TV :: Volume #27

#2619: Period

You are finding the excuse to convince yourself!” The 5 th date said: Your simply does not want to be yourself, you do not give up your woman and child, not?” “你是在找借口说服你自己!”第五日说道:“你根本就不想做回你自己,你心里舍不得你的女人和孩子,不是吗?” Xia Lei indifferently said: You actually also in finding excuse convinced yourself, the mechanism has created you, you crossed long one under the control of mechanism. To you, the mechanism actually is also the system. You crossed the life in a system, suddenly gave you to be free, you are actually not able to adapt. You are determined to persuade me to bring back my bone, awakens my previous generation the memory, then leads you to restart this universe, that is because of you except for this goal, your life could not find other goal.” 夏雷淡淡地道:“你其实也在找借口说服你自己,机制造就了你,你在机制的掌控下渡过了漫长的一声。对你而言,机制其实也是体制。你在一个体制之中渡过了一生,突然给你自由了,你却无法适应了。你执意要劝说我拿回我的骨,唤醒我前世的记忆,然后带你去重启这个宇宙,那是因为你除了这个目标,你的人生已经找不到别的目标了。” 5 th day was stunned on the spot. 第五日顿时愣在了当场 Xia Lei said: What restarts the universe to bring? Nobody knows, does not know including my previous generation. Perhaps is a new universe, perhaps is another result, who can determine? The universe has own principle, it has filled the mistake, unceasingly is correcting own mistake. We must to it the opportunity, asking it to leave our road, when should end ends, when should Chongsheng (rebirth) Chongsheng (rebirth).” 夏雷说道:“重启宇宙会带来什么?没人知道,包括我的前世也不知道。或许是一个新的宇宙,或许是另外一种结果,谁能确定?宇宙有着自己的法则,它充满了错误,也在不断地纠正自己的错误。我们要给它机会,让它走自己的路,在应该终结的时候终结,在应该重生的时候重生。” But it will kill us!” The 5 th day exclaimed to Xia Lei. “可是它会杀了我们!”第五日冲夏雷吼道。 Xia Lei shrugged the shoulders, is content, compared with these average people, the short dozens 100 years of lives, we lived two, and has several thousand over ten thousand years of lives, this is very lucky matter.” 夏雷耸了一下肩,“知足吧,比起那些普通人,短短几十100年的寿命,我们都已经活了两次了,而且还拥有几千上万年的寿命,这已经是非常幸运的事情了。” The 5 th day lip moves, but did not say the words that anything persuaded again. 第五日的嘴唇动了动,可是再没有说出什么劝说的话来。 Xia Lei said: Treasures your rest of the time, does the meaningful matter. This is we last time meets, is the last time. Do not look for me again, do not move the evil thought again, otherwise next time meets we are an enemy, I will kill you.” 夏雷说道:“珍惜你剩下的时间吧,去做一点有意义的事情。这是我们最后一次见面,也是最后一次。不要再来找我,更不要再动邪念,不然下一次见面我们将是敌人,我会杀了你。” Then, Xia Lei turns around to walk toward tower entrance. 说完,夏雷转身向塔门走去。 The 5 th date looks at the Xia Lei back, the look is complex. She wants to stop by calling out him, but after does not know to stop by calling out him, she can also say anything. Said that month in love is tangled up? Said that beforehand life and death is hostile? All these passed. 第五日看着夏雷的背影,眼神复杂。她想叫住他,可是又不知道叫住他之后她还能说什么。说那一个月的时间里的恩爱缠绵吗?还是说以前的生死敌对?这一切都过去了。 The tower entrance opens. 塔门打开。 The blue ray comes from the outside photo, threw the Xia Lei form on the ground, long, thin, there is a loneliness beyond description. 蓝色的光线从外面照进来,将夏雷的身影投在了地上,长长的,瘦瘦的,有一种难以形容的孤独感。 Outside the tower entrance, the Origin City ruins as before, have not had the least bit reconstructed sign. Past one month phantom that all that in had were created, except for the 5 th day. She real, these matters that he and she have also real. But that cannot represent anything, if in his heart has had a little sentiment, that is to Dexin Princess, is not the 5 th day. 塔门外,起源城的废墟依旧,不曾有半点被重建的迹象。过去一个月的时间里所发生的一切都是被创造出来的幻影,除了第五日。她是真的,他和她发生的那些事也是真的。可那并不能代表什么,如果说他的心中产生了那么一点感情的话,那是对德馨公主,不是第五日。 Should go home. 该回家了。 Goes home, goes to the remote interstellar exploration with the wife child together, the sowing seeds civilization. 回家,与老婆孩子一起去遥远的星际探险,播种文明。 In the future was tired, goes home, can return to Earth World, can return to the sparks (Mars) world, but can also be Star of Hope World or Dark Death World, there also has his family/home. 将来累了,就回家,可以回地球世界,也可以回火星世界,还可以是希望之星世界或者黑暗死亡世界,那里也有他的家。 When died? 什么时候死去? He is not willing to imagine. 他不愿意去想象。 When damn goes died, he is the biggest demon, may until now he not be punished, only then dies the price of being he should pay, or redeems. 在该死去的时候死去吧,他才是最大的魔头,可直到现在他都没有受到惩罚,只有死才是他应该付出的代价,或者说是救赎。 May view the issue of this crime from another angle, previous generation's sin, should shoulder by this life him? 可从另一个角度去看待这个罪的问题,前世的罪孽,应该由今生的他来背负吗? Manages his! 管他的! Here for all these strokes period, making all these end here, no longer continues. 就在这里为这一切划上句号吧,让这一切在这里终结,不再延续。 Was welcoming God Father mother on Xinghe sky the star, the corners of the mouth of Xia Lei revealed have wiped the smiling face. Finally had finished, he never has relaxed feeling at this moment. 迎着天空上的神母星和神父星,夏雷的嘴角露出了一抹笑容。终于结束了,他从未有过此刻的轻松感。 In the future? 未来? Goes to motherfucker in the future, he only wants to return to the float city at this moment, with the wife children good delicious dinner, then to realize in his life finally dream extremely, greatly by altogether bed... 他妈.的未来,此刻他只想回到悬浮城,与老婆孩子们好好吃一顿晚饭,然后实现他人生之中最终极的梦想,大被共大床… Wait/Etc.!” Broadcasts the 5 th day sound. “等等!”身后传来第五日的声音。 Xia Lei has not turned head, but the sound transferred coldly, what do you also want to say? My tolerance, my opportunity is not inexpensive buy one free one. If you are besotted, I did not mind that delivers you to start off to see 6 th day them.” 夏雷没有回头,但声音转冷了,“你还想说什么?我的宽容,我的机会不是廉价的买一送一。如果你还执迷不悟的话,我不介意送你上路去见第六日他们。” The 5 th day is not afraid, the opposite her corners of the mouth have actually emerged a trace of a smiling expression, do not misunderstand, I want to deliver you. Milky Way is far away with here, even if you must fly also to require long time. You left me the God tower, makes me deliver you.” 第五日并不害怕,相反的她的嘴角却浮出了一丝笑意,“不要误会,我只是想送送你。银河系与这里相距遥远,即便是你要飞回去也需要一个漫长的时间。你将神塔留给了我,就让我送送你吧。” Xia Lei silent for a moment then shook the head, does not use, I have benefitted to think the tower to relate Sigmado, it can meet me with the float city. You walk, walks the farther the better, will should better never to meet.” 夏雷沉默了一下然后摇了摇头,“不用了,我已经利用神塔联系智库阿米多了,它会与悬浮城来接我。你走吧,走得越远越好,最好永不见面。” 5 th day shrugged the shoulders, good, but I was some few words want to say to you.” 第五日耸了一下肩,“好吧,可我还是有一句话想对你说。” Xia Lei visits her, what words?” 夏雷看着她,“什么话?” The 5 th day was bowing to Xia Lei, thank you.” 第五日对着夏雷鞠了一个躬,“谢谢你。” Xia Lei slightly gawked, his didn't expect 5 th day will bow in thanks to him obviously. 夏雷微微愣了一下,他显然没想到第五日会对他鞠躬致谢。 Moreover...” The 5 th day stood the body, on the face has shown a rare smiling face, until now I understand why so many women will like you, is willing to pay all for you. You are very good because of skill/effort (kung fu) in that aspect, that month of past, I crossed very joyfully. Although I regarded you have raised Yafeisi, but that thing was your.” “另外…”第五日站直了身体,脸上露出了一个罕见的笑容,“直到现在我才明白为什么会有那么多的女人喜欢你,愿意为你付出一切。你在那方面的功夫真的很好,过去的那一个月,我过得很快乐。虽然我把你当成了提图亚菲斯,可是那玩意是你的。” Xia Lei, „...” 夏雷,“…” Was good, I said that parted forever.” The 5 th date said. “好了,我说完了,永别了。”第五日说。 Xia Lei nodded, parted forever.” 夏雷点了一下头,“永别了。” The God tower takes off, in an instant vanished in the outer space. 神塔起飞,转眼就消失在了太空之中。 The life and death foe, parts forever in light of this, does not meet. 生死仇敌,就此永别,再不相见。 What eternal hatred in this world does not have, he and isn't the 5 th day an example? 这个世界上并不存在什么永恒的仇恨,他和第五日不就是一个例子吗? Life is short, should not be hated and desire captive, have wanted the life, treasures everyone, this is the happiness. 人生苦短,不要被仇恨和欲望俘虏,过自己想要过的生活,珍惜身边的每一个人,这就是幸福。 Xia Lei is facing the collapsing temple, for a long time has not moved. In time, he extended both hands, the source strength energy has released from his body. Stones float, big small, the circle of side, regular and anomalous, they piece together the original appearance, then agglutinates in together, then returns to the position that should return. 夏雷面对着垮塌的神庙,许久都没有动一下。一个时间里,他伸出了双手,源力能量从他的身体之中释放了出来。一块块石头悬浮了起来,大的小的,方的圆的,规则的和不规则的,它们拼凑出原来的样子,然后粘合在一起,然后回到应该回到的位置上。 Several kilometers high temple such was reconstructed, stands erect in the ruins, is grand and lonely. 几千米高的神庙就这么被重建了,矗立在废墟之中,雄伟而孤独。 Xia Lei entered the temple, inside is standing erect the idols of six creator, the 1st date, the 2nd date, the 3rd date, the 4 th date and 5 th day and 6 th day. 夏雷走进了神庙,里面矗立着六个造物主的神像,第一日、第二日、第三日、第四日、第五日和第六日。 A seed flies from the distant place, has flown six creator the under foot of idol, takes root to germinate, then grows the fresh flower. 一把种子从远方飞来,飞到了六个造物主的神像的脚下,生根发芽,然后长出鲜花。 Xia Lei sits in the idol middle fresh flower clumps of six creator, his line of sight sweeps not to have the face of facial features, thought aloud: I do not know that you do like this result, but this, all these finished.” 夏雷在六个造物主的神像中间的鲜花丛中席地而坐,他的视线扫过一张张没有五官的面孔,自言自语地道:“我不知道你们喜欢不喜欢这个结果,不过就这样吧,这一切都结束了。” The idols of six creator will not respond to him. 六个造物主的神像不会回应他。 Xia Lei smiled, speaks the truth, actually I have not clarified to present am you have created me, I have created you. I once was your hand/subordinate, we turned into the life and death foe, I have also killed your five. In your hands moistened completely bloody, in my hand also moistened completely bloody. I have thought I am a very good person, good and honest, loving, Haha... It looks like that general tall who in the movie on Earth develops protagonist, but I unexpectedly am the sources of all these evils, is in the movie ultimate big devil, you said that this satire didn't satirize?” 夏雷笑了笑,“说实话,我到现在都没弄清楚究竟是你们创造了我,还是我创造了你们。我曾经是你们的手下,我们又变成了生死仇敌,我还杀了你们五个。你们的手上沾满了血腥,我的手上也沾满了血腥。我一直以为我是一个很好的人,善良、正直、富有爱心,哈哈…就像是地球上的电影里面演的那种高大帅主角,可是我居然是这一切罪恶的源头,是电影里面的终极大恶魔,你们说这讽刺不讽刺?” The idols of six creator are motionless, not having the least bit to respond. 六个造物主的神像还是一动不动,没有半点回应。 This is only thought aloud. 这只是自言自语。 Therefore, do not think unwilling, I will also die, soon I will accompany you. At that time, everybody restrained, should not be the enemy again, was the friend. How we can study Life Creation, or forecast that what the final destiny of this universe is, don't you reach an agreement well?” Xia Lei said. “所以啊,你们也别觉得不甘心,我也会死,用不了多久我就会来陪你们。那个时候,大家都克制一点,不要再做敌人了,做朋友吧。我们可以研究一下怎么创造生命,或者预测一下这个宇宙的最终的命运是什么,你们说好不好?”夏雷说。 Wind comes from the front door mouth of temple suddenly, has blown the idols of six creator, makes the wu wu sound. 一股风突然从神庙的大门口吹进来,吹过六个造物主的神像,发出呜呜的声音。 This seems their responses. 这似乎是它们的回应。 Was good, did not disturb you, I must walk.” Xia Lei crawled from the lawn, then the body walks toward the temple entrance. “好了,不打搅你们了,我得走了。”夏雷从草地上爬了起来,则身往神庙门口走去。 After small distance, his suddenly stopped the footsteps, cracks into a smile, I have forgotten a person probably.” 小小一段距离之后他忽然又停下了脚步,咧嘴一笑,“我好像忘了一个人啊。” Stone of the World flew from outside, scatters the sand, then gathering sand image formation. After the source strength energy of creation idol vanishes, Dexin Princess presented in the temple most center position, with her appearance that in his dream met. 一块块世界之石从外面飞了进来,打散成沙,然后聚沙成像。当创造神像的源力能量消失之后,德馨公主出现在了神殿的最正中的位置,和他梦中相遇的她一个样子。 Xia Lei is looking up to the Dexin Princess idol, the good half sound saying: You are Great Leader, a very good woman, can know that you are I are honored. goodbye/see again.” 夏雷仰望着德馨公主的神像,好半响才说道:“你是一个伟大的领袖,一个很好的女人,能认识你是我荣幸。再见。” He turns around to leave. 他转身离开。 A wind breath has blown, Dexin Princess idol piece of grey suddenly on foundation was blown, under the ash has appeared one line of writing great Dexin Princess, War God (MARS) raises Yafeisi wife. 一股风息吹过,德馨公主的神像的底座上的一片灰顿时被刮走了,灰渣下现出了一行文字“伟大的德馨公主,战神提图亚菲斯之妻”。 This is the Xia Lei quarter writing, he has not mentioned him. 这是夏雷刻下的文字,他没有提到他自己。 Goes out of the temple, Xia Lei soars to the heavens to fly, in an instant also vanished in the sky. 走出神庙,夏雷冲天飞起,转眼也消失在了天空之中。 After three day. 三日后。 The float city passes through from the wormhole of God female galaxy border, hovering in outer space. 悬浮城从神母星系边沿的一个虫洞之中穿越出来,悬停在了太空之中。 Where is Husband at?” Color Ling is covering the belly, a face is anxious and painful expression, I soon lived, I wanted my Husband to accompany me... Aiyo...” 夫君在哪啊?”彩玲捂着肚子,一脸焦急和痛苦的神色,“我快要生了呀,我要我夫君陪我…哎哟…” I pretty such as flower color Ling mistress, you endure again, Master in the God female galaxy, I have sent the information to him, believes that he will come back quickly.” Hao Fang said that with also added, „, do I receive on the arrangement medical treatment and nursing robot now?” “我貌美如花的彩玲主母,你再忍一忍,主人就在神母星系,我已经给他发了信息了,相信他很快就会回来了。”好方说,跟着又补了一句,“要不,我现在就安排医护机器人接生?” Expression that a color Ling face shuts out, you get out of the way, I do not want you, I do not want any medical treatment and nursing robot, I want my husband!” 彩玲一脸嫌弃的表情,“你走开啦,我不要你,我也不要什么医护机器人,我只要我丈夫!” Look! That was nightingale has aimed at the starry sky excitedly. “看!那是”夜莺激动地指向了星空。 Husband!” Huo Feng shouts, soars to the heavens to fly, huge energy not dead wing huala one launches. 夫君!”火凤一声呼喊,冲天飞起,巨大的能量不死翼哗啦一下展开。 However does not wait for her to depart Energy protective cover of float city, the golden form then has gripped together from outside, takes over her waist, closely hugged her in the bosom. 不过不等她飞出悬浮城的能量护罩,一道金色的身影便从外面扎了进来,一把揽住她的腰,将她紧紧抱在了怀中。 This golden form is Xia Lei, he could not wait to go home, therefore left the God female galaxy defended in the float city must outside the wormhole very early in the morning. 这金色的身影便是夏雷,他已经等不及要回家了,所以一早就离开神母星系守在悬浮城必经的虫洞外了。 No matter also the ground does have the person to look, or many people look, will be hugged , in bosom, Xia Lei has kissed her one impatiently, excitedly said: Beloved Wife, I came back.” 也不管地面有没有人看着,或者多少人看着,将会被搂在怀中的时候,夏雷迫不及待地亲了她一口,激动地道:“爱妻,我回来了。” Huo Feng has gathered near the ear of Xia Lei said in a low voice: Color Ling gave birth, her stature was small, jealousy was big, at this time you should kiss her, but was not I.” 火凤凑到了夏雷的耳边小声地道:“彩玲快生了,她个子小,醋劲却大,这个时候你该去亲她,而不是我。” Xia Lei, „...” 夏雷,“…”
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