待在监狱里的,而录取书自动燃烧殆尽。 Generally what is worth mentioning, he also gave a imperial city Agent Si an enrollment book, but the opposite party has not disappeared does not see, the enrollment book in hand is also reduced to ashes assumes a false identity obviously invalid. 一般值得一提的是,他还将一份录取书给了一个皇城司特工,但对方并未消失不见,手中的录取书也化为了灰烬显然冒名顶替行不通。 Right now troubles in a big way “这下子麻烦大了” This imperial city director, the whole face whispered at a loss 这位皇城司长,满脸茫然地低语了一句 Where is this? Moreover hemisphere?” “这这是什么地方?另外半球么?” Why obviously is 8 : 00 pm, unexpectedly is like the daytime?” “为什么明明是晚上 8 点,居然还跟白天一样?” Sun where?” “太阳在哪里?” In the square, several hundred students appear suddenly, with dispersing the duck is the same, chirp non-stop. 广场上,几百个学生忽然出现,一个个跟散了的鸭子一样,叽叽喳喳个不停。 stretch/open Yexin mixes to be one of them, sizes up all around peacefully. 张烨心混在其中,安静地打量四周。 Suddenly, the blood-color person's shadow flies high to reappear together, is looking under, a brow wrinkle: Peaceful!” 忽然,一道血色的人影就这么凌空浮现,望着下方,眉头一皱:“安静!” The next quarter, a big terrifying erupts, all new students are weak on the ground, somewhat timid was also frightened to urinate the pants. 下一刻,一股大恐怖爆发,所有新生都瘫软在地上,有些胆小的还被吓尿了裤子。 Welcome to Luofu Vocational and Technological College!” “欢迎来到罗浮职业技术学院!” The blood robe person emits the pressure slightly, frightens these little fellows half dead, on the face appears a practical joke smile: I am your director —— nine quiet!” 血袍人稍微放出威压,就将这些小家伙吓得半死,脸上浮现出一丝恶作剧般的微笑:“我是你们的教导主任——九幽!” Then is invited the deans of our school to speak!” “接下来有请我们学院的院长讲话!”
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