TOTM :: Volume #1

#70: Six years

The war of Windy Chimes Plain, collapses to draw to a close by Wang Guojun of dramatization greatly. 风铃平原之战,以戏剧化的王国军大崩溃落下帷幕。 But in Kagas Kingdom, was actually covered by the crest of wave of another person regarding the description of this war. 而在卡加什王国之中,对于这场战争的描述却被另外一个人的风头掩盖。 That is Green Woods Count! 那就是绿森伯爵 Grasps the mysterious strength, a person almost extinguished existence of entire royal palace! 掌握神秘力量,一人几乎灭了整个王宫的存在! The name of Green Devil, in the kingdom, almost can stop the young child morbid night crying! 绿魔鬼之名,在王国中,几乎可以止小儿夜啼! Slightly those who come as a surprise to Aaron is, Grand Duke Bauhinia and Lord Eunisis escape smoothly, naturally, the senior duke comes under the attack to be extremely serious, returning to the fiefdom soon to pass away. 略微出乎亚伦预料的是,紫荆花大公尤尼西斯勋爵都顺利逃生,当然,老公爵受到打击太过严重,回到封地不久就一命呜呼了。 But Lord Eunisis still, him inherited the position of duke, and does not know that for what reason, perhaps was Aaron once the reason of that joke, carried in the position of queen Vivian, oneself said by Regent. 尤尼西斯勋爵还在,他继承了公爵的位置,并且不知道出于什么理由,或许是亚伦曾经那句玩笑话的原因,将薇薇安捧上了女王的位置,自己则以摄政王自称。 Meanwhile, but also sends out the envoy, before accepting Aaron, condition that comprehensively put forward, ceded the northern boundary territory, indemnity 1 million Nall, both sides in light of this truce. 与此同时,还派出使者,全面接受了亚伦之前提出的条件,割让北境领土,赔款百万纳尔,双方就此停战。 Green Woods and Kagas Kingdom returned to reluctantly normal, no one has cared as for wailing of northern boundary many feudal lords. 绿森林卡加什王国勉强恢复了平静,至于北境诸多领主的哀嚎已经没有人在意。 They withstood the Green Disaster heaviest person in any case, at this time had been defeated the castle, the strength of simply not having revolted against. 反正他们原本就是承受绿灾最重之人,此时已经被击破了城堡,根本没有反抗的力量。 Displaces, is the entire kingdom high and low, started unrest of research mysticism, and is still continue yearn for the proliferation...... 取而代之的,是整个王国上下,都掀起了一股研究神秘主义的风潮,并且还在持续向往扩散…… ...... …… Sotos Castle. 索托斯堡 Welcome you, my son, you overcame territory that is equivalent to another Green Woods size.” “欢迎你,我的儿子,你打下了相当于又一个绿森林大小的领地。” The front door place, all the warriors of return, obtained the heroic treatment, gives priority to Aaron especially. 大门处,所有归来的勇士,都获得了英雄般的待遇,其中尤以亚伦为重。 Even Theodore, waits in the roadside personally long time. 西奥多,都亲自在路边等候良久。 Sir Father, I have killed the king, was Colin revenged......” 父亲大人,我已经杀死了国王,为柯林报仇了……” Aaron got down the warhorse, is looking at steadily an old castle of banyan fig, immediately thought it is not quite suitable to live. 亚伦下了战马,望着长了一棵榕树的古堡,顿时觉得它不太适合居住。 Rules Green Woods by this time Sotos Clan with the northern boundary huge territory, places here somewhat is also inopportune the center. 以此时索托斯家族统治绿森林与北境庞大的领地而言,将中枢放在这里也有些不合时宜。 Said strictly, a Frost Wolf Castle actually good place. 严格说起来,霜狼城堡倒是一个不错的地点。 It is the marquis castle, is precipitous but strategically important, the northern boundary is also more bountiful than Green Woods, population and paddies similarly so. 它原本是侯爵城堡,地势险要,北境也比绿森林富饶许多,人口与田地同样如此。 However, Theodore will not accept obviously. 不过,西奥多显然不会接受的。 He is a stubborn Green Woods local area faction, has people like him. 他是一个顽固的绿森本地派,像他这样的人还有许多。 This also causes Green Woods unable to integrate or digest Kagas Kingdom. 这也导致着绿森无法融入或者消化卡加什王国 However Aaron being disinclined manages these. 不过亚伦懒得管这些。 In fact, after he lets the kingdom ceded the northern boundary big piece territory, at heart on some regrets. 实际上,他让王国割让了北境大片领地之后,心里就有些后悔了。 The daily government affairs are too many, seriously affected his sleep time, this is simply unforgivable. 每天的政务太多,严重影响了他的睡眠时间,这简直不可原谅。 Told, prepared a grand banquet, I must praise the active feudal official in this war.” “吩咐下去,准备一场盛大的宴会,我要嘉奖这次战争中的有功之臣。” Aaron discontinues, to the Abbott tranquil instruction. 亚伦下了马,对艾尔伯特平静吩咐。 Asked the Count to feel relieved, I can certainly hold the matter.” “请伯爵放心,我一定能将事情办好。” Abbott is Sotos Castle Scholar recommended, but that Scholar participated in the rebellion afterward, was caught to strangle. 艾尔伯特原本是索托斯城堡学士所推荐,而那位学士后来参与了叛乱,被抓到绞死了。 Abbott was feeling the surrounding person looked his vision is strange. 连带着,艾尔伯特都感觉周围人看他的目光怪怪的。 Now saw that Sir Count trusts him as before, almost cried. 现在看到伯爵大人对他依旧信任,都几乎哭出来了。 Aaron knows certainly that Abbott is pure, had many in the person of that Scholar learn/study initially, is impossible is a rebel. 亚伦当然知道艾尔伯特还算清白,在当初那位学士手下学习的人也有不少,不可能都是叛逆。 Also, by the present, no significance. 再说,到了现在,也没什么意义了。 Entire Green Woods, has submitted to completely under him, on Green Woods, is next Green Woods. 整个绿森林,已经完全臣服在他麾下,不论是上绿森林,还是下绿森林 In fact, he this time on preparation generous recompense Knight Yeaman , to promote to become the Baron or the viscount, and increases the fiefdom in the northern boundary for him, by this demonstrated oneself choose a person without restraint of style, only by the attitude of merit. 实际上,他这次就准备重赏伊曼骑士,提拔成为男爵或者子爵,并在北境为他增加封地,以此显示自己用人不拘一格,只论功绩的作风。 Theodore looks at a Aaron each article matter to tell, everyone does not dare to violate, somewhat is gratified, but somewhat is also low-spirited, is shouldering both hands, leaves slowly. 西奥多望着亚伦一件件事情吩咐下去,所有人都不敢违背,不由有些欣慰,但又有些黯然,背负着双手,缓缓离开。 This eventually was not his time. 这终究不是他的时代了。 Read hence, in the heart was more low-spirited, the follow-up grand banquet also lost the brilliance...... 一念至此,心中不由更加黯然,就连后续的盛大宴会也失去了光彩…… ...... …… Time like shuttle. 光阴如梭。 In a flash, six years swiftly. 转瞬之间,六年时间倏忽而过。 In Frost Wolf Castle. 霜狼城堡中。 Aaron finished the last letter/believes, pressed the sealing wax, gave Scholar: Sends out the Viscount Yeaman place.” 亚伦写完最后一封信,压上了火漆,交给身边的学士:“发往伊曼子爵处。” Scholar good a ritual, draws back respectfully. 学士行了一礼,恭敬地退下。 Aaron stands up, before arriving waits for the height at the same time the full-length mirror . 亚伦站起身,来到一面等身高的穿衣镜前。 Although calculates the age at this time, he 20 over, when appearance unexpectedly with 16 or 17-year- old general youth is immature, causes in Kagas Kingdom, has been spreading the Green Devil not old hearsay, although these follow the bathing blood, derives the child vigor anything's rumor extremely...... 虽然此时算算年纪,他不过才二十出头,但面相居然还是跟十六七岁之时一般青春稚嫩,导致卡加什王国之中,一直流传着绿魔鬼的不老传闻,虽然这其中又伴随着沐浴鲜血,汲取小孩活力什么的不堪流言…… As present new governing institute, Frost Wolf Castle after the conditioning, was bigger than palatially before, splendid. 作为如今新的治所,霜狼城堡经过修整,比之前更加高大巍峨,富丽堂皇。 It is a pity that Theodore and Ginny like living in Sotos Castle. 遗憾的是,西奥多金妮都更喜欢居住在索托斯城堡 Aaron stands in the balcony, is looking at the rivers and mountains of not far away, sighed gently. 亚伦站在阳台上,望着不远处的河流与山川,轻轻叹息一声。 Since these date and time, he has processed the official business during the daytime, in the evening falls asleep, the two sides have no important matter to happen. 这些时日以来,他白天处理公务,晚上入梦,两边都没有什么大事发生。 Green Woods is very tranquil with the northern boundary, no one dares to revolt against the rule of Green Devil, outside kingdom shrinks the turtle. 绿森林与北境十分平静,没有人敢反抗绿魔鬼的统治,外面的王国更是缩成了乌龟。 But after increasing new indigenous chemical fertilizer and culivation technique, the northern boundary farmer welcomed several bumper crops, the life gradually becomes abundant, has no matter that starves to death massively to happen. 而在增加了新的土化肥与耕作技术之后,北境农民迎来了几次大丰收,生活渐渐变得富足,也没有什么大规模饿死的事情发生。 Said truly, although Aaron in the ability using dream, recorded the structure of steam engine with some advanced science and technology, has not actually given the Artisan development, even the improvement of gunpowder weapon has not paid attention. 真正说起来,亚伦虽然利用梦中的能力,记录了蒸汽机的构造与一些先进科学技术,却并没有交给工匠研制,甚至就连火药武器的改进都没怎么关注。 Basic reason, does not raise vigorously...... 根本原因,还是不太提得起劲…… In feeling...... Spirit Essence of the ‘Scarlet’ in within the body, has soon overflowed to disperse...... me to estimate made the mistake slightly, that several wars use the ability, every is equivalent to over five years consumptions one time......” “感觉上……体内的‘赤’之灵性,已经快要溢散完了……我估算略微出了错误,那几次大战使用能力,每一次都相当于五年以上的消耗……” This world, continually extraordinarily difficult, not to mention immortal......” “这个世界,连非凡都难,更不用说不朽了……” Aaron sighed. 亚伦叹息一声。 Even if equivalent to Creator in the dream, but the mysterious energy and position standard only attach in the dream the body exist. 哪怕在梦中相当于造物主,但神秘能量与位格都只依附于梦中体而存在。 In reality, as before are only an average person, each spirit essence is precious. 现实中的自己,依旧只是个普通人,每一点灵性都非常珍贵。 And, until now is unable to summon itself, in the consciousness body by the ceremony communication dream, as if always misses a point of essential thing. 并且,直到现在都无法自己召唤自己,以仪式沟通梦中意识体,似乎总是差了一点关键的东西。 This makes Aaron quite depressed. 这让亚伦相当沮丧。 spirit essence the overflowing powder, will as if represent his also finally one day to be senile finally, death...... 灵性终将溢散,似乎代表着他也终有一日会衰老、死亡…… This I do not comply.” “这我绝不答应。” Aaron thought aloud. 亚伦自言自语道。 As ruling Green Woods with northern the feudal lord of boundary, he has not married, hand/subordinate this is denounced. 作为统治绿森林与北境的领主,他并未结婚,这是一直被手下所诟病的。 And, even if maintaining the intimate relation with many women, actually never has the descendant, does not have including an illegitimate child. 并且,哪怕与多位女士保持着亲密关系,却从来都没有后代,连一位私生子也没有。 This is not any no child curse of External Realm legend, but he intends to control. 这并非外界传说的什么无子诅咒,只是他有意控制。 Were many children, were many matter of diverting attention. 多了儿女,就多了分心的事情。 He does not want so, but is the preparation with the attitude of crossing the rubicon, continue inquire about that is extraordinary and mysterious. 他不想如此,而是准备以破釜沉舟的态度,继续探寻非凡与神秘。 After hesitating met, Aaron returns to the bedroom, lies down above the luxurious bed, entered world in a dream. 沉吟了一会之后,亚伦回到卧室,躺在豪华大床之上,进入了梦中世界
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