TV :: Volume #11

#1021: The wild animal in jail

In the morning has had rain, dry Jerusalem obtained moistening, the ancient city are also many aura that several points spring arrived. 清晨下了一点雨,干燥的耶路撒冷得到了滋润,古老的城市也多了几分春天来到的气息。 Hadar walked from the restaurant, in his hand is raising bag of food, in bag of food thinks of already and sour Chinese olive, the also one block is black and hard bread. He entered Holy Cross Street 48 th across the street. 哈德从餐馆里走了出来,他的手里提着一只食品袋,食品袋里装着已和酸橄榄,还有一只块又黑又硬的面包。他穿过马路走进了圣十字路48号。 Guards two Special Forces of front door to greet to him, he has smiled. 守卫大门的两个特种兵向他打招呼,他微笑了一下。 He passes through the hall, then entered a corridor. Staircase that the end long and narrow stone of corridor builds together, he gets down from the long and narrow stone staircase, entered a corridor. In the corridor the ray is dim, the air is also very moist, stone slab of ground also gives people not a dry feeling. 他穿过大厅,然后进了一条走廊。走廊的尽头是一道条石打造的楼梯,他从条石楼梯上下去,又进了一条走廊。走廊里光线昏暗,空气也很潮湿,地面的石板也给人一种不干燥的感觉。 The two sides of corridor are prison cells, very ancient prison cell. On some lithical walls is carving the Arab writing, big meaning Allah is eternal, Allah long live anything. Also some the contents of making a vow, for example the retrieval freedom, obtains the love, or a place anything. From these quarters wall the content on of writing, during this place probably is Crusades , the jail of prisoner is used to detain the Arab world. That is a God hits the chaotic age of another God. 走廊的两边是一间间囚室,非常古老的囚室。一些石质的墙壁上刻着阿拉伯的文字,大意思真主永恒,真主万岁什么的。也有一些许愿的内容,比如重获自由,得到爱情,或者一块地什么的。从那些刻在墙壁上的文字的内容来看,这个地方大概是十字军东征期间用来关押阿拉伯世界的囚犯的监牢。那是一个神打另一个神的混乱年代。 Hadar continues to proceed, the end of corridor presents the gate that a railroad tie iron mixed to make, the plank is very thick log plank, the iron is also very thick iron bar, seems very solid. The gate two sides have two braziers, the copper system, the symbol of above also crusade, seems very ancient. However they have not used, but hangs as the ornament on the wall, substitutes their is a LED indirect lighting, the snow white ray illuminates this piece of space, seems specially gloomy and cold. 哈德继续往前走,走廊的尽头出现了一道木铁混造的门,木板是很厚的原木木板,铁也是很厚的铁条,看上去非常结实。门的两边有两只火盆,铜制的,上面还有十字军的徽记,看上去非常古老。不过它们已经没有使用了,只是作为装饰品挂在墙上,取代它们的是一只LED的吸顶灯,雪白的光线照亮这片空间,看上去特别阴冷 Before Hadar has arrived at ironwood door, he used the key to open the door, then raised bag of food to walk. 哈德走到了铁木门前,他用钥匙打开了门,然后提着食品袋走了进去。 Behind ironwood door is one about 20 square meters prison cell, does not have the bed, but is spreading some weeds on the place. In the mixed haystack is lying down a man, his clothes ragged, the stature is skinny, the chaotic hair has towed the waist border. It is not then difficult to see that from his hair he has closed very long a long time here, has possibility several years, even is ten years. 铁木门后面是一个大约20平米的囚室,没有床,只是在地上铺着一些杂草。杂草堆里躺着一个男人,他衣裳褴褛,身材枯瘦,乱糟糟的头发一直拖到了腰际。从他的头发便不难看出他已经在这里关了很长很长一段时间了,有可能好几年,甚至是十年。 In the corner of prison cell is putting a wooden barrel, inside thinks of the excreta, the smell is ill-smelling. But the man of long hair actually rests very calmly and steadily, Hadar comes in his eyelid has not lifted. 囚室的角落里放着一只木桶,里面装着排泄物,气味非常难闻。可是长发的男子却睡得很安稳,哈德进来的时候他连眼皮都没有抬一下。 Hadar threw on plastic bag of food the haystack, then has kicked thigh of long hair man with the foot, uncouthly said/tunnel: Hey! bastard! your food came, mother, a bit faster gets up to eat! Today you have the visitor.” 哈德将塑料食品袋扔到了草堆上,然后用脚踢了长发男子的大腿一下,粗鲁地道:“嘿!混蛋!你的食物来了,妈的,快点起来吃!今天你有访客。” Who?” The long hair man has opened the eye finally. “谁?”长发男子终于睁开了眼睛。 don't talk nonsense!” Hadar scolded. 别废话!”哈德呵斥道 Male suddenly leapt up from the haystack, a foot trampled to Hadar the vital point spot between both legs. Lies down on the ground he looks like a dead dog, was cramped, was opened the bone, the whole body did not have the strength appearance, but he attacks actually likely is Toxic Snake of an ambush in thick patch of grass, motionless already, moves on the life of important person! 男子忽然从草堆里蹿了起来,一脚踹向了哈德的双腿之间的要害部位。躺在地上的时候他就像是一条死狗,被人抽了筋,被人拆了骨,浑身都没有力气的样子,可是他进攻的时候却像是一条潜伏在草丛之中的毒蛇,不动则已,一动就要人的命! Hadar retrocedes fiercely. 哈德猛地后退。 kacha! The leg of long hair man was entrained suddenly by shackle, his tip of the toe only has two centimeters from Hadar vital point. But is that two centimeters, he is unable to kick again. Is imprisoning his shackle , is so long, many one centimeter is not good. 咔嚓!长发男子的腿突然被铁链拽住了,他的脚尖距离哈德要害只有两厘米。可就是那两厘米,他无法再踢过去了。囚禁着他的铁链只有那么长,多一厘米也不行。 Even but if is such Hadar or had a scare by him, he of becoming angry out of shame has drawn out a desert it. The hawk, is then pointing at the head of long hair man with the spear/gun, bastard! You think really I don't dare to kill you?” 可即便是这样哈德还是被他吓了一跳,恼羞成怒的他拔出了一支沙漠之.鹰,然后用枪指着长发男子的头,“混蛋!你真的以为我不敢杀了你吗?” The long hair man lifted the hand to keep off dirty the hair on face separates, has revealed his face. That is a thin face, the beard is also very long, this makes him seem looks like quickly to the 50-year-old person, but his corner of the eye does not have the least bit wrinkles, this is actually young characteristics. He seemed passed awful, but his look was sharp, looked like bloodthirsty the eye of ferocious beast. 长发男子抬手将挡在脸上的脏兮兮的头发分开,露出了他的面孔。那是一张清瘦的面孔,胡子也很长,这让他看上去就像是一个快到50岁的人,可他的眼角没有半点鱼尾纹,这却又是一个年轻的特征。他看上去糟糕透了,可他的眼神却非常锐利,就像是嗜血的猛兽的眼睛。 On his arm of uphold has king cobra tattoo together, the green body, the red eye and tongue, seem specially fierce. 他的抬起的手臂上有一块眼镜王蛇纹身,青色的身体,红色的眼睛和舌头,看上去特别狰狞。 You, if dares to kill me, you did not need to deliver the food to me. Your runs about, what great person installs?” The long hair man spoke finally, his sound hoarse ice-cold, has been full of the disdaining flavor/smell. “你要是敢杀我的话,你就不用来给我送饭了。你一个跑腿的而已,装什么大人物?”长发男子终于说话了,他的声音沙哑冰冷,充满了不屑的味道。 Hadar goes forward suddenly, pounded with the stock to the head of long hair man. 哈德突然上前,用枪柄砸向了长发男子的头部。 The long hair man looks at Hadar motionlessly, sneering that his corners of the mouth emerge. 长发男子一动不动的看着哈德,他的嘴角浮出的一丝的冷笑。 Hadar has realized anything suddenly, he has terminated his attack, has fallen then back on the safety zone. He shook the head with a smile, I not on your working as, three years ago by that fellow who you blow away, how long time did you use to enrage his?” 哈德突然意识到了什么,他跟着就终止了他的攻击,然后又退到了安全区域。他笑着摇了摇头,“我才不会上你的当,三年前被你干掉的那个家伙,你用了多久时间去激怒他的?” Two years.” The long hair man said: You are quite intelligent, but I thought that is only temporary. One day I will kill you, if I can run away, I will imprison your wife and child, I will eat the sour Chinese olive to them daily, the also hard bread. I will make your wife taste the taste of my big bird, she very much will certainly like.” “两年。”长发男子说道:“你比较聪明,可我觉得那只是暂时的。总有一天我会杀了你,如果我能逃出去,我会囚禁你的妻子和孩子,我会天天给她们吃酸橄榄,还有硬面包。我会让你的妻子尝尝我的大鸟的滋味,她一定会很喜欢的。” Hadark is making the anger in heart, „your is having a dream, your this whole life has no way to run away. Here is your end point, I urged you to say all that you knew earlier, so long as you said you to finish this type being painful, you can also go to the hell to treat earlier.” 哈德克制着心中的怒火,“你那是在做梦,你这辈子都没法逃出去。这里就是你的终点,我劝你早点将你所知道的一切说出来,只要你说出来你就能结束这种痛苦了,你也能早点去地狱里待着了。” The long hair man looked at one to be thrown by Hadar in ground bag of food, in his eyes has flashed through hatred, then he lifted to start a foot to step on. 长发男子看了一眼被哈德扔在地上的食品袋,他的眼眸里闪过了一丝恨意,然后他抬起脚一脚就踩了上去。 Plastic bag of food broke, hard bread was flat, the sour Chinese olive has also broken to pieces much. 塑料食品袋破了,硬面包扁了,酸橄榄也碎了不少。 Hadar has sneered, do not do this bored matter, you have to do. You spoiled food now, may unable to wait for in the evening you cleanness that they eat. What I bring to you are you day of food, the normal person only suffices to eat one, you momentarily are under the hungry condition, let alone is this type of junk food, even if gives you a dead mouse, you will also eat.” 哈德冷笑了一下,“别干这种无聊的事情了,你又不是没有干过。你现在糟蹋了食物,可等不到晚上你就会把它们吃的干干净净。我给你拿来的是你一天的食物,正常人只够吃一顿的,你随时都处在饥饿的状态下,别说是这种垃圾食物,就算是给你一只死老鼠,你也会吃下去。” Go away.” The long hair man lay down in haystack, being disinclined that he looked at continually looked at Hadar one again. “滚吧。”长发男子又躺在了草堆里,他连看的懒得再看哈德一眼。 At this moment ironwood door was opened, three people walked. Hadar only knew, but that he knows made him stand at attention and respect a ritual immediately, respectfully said: Mr. Kearns.” 就在这时铁木门又被打开了,三个人走了进来。哈德只认识其中一个,而正是他认识的那一个让他立刻立正并敬了一个礼,恭恭敬敬地道:“科恩斯先生。” He said that the person named Kearns of understanding, is tall, over 40 years old, seem very terse. He is the Israeli Mossad senior intelligence officer, the status is next to „the Israeli information and special mission bureau Bureau Chief Iborah, is the Mossad leader. 他说认识的这个人名叫科恩斯,身材高大,40多岁,看上去非常精悍。他是以色列摩萨德的高级情报官,地位仅次于“以色列情报和特殊使命局”的局长伊博拉,也就是摩萨德的领袖人物。 With two people who Kearns comes, one is Yan Fu, Augustman. 跟着科恩斯进来的两个人,一个是严佛,一个奥古斯曼 Hadar, you exit.” Kearns with having order tone was saying. 哈德,你出去吧。”科恩斯用带着命令的口气说道。 Yes.” Hadar turned around to leave the prison cell. “是。”哈德转身离开了囚室。 Hadar leaves later Kearns saying: Is this family/home fire, does not have the name, we called him Hyena. He has treated for five years in Guantanamo Bay detention camp, has treated for five years here, but American is our having no way makes him open the mouth.” 哈德离开之后科恩斯才说道:“就是这个家火,没有名字,我们称他为鬣狗。他在关塔那摩监狱里待了五年,在我们这里待了五年,可无论是美国人还是我们都没法让他开口。” He found the AE Capsule person?” Yan Fu asked one. “他就是找到AE胶囊的人?”严佛问了一句。 Kearns nodded, is he, may until now we not know where he from found AE Capsule, how he knows existence of AE Capsule. Person who the homicide falls all understanding, he knows the truth, but he did not say.” 科恩斯点了一下头,“就是他,可直到现在我们都不知道他是从什么地方找到AE胶囊的,他又是怎么知道AE胶囊的存在的。他杀掉所有了解情况的人,他知道真相,可是他就是不说。” I have the means to make him open the mouth probably.” Yan Fu said. “我大概有办法让他开口。”严佛说。 At this time lay down the long hair man in mixed haystack has opened the eye, he looked at Yan Fu one, smiling expression that his corners of the mouth have emerged disdaining. 这时躺在杂草堆里的长发男子睁开了眼睛,他看了严佛一眼,他的嘴角浮出了一丝不屑的笑意 American having no way of Guantanamo Bay detention camp makes him open the mouth, person also having no way of Israeli Mossad makes him open the mouth, why at present does this fellow have self-confidently like this? 关塔那摩监狱美国人没法让他开口,以色列摩萨德的人也没法让他开口,眼前这个家伙凭什么有这样的自信? Yan Fu also looks at the long hair man, his corners of the mouth have also emerged a trace of a sneer, I know, American and Mossad having no way makes you open the mouth, but I must tell you am I am not they. Have you listened to FA Organization? I specially do this in FA Organization. Interrogated the first person to start from me, until now also nobody can disappoint me. I think that you are no exception.” 严佛也看着长发男子,他的嘴角也浮出了一丝冷笑,“我知道,美国人摩萨德都没法让你开口,可我要告诉你的是我不是他们。你听过FA组织吗?我在FA组织里就是专门干这个的。从我审问第一个人开始,直到现在还没有一个人能让我失望。我想你也不例外。” Long hair man suddenly has stood, put out a hand to grasp to the neck of Yan Fu. His nail is very long, looks like with the wolf claw that the engineering plastics builds. 长发男子忽然站了起来,伸手抓向了严佛的脖子。他的指甲很长,就像是用工程塑料打造的狼爪子。 Yan Fu has not moved, a Augustman fist rumbled in the past. 严佛没动,奥古斯曼一拳轰了过去。 Bang! The fist of Augustman looked like a round of shell bang on the palm of long hair man. In the dull thumping sound sound, the body lift-off of long hair man, hit maliciously on the stone wall. His right arm has let fall. In a moment ago, the fist of Augustman hit , on his right palm, in his right palm and arm spread the sound of that bone disruption unexpectedly! 砰!奥古斯曼的拳头就像是一发炮弹轰在了长发男子的手掌上。闷响声中,长发男子的身体离地而起,狠狠地撞在了石墙上。他的右臂垂落了下去。就在刚才,奥古斯曼的拳头打在他的右掌上的时候,他的右掌和手臂里竟然传出了那种骨头碎裂的声音! FA Organization Chief Instructor, Ye Mosha and Hitman of Celita such world top is his disciple, his strength had much then can be imagined. FA组织总教官,夜魔莎西丽塔那样的世界顶级的杀手都是他的弟子,他的实力有多强便可想而知了。 The long hair man looks at Augustman astonishedly, who are you?” 长发男子惊异地看着奥古斯曼,“你是谁?” Augustman indifferently said: Your was dying person, you asked me to name, was this meaningful to you? What you need is an extrication, but is not the answer.” 奥古斯曼淡淡地道:“你一个就要死了的人,你问我叫什么名字,这对你有意义吗?你需要的是一个解脱,而不是什么答案。” The long hair man said: „The FA Organization person, I knows your existences. You want from my mouth to know the secret that you want to know, do not have a dream.” 长发男子说道:“FA组织的人,我知道你们的存在。你们想从我嘴里知道你们想知道的秘密,别做梦了。” We must try.” Yan Fu said, in his look has filled self-confidently. That is a self-confidence of very bewitching, seems is not very normal. However such look has only continued for about one second, after one second, returned to normal. “那我们就要试试了。”严佛说,他的眼神里充满了自信。那是一种很妖异的自信,看上去很不正常。不过这样的眼神只持续了大约一秒钟的时间,一秒钟之后又恢复了正常。 Kearns said: On this fellow we puzzled over, when do you prepare to start?” 科恩斯说道:“这个家伙上我们伤透了脑筋,你们准备什么时候开始?” We are waiting for the instruction of Mr. Williams.” Yan Fu said: He will look for Military Base of US forces to us probably, carries on this matter in his steerable range.” “我们在等待威廉姆斯先生的指示。”严佛说道:“他大概会给我们找一个美军的军事基地,在他可控制的范围之内进行这件事。” Kearns suddenly wrinkled brow, „before this is not us, reaches an agreement, the secret that this fellow knows is to us important, do you do this want to monopolize these secrets?” 科恩斯顿时皱了一下眉头,“这可不是我们双方之前说好的,这个家伙所知道的秘密对我们来说非常重要,你们这样做是想独享那些秘密吗?” Not, regardless of I asked that what, Mossad will obtain similar one, United States and Israel is what related does not need me to say again?” Yan Fu said. “不会的,无论我问出了什么,摩萨德都会得到同样的一份,美国和以色列是什么关系就不用我再说了吧?”严佛说。 Kearns has thought that said: I must stare personally.” 科恩斯想了一下,说道:“我得亲自去盯着。” Yan Fu said: Does not have the issue, when can we lead him to leave?” 严佛说道:“没问题,我们什么时候能带他离开?” I must report to Mr. Iborah, when concrete is, you wait to inform.” Kearns said. “我得向伊博拉先生报告一下,具体是什么时间,你们等候通知吧。”科恩斯说道。 Yan Fu and Augustman have looked at each other one, then nodded. 严佛奥古斯曼对视了一眼,然后都点了一下头 PS: Thank segment Xiaoming, pass/test Zhangfei, Awei gmail and hitting of Landi friend to enjoy, thank you! PS:感谢段晓明、关张飞、阿威gmail、兰迪朋友的打赏,谢谢你们!
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