TV :: Volume #27

#2601: The father and son-in-law meet are not acquainted

dumb fuck!” On the face of Lan Mu full is rampant belittling smiles, you said actually, I won't drop you to be what kind of? Hits me? Kills me?” 傻逼!”蓝木的脸上满是嚣张的蔑笑,“你倒是说说,我不放手你会怎么样?打我吗?杀我吗?” Xia Lei swallowed down an anger stiffly. 夏雷硬生生地将一口怒气吞了下去。 Hits him? He is the Lan Ji'er father, he is summer Musheng the grandfather. 打他?他是蓝吉儿的父亲,他是夏木生的外公。 Kills him? He is the Lan Ji'er father, he is summer Musheng the grandfather. 杀他?他是蓝吉儿的父亲,他是夏木生的外公。 As the Lan Ji'er husband, he was equal to that is also the Lan Mu son. In this world only then father hits son's truth, where has the son to hit father's truth? 作为蓝吉儿的丈夫,他等于也是蓝木的儿子。这世上只有老子打儿子的道理,哪有儿子打父亲的道理? You said that you said that how do you want to do?” Lan Mu is poking the chest of Xia Lei, at the same time rampant said/tunnel: I told you, this Icefield City was my Lan Mu domain! I have a liking for your woman am your being honored, do not give to be concerned about face, asks for trouble. So long as you said that a non- character, I let you and your woman cannot leave Icefield City!” “你说啊,你说啊,你想怎么做?”蓝木戳着夏雷的胸膛,一边嚣张地道:“我告诉你,这座冰原城是我蓝木的地盘!我看上你的女人是你的荣幸,别给脸不要脸,自讨苦吃。你只要说一个不字,我让你和你的女人一个都离不开冰原城!” His voice just fell, the entrance spilled into one group of people to come, in the hand of one by one was taking Energy Weapon. These armed personnel have human, there is Achimisian. However they also common features, that is aggressive. As soon as they came in then to surround Xia Lei, Energy Weapon in hand has also aimed at Xia Lei. This battle formation, so long as if Xia Lei dares saying that not character, their opportunity rips the fragment Xia Lei! 他的话音刚刚落下,刚才的门口涌进一群人来,一个个的手中都拿着能量武器。这些武装人员有人类,也有阿希米斯人。不过他们也都有一个共同的特点,那就是凶悍。他们一进来便将夏雷包围了起来,手中的能量武器也都指向了夏雷。这阵势,似乎只要夏雷敢说一个“不”字,他们机会将夏雷撕成碎片! But they do not know that they are similar to the Xia Lei eye are ground crawling the insect of software are the same, lifts the foot slightly, or a finger presses gently, they will turn into the mud that a beach blood and meat mix. 可是他们并不知道他们在夏雷的眼里就如同是地上爬行的软体的虫子一样,微微一抬脚,或者轻轻一指头摁下去,他们就会变成一滩血与肉混合的泥。 His father-in-law turned into a villain, like this threatens itself, in Xia Lei heart except for feeling of being angry, also speechless and funny feeling. Truly, Lan Mu bullies him like this, can't he a palm of the hand pat him? 自己的老丈人变成了一个恶棍,这样威胁自己,夏雷心中除了生气的感受,还有无语、好笑的感受。确实,蓝木这样欺负他,他总不能一巴掌把他拍死吧? Lan Mu suddenly has handed over a meaningful glance to armed personnel. 蓝木忽然给一个武装人员递了一个眼色。 That is stature big and tall big Achimisian, after obtaining the instruction of Lan Mu, suddenly lifts gun, a stock pounded to the head of Xia Lei. 那是一个身材魁伟高大的阿希米斯人,得到蓝木的指示之后突然举枪,一枪柄砸向了夏雷的脑袋。 Xia Lei has not moved aside, even does not have the standard to keep off. That Energy Rifle stock pounds after his head, the entire spear/gun was decomposed instantaneously, changes to flying ash to sprinkle a piece by piece on the ground. 夏雷并没有躲闪,甚至没有格挡。那支能量步枪的枪柄砸在他的脑袋之上后,整支枪瞬间被分解了,化作一片片飞灰洒落在地上。 Was that Energy Rifle, also attacks Xia Lei an arm of Achimisian incessantly, huala one also vanished, only remaining a shoulder part. Without picture that the blood flows rapidly, even does not have the feeling of ache, an arm livingly was then decomposed. But has the fear, that lost Achimisian of arm to stare for two seconds, suddenly saw that own arm vanished, opens the mouth to roar, „” 不止是那一支能量步枪,还有攻击夏雷阿希米斯人的一条手臂,哗啦一下也消失了,只剩下了肩膀一下的一部分。没有鲜血奔流的画面,甚至没有疼痛的感觉,一条手臂便被活生生地被分解了。可是有恐惧,那个失去一条手臂的阿希米斯人愣了两秒钟,突然看到自己的手臂消失,张开嘴巴就吼,“啊” Suddenly, stood in Xia Lei behind human takes away the trigger. Energy Rifle in his hand has made an ear-spitting sound, a bright as snow energy bullet almost did not have any time-gap then to hit the back of Xia Lei. 突然,一个站在夏雷身后的人类扣动了扳机。他手中的能量步枪发出了一个震耳的声音,一颗雪亮的能量枪弹几乎没有任何时间间隔便击中了夏雷的背部。 Without the explosive sound, does not have the flesh and blood flying in all directions scene, that energy bullet was also decomposed by Xia Lei, anything does not have remaining. 没有爆炸声,更没有血肉横飞的场面,那颗能量枪弹也被夏雷分解了,什么都没有剩下。 Energy Rifle in that human armed personnel hand, also his buckle the right hand of trigger also changes to a piece by piece flying ash, flies upwards to sprinkle toward the ground. 那个人类武装人员手中的能量步枪,还有他的扣动扳机的右手也化作一片片飞灰,飞飞扬扬地往地上洒落下去。 „” That armed personnel startled sound scream. “啊”那个武装人员惊声尖叫。 Xia Lei anything has not done, but he turned into devil general existence in this office. Nobody dares to his make a move, nobody dares to open fire to him. 夏雷什么都没有做,可是他在这个办公室里已经变成了一个恶魔一般的存在。没人敢在对他出手,更没人敢对他开枪。 Lan Mu was also scared, he looks at Xia Lei, the expression is frightened, two eyes are motionless. 蓝木也被吓傻了,他看着夏雷,表情惊悚,两只眼睛一动不动。 Xia Lei also visits him, on the face does not have the expression, „the present also wants me to make the decision?” 夏雷也看着他,脸上没有表情,“现在还要我做出决定吗?” Lan Mu actually dumbfoundedly visits him, does not have least bit reaction. 蓝木却还是目瞪口呆地看着他,没有半点反应 Xia Lei walked toward Lan Mu, keeps off made way in his front Achimisian and human militants automatically the road. 夏雷蓝木走去,挡在他前面的阿希米斯人和人类武装分子自动让开了路。 Lan Mu then recovers, his retreat, the sound is shivering subconsciously, you, you...... Do you want to do?” 蓝木这才回过神来,他下意识地往后退,声音在颤抖,“你、你……你想要干什么?” Xia Lei putting out a hand on his shoulder has patted, to/clashes the matter that you want to do, I can definitely kill you, is...... Ok, I can forgive you, is living well.” 夏雷伸手之他的肩头上拍了一下,“就冲你想干的事情,我完全可以杀了你,可是……算了,我可以原谅你,好好活着。” Lan Mu stunned on the spot, his didn't expect this devil common man like this has let unexpectedly off him. 蓝木愣在了当场,他没想到这个恶魔一般的男人居然就这样放过了他。 Leaves behind these words, Xia Lei turns around to walk. 留下这句话,夏雷转身就走。 Nobody dares to block him. 没人敢拦他。 However, actually does not wait for Xia Lei to get to the entrance of office, suddenly spread a voice of woman, Unique, did you only walk?” 然而,却不等夏雷走到办公室的门口,身后忽然传出了一个女人的声音,“唯一,你就这样走了吗?” This is the 5 th day sound. 这是第五日的声音。 Xia Lei turns around suddenly. 夏雷突然转身。 Desk plane computer the content in total information projection had been replaced, no longer is the monitoring video recording that passenger compartment wife and children dine, but is spacious seven-colored dense energy space, also stands in that space the 5 th day. 办公桌上的平面电脑上的全息投影的内容已经被更换了,不再是那个包间里的妻儿用餐的监控录影,而是一个空旷的七彩氤氲的能量空间,还有站在那个空间之中的第五日。 She as if really has reconstructed her God tower, but does not know did not have once God grave pyramid scale of exaggeration. 她似乎真的重建了她的神塔,只是不知道也没有曾经的“神墓金字塔”的夸张的规模。 That that the 5 th day sound, also her total information projection presents suddenly, all people in room static. Lan Mu with his bodyguard hand/subordinate all static, that picture looked like time static that in certain type of small movie developed suddenly starts was the same. The 5 th day is that hand grasps time static the person, she presses gently, all people static. 第五日的声音,还有她的全息投影出现的那一刹那间,屋子里的所有人都静止了下来。蓝木和他的保镖手下全都静止了,那景象就像是某种类型的小电影里演的“时间静止器”突然启动了一样。第五日便是那个手握“时间静止器”的人,她轻轻一按,所有的人都静止了。 Only has a person is the exception, that is Xia Lei. Lan Mu and his hand/subordinate suddenly static time, his simply does not have the sensation to any unusual fluctuation of energy. in other words, the 5 th day has not controlled space of this office directly. The one who makes Lan Mu and his hand/subordinate suddenly static is her voice, her sound is a hypnosis instruction. 只有一个人是例外,那就是夏雷蓝木和他的手下突然静止的时候,他根本就没有感知到任何异常的能量波动。也就是说,第五日并没有直接掌控这个办公室的空间。让蓝木和他的手下突然静止的是她的声音,她的声音是一个催眠指令。 Xia Lei turns around on the total information projection to desk, the sound ice-cold, you know the consequence that does this what is, why do you also want this?” 夏雷转身面向办公桌上的全息投影,声音冰冷,“你知道这样做的后果是什么,你为什么还要这样做?” You referred to past the space and time intercepting your father-in-law, then gave him a brand-new life?” In the 5 th day sound has meaning that was teasing and teases, I did this want to help you satisfy your wife's desire, I think, when she noticed that her father was also living, but also was so young, will she very be certainly happy?” “你是指将你的岳父中过去的时空截取回来,然后给他一个崭新的人生吗?”第五日的声音里带着调侃和戏谑的意味,“我这样做只是想帮你满足你妻子的愿望,我想当她看到她的父亲还活着,还如此年轻,她一定会很高兴吧?” Xia Lei coldly said: Hasn't been willing to give up to you today?” 夏雷冷冷地道:“到了今天你还不愿意放弃吗?” You refer to Box of the World? Revenge?” The 5 th date has exuded the laughter of to terrify person, this difference I want.” “你是指世界之盒?还是复仇?”第五日发出了瘆人的笑声,“这两样我都要。” Xia Lei said: I give you, I will come the God female galaxy to look for you.” 夏雷说道:“那我就给你,我会来神母星系找你。” I anticipate your arrival, but do not forget our thing to take Box of the World also.” 5 th day sound. “我期待你的到来,不过你别忘了把世界之盒还有我们的东西带上。”第五日的声音。 That six pelvises are the mechanism, yes or no? “那六只骨盘就是机制,是不是? 5 th day silent for a moment said: Comes the God female galaxy, you will find the answer that you want.” 第五日沉默了一下才说道:“来神母星系吧,你会找到你想要的答案。” Xia Lei said: When comes, must be decided by me.” 夏雷说道:“什么时候来,得由我说了算。” 5 th day face increase left a strange smiling face, all I who you want to be have completed for you, they early turned into a trend, but the trend is irreversible, therefore is also beyond control you to choose.” 第五日的脸上浮出了一个诡异的笑容,“你想要做的一切我已经替你做完了,它们早已经变成了一个趋势,而趋势不可逆,所以也由不得你选择。” What do you mean? in heart of Xia Lei a little bad premonition. 你什么意思?夏雷的心中有一点不好的预感 I not only resurrected your Achimis wife's father, I also resurrected your Fish Spirit wife's clansman. I even also remoulded An Xi Forest Queen, the An Xi Forest myriad lives regarded it for the new mother.” Has stopped, in the 5 th day sound presented meaning of threat, Unique, you also saw, these are controlled by me. I am their creator, I want to make them live, they live. I want to make them die, they must die. I want to make them for friendly, they are the good people. I want to make them for wicked, they are the evil people. The trend that they constitute can change Star of Hope World and all of Star of Ice world. Therefore, you should better according to my request bring Box of the World and that six pelvises to the God female galaxy. Accompanying that also, you can bring only then loves slave one.” “我不仅复活了你的阿希米斯妻子的父亲,我也复活了你的鱼灵妻子的族人。我甚至还重塑了安息森林女王,安息森林的万千生灵都视它为新的母亲。”停顿了一下,第五日的声音里出现了威胁的意味,“唯一,你也看见了,这些都由我控制。我是他们的造物主,我想让他们生,他们就生。我想让他们死,他们就得死。我想让他们为善,他们便是善良之人。我想让他们为恶,他们便是恶人。他们所构成的趋势能改变希望之星世界冰之星世界的一切。所以,你最好按照我的要求将世界之盒和那六只骨盘带到神母星系来。还有,你能带的随从只有爱奴一个。” „Did you say?” Xia Lei's voice ice-cold, he most hates was threatened, but words each character that the 5 th day institute said is having meaning of threat. “你说完了吗?”夏雷的声音冰冷,他最恨的便是被人威胁,而第五日所说的话每一个字都带着威胁的意味。 Said.” On the 5 th day face is also maintaining that strange smiling face, your also five day time.” “说完了。”第五日的脸上还保持着那诡异的笑容,“你还有五日的时间。” She was the 5 th date, the time limit that she gave was also only five day time. 她是第五日,她给出的时限也只有五日的时间。 The 5 th day vanished. 第五日消失了。 Xia Lei standing in place is motionless, his suddenly understood all these. Initially, he worried to return to Earth from Star of Hope World, it may be said that seized every second and minute. He has realized his desire, catches up before six creator destroy Earth World connects in his six wives and seven children the float city, but he has also protected Earth World. But now looks like, his goal has been achieved, but he actually also in disguised form gave up Star of Hope World. He in Earth several months, here was in 2000, in other words he has actually given the 5 th day in 2000 the layout. 夏雷站在原地一动不动,他忽然明白了这一切。当初,他着急着从希望之星世界返回地球,可谓是分秒必争。他实现了他的愿望,赶在六个造物主毁灭地球世界之前将他的六个妻子和七个孩子接入悬浮城中,而他也保护了地球世界。可是现在看来,他的目的是达到了,可他却也变相地放弃了希望之星世界。他在地球几个月,这里却是2000年时间,也就是说他给了第五日2000年时间布局。 2000, this regarding a creator, the control of 5 th day world to Star of Hope and Star of Ice perhaps is great thin with nothing left, constituted a machine of revolution. Lan Mu of evil person version he sees is only a iceberg corner/horn, is only the part of this machine. But if he tears down this part, or clips some line, this machine will perhaps have problems, even stops revolving! His has saved this world, can think it to destroy? 2000年的时间,这对于一个造物主来说,第五日对希望之星冰之星世界的掌控恐怕已经是巨细无遗,构成一台运转的机器了。他所看到的恶人版的蓝木只是冰山一角,只是这台机器的一个部件。可如果他拆掉这个“部件”,或者剪短某条“线路”,这台机器恐怕就会出问题,甚至停止运转!他一手拯救了这个世界,难道还要看着它毁灭吗? Unique solution only then one, that kills the 5 th day. 唯一的解决的办法就只有一个,那就是干掉第五日。 Xia Lei inwardly said in the heart: „The 5 th day is equal to putting in the deathtrap to force me to go to the God female galaxy, if has not defeated my assurance, she will do this? But she must defeat me, this possibility? If she has not defeated my assurance, actually also so forces me, why is that?” 夏雷心里暗暗地道:“第五日等于是将自己置于死地来胁迫我去神母星系,如果没有战胜我的把握,她会这样做吗?可她要战胜我,这可能吗?如果她没有战胜我的把握,却还如此胁迫我,那又是为什么?” He thinks that does not understand this issue. 他想不明白这个问题。 Suddenly, all people moved, the entire scene looks like time static stops working, the person who controlled returned to normal. 突然,所有的人都动了,整个场面就像是“时间静止器”停止工作,被控制的人恢复了正常。 The line of sight of Xia Lei has swept all people in office, finally has stopped on the body of Lan Mu. 夏雷的视线扫过办公室里的所有的人,最后在蓝木的身上停顿了一下。 Was staring by Xia Lei, the Lan Mu sense of fear returns instantaneously, his subconsciously retreat one step. He thinks that Xia Lei must injure him, even kills him, but when he thinks Xia Lei actually turns around to walk toward the entrance of office, until going out of his line of sight has not turned head to look at one. 夏雷盯着,蓝木的恐惧感瞬间回归,他下意识地往后退了一步。他以为夏雷要伤害他,甚至是干掉他,可就在他这么想的时候夏雷却转身向办公室的门口走去,直到走出他的视线都没有回头看一眼。 This fellow...... very powerful......” Lan Mu gawked partly to make a sound to emit a few words, who was he?” “这个家伙……好强大……”蓝木愣了半响才冒出一句话来,“他是谁?” Regarding Lan Mu, Xia Lei is one fearful and dangerous stranger. 对于蓝木来说,夏雷是一个可怕和危险的陌生人。 But regarding Xia Lei, Lan Mu of middle-aged version is not his father-in-law, is not the Lan Ji'er father, is only a feudal bully. 而对于夏雷来说,中年版的蓝木并不是他的岳父,也不是蓝吉儿的父亲,只是一个恶霸。 This turns around to leave, does not meet. 这一转身离开,再不相见。 PS: These six days of time every day be only one, was really sorry. Today takes plane to go home, diligently two. Tomorrow explodes! PS:这六天时间每天只有一更,实在是抱歉。今天坐飞机回家,努力两更。明天爆更!
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